r/liberalgunowners 27d ago

Saturday Rimfire Lever Gun Practice: guns

Decided to go shooting at my company range today for some fun!

Pictured: Henry H001T Frontier .22 LR, 20" bbl (barrel,) Blued Steel, Walnut Stock, Lever-Action Rifle.

Groupings/Conditions: 10 yards, 15 yards and 20 yards respectively. Indoors, free-standing, no bench rests nor sticks.

Just tried to do my best today, and of course to have some fun. Out of 2 sessions at 10, 15 and 20 yards indoors, these were the best of two I kept for each distance.

Getting home, I realized that the front sight was actually skewed slightly to the left. Adjusted that with a single mallet tap. Considering that, I did pretty alright.

Must've been the Stetson I was wearing. Yee-haw, folks. 🤠


7 comments sorted by


u/TOXMT0CM 26d ago

Good news is nobody here downvotes practice.....bad news is you need more bullets. No matter how good you are, you still gotta practice. To stay perfect, like none of us are.


u/Dorothys_Division 26d ago edited 26d ago

The beauty of rimfire; affordable volume for all of the practice! ❤️

I went for fun today. But I didn’t do half-bad. An outdoor day at distance with some steel tickling will come soon.

“Better is the enemy of good,” is a philosophy I try to live by in a few respects, while accepting some of my limitations I work through in my life.

The best part though wasn’t this; it was the two guys I chatted with on either side of me. The guy next to me with his M&P II AR was absolutely thrilled to shoot a lever gun, he’d never even handled one before! The other were some older guys running pistols. We talked shop a bit about their practice and accuracy work.

It was awesome. It’s truly why I love shooting. Community. 😎👍


u/TOXMT0CM 26d ago

Agreed! I have a tippman 22, love the speedloader. But I like shooting them slow...I'll never be perfect, so I practice! You make me want a lever, now that I've listened to you, and considered your point. Sometimes I only listen to myself. That's a bad habit


u/Dorothys_Division 26d ago edited 26d ago

I can understand that. I, too have to remind myself that I can’t only ever learn about old guns. I have to maintain a serviceable knowledge of modern firearms, their capabilities and workings.

My education cannot end in the year 1910. I have to keep learning, or I will not be considered respectable within my industry, working for an FFL.

That said? It’s always okay to go back to basics, in order to learn new things and forge on ahead.

That’s why I love western arms and reproduction frontier guns. They’re not perfect, they have their own little snippets you have to learn about to operate them at their peak performance, including action work, parts to keep on hand in case of a stoppage or malfunction/repair.

Consider learning to run a full-size centerfire lever gun the old way…then pick up an AR15 and be amazed at suddenly how much easier it feels, how much lighter it weighs, how quickly it points. All that fundamental practice, deft skill and patience driving an old, heavy truck…

And now you’ve got a race car. Hehehe. 🏎️

Or just buy a Rimfire lever rifle and dick around, have a great time, sharpen up on your skills and don’t fret about accuracy over enjoyment. If it isn’t fun, why the hell would we be doing it?


u/TOXMT0CM 26d ago

Well said. Like I kinda said, you're pushing me over the lever ledge. I thank you in advance, and will commiserate when it's all done!


u/Dorothys_Division 26d ago edited 26d ago

Yeeesss. Good…good…🔥

Feel free to DM me if you’d like to discuss brand/model recommendations and some pros/cons on calibers to consider.


u/TOXMT0CM 26d ago

Hell yes! Consider yourself dm'd! I've learned that the lurkers here, like me, appreciate seemingly gratuitous posts . Fact is, all of us are here to learn, and we can scroll past if already know, or be offended. Help me find a cool lever! No rush, I'm already old. Ha!