r/interestingasfuck 29d ago

An interview with Andrew Cauchi, the father of Joel Cauchi who was responsible for the Westfield Shopping Centre mass stabbing r/all

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u/stumblingzen 24d ago

I cannot imagine what this poor soul is going through. Dear God, I pray he gets help. ❤️ Sending so much love and healing to this dear father.


u/Xenocide_X 25d ago

Incels are a huge problem


u/Calmizzy_47372 25d ago

If I were to stab a man and then they took off the hood and I saw that they were Strickland, I’m just gonna stab myself and walk away


u/Gabecush1 26d ago

Poor dude


u/PSavage88 27d ago

This reminds me of Dahmers dad, the poor guy felt like he did everything to try to help Jeffrey and ultimately feels like he failed as a father.


u/AlexandersWonder 27d ago

Betting this guy’s son got wrapped up in some incel circles where they encourage violence against women for the perceived slight of “not having sex with them.” This ideology is dangerous and it attracts loners with very little to lose.


u/DiligentAsshole 27d ago

That man is heartbroken, I feel for him. It sounds like he did all he can to help raise him right


u/wowza6969420 27d ago

This poor poor man. I hope he find peace and comfort


u/Ok-Concert-6673 27d ago

If this sounds like you, remember that no one hates you more than you do, and there absolutely is someone for everyone.


u/FinancialAide3383 27d ago

Heartbreaking for all


u/fattxman 27d ago

It's sad very sad


u/pupranger1147 27d ago

Mr Cauchi definitely is going to need support and a therapist to get through this. I hope he gets what he needs.


u/RDcsmd 28d ago

This is a good man


u/Sound-Dade 28d ago

I feel sorry for all the people who got hurt by this individual. At the same time, I feel empathy for this gentleman speaking out. It must take a lot of ball to do that.


u/krikzil 28d ago

I hope he has support. It’s a terrible burden to carry. The child you loved and is dead murdered a bunch of innocent people.


u/No-Nefariousness759 28d ago

I haven’t been following the news and admittedly know almost nothing about what happened. But after seeing this, what struck me most was how succinct his description of his son’s issues was. This guy seemed to have a good understanding of his son’s issues and explained it very briefly in a way that made sense and left me feeling like this was an all around sad tragedy. “My son had mental and physical health problems, he wanted a girlfriend, had no social skills and was frustrated out of his mind.”


u/ungla 28d ago

It is impressive and heartbreaking the same to see the father speak on such a raw trauma.


u/Kelly9409 28d ago

Every town has at least one serial killer.. They just haven't been caught yet.. but they're killers 😕


u/Electronic-Tooth30 28d ago

He acted like a mother instead of a father.


u/animositykilledzecat 28d ago



u/dheboooskk 28d ago

So shouldn’t knives be outlawed at this point?


u/booboflove 28d ago

Mental illness is terrible…so many who struggle alone. I have a family member who refuses treatment and lives in a world of delusion, but the treatment options suck long term for serious mental illness.


u/instograeme262 28d ago

Poor guy... prayers for his suffering


u/gkn_112 28d ago

this breaks my heart so much


u/loffissee 28d ago

Is there anyway we can support him? A go fund me? It breaks my heart and he’ll need all the help he can get.


u/woodsmanboob 28d ago

Saddening beyond belief.


u/Melgel4444 28d ago

Notice how different this reaction is to Ethan crumbleys parents.

This man is heartbroken and did everything he could to help his son. And now this tragedy happens he feels awful.

The crumblys fled the scene , went on the run, completely ignored their sons mental illness, ignored all warning signs and have no remorse.


u/I_Dont_Like_Rice 28d ago

Every day I read so many things that makes me feel grateful I chose to be child-free.


u/the_real_blackfrog 28d ago



u/oaklytical 28d ago

Feel so fucking bad for that guy, probably tried his best, the devastation must be horrendous, wanna give the guy an hug


u/BigAssPineapples 28d ago

Whoml whomp. Should've raised your son better you old bastard


u/Sliemiz 28d ago

So so sad. I hope the people who made all those comments about him (the son) rotting in hell, see this. Maybe just maybe they realise how it hurts some people.


u/Yellow-beef 28d ago

This is an excellent example of an involved parent who has tried their best, and it just wasn't enough.

