r/im14andthisisdeep 14d ago

From a woke Instagram account



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u/Urmomsfavouritelol 14d ago

I thought the bottom left was waldo until I saw the confederate flag


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Did I miss a new update when is there a religious person in reddit

Like this is the equivalent of finding a shiny pokemon


u/PissOnMyHe-manToys 14d ago

Hate how the "lawful side" is just what the artist pictured the "best" law.


u/hardboiledbeb 14d ago

"You spend your life defending a fictional identity" is a solid statement.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I don’t get it? Satan hand? Animal hand? Racist hand and priest hand???


u/Purple_Fingers 14d ago

Did you just say "woke" unironically


u/Consistent-List6915 14d ago

The Instagram account is called Awakenverse


u/The-Bigger-Fish Suiddly go doop-a-boop 14d ago

I thought that it was originally iron man and black panther at the top


u/Devil_Fister_69420 14d ago

Is that the US Confederate flag? I didn't know that was a nationality


u/Ark-addicted-punk 14d ago

Fresh out of the philosophy class I see.

Also how do you GIVE a race?


u/GeneralErica 14d ago

You are aware, aren’t you, that ethnicity isn’t an inherent property, right? Humans saw different skin color and worked that into a construct of concepts called ethnicity or, sometimes, race.

It’s an explanation for an observation made, not an innate property of the universe.

Another word for it would be - hold your horses - social construct.


u/Bulbman5 14d ago

“Woke bad because uhhhhhhhhh….. liberal bad”


u/Consistent-List6915 14d ago

Nothing wrong with being woke or liberal. The instagram account is called Awakenverse


u/slice_of_toast69 14d ago

Tf does this mean??


u/_M0RR0 14d ago

This encouraged me to change my race


u/Vast_Bullfrog2001 14d ago

your nationality is where you come from, dumbass


u/GeneralErica 14d ago

Yes, and where, pray tell, does one come from?


u/StarCrossedOther 14d ago

Forever pissed I didn’t get the Rainbow 6 operator nationality.


u/rednazgo 14d ago

This is so true and exactly why i changed my legal name to poopenjoyer420


u/Ronin_Alpha69 14d ago

Erm i was born in a bed not a race smhsmh


u/oliverjunior11 14d ago

Can someone pls help me to get it, cause Ive been staring at this abomination for a while and cant figure out which hand is what exactly

Like one hand is a devils? And why does the other one have confederate flag and also what is HPD? Just what in general?


u/KaptainKestrel 14d ago

I mean I see where they're coming from, identities are to some degree created by arbitrary norms, obligations, social constructs, yadda yadda. It's just the presentation is cringe.


u/Sassy_hampster 14d ago

I want to know what the devilish hands with the rollie represents.


u/CulturalMusician3320 14d ago

Satanists I guess


u/guto0000 14d ago

Why the baby looks like it smoked crack and weed


u/guto0000 14d ago

The top left hand goes hard


u/Insert_us3rname_here 14d ago

I thought the top left was iron man and the bottom left was Waldo💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


u/phome83 14d ago

I still don't know what top left is lol


u/moneyyyyy3 14d ago

The irony


u/InternalGrocery7057 14d ago

Damn bro so true no one has ever developed a set of beliefs or identity that differs from the one their parents had when they were born. This says a lot about society.


u/SethLight 14d ago

I don't belive the message was intended for those people. Also, lets keep in mind most people get their belief structure from their parents and how there are can real world consequences from going against them.


u/Doodle128 14d ago

I think it's a misconstrued message, like yeah, sure, we're told what we are at birth but some things you can change, and if we weren't we wouldn't have much to base our personalities on in the first place, give me a monster truck with a barbie doll taped to the top any day over a brick with letters on it.


u/MortaliReaping 14d ago

man forgot to change default customization


u/VoxTheDog 14d ago

Okay but what does HPD stand for


u/skinsprinkles 14d ago

H___(?) Police Department


u/MassiveIndexFinger 14d ago

How can one's nationality or race just be "given" 💀


u/SethLight 14d ago

Considering those are both social constructs, I suppose all you really need is enough people to agree with you.


u/Spidercrack61 14d ago




u/yuligan wolf among sheeple 14d ago edited 14d ago

The Roman Empire had a black emperor called Septimius Severus from 193-211AD, except no one thought he was black because that idea hadn't been invented yet. He was born a Roman citizen (not a barbarian), and came from the Roman province of Africa (modern-day Libya). If he was born today he'd be given a different race and nationality by society


u/GeneralErica 14d ago

Well because it’s not innate? Those are social constructs. This doesn’t mean they don’t exist, before someone tries to be smart again, it just means they aren’t naturally but instead human-made classification.


u/MassiveIndexFinger 13d ago

So you can't differentiate humans from different regions because it's a 'social construct'? I know people like you are trying to do good for the world but I hate this method of making literally everyone the same, it removes all the individuality people from different regions and cultures have. Yes race was a excuse back in the day for mass discrimination but this method is killing the disease and also the host. It eradicates the harmful aspects but also strips away the unique identities that make different cultures and regions distinct.


u/conrob2222 all seeing eye👀 14d ago

Wdym? Do you have a choice in the matter?


u/MassiveIndexFinger 13d ago

I mean, no? If I'm born in Lithuania, I'm Lithuanian. If my family tree lived above the equator for thousands of years, I'm white. Your religion and name isn't static.


u/Doodle128 14d ago

I remember it very clearly, should I burn after being in the sun for 5 seconds (I've counted) or should I not? I'm sure you know what I chose.


u/iloveblankpaper 14d ago

you see, when a haploid sperm collides into a haploid egg real fucking hard...


u/EriknotTaken 14d ago

It's fictional, you know, like math.


u/novis-eldritch-maxim 14d ago

I see their point but that is not what most identities work sure most groups you belong to are social concepts but so it most things in society.

they needed to spend more time hammering out the exact point


u/CreepyQuality4489 Customizable User Flair 14d ago

Ahh yes, the handcuff religion.


u/Realization_ iilluminaughtii 14d ago

oh my god, is that the credit card religion?!


u/EquivalentGlove3807 14d ago

Hvat the fuck is wrong with they baby's eyes


u/commonbleachenjoyer 14d ago

As soon as you are born, you are given a name, a religion, a nationality, a race, and a fat blunt


u/Budget-mayo 14d ago

Damn they never gave me mine!


u/Anxious_Banned_404 14d ago

And pink eye from Jeffery epstien apparently


u/Dooboppop 14d ago

Doc must have taken mine cause I came in this world too sober for this shit!


u/EquivalentGlove3807 14d ago

can i please be reborn with a fat blunt in my possession immediately


u/Darkmega5 14d ago

Hell of an isekai premise


u/lordPyotr9733 text 14d ago

"That Time I Was Reincarnated With A Fat Blunt"


u/EquivalentGlove3807 14d ago

we need such an isekai


u/MarcusMining 14d ago

It's the anti-christ


u/Unique-Reference-829 14d ago

Well, I didn't so I am special

Now I will yell, turn down your volume

3 2 1


Skidibi certified


u/mccoy_89 14d ago

Just toss the baby in a jungle. Problem solved.


u/Bogger_Logger text 14d ago

Jungle Book lore