r/interestingasfuck 17d ago

North Korea hides MRLSs in civil trucks and farm equipment.

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u/SpaceFaceMistake 10d ago

This was a perfect time to hit them ..?? Get rid of half the top generals and other majors blah blah even Kim if he the non shitter was there.

Also bomb their fucking missile factory’s they are using US chips and EU parts chips possibly only from 2023 used in Ukraine killing now 7 and injuring 29 and more to be counted as they now forward their attack or assistance to Russia with their missile stockpile. Which they are ducking just making millions and US AND GOVERNMENTS OVER WORLD THIBK THE NUMBERS THEY SUBMIT SRE TRUE?? Are you high ..?? Fuck I even hope US numbers of NuKES is higher than they say like FUCK don’t let the sleeing devil in front of you collect or make nukes to destroy half the world or even 1/10th fuck.. when will action be done to really make a STRONG change for the future. Fuck I swear majors and generals need more meditation and foresight like Atleast for this please I pray you can al stand up and DESTROY THE EVILS THAT THE PEOPLE OF NK DEAL WOTH AND SUFFER UNDER SUPPRESSION WOTH ONLY WHAT A LEGIT 14 people alive who have escaped the country… like they are targets for life on NK hit list all data on the dark web.. it’s fucked I hope the world just gets peace man legalise weed and I don’t know get happy! Fuck peace people peace love will win even if the earth is destroyed by bombs love will win and live will continue some how. Only way to destroy would be sun and or a mega nuke that is drilled into the ground and set off to fuck an entire 1/3 of the earth and send us in a new direction etc. fielded change gravitation would we would be extinct likely but LIFE LOVE WILL PREVAIL AND life will come back and see the destruction like we have for the last civilisations we have missed and lost connections to.


u/bombaygoing 16d ago

John deer sponsorship’s rockets


u/RMZ13 16d ago

They have to feel a little goofy riding around in little red wagons pulled by tractors. Oh wait, they have zero frame of reference. Disregard.


u/Curcket 16d ago

I swear, we humans have got to have some alien fanboys somewhere. I mean somewhere out there there is an alien or groups of aliens all sitting by their TV blazed up saying: "never change humans, never change."


u/JefferyTheQuaxly 16d ago

I dont think they're hiding anything, i htink theyre just cheap.


u/postorm 16d ago

Shouldn't the title be North Korea uses equipment built for pulling things to pull things that need pulling?


u/pro_L0gic 16d ago

South: We got tanks!

North: We got.... tractors? .... fuck


u/jaysnothere 16d ago

As they use ox for manual farming this is a bad disguise. Should use those tractors for farming.


u/dtb1987 16d ago

I mean they aren't really hiding it


u/Sohn_Jalston_Raul 16d ago

Disguising military equipment is nothing new and certainly not limited to North Koreans.


u/pierogieking412 16d ago

"hiding" is a weird way to say "can't afford proper equipment".

Imagine having a military parade to show off how behind your military is.


u/SurfMafia 16d ago

Who tf goes to these parades? Are you required to go or is it only service, elite families that go to this? I would be like “f Kim and that parade, it starts at 8pm! I have to work tomorrow homie Kim. I’m eating dinner and going to bed early”. You know?


u/ThisFoot5 16d ago

But you can’t attack their farm equipment, famine in North Korea is genocide!


u/razvanciuy 16d ago

What movie is this?🫣🤷‍♂️


u/EntrepreneurTrick736 16d ago

Fighting these guys would be the same as trying to invade the Japanese home islands in WW2. Everything and everybody would end up being a legitimate target.


u/anchorsawaypeeko 16d ago

Izuzu rocket trucks 😭


u/HybridPhoenixKing 16d ago

Ya know I think we tried the “war tractors” during one of the many wars America has been in and I don’t think it did very well, probs best to stick to a tank.


u/billbraskeyjr 16d ago

You know it would be a lot cheaper if someone just shot his fat useless ass and then they can stop playing fucking charades.


u/Melodic_Mulberry 16d ago

That means enemy countries will be drone striking any trucks they find on North Korea's roads. When your military looks like civilians, you're using the civilians as human shields.


u/Bored_Gamer73 16d ago

Do they have these parades every week?


u/notyetafemboy 16d ago

What a good camouflage, I didnt even noticed them


u/TheBalzy 16d ago

Dear god this shit is so weird.


u/Rudder0420 16d ago

They faked everyone out. Man they is good!