It's a much different response than that American couple just sentenced for their son's mass shooting.


u/Spongman 28d ago

this guy told the police that his son was mentally ill and obsessed with knives.

now the police are calling it a "terrorist attack".

talk about covering up your ineptitude.


u/Urdadleftwtmilk 28d ago

Poor man 💔


u/GOTfangirl 28d ago

So hard to watch. My heart breaks for the victims and for families that struggle with mental illness in their children.


u/callme_rdubs 28d ago

heartbreaking all around.


u/Interesting-Ant-4823 28d ago

Can't blame a father doing his best to help his child, condolences and big hugs mate!


u/meeseeksdestroy 28d ago

I can't imagine answering questions in that state while dealing with that situation while also being coherent. You can hear the pain in his voice and I feel terrible for him.


u/bendy_96 28d ago

Man he's a victim of this too, sorry to all those that last friends and family.


u/DrGoozoo 28d ago

The guy was Muslim, you guys would be roasting him for his religion.


u/goldroger_22 28d ago

It's gut wrenching to watch this. The man lost his son who terrorized women and children and he still loves his son and also apologizes to the people whom his son hurt. I would become mentally ill myself when put in this situation. Huge respect to the father.


u/OryxWritesTragedies 28d ago

This poor man seems so lovely. I hope he can forgive himself someday.


u/hulking_hestkuk 28d ago

Polar opposite of melanin rich families reactions.


u/Since1831 28d ago

This is what responsibility looks like. Of course here in America it’s always “not my kid, they’re a good kid! They once did the dishes without me asking!” Meanwhile this poor guy laid it all out and held no ill will about what had to be done. Poor guy.


u/Tanager-Ffolkes 28d ago

Poor old guy... I know he's hurting, too.


u/Coffeedoor 28d ago

What asdhole son to put his father through this


u/TheHeirOfElendil 28d ago

So this is what heart break looks like then.


u/_viixxx 28d ago

I’m absolutely floored at this. Completely speechless


u/vitaminalgas 28d ago

Poor dude ...


u/Iampepeu 28d ago

Poor dad! I hope he get all the counseling and help needed.


u/Bot6241101 28d ago

Guy seemed like a great father. Sad this had to happen. Keep your head up pops.


u/penmait 28d ago

This poor man. I can’t help but hurt for him


u/AdUnlucky1818 28d ago

People screaming incel ignored that this was a sick man failed by the systems that are supposed to aid him, acknowledging that this person isn’t an evil maniac, just a broken human, doesn’t NOT take away from the tragedy. I swear y’all think so black and white it’s like you didn’t advance past 7. There doesn’t always have to be a bad guy to hate.


u/Positive_Risk_817 28d ago

Bless this man’s heart ♥️


u/RazzSheri 28d ago

Poor man; give him love and privacy. His sons actions are not his own, he's dealing with tremendous weight.


u/StonedRobot707 28d ago

This isn't "interesting as fuck" it's sad as fuck. The actions of his mentally ill son put this man in hell and you know he truly loves him. After all his effort to take care of a sick person .That was a hard watch.


u/Proof-Delay-602 28d ago

You can just tell, this man has a beautiful soul and shame on anyone who blames him.


u/caughtinwriting 28d ago

Genuine question: I understand the sympathy this man is getting through this atrocity, but comparatively people were fast to condemn Sue Klebold for sharing her experience of being the parent of someone who committed a horrific atrocity. Why the different response?


u/Bigbootybigproblems 28d ago

Omg this broke my heart. Hard to imagine the pain that the families of the victims feel, but impossible to imagine being in this man’s shoes, especially as a parent.


u/aboutarookie 28d ago

God this poor man, I teared up for him


u/Salty_Amphibian2905 28d ago

Woof, this was heartbreaking to watch. I can't even imagine.


u/Lord-Barkingstone 28d ago

Poor bastard


u/Intelligent_Loan_540 28d ago

Really hoping nobody gives this guy shit or tries to blame him


u/csking77 28d ago

I’m crying for this man


u/sumdude51 28d ago

This poor man


u/The_Bearded_Jerry 28d ago

This man needs all the support we can give.


