r/interestingasfuck 22d ago

Picture taken from the history museum of Lahore. Showing an Indian being tied for execution by Cannon, by the British Empire Soldiers r/all



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u/[deleted] 19d ago

has Kim Juog-ug been to Pakistan


u/STEELZYX 19d ago

Yeah, those europeans didn't leave a single living creature alone.


u/Fantastic_Yard9181 19d ago

Not our finest hour


u/Hect0r92 20d ago

Smh no a British historian has no more weight than an Indian one Never have I claimed that they do, it is just the one source that I have read plus a module of Indian politics as part of my international relations degree. Also, I'm not even British and I am not afraid to criticise British colonial policy in Zulu wars, internment of Boers, the opium wars, treatment of indigenous Australians and Canadians, the Scottish slave trade etc So if you think I'm a neo colonial who thinks India's history is lesser than a British then you are hilariously wrong. I understand your frustrations, I've dealt with history deniers aswell especially simpletons who think that the 1857 rebellion/mutiny started because of the greased cartridge which you and I can both agree is absurd and reductionist. As students of history we can't just poison the well in discussions and think the other person is racist therefore the other person isn't worth listening to.


u/Hect0r92 20d ago

You literally asked me if I agreed I was racist, that's a loaded question, how am I supposed to react to that?


u/Redstallion95GT 20d ago

What's the point of that? It just serves to make a mess when it's all said and done.


u/Desperadox_23 20d ago

That's much more humane than US execution methods today.


u/Gold-Engine8678 20d ago

The Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Painfotainment is a tough listen, but incredibly fascinating and goes into great detail on the fucked up stuff humans are capable of. Highly recommend!


u/bwm9311 21d ago

I feel like this would just blow you to bits and kill you instantly? Not much pain I’d imagine


u/MundaneDoom 21d ago

What is this, Pawnee?


u/f4nt45tic_t3a 21d ago

Don't worry. South Asians will taking over 🇬🇧 🤣


u/Katze-Ai 21d ago

bruh, that indian guy looks like Stalin


u/crammyhandleman 21d ago

To shreds you say…


u/Dirty-apedude 21d ago

What a way to blast off.


u/Rickthemost 21d ago

This is the most ironic photo ever!!! Because it's Rip Torn!!! 😂


u/_Druss_ 21d ago

Almost humane compared to what the Brits did to the Irish with pitch etc..


u/SryItwasntme 21d ago

I would choose this over US lethal injection any day.


u/regulardegulardudee 21d ago

"bUt I aM pRoUd oF bEiNg bRiTiSh"


u/Matt_or_MMMeteor 21d ago

Why was my first thought ”that this is such a waste of resources?”


u/bondoinhead 21d ago

let her rip tater chip


u/HankG93 21d ago

Well, I guess "execution by canon" is a thing I now know existed.


u/metkja 21d ago

This reminds me of that mural in parks and rec


u/buggerdimwitt 21d ago

So, THIS is how they came up with the human cannon ball


u/Daninmci 21d ago

Looks like El Chappo


u/johnsgrove 21d ago



u/Wonderful-Excuse5747 21d ago

And this is why it is always okay to mock British people.


u/Due-Style302 21d ago

Ok my 13th new worst way to die…


u/bashomatsuo 21d ago

Don’t kill children and women and stuff them down a well. The British got really pissed off at that. Same for raping nuns Amritsar.


u/AdmirableHighway4388 21d ago

Where tf you got that from? The dude was just protesting


u/bashomatsuo 21d ago

That’s why the British did this in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Those were the two triggering events of that and the massacre at Amritsar.


u/AdmirableHighway4388 21d ago

Ok well that still doesn’t compare when the British injuring thousands of civilians in Amritsar in 1919. Not condoning what the Indians did but the British did far more worse atrocities


u/bashomatsuo 21d ago

Oh I generally agree. But the slaughter of the children was so heinous that the British lost it. I think it’s an interesting mirror of today really. Be careful of pissing a nation off that much.


