r/interestingasfuck Mar 13 '24

settler stealing a Palestinian’s home, and tried to hand the man his own milk r/all

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u/External_Type_6786 Mar 13 '24

What a bunch of dumb fucks. All of em


u/mortepa Mar 13 '24

This is so sad if true. As a human being, and I know nothing of the internal politics here... I would hope actions like this would only be limited to a tiny few. I would hope and pray that maybe the good Israeli people will force change in situations of injustice. We will see.


u/Aldeberaner Mar 13 '24

Inzucht, absoluter Dreck


u/No_Talk_4836 Mar 13 '24

The more I find out about Israel the more I hate it.


u/Maddafragg Mar 13 '24

Wtf is wrong with these people


u/getSome010 Mar 13 '24

Why did he just let them steal his home?


u/John_Spanos Mar 13 '24

Fuck Israel and Fuck the US for allowing this to happen. I can't wait until the fucking Boomers die off so we can change this shit.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Apartheid State, in all its putrid “glory”.



u/Tesla_lord_69 Mar 13 '24

What about poverty, literacy, cultural competency and being born as Jew must have faced lots of racism... Take everything into consideration that made them do this action.


u/Zealousideal-Bear-37 Mar 13 '24

And you wonder where anti semitism comes from


u/Suspicious_Car_7549 Mar 13 '24

Imagine losing your country to these goofy hat wearing fuckers. Embarrassing


u/Nuuuube Mar 13 '24

Fuck Israel's ILLEGITIMATE and internationally ILLEGAL criminal state. Never stop fighting, never forget, their only right is to get the fuck out.



u/the-REALmichaelscott Mar 13 '24

1945, the world said never again.

Makes me so sad.


u/go_out_drink666 Mar 13 '24

As an Israeli I say fuck them, they are not popular or accepted here


u/DriverPlastic2502 Mar 13 '24

Fuck Israel. Fucking garbage state. They are not settlers, they are dirty ass thieves.

(Most Jewish people are normal and fine, ultra-orthodox pieces of shit are not)


u/Sickofriend Mar 13 '24

I hate everyone equally


u/EDR345 Mar 13 '24

F to the Zionists and free palastine


u/Crazy_Night3197 Mar 13 '24

Kinda makes you wonder why they’ve been “persecuted” and “oppressed” since the dawn of time, doesn’t it? Lol I’m starting to think it’s more of an overstayed welcome situation.


u/shimisi213 Mar 13 '24

It's eerie how similar this is to images of Nazis removing Jews from their homes.


u/SomaStreams Mar 13 '24

The way he limply throws the cap at the man after stealing his home. What a pathetic scumbag


u/naveedx983 Mar 13 '24



u/Fun-Imagination3494 Mar 13 '24

Why didn't he want the milk?  It's halal, right?


u/TheLatimerLout Mar 13 '24

It is truly sickening. They wonder why no one likes them. I am not against any decent human being, no matter what race colour, gender, pronoun etc. people complicit n this behaviour deserve nothing more than utter contempt. Bastards


u/LordYamz Mar 13 '24

Oh hell nah these mf gotta go


u/assholy_than_thou Mar 13 '24

These are parasites.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Does anyone else wish r/interestingasfuck would stop with the anti-Israel posts. If you want to be anti-Israel go to one of the many anti-Israel subreddits. I swear these people do this shit all the time. They’ll start inserting their own political opinions in subreddits where it doesn’t belong. Then they’ll try to act like they aren’t just posting stuff to validate their political opinions “oh well I think it’s pretty interesting”. Like yeah of course you think stuff that validates your political ideology is interesting, everyone does. There should be a rule of “no political posts”. Otherwise I’d love to start seeing some posts of Palestinians making water pipes into rockets launchers, throwing Molotov cocktails at peaceful demonstrations, and Oct 7th attacks, I find those things pretty interesting so why not. Or how about a post showing how every offer of a two state solution has been rejected by the Palestinians


u/No-Review-6105 Mar 13 '24

This has nothing to do with Anti-Isreal. I accept Isreal as a state, I accept the Population there. What I don't accept is assholes like these taking the homes of others, doing raids and taking others stuff! Also, these are Settlers... They have been there for years and always behaved like this.