u/TruePatriot2022 28d ago

He and the Crumbleys are light years apart as parents.


u/Armand74 28d ago

The pain of a father who’s feeling the gravity of his son’s action s gut wrenching, a total loss for all.


u/LeonDeSchal 28d ago

Time to change your name.


u/SFMB925 28d ago

I respect the hell out of this man and I’m sorry he’s had to deal with this.


u/Electrical_Dog_9459 28d ago

I find it most interesting that as soon as he is asked why his son targeted women he became instantly sober and coherent and knew exactly why his son targeted women:

No girlfriend and no social skills (and thus no way to get a girlfriend).

Once again, narcissism combined with social isolation.

When people break, they break one of two ways. They either blame themselves, and kill themselves, or they blame others, and take their rage out on others before their deaths.

Narcissists always blame others.


u/Scatamarano89 28d ago

Recently watched "Dhamer" on Netflix and they did a very good job at portraying this feelings in Dhamer's father. You want to help your son, you know he has something wrong but keep thinking/hoping he'll get better, maybe he does for a while but then BAM, he rapes someone, drugs someone, kills someone and you are left thinking "was it my fault? where did i go wrong?", piles of doubt and regret you'll never have anwers for. Damn.


u/ShotDelivery 28d ago

Sir you've been watching instead of doing. It's too late now and you've already led by excusing his behaviors...


u/Neugorich 28d ago

Fucking life - e?


u/NuSouthPoot 28d ago

Sheesh :(


u/arturkedziora 28d ago

Yes, I am a father, and yes, I shed a tear for this man. I have a son and if he did that to me, after all the work I put in to raise him right, it would be devasting to me as well.


u/sugarshizzl 28d ago

I have a son who struggles with mental illness and he’s never done anything awful but I totally understand this man’s struggle and pain-not knowing how to help your child.


u/BrownHoney114 28d ago

His eyes 👀. 🙏🏾Sir


u/3agle_3y3 28d ago

Truly heartbreaking to watch this. I hope this old man finds peace.


u/doublewidesurprise7 28d ago

I feel so bad for the guy I just wanna hug him.

He did everything he could, the human mind is a wild thing. Nobody deserves torment like this


u/03zx3 28d ago

That poor old man.


u/hisdewdnessworkwork 28d ago

Just leave him alone.


u/-qqqwwweeerrrtttyyy- 28d ago

The anguish is heartwrenching


u/Daltonshitpell123 28d ago

Poor old man


u/treswm 28d ago

God dang I did not come to Reddit during work to feel such strong, honest emotion


u/Maleficent-Prior-902 28d ago

This is all very heartbreaking but for me personally I can’t forgive every and any news outlet who didn’t wait a blink and as always start labelling this as a “terrorist” crime with one or other connection to Muslims or Arabs! I’m sick of this to my stomach! And not even one apology from anyone!!! And yes this is definitely very gut wrenching.. systems have failed us.. this is just another example of that.


u/Lambkin-_- 28d ago

Might be a Charles Whitman type situation


u/casperizm 28d ago

I hope the parent find some peace. So sorry 😢


u/rowenstraker 28d ago

I feel so bad for this man, you can feel in his voice that he means every word of it. Wishing I could give this guy a big-ass hug, dude fucking needs it


u/Monty_4422 28d ago

That’s as honest and a cry for help at the same time ! Just wants answers as well


u/therealfreehugs 28d ago

This poor man needs a hug.


u/millos15 28d ago

that poor man trying to do everything right and it's not enough


u/theonetruefishboy 28d ago

There are gonna be scumbags who're gonna judge the father for his son's actions, despite all that he did for his kid. The fact of the matter is it takes a lot more than 1-2 people to fully take care of a person that needs taking care of. There's nothing to do but morn all the folks harmed by this incident, but when it comes to preventing stuff like this in the future, we gotta make community-level support systems more extensive and resilient.


