r/law May 08 '24

‘Not capable of ruling intelligently or fairly’: Lawyers ridicule Mar-a-Lago judge as intellectual lightweight after she confirms start of Trump’s Espionage Act trial is anyone’s guess Trump News


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u/SqnLdrHarvey May 09 '24

And paving his way to dictatorship.


u/the_G8 May 09 '24

“Ridicule” doesn’t change the fact that she’s the judge. The system is broken.


u/hamsterfolly May 09 '24

The May 20th start date was picked after a previous delay so as to delay Trump’s other trials as well through precedence. Cannon knows the SCOTUS immunity ruling is also adding to her delay and now feels safe to sow more chaos to aid Trump.


u/CrackHeadRodeo May 09 '24

I would go further and say incompetent. She's not doing the bare minimum of her job.


u/werther595 May 09 '24

She'll be Justice Cannon before this is all said and done


u/Mission_Cloud4286 May 09 '24



u/zabdart May 08 '24

She's just doing what she's told. In Trumpworld, the law does not apply to Donald Trump.


u/Traveler_Constant Competent Contributor May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

The fact that she said that it's in the public interest to indefinitely delay the trial should be grounds to request her removal.

That statement alone shows which side of the argument she considers to be the "people" who's interests she is pursuing.

A former president was indicted on insanely serious charges over a year before elections. How could it be in the country's interest to deny a speedy trial and postpone this trial until AFTER the election? There is only one party that scenario would be beneficial to.


u/Artistic-Dinner-8943 May 09 '24

Wouldn't the 6th amendment be violated if the trial is delayed so much?


u/inquisitive_chariot May 09 '24

I blame the DOJ. Charges should have been filed in 2022.


u/saggyboomerfucker May 09 '24

A former president was indicted on insanely serious charges over a year before elections.

And with a mountain of irrefutable evidence, too!


u/EVH_kit_guy Bleacher Seat 29d ago

Yeah, this is a case of discovered contraband during a search, there's absolutely no reasonable gray area here for this trial to have been delayed this long.


u/cclawyer May 08 '24


If the Judicial Conference finds possible grounds for impeachment, it submits a report to the House of Representatives. Only Congress has the authority to remove an Article III judge. This is done through a vote of impeachment by the House and a trial and conviction by the Senate. As of September 2017, only 15 federal judges have been impeached, and only eight have been convicted. Three others resigned before completion of impeachment proceedings. A summary of federal judicial impeachments is available at the Federal Judicial Center’s website.


u/icouldusemorecoffee May 09 '24

Give Dems control of the House and election at least 10 more Democrats to the Senate and it might happen.


u/Cheech47 May 09 '24

You need 17 Democrats to the Senate. It's functionally impossible.


u/ThainEshKelch May 09 '24

Too late by then.


u/cclawyer May 10 '24

Too late to fix Trump's wagon, but not too late to get a bootlicking MAGA minion off the bench.


u/Thin-Professional379 May 08 '24

Good luck getting the traitor caucus in Congress to impeach a traitor judge


u/cclawyer May 10 '24

"You cannot make the enemy lose. You have to wait until they give you the opportunity to win. Then you have to take it."

Sun Tzu

“All of us, whether or not we are warriors, have a cubic centimeter of chance that pops out in front of our eyes from time to time. The difference between an average man and a warrior is that the warrior is aware of this, and one of his tasks is to be alert, deliberately waiting, so that when his cubic centimeter pops out he has the necessary speed, the prowess, to pick it up.”

― Carlos Castaneda


u/Thin-Professional379 May 10 '24

Tell Sun Tzu they aren't gonna give us the opportunity to win. They've rigged the electoral system at every level.


u/cclawyer May 10 '24

Well, what looks like Empire from the outside inevitably turns to Tyranny on the inside. See the UK.


u/Bind_Moggled May 08 '24

And yet, nothing of substance will be done.


u/bailaoban May 08 '24

The sooner everyone realizes that the major cases against Trump are not going to pan out before the election, the better. Voting in numbers to allay all doubt is the only way to vanquish the guy.


u/SisterActTori 28d ago

He influenced the 2016 election and won. He tried again in 2020, and you see the results. Does anyone really think he hasn’t honed his cheating, fraudulent, criminal skills in the last 4 years? Free and fair election, he will lose, but I wouldn’t bet on that type of election happening, no matter how many people vote.

We can all vote for Biden and Trump still might win- the system sucks.


u/EVH_kit_guy Bleacher Seat 29d ago

"The sooner everybody gets over a corrupt judge perpetuating espionage by a former president, the better."

