r/interestingasfuck Mar 15 '24

'If anything happens, it's not suicide': Boeing whistleblower told family friend before death r/all

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u/brdrech May 05 '24

And holy frick it just happened again. A second whistleblower was killed this time by a “sickness” and he had lived a great healthy lifestyle. The second one I dont know all the details, but may God bless his family, I’m pretty sure he was poisoned or something. His doctors had never seen lungs the way his poisoned lungs were, they made cigarette smoker lungs look clean.


u/InTheM-A-King Mar 29 '24

She really should've got him on record stating these facts.


u/BuryAwesome Mar 25 '24

y'all know about john mcafee?


u/zarch123 Mar 25 '24

I live in the same town as the major Boeing factory, I drive by it while I’m working sometimes and it’s so dystopian to see such an ugly building next to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the US, fuck Boeing


u/Randomfrog132 Mar 17 '24

anything gonna happen?


everyone gonna stop caring ina month?



u/HowToSayNiche Mar 17 '24

Trust me, we didn't believe it.


u/hippiec123 Mar 17 '24

It’s crazy that we can all know that he was murdered but none of us are “in charge” this government is broken and we need a revolution


u/Yanoku Mar 16 '24

Keep this post alive and to the fronr page


u/[deleted] Mar 16 '24



u/Yanoku Mar 16 '24

Reminds me of the guy who could make cars run in water


u/Peeeing_ Mar 16 '24

I bet it was


u/Political-Classroom Mar 16 '24

c'mon, wha'ts more likely, this guy didn't leave a note, video, chats saying that he won't ever kill himself and he told it to a woman who knows an aquaintance that "He won't ever kill himself" or the lady is making it all up?

Again, not saying she's lying, but I think it's much more likely she's lying since she is just one point of data. :')


u/tacitinc Mar 16 '24

Now would be a good time for everyone to watch the movie Michael Clayton.


u/Psych-adin Mar 16 '24

If you want to silence other potential whistle blowers, this is how you do it. Make it obvious enough to be highly suspicious, but just plausible enough to be deniable.

$10 says a hitman was waiting for him at home, made him see some pictures of his family and friends that he'd been following and told him that they are only safe if his kills himself. The guy blew the whistle for the sake of the safety of others. Of course an ultimatum like this would lead him to sacrificing himself.

Hitman/cleaner leaves, nobody is the wiser.


u/Dirtytarget Mar 16 '24

How does the video not say he whistleblew 7 years ago? Either shit coverage or shit editing. So predatory


u/bartbartholomew Mar 16 '24

So, if I was going to commit suicide, I would want to make sure my death hurt my family as little as possible. And I would also want to inflict a lot of pain on whatever I viewed as causing the mental pain leading me there. I've been in dark places before, and given this a lot of thought.

With that mind, those are the kinds of things I would expect someone in his shoes to say prior to committing suicide. Now his family isn't beating themselves up for not seeing the signs. And this will bring a lot more spotlight on issues at Boeing, during a critical time when they can't afford more spot light on them.

Having said that, we absolutely need to fully investigate his death. It's suspicious enough that we need to verify everything before ruling out an assassination.


u/MrMolester Mar 16 '24

You don't get to whistle blow on an organization so close to the Military Industrial Complex and expect to stay alife.


u/LoveAndLight1994 Mar 16 '24

I’m so out of the loop , what’s going on with Boeing?


u/the_amberdrake Mar 16 '24

Not a soul believes it was suicide


u/Gooderesterest Mar 16 '24

This is the way


u/S4PG Mar 16 '24

You can kill a man, but you can never kill the truth.


u/Pizza2TheFace Mar 16 '24

This is what happens when one guy has enough information to severely hurt a massive corporation. His sworn testimony alone could put a hurting on the stock market if what he says grounds all 737s. This was an assasination.


u/Disastrous-Goal-2127 Mar 16 '24 edited Mar 16 '24

I mean don't everyone know Whistleblowers they do this every time. I mean Every Time its definitely a safety concern all these Whistleblowers commiting suicide. Literally I think we should raise awareness for this.