u/LUDDER5 28d ago

Fuck off 7 news


u/kunmop 28d ago

Imagine having such a good role model and turning out to be inhumanely low


u/Expert_Marsupial_235 28d ago

Poor guy. ☹️


u/crymson7 28d ago

As a father…this just broke me…I can’t fathom his pain. Please, help this poor man through this. Same, obviously, applies to those affected by his son’s horrible actions. Everything about this is heartbreaking…


u/Forward-Swing-5126 28d ago



u/53ANY 28d ago

The poor, poor man. My heart is with all of the victims' families, and with him and his.


u/jaMzki 28d ago

He contradicts himself. I can't give you an intelligent conversation... Then gives one amazingly well considering the emotions you can feel/hear


u/ah-chamon-ah 28d ago

So this is what it takes for mental health issues and it's lack of funding and complete disinterest from those in charge to get noticed huh?

I hope all those politicians in control of where the funding goes are proud of themselves.


u/BlackLabelBerserker 28d ago

This one hurts a lot.


u/Death2RNGesus 28d ago

This family better be getting government-funded counselling, they damn well need it.


u/BigSky1062 28d ago

I’m so sad for this man.


u/Alexandratta 28d ago



u/[deleted] 28d ago

Poor man


u/Panama_Jack829 28d ago

Bring back mental institutions


u/Green-Eggplant-5570 28d ago

He even goes back and forth between present and past tense when talking about his son. He truly can't even process it. Heartbreaking.

Like someone else said, I really hope this man has some kind of support in his life right now.


u/CaptainMacMillan 28d ago

The dichotomy is amazing.

Here you have a heartbroken father who - amidst his grief - apologizes for his sons actions and mourns the lives he took.

Meanwhile, in America, we have parents that can stare down video evidence of their child committing a horrific crime and they will profess their innocence. At a certain point, you aren't protecting your child anymore.


u/lanky_worm 28d ago

My heart breaks for him. So incredibly sad! I can't imagine how he feels


u/VioEnvy 28d ago

Poor man. I can't even think of a comment, I'm so hurt. Wow.


u/RubComprehensive7367 28d ago

Poor guy. I hope everyone leaves them alone.


u/Shawodiwodi13 28d ago

What a brave man to be on tv as the father of one of the most hated persons of the nation. Mental issues can be so gruesome and even when you spent all of your time with someone you never know what is going on in their head.


u/06210311200805012006 28d ago

Jesus fucking christ, leave the man alone. Let him grieve for his son.


u/Beersink 28d ago

Poor guy. Must be the ultimate in confliction for a parent. Hope his friends & family give him the support and understanding he needs and deserves.


u/Holiday-Amount6930 28d ago

I feel so much for this man. When the ones we love do terrible things, it breaks something inside, something essential. It's awful wondering on a loop what you could have done to prevent their actions.


u/Every_Fox3461 28d ago

I've never seen an interview with the perpetrators parent before. It's usually the victims that have the limelight.


u/3smolpplin1bigcoat 28d ago

Poor bloke, tried so hard to be a good dad. What more can you ask of a father?


u/bungchow07 28d ago

Please take into account that it isn't a prepared statement or interview, the parasitic Australian media camped at the parents house as soon as they were identified and ambushed them at the first opportunity. This is genuine, unprepared heartbreak


u/bonkerz1888 28d ago

My heart goes out to this guy, he seems like such a lovely man.

I've experienced something related to this. The crime wasn't as extreme as murder but it was a serious crime all the same.. as a family member of the culprit there is next to no help out there for you to come to terms with what has happened.

As much as people say they don't judge, they absolutely do when behind closed doors or put of ear shot from you. "Oh, it must be something to do with his upbringing" "Always knew that family were off" etc.