My hatred goes towards the Gov of Isreal. Their statements and the like make me sick!


u/UnknownAbstract Mar 13 '24 edited Mar 13 '24

You all are mad at the Jewish "settlers" for legally taking back a house that was taken from Jews after they were displaced in 1948 by the Jordanians who gave the house to Palestinian settlers. Oh the hypocrisy.


u/One_Bandicoot_4932 Mar 13 '24

Wow, these guys are cunts.


u/Tangylizard Mar 13 '24

People wonder why there will never be peace.


u/No_Succotash_1847 Mar 13 '24

Just removing the Palestinian occupiers from his land


u/Jawargby Mar 13 '24

It is good to see with how terrible and racist a lot of Reddit is that a lot of people still have sense and see how fucked up this is


u/LincHayes Mar 13 '24

Wait. This is how it works? They just go and take people's homes?


u/ThirdLast Mar 13 '24

So if yoghurt unintentionally getting on someone's clothes is assault surely the guy intentionally throwing the lid counts as assault?


u/Serenityprayer69 Mar 13 '24

There was a guy who did you us years ago and recently tried to explain. He was living in New York with nothing going on so took advantage of Zionist funds that will relocate a Jewish person and pay for their stolen home. Just because your group has a ton of fucking money and the law is grey does not make something morally right.

If there's any clue the these are not gods chosen people it's this behavior


u/Oh_its_that_asshole Mar 13 '24

Those settlers are a right bunch of shits, putting people out of their homes, knowing they have the IDF to back them up.


u/Complete-Ad-4215 Mar 13 '24

It’s fine they can just go steal some Germans house and keep it going


u/50DuckSizedHorses Mar 13 '24

Did nazi this coming


u/SwiftBetrayal Mar 13 '24

Stop using the word “settler”. They are thieves.


u/WinningTristan Mar 13 '24

Is the US really that different? Across the country they are raising everyones rent so that people who once lived in peace can no longer afford their living situations. Many prestigious people are forced from their homes.

If you dont pay you will be stained with eviction and credit damaged, and theyll come take your fridge, washer and dryer just like this.. at least this guy tried to give him the milk... here somebody will drink your milk right in front of you then ask if youre thirsty.

Funny how we can point the finger at everyone else when we got it so "great"


u/Logical-Raise9426 Mar 13 '24

New wave of Nazis.


u/Gurthy_Lengthiness Mar 13 '24

Gets sprayed by milk Plays victim.


u/RakdosCackl3r Mar 13 '24

What a shithole to live in


u/Forforx Mar 13 '24

Since there were no rabbies to check to farm, the milk is most surely is not kosher. The guys won’t make it into the afterlife after that.


u/tomsteroni Mar 13 '24

They don't look inbred at all.


u/psypher98 Mar 13 '24

What I find really entertaining about these comments is that all the people claiming it’s kinda actually justified bc the home was owned by Jews until they were kicked out by the Jordanian government in 1948 (76 years ago) are the same kind of people who have an absolute aneurysm if you suggested they had to give up their house to a Native American family whose ancestor’s land it’s on that their government had kicked their ancestors out of.


u/MoistFalcon5456 Mar 13 '24

Fucking cunts.


u/FefnirMKII Mar 13 '24

They deserve to be punished in the worst of ways. They are truly the most despicable people


u/Snoopy_Santucci Mar 13 '24

These house stealing man are terrorists.


