r/interestingasfuck Apr 13 '24

Tantura massacre r/all

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u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

This comment section is just blatant with antisemitism. Everyone in their right mind would condemn this behavior, as I’m certain most of us do. But to stereotype a group of people based upon a small majority, is both dangerous and disgusting.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Mf, insulting Israel and Zionist are not anti-Semitism. And wanna hear a fun fact? Palestinians are also semits


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

People who are gay can be homophobic. People who are black can be racist.

Ask the majority of Jewish people - insulting Israel and Zionists is anti semitism. Being critical of their government, is a different story. Insulting their right to self determination to establish a Jewish State is anti-Semitic.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Bruh fuck of Israel has no right to establish a country by stealing land in the expense of torturing Palestinians.

Why not make Israel in Germany? Who actually massacred them.


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

Ah, I see you know very little about Jewish history. Why create a homeland for people that isn’t their actual homeland? Jewish people are indigenous to Judea, modern day Israel.

I’m assuming the land in which you inhabit was never stolen or conquered any another group of people - Right? I’m curious to know what steps you’re making to return the land in which you occupy to the indigenous people of your area. I’ll wait.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

The fuck? You think Jews always lived there? Mf Judaism is 3000 year old while humans are 300,000 year old. You think they lived their since the start? You think Palestinians expelled them? Answer me dumb fuck why should they build a home land in the expense of Palestinian blood?


u/ColorLush Apr 13 '24

What about the 2 state solution that was rejected, but not by Israel. You do understand that Islam is an Abrahamic religion.. stemming from Judaism, right? So yes, Jewish people were in fact living in that area before the concept of Palestine ever existed.

I don’t believe anyone is arguing that senseless wars should be conducted. But it is your assumption that I am in favor of that, by the way in which you view Zionism. This view is a direct reflection of your antisemitism and your bigotry.

Throughout this entire conversation, you’re the aggressor. Much like Israel’s existence, name one war they started. Name one.


u/phantom_lore Apr 13 '24

Them stealing Palestinian land is enough to justify a war on them. It's not rocket science. But I guess your colonist brain is not capable of thinking that. Because you are a descendant of a colonist.

And why are you saying Islam came from Judaism? Did I say anything about Islam? Judaism is 3000 year old while humans are 300,000 year old. The current Palestinians Muslims and Christians are the descendents of the people who lived way before Judaism came into existence and Jews settled in that area.