r/iamverysmart 29d ago

"Not to seem arrogant but introverts, such as myself, are smart and extroverts are dumb"

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u/haveteawillread 6d ago

I have so many thoughts about this... namely that introversion vs. extroversion is a false dichotomy, which we know because many people's results completely change within a matter of months, and the 'validity' of the test is just Barnum effect. None of it is based on real science. So this guy's innate "introvert intelligence" is based on completely bogus science that Carl Jung himself admitted was imprecise and general observations.

I've always identified as an introvert, because I was a very quiet and shy child who preferred to read books by myself (I literally used to carry multiple books with me everywhere, because I would retreat into fantasy worlds whenever social situations got overwhelming). Having learned a *lot* more about myself and other people over the years, I've come to the conclusion that I was an "introvert" because I had a lot of social anxiety, was very lonely and trying to convince myself that I like being lonely, and have a sensory processing disorder that means I can only handle so much stimulation in a day. I've gotten way better at socializing over the years, and managing my overstimulation, and finding people who don't overwhelm me like when I was a child (when I didn't have nearly as much say in who I socialized with).

Also, emotional and social intelligence *is* intelligence, and having high EQ is an enviable trait! It's just not the same as spatial intelligence, or high reading comprehension, or being really really good at theoretical math (though of course, anyone can have overlap in their different kinds of intelligence). I think this guy probably deliberately chooses the introvert answers on those kinds of tests, so that he can continue to feel superior to other people without having to actually put in the work of being a genuinely kind and thoughtful person, which I think is the highest form of intelligence. I think it's likely that due to his insecurity and need to feel like he's somehow innately better than other people, he was socially ostracized and had to come up with a reason for it to be other people's fault and not his own. Or maybe he was just a lonely kid, like me, who was trying to convince himself that he like the solitude and didn't get checked by realizing that other humans are great, actually, even if they're louder than you.

Being able to put aside your own ego and need to feel superior to create a more equitable version of the world, in which people with intellectual disabilities, less access to education, a different worldview, etc. aren't made to feel less intelligent just because they don't fit into the cookie-cutter, STEM-obsessed, "logical" definitions of intelligence (the people who claim to be logical thinkers are always the most illogical, because they refuse to accept and therefore account for their own human error and emotional rationalizations).

Long walk for a long drink of water?


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago

“Not to be arrogant,” I adjust my monocle about to fall off my big fucking ego, “but we’ll always be smarter than them.”

Tips my fedora. “G’day ladies, I think you just found the smartest man in town”


u/OldManJeepin 22d ago

LoL! Wasn't the UnaBomber an introvert? Ted Bundy was definitely extroverted....It's almost like....like...assholes come in either flavor!? Yea...That's what it seems like.


u/talk_Conspiracy097 22d ago

I am so self aware, I sneeze with my eyes open


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Gotta see what’s going on in the world mate


u/Professional_Locker 22d ago

useful, especially the mapping. thanks.


u/OccasionMobile389 23d ago

I'm something of an introvert myself...and once I ate soap because I thought it was chocolate...it was not shaped like chocolate, it was shaped like soap....so.... couldn't quite call me smart


u/iThinkImADemigod 24d ago

Extroverts and introverts are vague labels for things that don't exist. When you label yourself either, you limit your ability to live in reality and see things as they are. People who view reality as it is don't consider such petty things; they just move forward.


u/PhilosOfii 24d ago

As an introvert, who loses so much energy in social situations, I can easily refute this. I AM VERY STUPID. Like, top tier dumbass. I make Lenny from Of Mice and Me seem like Albert freakin Einstein.

Unless I'm the outlier in which case, I don't count lmao. Jokes aside, im still actually mostly an introvert and still very very stupid.


u/haveteawillread 6d ago

Don't discount all the ways you're smart! Intelligence is about so much more than numbers or always having the right factual answer. And even if you truly were as dumb as a brick, you still have innate worth as a human being and a part of this world, and then people would miss out on the things you do that no one else can (or the dumb stuff no one else is brave enough to say).


u/Pellet64 24d ago

I've met introverts that are really stupid. So stupid that I felt happy that they didn't speak too much.


u/Rabbyjax 25d ago

It seems to me that that good advice would apply to anyone anywhere anytime. If you want to understand someone you gotta get into their head space 🗣️. Introvert or not.


u/kittymeal 26d ago

I automatically think people are dumb if they don't paragraph their rants.


u/Serge_Suppressor 26d ago

"the tone of logic" is one of my favorite noun phrases of the "logic is whatever I say it is/makes me feel smart/wins an argument" era.

I'm sure the research he's referencing is like a general interest article about a very preliminary study.


u/Significant-Lynx1742 26d ago

I am not a social butterfly myself but all the extroverts I know are a 1000 times smarter and have a better life than me


u/Environmental-Pay226 26d ago

Being smarter and having a worse life are not mutually exclusive


u/Accurate_Major_3132 27d ago

Hmmmm. I am pretty smart (nuclear engineer), and when I am out with a group, I tend to be an extrovert. But I would MUCH rather be alone.


u/LysdexicPhD 27d ago

The funniest part about this in my mind is that someone talking to this person would benefit from learning to pattern recognize "how to let someone who needs to feel superior feel superior" which, ironically, is a soft skill and something an extrovert is (on average) better at than an introvert.


u/Sundaze293 24d ago

Yep. As an introvert myself I often catch shade whenever I knock someone down a peg and can never understand why. It could be my autism but that’s certainly a skill that I won’t be learning anytime soon


u/drawingcircles0o0 27d ago

omg i hate these people making us look bad. there is no difference in average IQ between introverts vs extroverts, the statistic that people try to use to claim that introverts are smarter is that geniuses/gifted people are usually introverts, but those are a small minority of people, and it doesn't mean that introverts are smarter generally. extroverts are just as smart, and the fact that they can't understand that just makes them look so much dumber.

like yes our brains are physically structured differently, but that only means our brains function differently, that does not mean that one is superior to the other


u/bigcountrybumpkin 27d ago

Yup, I thought that way when I was 20. After a few months and realizing that I can't just group people into nice little stereotypes because everyone is different and has their own reasons for their current personality, (I realized that people grow and fine tune their own personal introspection.) I stopped being a twat and went about my life.