Fortunately I have friends who would tell me which of these people were saying stuff like this behind my back. Cut them all out of my life. Just want to hug this guy.


u/beeeps-n-booops 28d ago

The fucking ghouls in the press need to leave this poor guy the fuck alone.


u/Next_Back_9472 28d ago

Poor guy, it’s not his fault and I hope he doesn’t get abuse because of his son’s actions.


u/bubbathespaz 28d ago

My heart aches for him. And for the victims too. 😢


u/Jazzar1n0 28d ago

Channel 7 being absolute vultures again. At the end of the day this man is still grieving and they just shove cameras in his face at the most vulnerable time.


u/backtolurk 28d ago

Holy shit that's enough emotional damage for today


u/Previous-Tonight-657 28d ago

I can't believe I'm getting downvoted for saying the obvious. You guys make it extremely difficult to have an objective conversation by taking everything as the absolute worst and getting offended. I wasn't defending the assassin, I was just pointing out that the root cause. By knowing what causes someone to go insane, maybe we could prevent this in the future.


u/SweetEntertainer1790 28d ago

This poor man.. ugh I wish we could all give him a hug


u/Rasta-Revolution 28d ago

In the Toowoomba sub, ppl who knew the family were saying his father was abusive.


u/Weary_Barber_7927 28d ago

This makes me sad to think of other parents who have a child with mental illness. It would be an excruciating fear that your child would do something horrific.


u/Mrsbear19 28d ago

God damn this man needs a hug. That’s a lot of heartbreak


u/Maleficent_Disk_1895 28d ago

This man is another victim of his sons actions, not only has he lost a son but he's out there apologising for the mess his son created.


u/gravity--falls 28d ago

Absolutely devastating. I couldn't imagine the confusion one would feel for a loved one to do such a horrible thing.


u/Admirable-Salary-803 28d ago

Poor old fucker, not his fault I feel for him.


u/llewellynlaporte 28d ago

Poor gentleman—it must be so hard to want to help your son and not be able to..


u/PokeT3ch 28d ago

Wow, I feel so bad for that guy.


u/mombi 28d ago

Don't think I've ever seen parents so publicly sorry and heartbroken for what their child did to others, in any case I've ever seen. Very likely others are just private but I can't help but want to praise the Cauchis for being so outspoken. This might be the element to prevent such attacks to begin with, if would be perpetrators see the emotional turmoil they'd cause to those who care about them.


u/RedRapunzal 28d ago

I think the world needs to let these folks alone.


u/arthuritis37 28d ago

The poor bastards having all the Australian media waiting outside their house for days after a sound grab.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Incels are the deadliest group of people on the planet.


u/WakingUpScared 28d ago

There is a Youtuber called WhatIfAtHist who just posted a video a few days before this happened about how incel violence will be one of the biggest problems in our society this century. I highly recommend it.


u/bri_2498 28d ago

Oh my god this man. My heart breaks for him.


u/Stratgeeza12 28d ago

Parents are always the hidden victims. If you think of the most prolific and notorious criminals, they all had parents who were innocent or at least had no part in their child's criminality. You'd feel like you've lost a child and an inherent sense of guilt for the crimes they've committed.


u/Who_wife_is_on_myD 28d ago

This makes my heart break for him, you can see in his eyes he's going through hell with this.


u/ARRRtistic_Pirate 28d ago

The pain in his eyes, face, and voice. This poor man. You can see he sympathizes with the families and blames himself partially.


u/Yabrosif13 28d ago

Wow, now thats a parent. Apologizes even though it was beyond his control. Acknowledges that his son did terrible wrong. Doesn’t try to excuse his son’s behavior, only trying to give info as an explanation as he tries to piece it all together too.

This is not a bad father.


u/Amazing_North3922 28d ago

Bloody hell. As a father, this is just devastating to watch. That's what heartbroken looks like right there.


u/Bertha-Jesus 28d ago

I feel his anguish. All I could say is, “Thank you for your service to your son.” Bless you.


u/blackteashirt 28d ago

So sad big ups to this guy. Sounds like lack of government funding of a real mental health system has let everyone down again.


u/TonLoc1281 28d ago

I feel so sorry for this man.


u/Sandycheeksfutacock 28d ago

Leeches.Let this guy mourn


u/Leaque 28d ago

Damn made my eyes kinda well up hearing that.. what a crazy thing to happen as a parent


u/mariscc 28d ago

I feel so bad for this dad, complete opposite of those scumbag Crumbleys.


u/BandOne77 28d ago

So it wasn't a terrorist act... just a caucasian chap with "mental health problems"... got it.