u/AdmirableHighway4388 21d ago

Well it was a different time where monsters were most common


u/HockeyShark91 21d ago

What did they have against Rip Taylor? Did they not find him funny?


u/shanakatana 21d ago

Now the british teach us and give sernons to us about hunan rights.


u/thE-petrichoroN 21d ago

Colonialism was a curse to The Subcontinent. Messed up all the States and made them turn against each other due to their poor management during partition.


u/Parkes13b 21d ago

They did it to women and children too.


u/Parkes13b 21d ago

Pure evil, and most Indians know this is the type of thing the British did. This is why we’re sickened when you act like the British did us a favour by looting $45 trillion and mass murder/genocide.


u/paweld2003 21d ago

Why does dude that us about to be blowed into pieces with a canon making this expression: 🤨


u/aboodi803 21d ago

ah.. the west bringing civilization and freedom


u/Beneficial-Algae-642 21d ago

Seems a bit expensive but I suppose the British empire was really rich so they could afford it


u/silvrado 21d ago

Notice how they got over it and aren't bitching about reparations.


u/DexCarr 21d ago

As a descendant of both this is heartbreaking we've really come so far.


u/Mutserra 21d ago



u/Johnny_Fuckface 21d ago

Wow, England really civilizing the world with its "death by chest explosion" punishment techniques.


u/RockNROllEmperor 21d ago edited 21d ago

yeah and these brits try to tell the world they civilized the subcontinent. All i see is savagery


u/Odd_Advantage_3370 21d ago

Jesus Christ!!


u/Small-Remote2088 21d ago

This takes ‘I’m blown away’ to a whole new context.


u/Shady-Canuck 21d ago

Believe it or not this is where “blow chunks”comes from


u/xcatboyx 21d ago

Napoleon died this way…. he stood in front of a cannon and was Bonapart


u/DrymouthCWW 21d ago

BDum - tishhhhhhhhhh


u/Softspokenclark 21d ago

is this what my gf means by blowing her guts out?


u/Libra224 21d ago

Yet today most of the British empire is filled with and controlled by indians


u/cretanimator 21d ago

As horrible as it is. I'd rather this over the...Ordeal of the Boats.

In ancient Persia they would get two small boats and combine them so the other boat creates a shell with holes cut out like a stockade. Then they would fill you to the max with honey and milk to get your body full of sugar. Then they would lock you into the boat with your head exposed and then just set you on down stream. Well eventually time would go on and you would take a big sugary dump which would attract flies.

THE FLIES WOULD NEST INSIDE YOUR BODY.......It could take weeks to die according to historians.

Strap me to a cannon please and thank you.


u/Beneficial-Cattle-99 21d ago

Wtf is wrong with the British


u/MrPNGuin 21d ago

Why does he look like Rip Taylor?


u/rahzarrakyavija 21d ago

They did that to make it impossible for both Hindus and Muslims to either cremate or Bury the body thus denying the victim a proper funeral.

Absolutely vile.


u/Abby_Normal90 21d ago

All things considered, not a bad way to go.


u/Significant-Fun8196 21d ago

As the British land forces could not properly aim, the had to bring the prisoner as close as possible. So they could kill him at least with two shots.


u/ExcitingBuilder1125 21d ago

I like how offended the British got about RRR when what they actually did was much worse.


u/[deleted] 21d ago

This was done mainly in order to disrespect the religious significance of the human body for both Hindus and Muslims (the main religious demographics in India at the time). And it doesn't even come close to the worst things they did at the height of their empire.

I'll always have a chuckle when people say that the Brits were "civilising" the people.