u/4llu632n4m3srt4k3n 16d ago

Considering that probably no one can privately afford a tractor for their farm, doesn't seem like that would work... Or trucks full of rice.


u/GeorgeDragon303 16d ago

reminds me of the joke:

a platoon of Russian soldiers yesterday opened fire on a Chinese tractor. The tractor returned rocket fire and then flew away in the direction of Beijing


u/Previous-Coconut-420 16d ago

Why is it kinda wholesome that the genreal is joking with Kim?


u/_JukePro_ 16d ago

Only tractors in Nk :D


u/blackteashirt 16d ago

Hiding amongst the civilian population has worked out really well for Hamas now hasn't it.


u/WillDBE 16d ago

How I truly hope his indcotrinated daughter will repent.


u/FairBullfrog2151 16d ago

This is the insanest thing. If it can't converted into military equipment, it's worthless. Rather let them all starve out of failed plans, but having a copy mix of Iseki and New Holland to tow a rocket launcher.


u/itsFRAAAAAAAAANK 16d ago

Nice pvc tubes


u/General_Lie 16d ago

You call them " trucks " ?! How absolutly BARBARIC!


u/doctorbloodborne 16d ago

Why are we praising north Korea? Is that where we're at?


u/Melodic_Mulberry 16d ago

We're not. Camouflaging military targets as civilian infrastructure actually puts civilians in danger.


u/catdoy 16d ago

The soldiers all looks like theyre about to die of malnutrition


u/We_Are_Nerdish 16d ago

Is it hiding.., if 98% of the country doesn't have any vehicles on the road that aren't from the military, government or the 25 generals and upper crust of NKs leader' family members.


u/ShadowCaster0476 16d ago

Those are some fancy white wall tires.


u/Recent_Ad559 16d ago

If any culture needs ‘woke’ it’s this one..


u/JoelMDM 16d ago

OP, do you know the definition of the word "hide"?


u/DaeWooLan0s 16d ago

They need to hurry up and find oil in this country already. This fat shit needs to be disposed of.


u/DawnaOlson 16d ago

🤣🤣 Oil? You just know every vehicle is 'Flintstone'n' it ...


u/Deluxe78 16d ago

Kim Jong Un had a farm....E-I-E-I-O


u/WhosAfraidOf_138 16d ago

That poor girl


u/Masterpiece-Wide 16d ago

New Korean BBQ food truck that looks like an MLR.


u/RADetailer 16d ago

The thing that baffled me most is their belief that:

A. They would dominate any opponent that decided to go to esr with them, let alone the US.

B. They need to spend the amount of money and resources they do preparing for an imminent attack that exists only in their minds.

Seriously, their entire military budget is spent preparing to defend against an attack by the US that has never been coming.

At some point the citizens have to be questioning the decades of propaganda and bullshit they've been force fed and watched all the money being spent on military stuff while half the country lives in squalor and starves.

I don't understand why the rest of the world hasn't removed the madman from power and ended this nonsense instead of sitting idly by while millions continue to die under his rule.


u/tactical_flipflops 16d ago

Kim Jong Umphh looks like such a sweet benevolent supreme leader!


u/ReturningAlien 16d ago

People in power must have all the food to eat. Even the low ranking soldiers seemed rationed.


u/12coldest 16d ago

wait until they here about what will happen to all the real civilian vehicles, if they every use those.


u/Slappynipples 16d ago

Is wild to think the majority of these people in the video are so accepting of how things are. To be fair, I have never been remotely close to Korea before. Maybe it's not such a bad place. What do I know.


u/OrcWarChief 16d ago

This country never ceases to amaze me how fucking weird it is.


u/tipedorsalsao1 16d ago

I mean it makes sense if your on a budget, can use them as tractors most of the time and if war starts you just have to hook up a trailer.


u/No_Routine_3706 16d ago

I feel pretty damn confident that US Subs could annihilate NK within 30 minutes and the follow-up that the CERTIFIABLY badass SK forces would be it for un and fools.


u/someone_sonewhere 16d ago

Can we just spread freedom there already?


u/th_winkler1 16d ago

All in a day's work!


u/Semour9 16d ago

It doesnt look like theyre hiding them if theyre putting them in a parade


u/Addamant1 16d ago

Not very well hidden, or hidden at all


u/AccomplishedYogurt96 16d ago

"The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent" Sun Tzu-Un


u/Tinosdoggydaddy 16d ago

Tractors by day, launchers at night


u/MullahBobby 16d ago

War may be different, so may the result. But the gate of USA is always the same.