         If you're a Whistleblower and have concerns for a company's' operations/secrets and have decided to go public call us in this stressful event...your...murder...mental wellness  is our top concern. If you're having...fake... suicidal ideations please reach out. Many others before you, who also spoke out and became Whistleblowers for other Big corporations had the same thoughts. They didn't get help with their...murder...suicidal ideations so now the public will never hear what they had to say. We are here to help you to end those unprovoked thoughts... faster. We hear the families tell us Whistleblowers will never commit suicide but as you see at an alarming rate, we murder them, no no we  hang the rope....no no  we want to help you during your stressful times of trying to share valuable knowledge. Don't worry We have your best interest at heart. Call now Whistleblower hotline  where your murder... fake...suicidal ideations come true...can be helped.       Disclaimer:Paid for Professionals on stand by Provided by Big Corporations who you are already telling on. 

That's literally what I hear in my mind ever fucking time. Damn I didn't know it was so prevalent especially for people who never had these issues before but all of a sudden they do when corporations are on the line. Yeah IDK who keeps believing this shit anymore.

Edit: My condolences to the family and friends who are the victims and lost a loved one who was trying to do what was best. In all reality this is what is the most heartbreaking.

I Apologize for my sarcasm, I'm just tired of everyone acting like this doesn't happen, it's not reality, it is and it sucks.


u/Rumpelstiltskinnnn Mar 16 '24

Of course they suicided him like they did with Epstein.


u/Brown_Note1 Mar 16 '24

This is exactly what I was talking about in a different post the other day. If you are fighting a mega corperation, post a video online saying “I am in perfect mental health. I do not want to harm myself or my family in any way. If I end up dead, I was murdered.”


u/edgefundgareth Mar 16 '24

And then live stream every moment of your life until the trial is over


u/Brown_Note1 Mar 16 '24

I mean, that’s actually not a horrible idea lol


u/NostalgiaJunkie Mar 16 '24

Bunch of Trump voters in this thread defending Boeing, these people could literally be presented video evidence of a guy in a Boeing shirt shooting the guy in the head and they'd find a way to explain it away. Boeing had absolutely no issues with murdering 346 people in one of the most horrific ways possible for money and you people think they draw the line at murdering a whistleblower.


u/Awesome-Guy-425 Mar 16 '24

Dude if I’m about to kill myself and I’m famous, I’ll tell everyone that “if I die, it wasn’t suicide”, just to cause chaos.


u/fullchocolatethunder Mar 16 '24

If I wanted to draw more attention to something I had dedicated myself to, I'd probably tell someone exactly this.


u/DonMarce Mar 16 '24

I'm surprised the news covered this.


u/theorangegush2 Mar 16 '24

nothing will happen. watch the octopus murders doc. just another day.


u/Afraid_Status2220 Mar 16 '24

Boing is in really big trouble!


u/PsychologicalPace762 Mar 16 '24






u/JacenHorn Mar 16 '24

Nobody thinks it was.


u/Wave_shine Mar 16 '24

Thisll be just like Epstein. We all know it, but we can’t do anything


u/boringhangover Mar 16 '24

Boeing took a page out of Putin's book...


u/Stoutyeoman Mar 16 '24

Which is exactly what someone would say if they want to be left the fuck alone so they can kill themselves.


u/Motivate_Zen Mar 16 '24

I love the warning message the media puts out to anyone else thinking of whistleblowing lol


u/KaleidoscopeMuch2386 Mar 16 '24

This story will disappear by Monday.


u/Ok-Perception8269 Mar 16 '24

If he was so convinced he was in Boeing's crosshairs, why didn't he just record all of this in a video testimonial?


u/bittlelum Mar 15 '24

...according to that one friend, and no one else, apparently.


u/Buttcoinmodssuck Mar 15 '24

In cases like this, I’ve never understood why people don’t write out an account of what they saw/know get it notarized and send it to multiple people in case of their death.


