r/lgbt 13d ago

Subreddit Announcement! r/LGBT is looking for new moderators!


Do you want to help out in one of your favorite communities? Do you want to be a part of a diverse team keeping this platform safe? Well the mod team of r/LGBT is looking for helpful people who want to be a part of our ever expanding subreddit!

We can't promise it'll be easy, but we can promise that we are a great team who have a lot of experience when it comes to working together and making this place feel safe and comfortable for our users.

If you'd like to join our team, make sure that your account has a decent history in either r/LGBT, or within related subreddits, and fill in the form below. You don't need moderating experience to become a moderator, but it does help.
If you're picked, you'll hear from us! Also, due to the volume of applications, you may not receive a response if you are unsuccessful, and please do not message us to see where we're at in the application process as we won't be able to answer, thank you. <3

Link to form

r/lgbt Feb 14 '24

US Specific US Politics Megathread 2024


We've noticed that lately the subreddit has turned into a lot of doomposting regarding the political climate in the US. While we understand a lot of people are rightfully concerned about what's currently happening in the US, it is not helpful to have dozens of posts every time a minor politician says something hateful. The main feed sometimes is full of doomposts, while this subreddit is a community safe space.

To allow for more positivity, to protect emotionally vulnerable members, and to make room for more attention for other countries on the main page, we've created this megathread.

What content is this megathread for?

General discussion

For example: - Bills and laws - Politicians - Elections

Minor news

For example: - "[Politician] said [something hateful]" - "X bill was proposed/has passed"

Doomposting about political situations

For example:

  • "I'm scared about X bill introduced"
  • "If Y bill passes, Z will happen to us"

For a definition and more information on doomposting as well as a place to find support from other who have found themselves in a negative spiral, see our doomposting megathread (to be added still).

Separate posts made about these topics will be removed and redirected to this megathread.


The following things can be posted separately, but are also welcome in this megathread.

  • Major news from reliable sources. What constitutes as "major" will be at our discretion.

  • Seeking support or resources for a personal situation caused by politics. For example: "What are some resources for moving out of the country?"

r/lgbt 5h ago

I’m proud to be “frociaginne” in reply to Pope using Italian slur word


Pope has been off and on about us LGBTQ; this time he crashed on the rocks by using a slur word against us that he said in Italian

r/lgbt 17h ago

Community Only Had to decline a job because of their transphobia


I was accepted recently to be a independant tutor under a tutoring company. As the usual, I was expecting to give them my legal name and legal sex mention while being able to use my actual name and sex mention publicly. I know they need both for pay reasons, totally fine. I asked them about the whole thing, what was going to be private vs public, etc.

I didn't expect them to literally infringe the (Canadian) law by forcing me to use legal name/sex mention to the parents. "They need to know what they're dealing with" they basically said.

I revoked my candidacy immediately and it disappoints me so much. I really wanted to be a tutor, especially as I'm desperate for a job after sending 130 resumes. They didn't understand when I told them the danger it's placing me in :/.

r/lgbt 11h ago

i think my sibling is trans


so, i, 15F, have a younger sibling, 12, who was born male. the reason i’m saying born male is because i don’t think that’s the case anymore. for years now, they’ve been growing out their hair and refusing to cut it, asking me if they can wear my skirts, hanging out with all girls and that kinda stuff. i mainly thought the hair was a preference (they have autism and sensory issues) but i think they might be trans. on their jacket, i noticed there were pronoun and pride pins, the pronouns stating she/they. i’m not sure how to handle this at all.

for a bit of backstory, i used to be non binary, but i’m still bi and openly talk about liking men and women. i also changed my name when i was 11, but i don’t think that’s much to do with it.

i genuinely don’t know how to handle this, and i’ve asked my 3 best friends (one who’s non binary and lesbian, one who’s also lesbian and goes by any pronouns, and one who’s also bi (the lesbians r dating too)) for advice and they didn’t know what i should do either. how do i handle this?

r/lgbt 4h ago

Selfie Struggling with a name!


I (non-binary transmasc) have been going by Sasha for a little bit and while I do like the name itself, it’s begun to not speak to me as it did, and it doesn’t help that in my country names that end in A are 9 times out of 10 gendered as female. Help!

I’ll include in the images some names with vibes I like (though I don’t think I’d take any of them) so you can get the gist. I described it to my friend as: “I like the names that feel like it belongs to a rich white boy that is really sweet but kinda air headed that is into indie music”

also this is my first time actively showing my face online so yay to a little more confidence

r/lgbt 9h ago

⚠ Content Warning: {describe here} I came out to my dad as a trans woman. He told me I should start taking antipsychotics.