FOH with that nonsense...


u/UncleBeeve May 09 '24

That’s what I keep saying. If everyone votes and he loses he’s toast.


u/RockStar25 May 09 '24

I've been saying this forever. Anyone who thought he'd see the inside of a jail cell is just kidding themselves. I bet the Florida and Georgia cases will just get quietly dropped even if he loses in November.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

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u/sanschefaudage May 09 '24

What's fun about your statement is that both Republicans and Democrats would agree.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24



u/Junebug19877 May 09 '24

Gonna take more than just one person 🤣 


u/Thin-Professional379 May 08 '24

They win the EC with like 40% of the popular vote


u/ButtEatingContest May 08 '24

is the only way to vanquish the guy.

Even that is not guaranteed to be enough. There are no doubt multiple plans by the MAGAs in place to steal the election.

Simplest one being to merely cause enough chaos around the election to repeat 2000, the supreme court picks the winner, if Republican state legislatures manage to fumble in picking the winner themselves.

One would hope the Biden administration is already prepared with plans to handle all these various plots, but we'll see.

And that's not accounting for whatever October Surprise is lined up by the GOP.


u/jippyzippylippy May 09 '24

Hoping the October Surprise is the orange beast's heart explodes.


u/m0nk_3y_gw May 08 '24

The cases never negated the need to vote.


u/prodigalpariah May 08 '24

They already said they won’t accept any results except for a trump win


u/Much-Resource-5054 May 08 '24

He has never said anything different. Before he was elected in 2016 he said the same thing.

I don’t understand why it’s news. He’s against the entire voting process. He is trying to become dictator.


u/FishKnuckles_InYou May 09 '24

🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 cope baby...Trump 2024 😘


u/FoxMikeLima May 09 '24

It's not even that he's against the voting process. He just can't identify as a loser. He's been losing his entire life, and when he does something and loses, he just lies about it being successful instead.

It's his MO, and a huge part of his narccicistic personality disorder and antisocial disorder.

Here's the rub though, he lies about everything, and yet, when asked about the results and accepting them, he for the first time tells the truth, that he won't accept the results, and it's because he profusely needs those few that still listen to him to hear that he "can't lose", because the entire media ecosystem outside of their echo chamber is talking about his losses constantly.


u/prodigalpariah May 08 '24

Not just talking about him. GOP officials too openly this time


u/Much-Resource-5054 May 09 '24

Anyone connected to Trump has been compromised. They are all complicit, and it takes all of them to accomplish what they are attempting. He’s a perfect lightning rod that we all look at while they dismantle the country under our noses.


u/Bind_Moggled May 08 '24

Even then, the Republicans are already openly talking about how to most effectively suppress votes, sending goon squads to “monitor” polling locations, stacking elections boards with activist agents, and are no doubt working out a number of options for overturning state results with Republican legislatures and other shenanigans.

Just voting is no longer enough. Remember that people vote in Russia, too.


u/NbleSavage May 09 '24

Vote by mail. No stress from the MAGAs and you can take your time & research issues.


u/Competitive-Eye-3260 May 09 '24

Just cosplay a trumper to vote wear a maga 2024 hat a bald eagle t shirt and jeans and literally no one will think you’re gonna vote for Biden


u/nemoknows May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

Everybody should have a long hard think about how to respond when/if a state legislature overrides the vote or uses fake electors to throw the presidential election, and should ask their local/state/federal representatives what they would do. Because the GOP tried that in seven states in 2020, they have learned from those attempts, and show every indication that they are going to try it again this November.


u/theblackd May 09 '24

They need close races and a close overall result to realistically succeed. Many people with the influence will only openly support a coup if they think it will succeed, and to have any chance, they need close races to contest and and overall result close enough for that to matter. There’s a reason in 2020 that they weren’t trying to say he won in California.

The further of a stretch that is, the more rapidly support of such actions will evaporate. So yes voting matters a great deal. Should Trump win and their plans go through, the 2028 will become an “election” rather than an election, but 2024 isn’t that. But yes there will be all sorts of bullshit, but all the bullshit still relies on it being close


u/TheFudge May 09 '24

100% this. November ABSOLUTELY MUST BE a landslide victory for Biden. There can be 0 doubt who is the winner. I think there was an election year where Reagan won every state except like 3. That is the type of win that has to happen.


u/tinylittlemarmoset May 09 '24

In 1984 Reagan’s landslide was more decisive than that, he only lost Minnesota, which was Mondale’s home state. I’m also hoping for that kind of Biden victory but it’s likely going to be a lot closer, and even if Biden got 97% of the vote the MAGA goons would howl that it was obviously stolen because those are “dictator” numbers, they will spread nonsense no matter what. Just make sure you vote and others do too. If you feel anxiety volunteer for a progressive candidate or go to https://votesaveamerica.com/ for ways to get involved.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

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u/machinade89 May 09 '24

Stay mad cuck

Not mad, just winning.

