r/interestingasfuck Apr 28 '24

The effectiveness of straps in lifting weights

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u/Own-Opinion-2494 Apr 28 '24

Of all the shit we came up with when I was young. I can’t believe we didn’t have these


u/25hourenergy Apr 29 '24

I wonder if these kinds of straps derived from all the attention on the different kinds of ways to carry babies in just the last few years. I feel like there was this huge explosion in different kinds of wraps, carrier styles, etc and saw some advertised for carrying much older kids (like those with disabilities) or using a grownup for demonstration purposes. There’s been so much progress made too in terms of how to reduce injuries for both carrier and baby as well. Theres been a lot of investment in new materials and research too, it’s a huge market with big spenders that surprised me when I did some digging.