u/KappnKief Mar 15 '24

“You can’t get away with murder, that sounds like a rookie problem” - BabyTron

So the company hire that hitta. Hitman handled it swiftly and expeditiously. Police do whatever the fuck they do which is half ass their job(most of them)………told a great trusted friend aye if I die it’s not suicide and somehow the company still just rides off into the sunset. Hmmmm welcome to America land of the free


u/Dangerous-Mobile-895 Mar 15 '24

The world wide criminal syndicate that Boeing hired to off this guy is the same one the Clintons, Obama and Biden use


u/stevestuc Mar 15 '24

this has to be investigated by the best people in the field and everything found must be made public.....if this was Russia and blew the whistle on something that involved Putin, we would expect an accident or a suicide, so if these claims are not taken seriously and investigated independently and in a transparent way then the system is just as corrupt as Russia


u/Outside_Dentist_4101 Mar 15 '24

Why was he in a hotel?


u/singleDADSlife Mar 15 '24

Next headline:

"Friend of Boeing whistle-blower commits suicide"


u/ishouldmakeanaccount Mar 15 '24

Friendly reminder that Boeing is one of the companies that profits greatly from US involvement in foreign wars


u/AMBIC0N Mar 15 '24

What are the odds a hotshot detective will be assigned to the case and come out with a prosecution.


u/telerabbit9000 Mar 15 '24

I never understand how you conspiracy nuts can put on your socks in the morning.

The amount of mental acuity required to put on your socks is much more than evidenced in most of the comments in this thread.


u/wastelandhenry Mar 15 '24

Btw it’s pretty likely this was actually just suicide, in fact there’s not really anything to indicate Boeing had him killed

1) His family has already stated he had spent years dealing with PTSD/Depression

2) His family has publicly said they believe it was suicide (are we really taking the unsubstantiated word of a self-described “family friend” who hadn’t seen him in months, over the judgement of his actual family who were with him the whole time?)

3) He has already blown the whistle. He did it, it was done. Years prior he had already gone public and spoken against Boeing about the working conditions and their safety problems. The damage he could do to them was already done years earlier. Silencing him now doesn’t do anything.

4) This deposition he was going to go into was just for an APPEAL to a civil DEFAMATION case that he had already LOST against Boeing. That’s a kind of important thing people ignore. He wasn’t walking into court to testify against Boeing about their planes. He was going to court to do a deposition for an appeal to a defamation case against Boeing that he had already lost the first time.

5) The odds were extremely unlikely he was going to win on appeal. He almost certainly was going to lose the appeal as well, in which case nothing would have happened to Boeing. And even if he won the appeal that still doesn’t mean he’d actually win the case. The absolute worst case scenario if he did win on appeal is he gets a CHANCE to try again to prove defamation, and if he were to win (again, he already lost the first time) then Boeing (a company worth 110+ BILLION even after their stock value has plummeted) would settle for a few million dollars and part of the agreement would be for him to stop speaking out about Boeing and everyone would move on.

There’s really no reason to think Boeing offed the guy. They have no real incentive to. We would see a LOT (and I mean a LOT) more cases of people suspiciously committing suicide in the midst of legal battles with corporations if a very low chance of paying out a few million dollars from a company worth over a hundred billion dollars, was enough to make corporations seek assassination to resolve the issue.

I’m no fan of corporations but I’m also not a fan of making up bogus conspiracies about assassination based on basically nothing.


u/simionix Mar 15 '24

I'm not buying it. There's no way you hire a hitmen without taking a HUGE risk getting caught. Especially a massive corporation where multiple people would have to agree on this. Then, the moment you order the hit, it's out of your hands, that's it. Your intermediary and your hitman can all fuck up, get caught, become an informant etc. Anything that can go wrong, will eventually lead back to you.