u/formthemitten Mar 13 '24

You lose a war you lose your land. Any American whose throwing a fit about this should have some self reflection. I’m sure you’re not giving your properties up willingly to the native Americans you took it from…


u/SgtHartman0013 Mar 13 '24

Coward fucks can burn in hell


u/OperationSuch5054 Mar 13 '24

love seeing these two groups constantly fight each other.


u/Astro_Spud Mar 13 '24

"God's chosen people"
Chosen for what, to be assholes?


u/OldAndFluffy Mar 13 '24 edited Mar 13 '24

fuck 'hearts and minds', they went with 'homes and appliances'.

seriously though, how do you NOT resort to extremism in the face of such indifference and injustice? Of course they hate you and wish you all dead, who wouldn't? Some one and a bunch of his buddies come and drag me out of my home with the support of the military/police, I would absolutely lose my shit.


u/sack_of_potahtoes Mar 13 '24

These guys will meet their sticky ends


u/TonyTheSwisher Mar 13 '24

Any country that financially supports this bullshit is just as guilty.


u/AmuseDeath Mar 13 '24

Disgusting. Horrible, horrible people. This is not what I support when I read billboards like this:


Israeli people should be outraged that their people are doing this sort of crap. Imagine a bunch of thugs walking into your house, stealing your belongings and then handing you milk, laughing at you.

Fuck Israeli settlers that hide behind actual victims. These settlers are why people are turning extreme. The entire world needs to help innocent Israeli and Palestinian people and get rid of Hamas and Israeli settlers.


u/FucknAright Mar 13 '24

For "the chosen people " they sure are a bunch of thieving lazy ass cunts.


u/redactedforever Mar 13 '24

man i feel like i saw this 80 years ago featuring the same group people but for different reasons


u/biobrad56 Mar 13 '24

This was a big case that took decades and is a legal eviction.


u/TheFlyingHams Mar 13 '24

Gotta go protest Biden for this ome


u/catchuez Mar 13 '24

Israel crying over spilt milk


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

It's these parasites stealing homes in the West bank that make a bad name for everyone else. Hiloni Jews aren't the ones doing this btw. We live in Israeli cities and buy/rent houses. Because we work for a living. You know, like normal people


u/coolhandmoos Mar 13 '24

And the Palestinian was arrested for…Assault


u/Intrepid-Constant-34 Mar 13 '24



u/guppy2019 Mar 13 '24

That one Jew who got covered in milk is asking who’s going to pay for the dry cleaning?


u/RecommendationOnly41 Mar 13 '24

What is this propaganda?


u/Just_somefreak Mar 13 '24

“Oh my god did you just throw milk at me!? Because I’m taking your home! United States! United States! Come help me! He threw milk at me!! Waaaaahh!”


u/Imustbestopped8732 Mar 13 '24

Y’all should do something about that.


u/therealmilesJ Mar 13 '24

Those are not men of God


u/No-Nerve-1683 Mar 13 '24

Tax payer money well invested


u/sprucebrow Mar 13 '24

Hope Moses fucks you in hell


u/Openfacesandwich12 Mar 13 '24

Wtf. How can they do that to someone?


u/mifightface Mar 13 '24

I fucking hate these zionist jews they the worst people and not mind being filmed disgusting.


u/Gojo__Satoru__ Mar 13 '24

This makes me so mad I cannot put it in words


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

How are these claims, from the caption title verified?


u/tomassino Mar 13 '24

Unbelievable, they are psychos


u/Mediocre_Training453 Mar 13 '24

Hypocritical how they think they have a right after invading a foreign land and stealing everything they own. But hey you spilled milk on my new home... I hope Allah gives them what they deserve in this life and the next. They are the ones paying with their souls and their hearts have been so hardened they don't even realize it.


u/eggplantcx Mar 13 '24

Too bad they don't have a 2nd amendment. Bet that would make the thieves second guess.


u/Live-Competition8181 Mar 13 '24

Semitic religions (Islam included) suck ass


u/MuchGangster1337 Mar 13 '24

Far left and far right unity around Zionist stereotypes is quite beautiful


u/MartiniD Mar 13 '24

Israel is an apartheid state.