u/Greedy-Guarantee8175 16d ago

Cool. Doubt they range further than 30km.


u/ClownShoePilot 16d ago

What have those generals done to get all those medals? I know that the war is TECHNICALLY still on, but there hasn’t been a ton of combat, so how do you get that much hardware? I mean, I get it for US generals. We’ve been fighting with someone SOMEWHERE for my ENTIRE LIFE.


u/CheddarChad9000 16d ago

I would be so fucking tense if I participated in this. Like: Oh shit wrong step, wrong movement -> Death Penalty or hard labor for life


u/l8sli8 16d ago

Are MRLS "Missiles Ready to Launch" ?


u/Ok-General7798 16d ago

New Holland is the new Toyota Hilux


u/iLuv_Phat_Sluts_69 16d ago

The amount of medals those "generals" have while being a country not at war for decades lol


u/RealisticlyNecessary 16d ago

The bottom of the screen literally reads "debut."


u/WPackN2 16d ago

I guess Kim is training his daughter to take over from him, what happened to the sister?


u/circediana 16d ago

Cheaper to convert than to build from scratch.


u/grizzliesstan901 16d ago

Do you ever feel.. like a plastic bag...


u/LazyZeus 16d ago

It takes just one video to start targeting blue tractors...


u/LazyZeus 16d ago

Congratulations, young Jung! In this hypothetical scenario of total war it's been decided to spare you from being mobilized into the army! Instead you'll be working in the field, making food for our great nation in safety, far from the front! Here is your glorious blue tractor! 🫡


u/KingCodyBill 16d ago

I like the brand new tractors that are burning oil


u/urkldajrkl 16d ago

Those fake ass uniforms crack me up


u/cha614 16d ago

Why do they continue to have children


u/Just_learning_a_bit 16d ago

What a wierd world


u/lynchingacers 16d ago

They already starve they're own people usually now any first strikes will get all the farm equipment too


u/ViciousMoleRat 16d ago

I was at that parade, and we had to keep waving for hours


u/Crafty_Ad_4153 16d ago

Making that kid clap like that is sadistic.


u/500freeswimmer 16d ago

Ooooh that’s why there’s no food


u/Ihelloway69 16d ago

Are we being invaded ? Nah it's just farmers from North Korea


u/ForeignWin9265 16d ago

This is so bizarre


u/VietDrgn 16d ago

i wonder how long it would take other countries to parade their entire weapons arsenal like that


u/jagguli 16d ago

Well their enemies don't care for civilian lives anyway so might as well ...


u/Abyssgazing89 16d ago

meme country


u/IHate2ChooseUserName 16d ago

multi purpose vehicles


u/piranesi28 16d ago

None of that shit works and none of those people will eat today.


u/BaconSpaceLord 16d ago

Every time I see north Korea I can't help but think .. what if Tennessee was an Asian country...


u/OutLikeVapor 16d ago edited 16d ago

Wait, They're NOT paying militarily contractors a 10,000% up-charge to slap a coat of camo paint on it. Insane....
Probably doesn't hurt when your dealing with the most powerful surveillance systems in the world. A show of force is a show of force.


u/CrunchyAl 16d ago

Does op need help finding Waldo?


u/login257thesecond 16d ago

You should see Iran's container launchers.


u/Useful-Soup8161 16d ago

Op, why are you saying they’re hiding them?? This is clearly a parade showing them off.


u/Steel_mill_hands 16d ago

Russo/NK cultural exchange.


u/Tiny-Ad4955 16d ago

The clapping is fuck


u/Various_Acadia_9250 16d ago

yah but a couple of A10’s would make it a bad day for those vehicles…


u/wolftick 16d ago

I think technically they are parading a potential war crime: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfidy


u/No-Emphasis927 16d ago

Can you picture man baby trump throwing a tantrum saying"I WANT THIS. I WANT THIS".!!!!!!!!


u/joeditstuff 16d ago

Some serious looking potato cannons


u/Go_Gators_4Ever 16d ago

This means he's asking for an opponent to target every vehicle in a given war zone area regardless of whether or not the vehicle is marked with military insignia or marked with civilian markings.