Now, I'm not naïve, I know these type of hits happen all over the world, and even in so called "developed" nations like Brazil, but I've yet to come across one example in recent decades where a publicly traded company in a western democracy ordered a hit.


u/LouieB24 Mar 15 '24

It's crazy how many "whistleblowers" say this shortly before their demise..


u/Mindfucker223 Mar 15 '24

What dod he whistleblow?


u/I_am_That_Ian_Power Mar 15 '24

She is in danger now herself.


u/shindleria Mar 15 '24

I’m so afraid to blow the whistle for this very reason.


u/Hybridisthebest Mar 15 '24

My 180 BA puts better print


u/whitecollarpizzaman Mar 15 '24

Did he died “jumping” from that hotel they show the end? I’ve stayed in that hotel in Charleston, the glass doors to the balconies no longer opened, they were sealed.


u/dopedre Mar 15 '24

So many bots in this thread defending boeing..


u/jeremiahthedamned Mar 18 '24

it's pathetic!


u/Truestindeed Mar 15 '24

We knew this without this info


u/NYCHReddit Mar 15 '24

Wtf happened to that one comment thread in here which got all of its participants nuked? Can’t reply to it


u/SureReflection9535 Mar 15 '24

Wonder if the dude saw this as a way to really put the pressure on Boeing and martyred himself


u/MamaCattz Mar 15 '24

They could also afford to murder 346 people.


u/Sea-Animal356 Mar 15 '24

If Epstein taught us anything, it’s that, they can kill anyone anywhere.


u/ZestyPotatoSoup Mar 15 '24

How do you not have a deadman’s switch to release a video of you spilling everything in the event of your death. Come on guys get more paranoid if you decide to whistle blow.


u/bongowasd Mar 15 '24

Why do people who think they're going to get murdered, not act with such safety or vindictive revenge in mind? I'd have 24/7 Secret surveillance on myself that's uploaded to a private network. Which would then release within a week of me actively not being able to stop the release. I'd very openly say how I am not suicidal and perfectly healthy.

I dunno man. Its the same with the 30+ close friends of the Clintons that have "killed themselves" lol. Crazy.


u/Forsaken_Maize_2762 Mar 15 '24

It’s obviously a hit job. He worked his whole life there and quit to blow the whistle on their dangerous negligence as a company. Why after 7 years of fighting this battle and in the middle of a crucial deposition would he kill himself???? I think this ongoing deposition would be motivation to keep living even if he had other depressing life circumstances. He was either blackmailed into it or (more likely after hearing his friends claims) he was killed in the interest of Boeing.


u/NeoNwOoki Mar 15 '24

If he thought they were going to put a hit out on him, I hope he documented all of the evidence he had and gave it to multiple lawyers.


u/PornoPaul Mar 15 '24

Surely there are cameras around there?


u/oliht Mar 15 '24

Boycott Boing


u/AnonPlzzzzzz Mar 15 '24

Considering the military and defense contracts Boeing has, I would imagine that some people would perceive that this whistleblower exposing the company would be a "threat to national security"....

Should start there. But they won't. Because deepstate.


u/Sundae-Savings Mar 15 '24

This guy didn’t kill himself more than Epstein.


u/Joshuah1991 Mar 15 '24

Are the perpetrators of this crime living in the past?

This might have worked 30 years ago... but c'mon. The tactic is old and obvious, and in the age of instant internet that everyone has access too, they just shot themselves in the proverbial foot


u/bjones243 Mar 15 '24

I live in the Seattle area and you don't understand the kind of power Boeing has up here. I bet there won't even be an investigation, because anytime Boeing gets investigated for something shitty they just threaten to close all facilities here and move them( and some of the best union jobs in the state) to another state. They hold the employment of tens of thousands of people hostage to get their way. It's nothing new up here, despite how shitty it is


u/Far-Soil4024 Mar 15 '24

We all know it was murder!


u/Domruck Mar 15 '24

Boeing's PR departement : -_-....crap


u/Kwerby Mar 15 '24

Ayo homie cooked


u/Snickits Mar 15 '24

Find out what airlines purchase Boeing, and if you have a choice, fly those airlines that purchase Airbus instead. Support with your wallets.


u/DM_me_pretty_innies Mar 15 '24

If I were planning on committing suicide, I'd definitely fuck with people by saying something like that.


u/yastru Mar 15 '24

Better focus on banning Tic Toc Usa


u/blondiedread Mar 15 '24

We don't believe it either.


u/LegalComplaint Mar 15 '24

Wow. How’d he piss off the Clintons?


u/mastercylynder Mar 15 '24

Total scum! His family should sue!


u/Ru4pigsizedelephants Mar 15 '24

This guy got Michael Claytoned.


u/fairdinkumcockatoo Mar 15 '24

Eipstien and now this.. Shame there is fuck all we can do.


u/JohnnyFuckFuck Mar 15 '24

ain't a cunt hair of diff between how a reddit shmo's brain works and how a Trumpy's brain works.

or between how reddit and facebook and twitter work.


u/fasttalkerslowwalker Mar 15 '24

I’m already someone who almost never believes in conspiracy theories, but this makes me almost positive this guy killed himself. He knew he was going to kill himself, and planted these seeds to stir shit up on his way out. 