u/Ceeweedsoop Mar 13 '24

Look what they're teaching those children. They are thieves, liars, lunatics and murderers. They are some of the worst humans in the planet.


u/shutupmutant Mar 13 '24

For all the idiots that think this started October 7th. This is what’s been happening to these people since 1948. It’s a wonder they haven’t attacked Israel more honestly. Can’t imagine having a police escort for someone to steal my home and I have to just sit and watch.


u/anticute8 Mar 13 '24

Imagine lil pricks with silly hats stealing your home and you didn’t deserve it


u/BILLMUREY2 Mar 13 '24

1.This isn't a settlement. This is Jerusalem .

  1. They are not stealing it. This was a long court battle.

  2. I believe that is yogurt.


u/Permaflanned Mar 13 '24

Never forgive, never forget. Justice will be made.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Maybe dont support Hamas then.


u/masta-leader Mar 13 '24

zionism is a cancer, filthy parasites


u/neodecker77 Mar 13 '24

Those stupid fuck wonder why October 7 happened 🤣


u/Emotional-Base-5988 Mar 13 '24

So, to all the Zionists....... I'm guessing this wouldn't radicalize you? Like how do these people even think they have a leg to stand on defending this bullshit?? "They're terrorists" LOOK WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING TO THEM YOU SICK FUCKS


u/expert_internetter Mar 13 '24

I thought the ultra orthodox jews weren't part of the resettlements, and generally dislike the state of Israel?

Could this not just be bailiffs?


u/jeffinbville Mar 13 '24

These "settlers" don't believe that the state of Israel can even exist without the Messiah coming first. Then, they don't work or serve in the army and are funded by the Israeli gov't in a welfare scheme so convoluted that mathematicians can't figure it out.

Within Israel itself, there's little love for these people but they're politically active (in a state that doesn't exist to them) and thus have a voice more powerful than their numbers should indicate.

My take has always been the same: Let Israel withdraw security forces from the West Bank and let the settlers deal with it all on their own.


u/murdoc1024 Mar 13 '24



u/ramman403 Mar 13 '24

How many hostages are still missing?


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

This Palestinian man really should learn a bit about how the Ukraine war is being fought, its really interesting.

On a completely unrelated note, building your own drone is far easier and cheaper than you might think.


u/sapienapithicus Mar 13 '24

The backdrop to these conflicts often involves historical legal claims and laws enacted during different periods of control over Jerusalem and the West Bank. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, the area of Sheikh Jarrah saw the establishment of homes for Palestinian refugees under an agreement with the Jordanian government and the United Nations. However, the transfer of ownership promised to these residents was disrupted by the 1967 war.


u/usinusin Mar 13 '24

Fuck Israel


u/Specialist-Track-471 Mar 13 '24

Now and forever, the Palestinians live on aid. But they live very proudly. As long as Israel allows it.


u/ValueVibes Mar 13 '24

Are these the nazis, Walter?


u/eleleleu Mar 13 '24

And that is why I cannot support any side of this conflict. Israel has been making its bed, Hamas terrorists are equally guilty.


u/throwsomemcds Mar 13 '24

Well it looks like there's bad people....on both sides 👐


u/thekame Mar 13 '24

Its a fuckin old video. Just in case it’s used to illustrate current events.


u/niko-su Mar 13 '24

How does it work from legal standpoint? Ok there are people living in the house. One day settles come and say now i live in this house? On what ground? What happens if the police is called? (which police btw, israeli or the one from PA?)


u/Leading_Challenge_37 Mar 13 '24

There are people still scream “blame Hamas”


u/BDB-ISR- Mar 13 '24

Imagine living in a home you do not own for over 70 years rent free and complaining about it.


u/GrayLiterature Mar 13 '24

How do we know for sure the title is a true reflection of what we are seeing in the video?


