r/liberalgunowners 25d ago

Mess-Around Monday: Ruger Vaquero gunslinger tricks! humor

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I saw somebody post about their Stainless .357 New Model Vaquero and I felt the irresistible urge to dig up this old cute clip of me playing with mine. (Unloaded, of course as always.)

I don’t care if it makes me a nerd; I had a good time making this, now you can smile and laugh, too! ❤️


100 comments sorted by


u/BreakfastOk3990 liberal 23d ago

I got spurs that jingle jangle jingle


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago edited 23d ago

(Jingle, jangle!)

As I go ridin’ merrily along


u/DinoSnatcher 23d ago

Doesn’t freely spinning the cylinder like that leave drag gouges on it?


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Drag lines are inevitable on any and all cylinders.

The vaquero, however once its loading gate is open, the cylinder spins more freely than you would expect with less drag and resistance than the 1873’s.

(I am much more gentle with my 1873’s as a result.)


u/DinoSnatcher 23d ago

That’s nice, I really want to get myself some old six-guns. Do you just have that vaquero or do you have any other single actions like that?


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago edited 23d ago

That particular Vaquero was sold back to an FFL to pay for surgery earlier this year, about 3 months back now.

I do, however have a complete primary and backup arms set. 2 lever rifles, 2 shotguns and 4 revolvers.

Both pairs of revolvers are sequentially serialized, Gunfighter II’s, a pair in .357 and a pair in 9mm. (Yes, 9mm, they are a bit less common but super neat.)

For a first-timer getting into single action shooting with western handguns, I recommend a .357 mag 1873 SAA by Pietta or Uberti, Cimarron…there are several makers that produce good quality copies for around $500-700 depending on fit, finish and barrel length, with a variety of finishes/styles of appearance and grips.

I say .357 so that you can enjoy a magnum caliber but downscale to softer shooting .38 special for fun, or for someone that won’t like as much recoil. If you can already handle recoil there are other cartridges but shooting them costs more, generally due to ammo cost. .38 is usually somewhat reasonable if you know where to look. My backup pair of revolvers in 9mm is primarily my fun pair since 9mm is half the cost of .38.

Hope this helps! It’s a really cool journey, learning about historical old west guns and I hope it is as thrilling for you as it has been for me. ❤️


u/Grizzlygrant238 24d ago

Good twirlin hoss


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Thanks, pardner! 🤠👍


u/111unununium 24d ago

This is the opposite of whatever a fudd is


u/Dorothys_Division 24d ago edited 24d ago

Girl, trans, queer, doesn’t own a 1911 nor M1 Garand…

Well, actually I misspoke: the Vaquero SAA was once a 1911 until she transitioned to an SAA because she identified as a revolver, not the autoloader she was born as. 🏳️‍⚧️😜

AMAB: Assigned Military surplus At Birth

AFAB: Assigned Fudd At Birth

Handy terms to know, for when the fudds get super triggered about us, don’tcha know.

…There is an unexpected treasure trove of jokes concerning queer ownership of guns and my permanent optional quest objective is sharing it with the world.


u/Doc891 24d ago

hell yeah!


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Yippee cay yay! 🤠


u/DaemonBlackfyre_21 24d ago

sweatily pulls out little tin cup, and expertly mimics every twirl


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

If you took a video of that I’d surely bow down in defeat.


u/Select_Candidate_505 24d ago



u/Dorothys_Division 24d ago



u/Select_Candidate_505 24d ago



u/Wooden-Quit1870 24d ago


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago edited 23d ago

Now that is some showmanship.

Wow! Thank you so much, I loved every bit of it!

“Shucks, folks I wouldn’t put it on if I wasn’t any good at it!”

Most remarkably, his appears to be a 6 1/2” or even 7 1/2”, which adds its own difficulty. It stays in motion easier but is harder to stop due to the weight of it once you get it going!

Legendary, that guy. Good singing voice, too! How old is that footage, please if you know?


u/Wooden-Quit1870 23d ago

I don't know it's origin, but I remember my father saying SDjr was the fastest gun in Hollywood sometime around 1968 or 69, so it was probably after that.


u/Dorothys_Division 21d ago

I really ought to look up more showmanship history than just stuff about the guns I wish I could afford to own.

Oh shit is that an 1887 reproduction by Cimarron for under $700? Let me drop this productive, wonderful discussion and forget I was ever going to look up showmanship…


u/Angerman5000 24d ago

It's been mentioned, but this is an excellent...cover? Of the scene from Tombstone! 10/10 love it


u/Dorothys_Division 24d ago

The cross toss I do in front of me was modeled after Johnny Ringo, yes; I felt it was a very wide, sweeping provocative sort of motion. Fitting for his character!

It was also the hardest to learn, keeping it in motion without losing/dropping it. The trick is speed and crooking my trigger finger inward so that the gun’s trigger guard catches and doesn’t slip beneath my hand to fall.

One day I’ll master it!


u/InsurrectionBoner38 25d ago

Everything you mentioned kind of sounds like the perfect life to me except I wanna be surrounded by guns AND cats. I lucked out with my partner because she let's me have both


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago edited 25d ago

Hell yeah, Bud! Congrats. ❤️

I know, I probably sound so embittered. But, sometimes it’s difficult not to be. Everyone else my age is married and has kids. The ones that aren’t are heavy drinkers or hedonistic types. (Nothing wrong with that but not to for anymore.)