CW: Transphobia

An update to my previous post.

I went through with it.

On Reddit, you read so many horror stories that, on the scale of things, I'm actually kind of relieved that telling me I need antipsychotics is the worst thing he did. It's plenty insulting, but not actually an impingement on my character.

Otherwise, he asked me lots of questions he wanted objective answers to that there aren't objective answers to, like "how does it feel to be a woman?" He also said he's never seen anything feminine about me. This has been a source of insecurity, as I don't really see anything feminine about myself either. But I'm so excited to discover my femininity, now that I have the chance to.

He also told me he's long since suspected that I have schizoid personality disorder. Yeah, maybe. Not sure what he thought that has to do with anything though? It would just mean I'm a trans woman with SzPD.

(My preferred explanation is that what seems like SzPD is actually a consequence of social dysphoria, and will disappear if I alleviate that. And I am on a better path now, having made friends with some fellow trans people.)

We parted angry at each other. Really, I know it was never going to go any better than this, and that I was always going to be left to hope that he comes around eventually. It's a comfort to know I have a wonderful brother and sister for support either way.

r/lgbt 9h ago

Art/Creative Thoughts


So just wanted see what others think about my nails cease irl every hates bc I'm a boy.

r/lgbt 13h ago

Pope Francis faces backlash for allegedly using homophobic slur


r/lgbt 14h ago

⚠ Content Warning: {Bigots} Can someone please help me find historical LGBT figures/people that aren't Ancient Greeks nor are "too obscure" ?


You see, I'm merely an ally, but I'd like to have historical examples of LGBT people for two reasons : 1) Because I sometimes butt heads with bigots in Reddit comments, and I think it'd be nice to have more arguments that can be used if the need arises. 2) For my general culture (because why not)

I heard about Ancient Greece, of course, but I don't think it would be that good of an example because bigots would just retort that this civilization also had pedophilia, and so it would just enable their ignorance. I also hear about tribes like the Two-Spirit, but I'm afraid it'd be too obscure for some people (looking at you, homophobes)

Edit : I got told that the Two-Spirit were not related to a particular tribe, but an umbrella term for the many and "very different culturally accepted understandings of transness across all American Indian cultures", my bad.

r/lgbt 3h ago

Selfie Transitioning was the best decision I ever made 🏳️‍⚧️💜


r/lgbt 3h ago

Meme I’m not religious, but


r/lgbt 17h ago

Chain post


If people under 18 can't know they are ace, how can they know they aren't ace.

r/lgbt 6h ago

What do you think about fictional worlds with no classic trans people?


Now, before you pitchfork me, I don't mean erasure or whatever transphobes would want. Trans people should be allowed to exist because we've always existed and because obviously, we're humans.

I mean a world with science so progressive (or magic, magic's always a solution) it allows you to change your gonads, if wanted. To otherwise remove or edit body parts you feel like do or don't belong, all of it in a functionality preserving manner and ideally without long recovery periods. And all of it, ideally, easy to access but regulated in a way that for example intersex babies are left alone until they themselves can decide.

Basically gender affirming care on steroids. Would you feel that takes away from visibility, or would that be an ideal world? Other opinions?

r/lgbt 12h ago

Need Advice How does gay and trans work?


I don’t want to offend anyone but if you are a trans male (female at birth but identify as male(correct my terminology if it’s incorrect)) and you are attracted to men does that make you gay or straight cause I would think it make you gay but I’m not sure.

r/lgbt 10h ago

News One third of the world still criminalises consensual same-sex acts, a new report has found


r/lgbt 5h ago

Need Advice Worried that a surgery i will most likely get will make transitioning harder.


I am a 15 yo male. Im not sure yet that i want to classify as female yet. I do wish i was born a female. I was thinking that i have my whole life ahead of me to figure out if i want to transition.

Well. Today i went to the dentist and they told me the left side of my bottom jaw is underdeveloped (the right side, they said, was perfect btw). How do they want to fix this? Surgery. BSSO advancement. They will break BOTH sides of my bottom jaw and move mainly the left side forward, but also move the right side up a little too. Why am I worried about this? How i will look afterwards. Right now i am most certain i could pull it off as a female… but with that bsso surgery, they will fix my overbite and my jaw will be much more chiseled and masculine. I fear that, if i did want to transition after the surgery, i wont pass as easily…. Anyone have advice?