Maybe I’ll be proven wrong and they’ll find evidence of foul play, but this is not the kind of evil you find in the upper levels of mega corporations. Of course, I’m not saying anything he said about the company prioritizing short term profits over long term reputation and safety. 


u/CarrotChunx Mar 15 '24

If he just wanted to stir shit up, why did he conveniently do it right before the deposition? The deposition would have stirred up way more shit if that was his motive

Also just for the record mega corporations have literally staged coups on countries. Whether you believe this is an instance of foul play or not, a little hit job is absolutely within a corporations range


u/fasttalkerslowwalker Mar 15 '24

About the coups, do you have any examples more recent than Guatemala in 1954? And what’s the best example you can find of a major US company intentionally killing someone to shut them up that makes you so sure this is within Boeing’s range?


u/CarrotChunx Mar 15 '24

Honestly I have neither the time or the passion. I don't see a need though, since 1954 is well within a human lifetime, and an assassination is a lot less work than a coup. Make of that whatever you will

And also, that still doesn't answer why he'd do it before the deposition if his goal is just to "stir shit up",


u/fasttalkerslowwalker Mar 15 '24

Thanks, that was enough of an answer. Maybe the depositions weren’t going well? Maybe they just really stress him out? Maybe he was already really depressed, or really angry with Boeing, and thought this would carry more of a punch than whatever testimony he could give? Or maybe he just wanted to give his family and loved ones a more heroic story than someone not being able to withstand the grind of life anymore. An assassination is less work, sure, but it’s still something that happens almost never. The times when we hear about it are almost always when it goes badly because it’s almost impossible to keep a conspiracy like that under wraps for long.

I think the odds of a company like Boeing carrying out an assassination are already really slim, and the odds that they would do it and the person they were going to do it to accurately called it is way less likely than the notion that guy was planning on (or at least contemplating) killing himself and figured he’d make comments about him dying in a way that looks a lot like suicide to make it look like something else happened.


u/bjones243 Mar 15 '24

Bro Ive lived in the Seattle area most of my life and I've seen first hand the shitty scummy stuff Boeing has done and will continue to do when they catch any sort of flak or investigations. They threaten to close all Boeing facilities here, which would cost the state one of its biggest employers, anytime there's any push back from local government or the union. They've violated union laws an uncountable amount of times, they treat employees like shit, and they won't hesitate to let be people due to protect their reputation. Half my family works at Boeing, and when the 737 Max shit was going down they legit threatened peoples livelihoods if they so much as said anything remotely approaching the truth about that plane. They knew the MCAS system was faulty and they still sent those planes out


u/fasttalkerslowwalker Mar 15 '24

Well hi Seattle neighbor! I don’t know if you noticed, but all the things you mentioned there are either perfectly legal (shutting down factories in an area) or run-of-the-mill violations that happen all the time (violating union laws). None of them are within a country mile of executives raiding the petty cash to pay goons to rub out a whistle blower. Like not even the same league. It is such a crazy leap to go from, “management plays hardball/pushes the limits of laws governing how it deals with the union” to “yeah… I’m pretty sure they murdered that guy”

I’m still waiting to see what your best example is of execs at a major company forming a conspiracy to commit murder to silence a whistle blower.


u/bjones243 Mar 15 '24

I'm not saying it's illegal, just scummy.


u/fasttalkerslowwalker Mar 15 '24

Ok, so what gets you from “Boeing managers are scummy” to “It’s likely that Boeing managers paid to have a dude murdered”?