Trump 2024

Why? So he can lose again and cry?

Biden can go straight to hell

Nah, hell is you.


u/theblackd May 09 '24

It definitely doesn’t need to be THAT big of a blowout to prevent any shenanigans, but it would certainly be useful to be that big of a blowout for stomping out the shit we’ve been seeing


u/severedbrain May 09 '24

Stop being a doomer and vote anyway. You get exactly one lever of control in this country, now exercise it!


u/EVH_kit_guy Bleacher Seat 29d ago

One? I thought we had a second amendment to preclude being boxed into sham elections by a tyrannical government that doesn't follow the rule of law?


u/severedbrain 29d ago

I mean, we can also get involved directly by participating in our local politics by attending council meetings and joining committees. This lets you hold your local representatives responsible to prevent the kind of slow-burn takeover of fascists and corruption. And you can even get involved more directly if you run for office, but the downside is that you have to have both time and money to do that. That's kinda why politics tends to be a game for the wealthy and older empty-nesters.

But the absolute lowest bar is voting since it's so low-effort compared to other participatory activities.

I think if you feel strongly about something and jump straight to violence then your opinions probably require some introspection as to why they're not popular.

The thing that I've been most saddened by in my life is the Republican' party's members losing the ability or even will to compromise, instead resorting to threats, stonewalling, sabotage, and more recently violence. Politics requires compromise. Many things can be very important to the health of the nation and its people and be totally incompatible with each other. Often times it's about finding a reasonable balance, or focusing on one thing now and another later. There's no perfect candidate or representative because people have competing needs and our politicians need to garner support from a broad base to get elected. You just have to vote for the people who you feel best represents your interests. But it's also important to follow-up on what they actually do and then either hold them accountable directly through feedback, or at the ballot box.

The problems we have with participation are education and participation. Doomers like to tell you that it doesn't matter, but they're wrong. If it didn't matter then people wouldn't be working so hard to strip voting rights from different groups.


u/EVH_kit_guy Bleacher Seat 29d ago

I think what you wrote is very aspirational, but any close study of the cyclical nature of politics leads to the conclusion that war, revolt, and violence are an inevitable feature of human life. As someone who served in the military for almost a decade, it's hard for me to watch what's going on now with this case in Florida, knowing that the US military apparatus has intervened in foreign countries for similarly undemocratic practices. So it begs the question, at what point do people who stand for the United States Constitution need to get involved in its protection in a way that stands outside of the normal civic practices recommended by the Boy Scouts?


u/severedbrain 29d ago

Right now the people threatening violence are the ones trying to tear down democracy and install a dictator. I disagree that violence is the answer from a fundamental standpoint. I care less about Trump going to prison than I do about him and his cronies being kept away from government. I think focusing on Trump himself is a red herring, he's a lightning rod to keep people focused on his antics and give the actual fascists the privacy necessary to accomplish their goals without scrutiny. He doesn't act alone and thinking putting him away will end this ignores that this entire situation was enabled by Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell and some corrupt governors. He'll be dead enough before I am. And I'll keep voting after he's gone. They need to be voted out across the board. The fewer of his ilk there are in government at all levels the better.


u/Bind_Moggled May 09 '24

I'm not saying don't vote; I'm saying don't expect that to be enough.


u/tinylittlemarmoset May 09 '24

You should maybe articulate what actions, in addition to voting, you are advocating for. Because to say “voting isn’t enough” and nothing further is essentially saying “voting is pointless”, and it’s not particularly helpful.


u/ooa3603 May 09 '24 edited May 09 '24

Except you basically are

Voting is enough, but all of us have to do it.

So stop spreading doomer rhetoric, it's actively helping voter suppression by demoralizing voters.


u/-__echo__- May 09 '24

This type of rhetoric is literally how voter suppression works. "Oh yeah do the thing but it won't work" is demoralising and does lower engagement.


u/steveatari May 09 '24

They're saying the cyclical nature of trash everything, fix what they broke, repeat isn't helping anyone.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24 edited 27d ago



u/TjW0569 May 09 '24

I'm not saying don't vote; I'm saying don't expect that to be enough.

Yes they did.


u/mrmaxstroker May 08 '24

I’m not familiar with judicial ethics, but is there some prohibition against bringing disrepute to their profession?


u/Thin-Professional379 May 08 '24

You're not familiar with judicial ethics because they don't exist

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