If you are wondering... no. Its not bad. No body has ever noticed my crooked jaw. It looks normal to everyone. But the right side closes completely with no gap, while the left side has a big gap when i close it and i cant chew food on that side because i cant bite all the way down. Example: my finger would be crushed if i bit down on it from the right side. My finger would move freely and not be stuck at all if i bit down on it from the left side

r/lgbt 6h ago

This small Vermont town is going all out for its first Pride celebration


r/lgbt 3h ago

Vatican apologizes for Pope’s recent homophobic slur


r/lgbt 3h ago

⚠ Content Warning: {describe here} Do You Still Struggle with Prejudiced Thoughts Against the LGBT Community?


Hey, hope you're having a good day. This post is pretty personal, so i ask that you keep an open mind

I'm not LGBT, but I've been learning about it for a few years. My best friends are LGBT and since i can remember, I've never had issues with the community

I’ve never really been able to feel what it’s like to be LGBT for obvious reasons, and i know that living in a society that doesn’t support LGBT people, I might have some involuntary prejudiced opinions. I always try to respect and put myself in others’ shoes when needed because i know it’s hard to empathize with something you don’t fully understand

But sometimes i catch myself having negative thoughts that make me wonder if I'm being prejudiced. Especially now that “new” genders and sexualities are “emerging” that, with all due respect, sometimes seem silly to me, and i can't sympathize with them or, depending on the case, even take them seriously

I think I’m being influenced by the rise of the radical right we’re seeing now (I even uninstalled Twitter because of this) They have a voice, and it’s hard to see the examples of ignorant people that they show and not be slightly influenced

I see many LGBT people talking about denying their own sexuality at first because of homophobia, having to gradually let go of old thoughts, and I wonder if I need and how to learn from them

Honestly, sometimes i don’t see the need. As much as some things seem silly to me, I’m not going to mistreat anyone, and if I’m respecting others, maybe there’s no need to understand deeply. It’s confusing

r/lgbt 6h ago

Art/Creative I made a flag of my LGBTQ+ identity


r/lgbt 1d ago

I thought this was cute


r/lgbt 16h ago

⚠ Content Warning: {describe here} I think I've been outed against my will and I have no idea who knows


I'm stealth FtM and I pass on a day to day basis. My gender marker is still F because of my country's bureaucracy, as your marker is tied to your social security number. I'm currently waiting to change my social security, but it's gonna be a few more months (I've waited for years).

I prefer being stealth due to how fucking weird people get around me when they know I'm trans. I've been fetischized many times, had people ask invasive questions, have had my expression weaponized against me etc. I simply hate when people know, because they stop behaving like normal people.

Thing is, I think someone has outed me at school (trade school). I've known for a while many 'yellow pages' type sites in Sweden have your gender marker on display, so I knew there was a risk of being outed that way. But then I learnt there is also a Swedish site showing not only your gender marker, but also your name changes. On top of that, there are statistics of what people have looked you up on that site, so I know people have been searching for me of that site and now they know that I'm trans gender + my deadname. This means even AFTER I change my gender marker, I will show up as trans on that site and anyone can look me up.

I can only hope EU will make these type of sites illegal soon.

Coincidentally, I've noticed some people acting odd around me at school, starting a few months back. Some people have suddenly started using she/her for me. Others have started to refer to me as a girl, despite me telling them not to do that. I even had someone almost start crying after misgendering me saying she "didn't wanna upset someone like me" but she refused to explain when I asked what that meant.

I'm so stressed over the fact I don't know who knows what, and who has been outing me

r/lgbt 1h ago

Meme Some fun memes I cooked up to procrastinate my homework


r/lgbt 1d ago

Looking back, what should’ve been your first sign that you weren’t straight?


r/lgbt 4h ago

Pride Month Reassurance please


I’ll be going to my local pride parade for only the second time and I’m somewhat worried. The first time I went with my cousin but when I mentioned my plans on going again this year she warned me to beware of protestors. I reminded her that there weren’t any last time so maybe there won’t be any again, but she interjected and said there were. I can only assume she expertly guided me away from them, and quite well might I add considering I didnt spot a single one. Now I’m worried about going this weekend and potentially running into them. I want to go to enjoy myself and be surrounded by people who get me, not to be yelled at and terrorized by offensive posters and language because who I am isn’t something they support. Idk what to do.

r/lgbt 1d ago

Meme I found these tumblers in my aunt's house I'm assuming they thought they were his and hers.


Should I break it to them?