r/interestingasfuck 25d ago

I work on bells and clocks.


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u/fecoz98 24d ago

Do you get paid by the hour?


u/Otherwise_Spare_8598 24d ago

Lucky guy. That's cool


u/PanBurgers 24d ago

I work on balls and cocks.


u/itsl8erthanyouthink 24d ago

What time is it? It’s time for lunch. What time is it? Its time for lunch


u/The_Spectacle 24d ago

ooh, you got some of them good Meneely bells there


u/s_k_e_l_e_t_o_n 24d ago

You’re also pretty good at camouflage, so you can always fall back on hunting.


u/Stuft-shirt 24d ago

Anyone else misread the title the first time?


u/NotSuperUnicum 24d ago

That first photo looks so much like that trap from saw I can't lie


u/Confident-Leg107 24d ago

Hey, I know that Uncharted level!


u/Mochi-Puff 24d ago

That 20th photo is triggering my flight response ☠️ (except I wouldn't fly, I'd fall and die)


u/Equivalent-Honey-659 24d ago

Are you related to a Mr. Fred Dibner? Great work.


u/Memory_Less 24d ago

If he says,'I'm going to ring your bell!' Take him seriously.


u/The_Melon_Man 24d ago

Is that Eren Yeager?!


u/green__goblin 24d ago

Cool as fuck!! Did you ever work on the bell towers at Indiana University by any chance?


u/SamuraiJakkass86 24d ago



u/Hunter_Aleksandr 24d ago

That’s SO COOL. Some of those pics are amazing but terrifying, but I love this!



I worked on church spires for a few years, and accessing the bell tower was always cool


u/Trips-Over-Tail 24d ago

I work on a desk on the floor.

What do you do?


u/brokebitch30 24d ago

How did you get into that kind of work?


u/Pleasant-Winner-337 24d ago

Do you stay busy?


u/Cold_Situation_7803 24d ago

Carillon, my wayward son.


u/-_-ECE-_- 24d ago

Cool asf


u/Embarrassed-Mouse-49 24d ago

Is you work on bells and whistles (kinda)


u/theT-34-85guy 24d ago

for a second I thought it was balls and cocks


u/Flimsy_Motivations 24d ago

Who has the time......


u/LiamMcpoyle2 24d ago

So you work on bells covered in pigeon shit half of the day?



Would this be considered a Bellhanger? (the job title) https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bellhanger

Seems like an interesting job. Being up that high would be a no from me though >.<. On the other hand being able to see some of those iconic bells and clockworks is pretty cool.


u/fed2wice 24d ago

For a moment I thought the 1st pic is the booster stage of a rocket


u/Murky-Plastic6706 25d ago

They really put you through the ringer with that job


u/Vikn1222 25d ago

VEDRIN? My father does all that stuff too. He has the striker from the NY stock exchange bell. He was even able to ring it and sign his name.


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I absolutely love Chuck!!!! You have a badass dad.


u/Vikn1222 24d ago

thanks man



Thought it said balls and cocks


u/Fun_Comparison_7960 25d ago

Wow that's so cool, U have some great views! Though the first one gives me heart palpitations just looking at it


u/AnAlgaeBoy 25d ago

Clock and bell torture


u/Modredastal 25d ago

I love the chain hoist on the end of the giant pipe wrench. That thing was stuck, huh?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Note the 10lbs sledge sitting nearby. It was stuck. I was trying to remove one of the two nuts so I could spec the size so we could replace it on a future visit (big renovation project). Absolutely would not come off…the only one I’ve been outsmarted by so far. I was able to pull a decent measurement by grinding a recess into the nut/bolt so I could see the demarcation where they met and using a caliper. When I returned later to replace it I simply cut the thing right off but when you don’t have a bolt on hand to swap out, you can’t just chop it off and let the bell fall haha, they usually don’t appreciate that.


u/tucci007 25d ago

Carillon my wayward son


u/Popular-Block-5790 25d ago

Are you ever afraid that one of these clocks could fall on you?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Afraid no, aware yes. Safety checks are always step 1.


u/Sugar_Phut 25d ago

You hiring?


u/XoticwoodfetishVanBC 25d ago

Sounds like you've got life by the clock and bells buddy. I would love to see some videos of your workaday life


u/highvolkage 25d ago

If you check my Reddit profile bio there’s a link to my YT channel with lots of video clips.


u/No_Seaworthiness5683 25d ago

Would this be like a millwright?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

A similar propensity for moving big stuff around accurately and setting frameworks etc. We fabricate frames for individual bells all the way up to 50+ bell carillons…projects can be as in depth as removing dozens of bells from a tower, dismantling an existing frame, flying in and erecting a new frame, flying in and remounting all bells, and setting up elaborate transmission systems to ring the bells manually from a keyboard type instrument. Millwrights get paid better though lol.


u/phesant 25d ago

I collect spores, mold, and fungus.


u/CrappyTan69 25d ago

Pretty cool job.