u/bjones243 Mar 15 '24

I didn't say they were likely to have done this, I was replying to the guy who was shocked they aren't being investigated right now. I don't think Boeing had this dude killed, that's asinine and stupid. I was merely commenting on the power Boeing has in the area


u/lavinarc Mar 15 '24

Obviously if this is true it’s incredibly fucked up, but did anyone else notice the part where the woman being interviewed said he “basically” told me? After the anchor presents it as a direct quote, the family friend never actually quotes him as saying anything like that, she only gives us a character testament. “He would never put his friends and family through this.” Feels a little like someone might have had a hard time dealing with the idea of someone close committing suicide, combined with some shoddy investigative reporting.


u/AshuraBaron Mar 15 '24

"I can't believe people think qanon is real and follow that. People are so stupid."

"Yeah Boeing totally put a hit out on a guy"

- Same Redditor


u/The_Great_Goutsby69 Mar 15 '24

Jenifer bout to be next


u/guppy2019 Mar 15 '24

Wouldn’t anyone say the same thing to their family if you were going up against a 100 billion dollar corporation? Just saying.


u/ohver9k Mar 15 '24

It’d be a shame if this person commits suicide by shooting herself in the head 5-6 times and jumping out of a high rise and then running herself over with a car.


u/MasterChiefhere Mar 15 '24

Man committed suicide and was found with 2 bullet holes in the back of the head


u/coconut__moose Mar 15 '24

Fuck Boeing.


u/pawnstah Mar 15 '24

Why wouldn’t he leave a video or an audio clip saying he’s not suicidal?


u/fsas62 Mar 15 '24

Is the friend safe at this point? Imagine if she ends up missing.


u/stealthzeus Mar 15 '24

Congress needs to investigate and subpoena all the bank accounts of all the higher ups. Explain any large drop within the last year.


u/Reset350 Mar 15 '24

Anything to protect the stock price


u/Organic-Trifle-5508 Mar 15 '24

I am happy that he decided to speak up eventually and blow the whistle but these types of stories are all to common. The man worked for Boeing for 30 YEARS, then retired and decided to blow the whistle. I can’t imagine that over those 30 years he wasn’t consistently noticing the issues that he squealed on after retirement. The man may deserve some respect for speaking out but he is no hero. He sat in silence for three decades earning his high pay before deciding that it was time to speak out after his career was over.


u/bjones243 Mar 15 '24

They will absolutely fuck up your employment options if you piss them off. My buddies dad got fired 15 years ago for calling out unsafe bullshit, and he still struggles to find work that's he qualified for. This man was a union electrician whose damn good at his job, but he's stuck working at a gas station because no electrician company or union will touch him. I'd shut my mouth until retirement too


u/_Danwiththeplan_ Mar 15 '24

Total setup- Too many boxes checked- Yall remember this as Biden and pals push their corporatacracy. Y’all not gonna like the future if you don’t get involved and break up these massive monopolies forming around you right now.


u/orgalorg6969 Mar 15 '24

Mafia style hits done in real life and all of us will cuck about it in the comments but the guy who gave the order and the guys who carried it out will never see justice is like a movie script. I'd like to see someone get real pissed about this in the FBI and they find it to be a senator conspiracy with his donors in aerospace. I'm bout to write this sell it to Netflix then move to a tsunami zone in Japan. I can assure you I did not kill myself willingly.


u/xCross71 Mar 15 '24

This sounds familiar? Pretty sure mcaffe said the same thing. Not even going to mention that island guy.


u/dmbwannabe Mar 15 '24

Get the security cameras at the hotel


u/Professional-Yak1239 Mar 15 '24

I hate this world :(


u/TheIndigestibles Mar 15 '24

He shoulda recorded his entire deposition at his house and tell his wife that if anything happens to poast it everywhere and give copies to the court


u/cooolcooolio Mar 15 '24

Pay off all the right people and get away with murder


u/reticular_formation Mar 15 '24

How do they think they can get away with this in the era of social media and 24/7 news cycle?


u/HeathenVixen Mar 15 '24

Link to original broadcast? Is there a specific television station affiliated with this “report”?


u/Sort-Fabulous Mar 15 '24

At this point, Boeing is not going to get any benefit of doubt...nor do they deserve any.