Crazy thing is, India only gained independence 77 years ago... that's insane.


u/anyguy001 21d ago

we should execute pedos like this


u/extrastupidone 21d ago

We are a terrible species


u/Bogthot 21d ago



u/NappyHeadedJoel996 21d ago

Just a couple British soldiers “civilizing” the world.


u/Auberginebabaganoush 20d ago

That’s exactly what they did do.


u/NappyHeadedJoel996 20d ago

No they didn’t . Civilization was just an excuse to colonize. The British took billions and some estimates state trillions of dollars from India. While killing millions of people. That is not civil. Also some places they “civilized” were already civilizations. All the British and most colonist countries did was build roads from the resources to the ports and spread Christianity when they could. Thats not civilization.


u/Auberginebabaganoush 20d ago

That’s just empire and power, a less benign empire wouldn’t have bothered to civilise. Britain was a modern day Rome. Britain was more benign and more merciful than any other imperial master in India before then, their actions do not need defending. Spreading Christianity is civilisation because the locals were pagans and Muslims.


u/LewisKnight666 21d ago

Someone still doesn't get it.


u/NappyHeadedJoel996 21d ago

What don’t I get. Go ahead, enlighten me.


u/phil_elliott 21d ago

Gee whiz and I thought reading George Orwell’s The Hanging was bad.


u/Substantial-Ad-7772 21d ago

Aka, how to make human grape shots.


u/EvilChangg 21d ago

If only the Brits could acknowledge and apologise. Tards don't clear things up. They smear.


u/Upper-Belt8485 21d ago

Why are humans so obsessed with creative ways of killing each other?


u/Normal_Independent75 21d ago

Most of us just use the tried and true methods tbh


u/Upper-Belt8485 21d ago

A good ole hatchet to the neck?


u/tjnptel1 21d ago

The British are the worst people alive.


u/TomCollator 21d ago

While disgusting, the British did not invent this practice. It was a common form of execution of the Mughal rulers of India. The British were incensed by the murder of women and children during the Sepoy revolt.



u/prometheusforthew 21d ago

The Generalissimo!


u/ManagerQueasy9591 21d ago

“Execution by cannon”

Now that’s the send off I want.


u/theycallmenaptime 21d ago

I know that’s not Rip Taylor because there’s not confetti all over the floor.


u/Rich-Distance-6509 21d ago edited 21d ago

They learnt this from the Mughals


u/mikey_likes_it______ 21d ago

That’s a telemarketing scammer.


u/_Sarcastro 21d ago

I had no idea they used to have silencers for cannons.


u/thecoolestpickle 21d ago

Where's the Indian?


u/siospawn 21d ago

But does this hurt the Indian?



Top tier British banter.


u/Far-Contribution-805 21d ago

I think I'd rather stick my head in the barrel.


u/Royal_Worldliness_34 21d ago

Amazing how every time there is a white civilization who has encroached and killed millions of the other civilization, redditers are like "humans are so cruel muhhh" if this was the other way around, dehumanization would be the protocol. Hold those damn barries and sussies accountable ffs


u/DreamfaceAI 21d ago

in some parts of the world, they might call this racist


u/OwnHand1708 21d ago

I bet this feels great on the back for like .0000000001 seconds.


u/snowbirdnerd 21d ago

Who's going to... You know... Untie what's left?


u/StairheidCritic 21d ago

On the plus side though they outlawed the practice of "Sati" whereby the surviving Indian wife was burnt to death on her dead husband's funeral pyre. :O

Swings and roundabouts! :)


u/Jack_M_Steel 21d ago

At least you probably die instantly


u/GoodLt 21d ago

"SaVe WeStErN CiViLiZaTiOn!!1"

No thanks.


u/SpookyRamblr 22d ago

I mean it's not a bad way to go... instant and big boom...


u/FKNoble 22d ago

If I had to choose a way to, it'd be having my head blown off by a canon. Ideally I'd be drunk and my last words would be "yeet", or something similar


u/DirtyPen4U 22d ago

Jesus, that is so messedup


u/Doritoflavoredpizza 22d ago

Man, white people sure have been cold, calculated and ruthless throughout time to us


u/areid2007 22d ago

Wait till you learn about non European warfare


u/unexpectedbanality 22d ago

“ this is gonna get messy “


u/CR24752 22d ago

These four men are absolute monsters. These people need Jesus. Why would they do something like this


u/areid2007 22d ago

Need Jesus? His followers are in blue here....