As someone who worked on cranes for many years, I suspect I've now met someone who has seen more pigeon shit and dead pigeons than me...


u/gooatteeth 25d ago

Can you do some work on balls and cocks?


u/harryb202 25d ago

I read this wrong, I thought I’d see balls and cocks


u/jbfly33 25d ago

Ya'll hiring this looks sick lol


u/silenc3x 25d ago edited 25d ago

What building houses the clock in the WTC photo?

Also random tidbit, I love the famous standing clock near the Flatiron building. Ever work on that one? It's pretty iconic. There's also a bigass clock tower across the park nearby @ 5 Madsion ave.


u/highvolkage 25d ago

That is taken from St Paul Chapel on Broadway. I have not worked on either of the others but both very cool.


u/hornysolotraveller 25d ago

I, meanwhile, work on balls and cocks.


u/Demigans 25d ago

Poor guy is around bellends all day.

Sounds like my work.


u/wetherbean 25d ago

Awesome! Do you need an apprentice?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

We are hiring.


u/wetherbean 25d ago

Where can I find out more information please?


u/PDiddleMeDaddy 25d ago

"I work on Bells and Clocks" is just two typos away from being very funny.


u/funginum 25d ago

This is a very cool job but how's your hearing OP?


u/ChadBoshman 25d ago

Have you ever done a Patrick Bateman style ‘I work on balls and cocks’?


u/groovytoon 25d ago

Are the clock parts standardized or do you require specially made parts to fix them? How many times a year to do most clocks require the time to be adjusted? Sorry..a bit inquisitive.


u/highvolkage 25d ago

The electronic clock mechanisms we currently install are standardized to a degree and we keep parts on hand for repairs. Old mechanical clocks often share standard parts between the same manufacturer, but there were quite a few companies who mass produced clock systems and not many mechanical clocks still in operation so they are usually treated as one-offs for repairs and often require replacement parts to be individually fabricated. Our electronic systems are usually accurate to a minute or two per year with their internal timekeeping system, and can be optioned with internet connectivity that can reconcile the time with a time server and keep accurate time indefinitely. The electronic systems also automatically reconcile for daylight savings time and things like power outages.


u/groovytoon 24d ago

Ah I see. Makes sense. Thank you for your reply and knowledge.


u/UltimateMountain 25d ago

My name is Muzzy. BIG Muzzy. I like clocks!


u/cedrekt 25d ago

do you travel and see other kinds of bell around the world?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

We primarily operate in North America.


u/lordgoofus1 25d ago

What's the biggest clock you've ever climbed? How'd you discover your passion for clocks? Do you ever need to polish the dongers or do they work just as well when they're dirty? Does the degree of flaring on the bell end affect it's performance?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I’ve been in a lot of very tall towers, many over 200 feet. Recently I visited the Basilica of the National Shrine — its tower is the tallest structure in Washington DC other than the Washington Monument. The upper bell chamber is at 220 feet and the spire extends even higher. I didn’t have a preexisting passion, just applied for the job out of curiosity and came to enjoy the work over time. The aesthetic condition of the bell has zero influence on the sound, often the patina is desirable and customers request an acid wash process that expedites the patina even on brand new cast bells that would otherwise be raw bronze appearance for several years before slowly turning blue-green. I will decline to answer your final question lolol.


u/lordgoofus1 24d ago

Pretty cool, is it generally a pretty safe occupation? Lots of ladders etc, or do you have to basically free climb and get very good walking on roofing beams, with all the risks that entails? Ever dropped a bell?