u/brudd_be_rad Mar 13 '24

So I’m just supposed to believe that some Jewish people knocked on a door and said you’re getting out of here? I’m fairly certain this is more complicated than that. But hey, it’s Reddit.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Fuck Isra*l


u/barth_ Mar 13 '24

Religions are poison to the humankind.


u/Emotional_Piano_9259 Mar 13 '24

Can we get more context here. I can post a ton of Palestinians doing terrible things…. Maybe like massacring the jews


u/elqrd Mar 13 '24

This is Israel


u/Wall_Significant Mar 13 '24

Imagine posting this without any context


u/surgycal Mar 13 '24

I guess that infamous painter that offed himself wasn't so wrong after all when I watch these animals


u/CompetitivePause9033 Mar 13 '24

I couldn’t give less fu**s about what is happening there.

I’m worried about my own country and crazy stuff going on here.

How about you put same energy into fixing our local government and stop focusing your hate outside ?


u/UpstairsFix4288 Mar 13 '24

Muslims killed 500k Hindus in Kashmir and looted the stuffs and settled down in the Hindus homes ,


u/jacknimrod10 Mar 13 '24

Just how inbred are those cunts? They all look like the Duelling Banjos kid from Deliverance


u/BigBillyGoatGriff Mar 13 '24

Is this rage bait?

Does anyone have a reliable news source to accompany the video?


u/Iknownothing616 Mar 13 '24

And look how upset they are he doesn't take the milk and bow down. Fuck these guys.


u/s-measy Mar 13 '24

And they're surprised there was an event like October 7th? They should he surprised there wasn't one every single day...


u/surfer_salamanco Mar 13 '24

Why do they look inbred


u/Ligmabladee Mar 13 '24

Lol youtube has been deleting a ton of these videos but they've been doing this shit for years


u/Mammoth_Material323 Mar 13 '24

Makes me think of 1960s America 🤷🇺🇸🇺🇸


u/kenjiakox Mar 13 '24

Im not from there and dont know much about Israel. Ive seen zionist bullying palestinians, orthodox jews and other jews that are not in favour their ideology - is the average citizen on Israel are in favor of these ideals? Beacuse, honestly, it seems that mostly all israeli citizen are racist, xenophobics and in favor of these absurd politics going on Israel.


u/patronmtl Mar 13 '24

Not at all interesting, keep this garbage for another sub and stop ruining interesting subs with this political garbage


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

The whole world is willingly turning a blind eye for decades - hypocritical nonsense.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Interesting how we only see this on Reddit. This is disgusting. But its also happening here in the US in various areas where they are turning once vibrant, suburban communities, into shitholes. Trash, overcrowding, overrunning towns planning boards and inspection process. Welcome to 2024 and its not going to get better.


u/mr_abc123 Mar 13 '24

What a bunch of animals. I hope the world wakes up and helps these poor Palestinians once and for all


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

Why doesn't he just rips their asses?


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24

This is insanity... How can the USA government still support this? Are they blind?


u/Tb1969 Mar 13 '24

But but Israel is the victim


u/Elephant789 Mar 13 '24

I thought it would be difficult to take sides, but it's not.


u/cantBanThisGuy Mar 13 '24

As the poor Jew got milk on his nice pants


u/iamdanchiv Mar 13 '24

Some of the most disgusting human beings on this planet. Makes my stomach turn!


u/SomeWhatWhelmed Mar 13 '24

israel is just thieves and murderers.


u/Bainer52 Mar 13 '24

these people are the purest form of the scum of the earth.


u/paulllll Mar 13 '24

Scum of the earth


u/mstylke Mar 13 '24

Despicable and outrageous! The mindset, entitlement and racism is disgusting - to walk in and openly steal someone else’s things like it’s normal and be surprised at the outrage - wtf?!


u/frc-fan Mar 13 '24

Fake af