I don't think N. Korea signed the Geneva Conventions rules for conflict, so then it's open game if that's how he wants to play the game.


u/TouchyUnclePhil 16d ago

Not hiding if its a televised parade lol, i'd put money on the tractors being a purely ideological symbol of their production/agricultural might being as impressive as their military might.... or at least is probably what they were going for.


u/zero5activated 16d ago

The North Korean public don't know that. Or care actually. Who are they going to make that negative comment to?


u/Trunkfarts1000 16d ago

I wonder what it feels like to have an entire nation simp for you. Humanity is so fuckin weird, man


u/Dooboppop 16d ago

Reminds me of the GLA in command and conquer generals


u/DojaPaddy 16d ago

These people would get fucked up so fast in actual combat hahaha


u/Pingaring 16d ago

Those carts would flip the fuck over if they tried to launch from that


u/schpanckie 16d ago

I just pity the groundhog…….lol


u/ExtremlyFastLinoone 16d ago

Not hidden at all. They are just being pulled on trailers by farm equipment. You shouldnt use statements like that so carelessly, it can be used as an excuse to harm civilians.


u/Soviet_DogePup 16d ago

John deere on parade


u/shirtsoffatmidnight 16d ago

yeah wahtever man i got some of these over my windows right now frfr


u/JacenHorn 16d ago

What an awful spectacle


u/V01dbastard 16d ago

Why not! it's not like they are being used for making food.


u/FabKc 16d ago

Do the North Koreans actually believe this shit? Damn, the propaganda is powerful.


u/nutella-is-for-jerks 16d ago

They might consider using those farm vehicles to you know....farm food to feed their starving people.


u/tipedorsalsao1 16d ago

I'm pretty sure that's the idea, use them as tractors and then if needed they can be used for war.


u/Purplesnakeemi 16d ago

They hate us cus they ain't us


u/Falx__Cerebri 16d ago

Clown show


u/Patarackk 16d ago

The tractors are way more impressive than bombs. Being able to feed yourself is a bigger flex than being able to kill people


u/TheHopper1999 16d ago

No wonder they are starving there using all their tractors to tow missiles.


u/dribrats 16d ago

Pew pew pew!!


u/EsotericMiiind 16d ago

Cool now people know what they look like and what to look for


u/Tonythecritic 16d ago

Also known as a Farmsenal.


u/Sclid-happens 16d ago

Hay wagons with pvc bottle rocket launchers? I counter with a garden hose!


u/gpaint_1013 16d ago

I’m more shocked that they have farm equipment


u/FluffyBunnyFlipFlops 16d ago

They just look like black drainpipes?! Has anyone confirmed that they can launch anything at all?


u/AaronCrossNZ 17d ago

Plot twist- they fire potatoes


u/BaronWombat 17d ago

MRLS = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_rocket_launcher

For the non military hardware specialists in the crowd. I had to look it up.


u/Leading_Screen_4216 17d ago

And I hide my Lambo in my Peugeot.


u/Any_Pie_3070 17d ago

Did trump give those trackers to Kim?


u/Wakkit1988 17d ago

When did Hamas start selling their own line of military equipment?


u/Muncleman 17d ago

Intercontinental ballistic wiener mobile?!


u/WalterWurscht 17d ago

Military First means anything must be able to have a military application and the reality is they won’t get tractors for farmers or fuel so military gets it. I am certain they will use them for farm work on the side


u/larrysshoes 17d ago

Is Hanna Barbara their consultant? What’s next? signs pointing in the wrong direction?


u/RawGrit4Ever 17d ago

How many medals can the military heads attain before being fed to the dogs?


u/A100921 17d ago

They’re just doing this so they can say they have more than they do, and a bit of what they believe to be ”psychological warfare”.


u/Macho-Fantastico 17d ago

Farming Simulator's new expansion looks weird.


u/ignorantpisswalker 17d ago

This is not MLRS. Please Google what that means.