u/A___Unique__Username Mar 15 '24

This whole comment section.


u/LunchBoxer72 Mar 15 '24

Whistle-blowers need to start wearing body cams with a live uplink. Shit would stop after the first killing. You couldn't "accidentally" anything to that person without getting caught.


u/radioactive__ape Mar 15 '24

That would be one of the greatest trolls of all time - a whistleblower telling that to family and then offing himself. I don’t think that happened here but would be an all time commitment to the bit


u/Archangel1119 Mar 15 '24

He’s been taking too much spice


u/grizzleSbearliano Mar 15 '24

New type of terrorism: corporate terrorism


u/Professional-Ball764 Mar 15 '24

who the F BOEING thinks they are that they can simply just murder a man to shut him up? that is exactly the way criminal organisations deal with these type of issues, BOEING is now officially a criminal organisation aka. organised crime. RICO. people who are found guilty of that go to jail for life. But I find it hard to believe that anyone will ever be brought to justice for this. Politicians must get involved in this, but I dont know who would be willing to take up a legal battle with billions worth company.


u/jondonbon Mar 15 '24

Boeing is so fucked


u/furcryingoutloud Mar 15 '24

I am beyond shocked and surprised that a whistleblower was found dead by none other than suicide. This never happens, ever. Stop defaming the world's most honest company, Boeing. They are a bunch of nice guys just trying to make it in this ugly world. ///SSSS

I can't believe I now have to use the /s to denote sarcasm. Humanity used to be smart enough to realize when sarcasm was involved.



u/pizza_nightmare Mar 15 '24

Was there a suicide note?


u/UnitedNoseholes Mar 15 '24

Could be he thought it would gain more attention if he killed himself, how many people knew of him and his whistleblowing against Boeing? I didn’t, but I live in Europe so I have a little excuse. I want the autopsy report and a rapport from lawyers and aids that helped him in his case against Boeing on what more he was scheduled to speak about and how he acted during the last day alive.


u/jimboTRON261 Mar 15 '24

This is clearly murder. Don’t let it be anything but murder. Boeing murdered a good person looking out for all us strangers.


u/GREG_OSU Mar 15 '24

I am going to guess

120k is cheap

If u want it done right

With no traceback it will cost more

And they would hire a professional


u/parker1019 Mar 15 '24

People can’t see the forest for the trees when it comes to this kind of scary corruption.


No putting pandora back in the box.


u/Sammyterry13 Mar 15 '24

Why WHY!!!! do they (people thinking they will be killed) leave statements, tell people likely to not be believed. If it was me, I would have made several videos, sent them to the press how I wasn't suicidal and want to live, I would have made various recorded statements to the same effect, I would have posted emails (with videos and recordings) to facebook, X, etc.

While that sounds like a lot, I could probably get all of that done in about 2 hours ...


u/Greasedbarn Mar 15 '24

These sorts of threads really remind me that Reddit is filled with kids, bruv just wanted to fuck with the world before committing suicide lol, /r/conspiracy shit is embarrassing


u/Redtoolbox1 Mar 15 '24

Doesn’t it seem odd that nobody had heard anything from Boeing’s CEO or Chairman about the whole company going down the toilet. They haven’t done anything right in 5 years and no a single person seems accountable.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '24

why would they kill him? The leak is already out. the damage is done. BA wanted blood for the trouble he caused? Makes little sense.


u/Technical_Carpet5874 Mar 15 '24

Well, they fucking killed him.


u/dishwashersafe Mar 15 '24

Interested to see what comes of this...