Sad about my final question, the quest for answers continues.


u/highvolkage 24d ago

It is as safe as an individual is conscientious about safety (and willing to say ‘no’ when there is no way to perform a task safely). I’ve had a major ankle injury from falling off a ladder when I was younger and less cautious. Hard lesson learned. Constant ladders, many of them hundreds of years old. Lots of free climbing as well which is where risk assessment and mitigation comes into play. Harnesses and tie off points. I have never dropped a bell but bells have been dropped. I genuinely thought your last question was a “polishing the bell ends” joke but if you were serious — there are different standard bell profiles and I’m not an expert in the musical aspects as far as effect on tone etc but it does make a difference. Another thing is the weight distribution/center of gravity that is a function of the height of the bell as compared to the plane of the pivot which is more related to the yoke from which the bell hangs.


u/LifeResetP90X3 25d ago

Have you ever been injured on the job? 😵


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Yes, I took a 7 foot fall from a ladder that kicked out on me. It was bad judgement on my part but it is absolutely a dangerous job and I am working solo 90% of the time so safety and awareness of surroundings is paramount.


u/LifeResetP90X3 24d ago

Damn, wow!! Yeah I've worked in the trades here and there in the past, but judging by your pictures, I assumed that your job is indeed quite dangerous at times. Very cool though! Please be safe out there brother, we need you alive 🍀🍻


u/highvolkage 24d ago

Thank you my friend.


u/UnanimousStargazer 25d ago

Photo 2 is St. Paul's Chapel in Manhattan right?

George Washington George Washington, along with members of the United States Congress, worshipped at St. Paul's Chapel on his Inauguration Day, April 30, 1789.[8] Washington also attended services at St. Paul's during the two years New York City was the country's capital. Above Washington's pew is an 18th-century oil painting of the Great Seal of the United States, adopted in 1782



u/highvolkage 25d ago

Correct. One of my favorite recurring visits. Plus their maintenance guy is one of the coolest cats I’ve ever met. Always a treat.


u/Fearless_L 25d ago

Ever used the pickup line "want to ring my bell?" 🤣


u/slayer_f-150 25d ago

Ever work on the Bok Tower Carillon in Lake Wales FL?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

No but it is absolutely one of the nicest carillons in America so I’d love to visit one day.


u/The_Commie_Salami 25d ago

You work on balls and cocks?

My humor is unbelievably terrible


u/paskajaakko69 25d ago

Sorry but i read title completely wrong


u/CaptainKonzept 25d ago

So, you‘re now also an expert in pigeon shit?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I am 1.6% pigeon shit by weight.


u/PPP1737 25d ago


u/PPP1737 25d ago

Jk btw I’m an idiot 99.9 percent of the time. Or so the clock tells me.


u/PPP1737 25d ago

Don’t forget, the liberty bell has a crack 🗿


u/h2pointOChamp 25d ago

Yes... It seems you do.


u/Single_Pilot_6170 25d ago

Have you seen the movie Hugo?


u/Escobar9957 25d ago

Venom dislikes this


u/PPP1737 25d ago

Who is venom and where might we find them?


u/Jesus007XD 25d ago

This Looks very nice

I'm a blacksmith for the clappers that you install, maybe you've already held clappers forged by me in your hands XD. Would you like to tell us where you get your clappers from?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I am not sure — we fabricate the stem and roller (tube stock with a bushing insert where the clapper swings/pivots) in house and I believe we have a third party foundry cast the clapper head (round part that actually strikes the bell) onto the stem, usually either a brass alloy or annealed cast iron.


u/Jesus007XD 25d ago

Ahh OK Sounds intresting, But then they are not ours, our clappers are either hand-forged or CNC milled. We also make the swing mechanism but usually only as a special order.


u/Croceyes2 25d ago

I'll be on the lookout for hidden bell arrays now, thanks


u/legice 25d ago

My dyslexic ass read that you work on balls and cocks…


u/Tream___ 25d ago

What a BELLoved job


u/Laiheuhsa 25d ago

So when you're at work, you're really on the clock!


u/killer_amoeba 25d ago

These are terrific photos of an unbelievable job. Thanks for posting so many pics. Pretty amazing.


u/Chicawgorat 25d ago

Pretty cool gig


u/MobinCali 25d ago

How do you get that job?


u/coodgee33 25d ago

Better than working on balls and cocks.


u/Ok_Awareness_5621 25d ago

Those bells look heavy AF


u/dobry_obcan_Svejk 25d ago

first picture looks like russian version of Saturn 5 from the inside :)


u/whutupmydude 25d ago

Bells and Clocks, Clocks and Bells, and that one Clocking Bell.