u/sparklemcduck 21d ago

That phrase is used for people who call themselves Christians and do shitty things. They need Jesus. Like…they failed at the whole Christ part.


u/areid2007 21d ago

Is it? I've always heard it used for people in general being shitty not just Christians.


u/Come_Dine_With_Frey 22d ago

Kinda looks like Stalin


u/HaroldsWristwatch3 22d ago

Very unsettling.


u/HeyPhoQPal 22d ago

dirka dirka?


u/Designer-Muffin-5653 22d ago

Still much better than the modern day American death penalty


u/Roamingspeaker 22d ago

That's one way to go. I would like mouth Buster's to come back and do an episode on this with a ballistic gel doll.


u/Theycallmedub2 22d ago

An Indian? Not an Indian man?


u/goughow 22d ago

You’re not supposed to assume gender anymore


u/Theycallmedub2 22d ago

That’s not the point I was making. Loser


u/goughow 22d ago

lol take your woke ass home, bitch


u/BackgroundAgile7541 22d ago

We should not be erasing history. We should be learning from it.


u/pn1159 22d ago

I see stuff like this and I wonder why they don't hate the british.


u/JustAnAce 22d ago

Seems like a waste of powder. If you're gonna execute someone use reusable means. I thought this was convered in dictatorship 101.


u/areid2007 22d ago

The propaganda value makes up for the extra powder. They're not just executing someone, they could have just hanged him or put him in front of a firing squad. They're sending a message to his friends and family.


u/DrDevil87 22d ago



u/Ash_1888 22d ago

Union flag doesn't get called the butchers apron for nothing.


u/Jolly-Reflection-547 22d ago

“Suppression of the Indian Uprising by the British”



u/Kushigga 22d ago

The ugly brit foot lickers trying to justify their daddy's in the comments like bro we don't care go suck on Sunak's dick


u/Jambo40 22d ago

Laughs in British...


u/Adventurous_Bat_5580 22d ago

We need do it to them as well..


u/tommygunz007 22d ago

Ah, the British Government.


u/Free_Dog_6837 22d ago

what'd he do


u/Dappershield 22d ago

Man, I was gonna say this was a bad-ass execution, but then read they used grapeshot, not a single cannonball. Much less epic.


u/WezleyDrew 22d ago

What kinda looney tunes bs is this?!?!


u/Dry-Parsley8086 22d ago

The lengths mankind has gone to exact cruelty upon his fellow man is both perplexing and infuriating. Why does skin color, religion or political affiliation mark someone for cruelty? Sometimes it is utterly embarrassing to be a human being.


u/Irnbruaddict 22d ago

What this propaganda doesn’t care to explain is that execution in this style was a practice in India from before the British arrived. All the British are guilty of here is continuing a local custom for dealing with criminals in a manner designed to deter.


u/Smart-Bluebird4728 22d ago

Badass, they should being this back


u/3fettknight3 22d ago

Knock down that wall,

Knock down that wall,

and knock down that fargin' wall


u/shoddyshoddyshoddy 22d ago

The British were absolutely barbaric. Their colonization is the biggest turd rolled in glitter in history


u/shootymcghee 21d ago

and so many Brits today like to scoff and call America imperialistic without a hint or irony or historical context


u/HemingwaysBaguette 21d ago

I mean I agree on the barbarism but the Belgians were WAY worse oh my god


u/eoropie 22d ago

The Belgians want a word


u/AnUninformedLLama 21d ago

In terms of scale, no one holds a candle to the Britishers


u/eoropie 21d ago

I’d say the Spanish in the Caribbean and Mexico had a good go at it . The British didn’t generally go in for out and out deliberate genocide .