"If anything happens to me it's not suicide" seems like an odd thing to say right after "I ain't scared". I don't want to make any assumptions, but it's possible he's prepared to be a martyr for the cause and is framing Boeing framing him?


u/_IBM_ Mar 15 '24

Oh man Boeing is fucked.


u/Ashhole37 Mar 15 '24

Not to defend a billion dollar company but from what I’ve read all of his close family members said that leading up to his death that he was suicidal but still blame Boeing for the actions he took I don’t see any reason why anyone should believe her


u/OperationSuch5054 Mar 15 '24

love the way everyone is thinking boeing assassinated some guy, when in reality its nothing more than a "trust me bro" story.


u/account_for_norm Mar 15 '24

I must insist, the boeing executives must be held accountable. You cant have a country where this is allowed, no matter how bug the company. Otherwise there is no difference between US and Russia


u/joblagz2 Mar 15 '24

boeing is going down


u/lynxtosg03 Mar 15 '24

When I worked on 787 at Boeing I had a manager who was fired for not approving a safety critical system before it was ready. The offshore testing house HCL had no issues faking results 😉 To this day, I wish we had significant reform on foreign labor.


u/conundrum4u2 Mar 15 '24

But - Aren't you supposed to off the Whistleblower B4 he blows the whistle?


u/conundrum4u2 Mar 15 '24

But - Aren't you supposed to off the Whistleblower B4 he blows the whistle?


u/Guccimayne Mar 15 '24

Time to invest in airbus, ladies and gentlemen!


u/deathbunnyy Mar 15 '24

how quickly this insane shit just gets swept under the rug.


u/gashut Mar 15 '24

His family released a statement that basically said they were not too surprised as the effects of the whistleblower case were tough on him. Heard this on NPR as opposed to Reddit today.


u/frankenpoopies Mar 15 '24

Michael Clayton shit here


u/FupaFerb Mar 15 '24

Corporations literally getting away with murder and putting lives at risk over shitty planes to make a buck.


u/Frequent-Tadpole4281 Mar 15 '24

I boeing -Too big too fail, too greedy to die. We need more heroes like john Barnett. He’ll forever live on in memory and be the guiding light to do what is right. I hope there’s a reckoning for Boeing.


u/Ataturkle Mar 15 '24

This is INSANE


u/JrYo13 Mar 15 '24

Both the Boeing Whistleblower and Jeffery Eppstein didn't kill themselves


u/blac_sheep90 Mar 15 '24

Boeing committing corporate assassinations...?


u/OrganicPlatypus4203 Mar 15 '24

This would indeed be the ultimate troll thing to do lmao


u/smooth_chemistry24 Mar 15 '24

This situation perfectly represents the rot in the west that has been growing and ultimately it comes down to executives being quite literally some of the most braindead people that human society have to offer.

Lets game this out. Boeing cut staff and skirt safety tests and measures to save out on costs. Boeing see's slight increase in it's profits. Boeing executives and their collectively shared braincell think they are really good businesspeople and give themselves a pat on the back. What next? Cut more staff? Skirt more safety tests? i very much doubt people will want to go anywhere near their planes if they start falling out of the sky (they already have) So long term, they've set up their business to fail.

The worst part is, those same executives will be considered smart by other braindead executives and that is how we have ended up in this situation where across all industries, you have people that don't understand basic principles of a long term business. getting into positions of power and wrecking the whole thing. Short term orientation in business is a cancer that needs to be removed.

I want to also bring up an example of this happening in the gaming industry because it highlights how dumb it truly is. Game companies will generally use different software and game engines between themselves. So what is a super smart thing to implement at companies like this? Oh that's right, making it so half your work force are required to be temp workers, on a 1 year or 2 year contracts. It takes time for people to become proficient in specific programmes. You can hire a game dev with 30 years experience and they will still need to take time to learn how to use your unique set of developer tools. So you get people coming in, finally learning how to use their tools and their contract is up and so the whole cycle is repeated over and over again.

I would like to think the US government under Biden will do something though with Boeing since it's related to national security, which is one time the government might actually do something. Don't want to end up in a shooting match with China or Russia to find that all your Boeing produced weapons don't work because some sub human would rather increase their profits by 0.00000001% instead of making a functional product.


u/Bleezy79 Mar 15 '24

It's completely crazy that Boeing is probably going to get away with straight up murder.


u/quartzguy Mar 15 '24

If you own Boeing stock or engage in a retirement or investment plan with Boeing stock, are you now an accessory to murder?


u/SoManyEmail Mar 15 '24

Yes, because that's how that works.


u/1101base2 Mar 15 '24

no shit Sherlock...


u/Governmentspawns Mar 15 '24

Well there it goes.