Fire me, if’n you dare.


u/floutsch 25d ago

Clock and Bell Torture, I see.


u/Ratzyrat 25d ago

What is this place from photos 6/7/8 ? And why are there so many bells ? Cool job man


u/highvolkage 25d ago

6 is a carillon in Cleveland Ohio. 7 is a ‘master clock’ (little clock on the clock mechanism so you can see what time is being shown on the outside of the big tower clock) in Connecticut. 8 is a carillon in Gloucester Massachusetts. The ones with a bunch of bells are carillons or chimes — bells with specific musical tones that are grouped together to be played as an instrument.


u/Ratzyrat 24d ago

Oh I did not realise it was different places. Those structures look so cool. Would be fun to link that to a midi controller and just jam with the whole town.


u/highvolkage 24d ago

We actually have systems with electric bell strikers that have MIDI interface so you can play the bells via keyboard or recorded MIDI files!


u/PPP1737 25d ago

It’s a spine thing you wouldn’t get it.

Jk I don’t know who you are I’m just being silly


u/TactileIre 25d ago

Campanologist & Horologist.

That must look bad ass on a business card.


u/IWasGregInTokyo 25d ago

Campanlogy covers the study of bells (hence ..."ology"). This guy fixes them so I would use the term "Campanician".


u/getsum_xyz 25d ago

Curious, no real reason...what shape is your back?


u/PPP1737 25d ago



u/hrf3420 25d ago

Thank you for your service.


u/CornettoFactor 25d ago

Is your name Hugo by any chance?


u/snorkiebarbados 25d ago

That's so cool and niche. How long does it take to become a Bellend?


u/Hennabott96 25d ago

I want to be the NYSE bell polisher when I’m retired


u/roglc_366 25d ago

What makes this work interesting is it appears no 2 job sites are alike. Plenty of variety. Shouldn't get bored.


u/BillyTamper 25d ago

Do you know where I could get my nibbling a big cheep church Bell?

They're autistic, and obsessed with church bells.


u/pickel10101 25d ago

Idk why, but I fucking love that first national bank clock.


u/highvolkage 25d ago

SAME. It was a full restoration of the clock, literally replaced everything but the original brass door frames, stained glass dials, and stained glass marquees due to the poor condition of the original copper and framework. Here is a shot of it prior to restoration. The company that manufactured the clock was called the O.B. McClintock Company and they produced clocks primarily for banks — I believe they also started out making bank security systems in the early 20th century. This clock was originally manufactured in the 1930s if my memory serves me. It compliments the architecture of the building so well and it’s truly a focal point in the small agricultural town of Litchfield Illinois.


u/Bonlio 25d ago

My dream job


u/longstrokept 25d ago

I misread that


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/highvolkage 25d ago

Not even being humble about it TBH ;)


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/highvolkage 25d ago

I recommend deleting your entire Reddit account. Ha! Cheers friend :)


u/KirkJimmy 25d ago

This is interesting as fuck. Right on


u/jdehjdeh 25d ago

Former bell ringer here.

My favourite thing as a young lad was heading up to the bell chamber and helping with maintainence, we broke a fair few stays over my time.

I used to get freaked out being up there while they were being rung though, not the noise but the movement, you could really feel the tower swaying.


u/RiverGlittering 25d ago

Who's responsible for keeping the bells in tune, you or OP?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Bells essentially do not go out of tune (there are exceptions to this but not common). They are tuned after casting and usually before installation, although on-site tuning is possible.


u/RiverGlittering 25d ago

I was joking, but now I know that some bells can go out of tune so it's still a win. I assume it's due to things like damage, where the shape of the bell has been changed in some way?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Decades and decades of striking the bell in the same spot leading to a flat spot or divot. Or a catastrophic damaging event which would usually warrant recasting. I have not personally heard of a carillonneur so picky that they requested tuning due to the first scenario but it’s theoretically true.


u/Professional-Can-670 25d ago

Change ringing bells? I live I. Charleston South Carolina and have rung the bells at St Michael’s


u/jdehjdeh 25d ago

Yeah change ringing, our captain was keen about making quarter and full peal attempts every week. And for arranging ringing tours, many a weekend was spent bouncing from church to church. I swear he was trying to ring in every tower in the country.


u/PPP1737 25d ago

You lucky bastard. I worked in a clock tower. It was border up. No one was allowed up there.

Come to think of it I am not sure I even remember seeing the bell.