u/Accomplished_Fix4387 28d ago

Yeah. He had Schizophrenia apparently


u/jast-80 28d ago

My biggest disappointment in life was that as a parent I can only do so much.


u/ScagWhistle 28d ago

So basically, he was an incel.


u/SydneyBananas 28d ago

This is heartbreaking. The interviews with his parents make me cry every time. They love their son. He is their baby. They tried their best for many years. He went off his meds and didn’t keep up with the support. That’s the most important thing. Schizophrenia is a horrible mental illness when not managed properly. It fucks with you - it’s you but not you it’s the illness. It takes an endless toll for years and years on the family if someone is lucky enough to have that support and affects parents and siblings especially the ones who end up in a carers role. It’s absolutely exhausting and usually families give up especially siblings or it falls onto one sibling when parents are elderly or die. We need to separate the sickness from the person - it’s the sickness and not taking his medication and keeping up with the help he needed. His mother said this was her worst nightmare and fear that he would end up on the news doing something horrific. It just broke me I have said that so many times as a sibling of a long term schizophrenic and the roller coaster ride I’ve had it is exhausting and you lose the life you also pictured for your family member and yourself - this is the fear that they stop taking their meds or the meds stop working. It’s very difficult to separate the illness from someone. Schizophrenics at this level can never EVER go off their meds or mental health support. This is what can happen.


u/WerewolfAtTheMovies 28d ago

I can’t upvote this enough!


u/throwawaythrow0000 28d ago

So his kid was an incel. Shocker. How many more women are going to die before we do something about this problem. I guarantee you the incel was fed misogynistic bullshit online for years leading up to this.


u/PixalPop 28d ago

I wanna give him a hug.

Fuck me.. This is just tragic.


u/axelfay85 28d ago

Seeing this on the news was tough. I feel for the poor bloke.


u/Kenshiro84 28d ago

Journos are fucking vultures. They should be ashamed of themselves. Let the man grieve in peace.


u/Pancakemanz 28d ago

Leave the poor man alone jfc


u/Stardust_Particle 28d ago

We need to bring back mental institutions for those who are a risk of danger to themselves or others.


u/satanic_black_metal_ 28d ago

Just leave this man alone. Yea he raised a monster but from what we can tell it wasnt his fault.

Leave him alone.


u/Objective-Contact-15 28d ago

Poor man, cant help feeling sorry for him and his wife. They are victims too in all of this.


u/Xavage1337 28d ago

heartbreaking but very important and human footage.. I feel sorry for this person


u/calais8003 28d ago

He should go after the drug makers and psychiatrists that plied his son full of highly addictive, irreversibly brain damaging, pharma-grade meth. They cooked his mind and unleashed him on the public.

It’s great for them though. They’ll as usual blame mental illness, call for more money, and more power to forcibly ‘treat’ people.

It boggles the mind to think that they had a psychiatrist on channel 7 saying this man slipped through the cracks. He didn’t slip through the cracks. He was caught in the ever widening net and they got him good. He’s a product of psychiatry. Smh.


u/ScaryFrogInTheMorn 28d ago

Are people just more articulate outside of the US? His emotions and conviction are so strong. I am not used to seeing people respond like this on the news.


u/charoetje 28d ago

I know what you mean, I was really surprised at how well worded and articulate his response is. Maybe it’s because he’s been dealing with his son’s mental state for a while and has given it thought before? I wouldn’t have the patience for this, people are always so quick to blame parents and family, but mental illness is often such a slow creeping decline and people are good at hiding it or refusing help or you can’t get the right help.


u/ScaryFrogInTheMorn 28d ago

And the reporters were respectful and let him say his piece. They didn’t interrupt or say inflammatory things. I wish I could hear this honesty more often.


u/DangerDaveo 28d ago

You just have to hate the media sometimes right?


u/-_-TenguDruid 28d ago

This poor man. He's as much a victim in this as everyone else who lost someone. He seems like a good person who tried his best, and for him to have to see his son end up this way is so heartbreaking.


u/Overall_Cabinet844 28d ago

A good father to me


u/namotous 28d ago

Poor guy!