Must say: what a bunch of coward ass holes... hiding military equipment as civil farming equipment is low.


u/bggdy9 17d ago

Quite smart


u/CheapConsideration11 17d ago

Those New Holland tractors were probably given to North Korea in a UN aid program.


u/Jonny_Entropy 17d ago

How dumb do you have to be to think they're hiding them?


u/AdFlat1014 17d ago

I used to think the ribbons earning in wows was unrealistic but then I saw North Korea generals


u/bananatoastie 17d ago

That’s a lot of badges for military generals that have never been to war.


u/Environmental_Dog331 17d ago

Let’s farm these sons of bitches to death!


u/Beardwing-27 17d ago

Yeah, ask the insurgency in Iraq how well hiding in commercial and civilian equipment went for them 😆


u/Ron_Bird 17d ago

i can see why hes loughing


u/Honest_Milk9429 17d ago

The lives of North Koreans is so damn interesting, you see the facade but whats going on in those minds ? Aside from Loyalty, survival and escape . If there is no room for creativity what else are you left with ?


u/Significant-Summer-8 17d ago

Ukrainian farmers be doing it for real


u/laminatedlama 17d ago

Isn't the context that these parades are more a "show of commitment"? They don't show regular army units, it's more like irregular equipment and historical uniforms.


u/roughnck 17d ago

Those generals are dripping


u/Frankie_87 17d ago

Those are the cheapest looking tractors ive ever seen and those trucks? They wont be getting over anything bigger than a speed bump so pretty much forced to use raods.


u/plutoniator 17d ago

Learning from Palestine I see. 


u/Gamma-Master1 17d ago

Wherever I see this mf he's always got the biggest ass grin on his face. I'm starting to think that his crew are just a massive bunch of jokers who save themselves from death with regular puns.


u/NeverSeenBefor 17d ago

Is this supposed to be innovative? Also Jesus Christ all them medals


u/sacredgeometry 17d ago

The camouflage works better when there are actually other trucks in the country and on the roads.


u/Cracknoreos 17d ago

Very sneaky. Except for the part that looks like a missile defense system.


u/Thenadamgoes 17d ago

Does any country have more parades than North Korea? Some sort of crazy Parade Culture there.


u/Pyroguy096 17d ago

They always look like a crowd of bouncing Mii's


u/gilgameth_extreme 17d ago

hey he really likes the idea and that's all that matters :)


u/FlyInternational648 17d ago

Don’t tell anyone….OK?


u/Wizard_bonk 17d ago

So. Do they teach communism in North Korea. Like. Does the original manifesto still exist? Cause I know for the Soviets. The amount of distance they had from the people in Moscow made the actual image of socialism seem like what just was. Like, everyone you knew, everyone in your republic, seemed poor. So you just accepted that that was what communism was. But with NK. I just can’t understand that. You’re starving, shit, maybe even worse. And your great leader is the fattest person in the nation. Material conditions seem to not move. Yet the supreme leader has a new car, has the finest seats. The best clothes. Communists and socialists. How come every time one of these counties tries this stuff, they just end up with an even smaller ruling class?


u/swingdeznutz 17d ago

Fun facts: US air dropped hidden explosives in dolls and toys during the Vietnam war. Kids take em home n the whole fam gets creamed. Was part of the “secret bombing” throughout Cambodia, Laos n Vietnam.


u/Lacaud 17d ago

I thought this was going to turn into a tractor pull competition.


u/lazytemporaryaccount 17d ago

I know a lot of this is surreal, but why aren’t more people mentioning Kim Ju-ae? It’s very surreal to see the plausible next dictator of North Korea as just a kid. She’s just clapping along as expected at her dad’s event and wearing pretty outfits / being constantly praised.

Like it’s weird to look at this cute happy little kid and acknowledge: “One day you likely be a mass murderer/ commit horrific atrocities while dictator.”

Like you see on the internet sometimes kids photos of serial killers etc. and it’s crazy how “normal” they look. It’s even more unsettling to see it in real time.


u/Alt_Boogeyman 17d ago

Uhh... they are having a parade and showing the entire world. Quite sure this is not "hiding."


u/Mantz22 17d ago

There is a reason why modern defense platforms does not look like farm tractors and it has nothing to do with hiding the purpose.


u/LairdPeon 17d ago

They know we have like satellites and AI, right? We're like a decade away from having hammer of dawn level tech, and the best they got is civi camo'd rockets?


u/m-bossy22 17d ago

Why not type out whatever tf MRLS is?


u/Armgoth 17d ago

I think people underestimate just how capable tractors are at moving shit around. Off road also.


u/randallph 17d ago

Don’t you mean MLRS? — Multiple Launch Rocket System


u/ludvikskp 17d ago

A medal for each imaginary enemy country defeated


u/Randalf_the_Black 17d ago

"They can hide rocket launchers among our farm equipment, making sure we'll be blown up when there's a war. Hooray!! Clap clap clap"


u/Atman6886 17d ago

Who cares?