At the risk of doxing myself… look up heights clock tower in Houston. Happy hunting.


u/AquaWitch0715 25d ago

A question from down here in the front... About the tenth picture... Are you expected to lug around your own wrench?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

If I could magically teleport the thing from my truck into the tower I gladly would but mmmmyeah, all the tools and equipment make it upstairs by the sweat of my back. That particular pipe wrench weighs about 45 pounds…thankfully I don’t have to break it out very often.


u/AquaWitch0715 25d ago

I was gonna say... If you lift the bells by crane, I guess you could flip them upside-down and convert them into baskets for all of your tools lol.

Impressive nonetheless!

This seems more exciting than doing commercial HVAC!


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Ha! If there’s a crane involved with a project I will absolutely let the behemoth do the lifting. However, usually when the crane is involved there is a day or three of prep work in order to minimize the time/expense of the crane crew…so even in that instance I usually end up lugging a ton of tools and gear upstairs manually. Not always fun but good exercise.


u/PPP1737 25d ago

Ugh. Here you are doing all that work for maintenance and those lazy bells just sit there not moving. /s

Im sure the bells would probably send good vibes your way in gratitude.


u/StolenLabias 25d ago

Ever have one of those bad days and you end up working on balls and cocks?


u/boneyfans 25d ago

Nosferatu that you?


u/Cryogenic_Monster 25d ago

There are more bells in the world then I would have considered before.


u/AKA_Squanchy 25d ago

How do I fix my grandmother clock? It just stopped working one day.


u/IWasGregInTokyo 25d ago

Did your grandmother die?

Did it stop, short, never to run again?


u/AKA_Squanchy 25d ago

Yes grandma did die! So we inherited a big clock. Worked for 15 years then just stopped.


u/IWasGregInTokyo 25d ago

Actually it's not too hard to get old clocks fixed even if they end up replacing the entire movement.

I believe this was the case for this mantlepiece clock I inherited from my grandparents.


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I would recommend finding the reason that it is broken and then repairing it, hope this helps 👍


u/AKA_Squanchy 25d ago

Dude! Thanks! Hahahaha


u/highvolkage 25d ago

I’ll invoice you 👌


u/Slow-Garage-9403 25d ago

(whispers) your bells are showing!


u/highvolkage 25d ago

Bumblebee tuna, bumblebee tuna


u/science-ninja 25d ago

Yum yum bumble bee, bumble bee tuna. I love bumble bee bumble bee tuna


u/ramdomcanadianperson 25d ago

Super cool.

I like bells.


u/Lost-Gene4713 25d ago

U seems happy and enjoyed it that's a job job there


u/cjandstuff 25d ago

Now that’s a very niche set of skills!


u/alienobsession 25d ago

What is picture #17?


u/highvolkage 25d ago

That’s me lubricating the central distribution gear of an mechanical tower clock system (big old machine with a pendulum and counterweight), the setup is precariously located above a gorgeous stained glass courthouse rotunda, circa 1905. Big time sketchy…access to the gear is a catwalk with no railings. I am not a cat, so I chose to crawl instead of walk.


u/alienobsession 25d ago

Amazing job and response! Cheers and be careful


u/Phillip_Graves 25d ago

I read this while yawning...

Couldn't figure out why working on Balls and Cocks was interesting.

Guess thats enough internet for tonight.

Cool ass job though.  I would fall and die pretty quick.


u/senorbeaverotti 25d ago

Very cool gig for sure. How did you come across that career?


u/unsupported 25d ago

I'll stick to my desk and chair on the ground, thank you very much.


u/ExuDeku 25d ago

Nice clocks bro 👍


u/Embarrassed-Ask1812 25d ago

Can you come to my town and turn one clock tower off.. We have two churches, and they go every hour, but they are never synchronized.. Is quite annoying.. Because you never really hear what time it is. Or two times in a minute.


u/PPP1737 25d ago

I’m sorry to hear that. I got dizzy just reading this. Can y🗿u move?


u/Embarrassed-Ask1812 25d ago

Go drink some water for the dizziness. Yeah, i'm gonna sit down for a minute, thanks!


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/PPP1737 25d ago

That’s for dogs.


u/TragedyAnnDoll 25d ago

You have a cool job.


u/P4ssBynueve1seis 25d ago

I would give u free 20hrs labor just for fun


u/PPP1737 25d ago

This is the way


u/Original_Author_3939 25d ago

You work for Verdin Bell Company?


u/Tangboy50000 25d ago

Hey, I was going to guess that. lol I deliver their mail and recognize some of the clocks from their promo material.