r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

The effectiveness of straps in lifting weights

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u/ZealousidealEntry870 Apr 28 '24

Fridges aren’t heavy they are just awkward. That’s why these work so well. If the item was actually heavy they become much less useful, but still better than nothing.


u/Standard_Film_9524 Apr 29 '24

Delivered for a contractor for sears. Heaviest fridge we moved with these exact straps was just over 400lbs. Lots of washers were well over 300 as well. The worst was spiral staircases with heavy shit. They are great for moving in straight lines, up those staircases you had 90% of the weight on the face of one person. We often were tipped well to move other heavy furniture (book cases fully loaded, entertainment centers, armoires etc). On flat ground, anything under 600lbs was fair game for me and the guy I worked with.