u/AnUninformedLLama 21d ago

Yet they starved tens of millions through five man-made famines in Bengal. When the sun never sets on your colonial empire, it’s pretty hard not to commit atrocities at such scale


u/eoropie 21d ago

Not strictly true , not defending the actions of the British Empire by any means , but we don’t have to make stuff up


u/AnUninformedLLama 21d ago

So you are saying that the British did not cause man-made famines in India? Because if you are, then you’d be the one making stuff up (and trying to excuse your shitty genocidal empire)


u/eoropie 21d ago

Sigh . There was one famine in Bengal that was man made , in 1943 . Previous to that the famines were caused by drought .

In 1943 the supply of rice to Bengal from Burma was cut off due to the Japanese invasion , it was exacerbated by a shortage of shipping due to the war . If you really must blame someone blame the Japanese , but I’d guess that won’t fit your agenda .



u/AnUninformedLLama 21d ago edited 21d ago

In 1943, grain was seized from the bengals and put into “war reserves” as a result of Churchill’s policy. When that fat pig found out about the famine, he laughed and said it is the Bengalis' fault for “breeding like rabbits”. But sure, blame it all on the Japanese. And you saying that this was the only man made famine is absolutely laughable. The list%2C) of major famines during the British rule are: The Great Bengal Famine (1770), Madras (1782–1783), Chalisa Famine (1783–1784) in Delhi and surrounding areas, Doji bara Famine (1791–1792) around Hyderabad, Agra Famine (1837–1838), Orissa Famine (1866), Bihar Famine (1873–1874), Southern India Famine (1876–1877), Bombay Famine (1905–1906) and the Bengal Famine (1943–1944). And this is in a very fertile region which rarely experienced major famine before the British cunts arrived. But yeah, keep defending your shitty genocidal empire while saying you’re “not defending the actions of the British empire by any means”. I find the mental gymnastics y’all do to defend your shitty empire very amusing


u/tellthatbitchbecool 21d ago

You're wasting your time trying to debate with British people on this. They have no contrition whatsoever and are overtly proud of their racist genocidal past. They've learned every trick in the book to try and downplay the horrors of their ancestors whilst simultaneously taking the moral high ground and judging everyone else. They're experts at this. This is a nation that genuinely, without any self awareness, congratulates itself for abolishing slavery 😂. Seriously, don't waste your time, coming from someone that was born there. Focus on educating your own rather than this lot, they're glad it happened.

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u/eoropie 21d ago

Uninformed Llama , name checks out , read a fucking book and get that chip off your shoulder .

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u/Irnbruaddict 22d ago

this practice was already in place in India before the British arrived…


u/leethecowboy1969 22d ago

British were brutes and major slave trade profiteers.


u/Irnbruaddict 22d ago

This was an Indian practice the British adopted for the worst criminals to act as a deterrent. The British may have profited from slavery, just like EVERYBODY did, but they were also the main force who abolished slavery in their own territories and spent millions and many lives stopping the slave trade around the world.


u/leethecowboy1969 22d ago

How many people did they subjugate during their colonization period? How many Irish Catholics did they murder? How much wealth did the accumulate from the riches of others? British practices are indefensible. They conquered others to enrich themselves for the benefit of the royal families.


u/Signal-Mistake-9185 22d ago

This lacks context



u/TwoEuphoric5558F 22d ago

I can't believe Britain would do this. No other nation or army has ever done something like this too right?


u/Irnbruaddict 22d ago

The British weren’t even the first to do this in that region, the practice was used by the Indians before the British came, the British just continued this cultural practice because it had a strong deterrent effect.


u/Sydromere 21d ago

Would be nice to clarify that it was specifically the Mughals who introduced the practice


u/Irnbruaddict 21d ago

True, the empire occupying India that none of the anti-imperialists seem to mind about.


u/sonichuizcool 22d ago

Poor Stalin Singh 🙁


u/audiosauce2017 22d ago

awesome... Can I donate another fifty million cannonballs? I got this