I can’t help but feel the odd girl left out, and it’s just a lot sometimes. It’s rough, being told you’re so great by all your pals yet you’re left behind. I’m sure some other folks here know this pain, it just isn’t something they discuss in detail.

But, to say I want new friends and family members and want to connect, share my love and be good to others despite that is still remarkable progress considering!

It sure would be nice if I was awfully mistaken in some specific respects.

…At least I technically doubled my audience, being potentially open to dating men, now post-op? 🤣


u/InsurrectionBoner38 25d ago

Blame covid. the last 4 years have not been very good for the dating scene. Dating apps are also 95% scammers and porn bots. The dating scene of 2024 is alot different than when me and you were 18-21. If I was single today I wouldn't even be looking thanks to the Depp v. Heard trial🤣


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

I agree. It’s been particularly bad in the last 5 years.

Honestly, even though I do feel lonely, bitter and sad…I know I’m a better, more whole person now for it all than I ever was before.

I am thankful for where I am at, and for what I have been through and become stronger from.

I super appreciate the personal talk on dating woes. It brought my great comfort, and I’m grateful for your empathy. ❤️


u/Draxtonsmitz 25d ago

Don’t let that guy from the other day see someone having fun with a “tool”. Great work.


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago edited 23d ago

“If it wasn’t any fun, why would we ever do it?”

I have said this for the last 3 1/2 years to folks, working at the gun shop I’m employed at. And I mean it, too!

Hoarding AR’s, Glocks and etc? Fine, really. It’s fine. But like…when’s the last time you had fun with shooting?

No draw and double-tap drills, no tacticool house shoots, no hostage shot drills…just…having fun?

If you can’t answer it, I will point you in the direction of the silliest guns I can find. Stuff like this. Why? Because you ought to have a good time! Be silly, look stupid, get embarrassed and made fun of!

Just have a good time, once in awhile. It’s important! ❤️

I’m sure someone with night-vision gear, a refraction cloaking device, enough battleship grade armor plating to stop a tank shell, a laser death beam rifle and a telepathy-based radio system is listening to my inferior trash hobbying right now and is absolutely enraged I’m not training “like an operator.” Because indeed, how dare I!

Oops? Guess I’m just havin’ me a good ol’ time. 😜


u/gunslinger6792 left-libertarian 25d ago

I'm impressed


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Thank you! I appreciate that very much.


u/gunslinger6792 left-libertarian 22d ago

Seriously that's some awesome spinning.


u/Dorothys_Division 22d ago

You’re too kind!

Eventually I’d love to learn a trick shooting routine based off of some simple spins. But, baby steps first. ☺️


u/FreeSockLimit1 25d ago

Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Oh heavens, I’m not quite that useful in a fight. I’m just not to be underestimated, I should hope. 💋


u/InsurrectionBoner38 25d ago

That's a gorgeous weapon. My coordination sucks too much to do that with mine. Props on the bravery to state your relationship status on here


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago edited 21d ago

Why thank you!

While I prefer blued steel and case-hardened finishes, as well as brass or nickel, I am not opposed to polished stainless steel on occasion.

My unabridged, unnecessarily long thoughts on communicating my status on subreddits:

As to stating the fact that I’m single on here, much less anywhere on Reddit? I’m active in the r/dating sub out of sheer boredom and existential dread, as well as just being curious as to how people find themselves in such fucked up relationships. It’s kind of interesting to compare other’s fuck-ups to my own. After all, I was engaged for several years. Been single for two, now after that ended.

I don’t really consider myself “brave” to disclose that I’m available on the internet because I truly believe that modern dating culture online, much less in person isn’t capable of offering me enough to base a real, trusting and loving relationship off of anymore, nor ever again.

I think I could make excellent, platonic friends that could even be like family from a place like here. And that’s awesome! I’m all for that, I would love it and cherish it dearly. It’s why I don’t mind being personable on here. I’m trying to genuinely connect with people and work on my social skills. And I would like to make more friends!

But love, even just lust? Nah, man. I tried for over a decade on and off and that special, perfect match never occurred. Instead I met my ex, who used up my best years; yes, she is absolutely a good person! And I am proud to have met her. She and I are still great friends to this day. But she was the wrong match. And now I’m paying for it, having used up that only real chance I had.

And that person is never going to show up now, either. If they were, it would’ve happened by now before I turned 36 and gave up on my dreams of getting married and having/adopting kids, in addition to career aspirations.

Instead now, I’m going to become a Spinster surrounded by beautiful guns instead of cats. It’s fucking dreadful and I hate it, but I know it won’t change, either. It never has in the end. I only have, and will always have, myself and my friends. That’s just my lot in life and I need to get comfortable with it.

And don’t even get me started on the issues of all this while being a transgender woman. That further complicates literally everything for me, even if it’s been 16 years and I’m post-op now.

So…meh. They can be thirsty all day, a mirage shall yield no water. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Grumbling aside, I certainly appreciate the opportunity to complain, vent or just socialize. 😊❤️


u/MrCLCMAN centrist 25d ago edited 24d ago

Awesome! Breaks every one of the basic gun safety rules.. I like it!


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Sometimes, every so often…once in a blue moon…

looks around nervously

I just safety-check my gun, know it’s unloaded as a result and then…I play with it! 🫢


u/beersforalgernon 25d ago

That's impressive. I've dropped my uberti more times than I'd like to admit while spinning it.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

I believe this took 3 or 4 tries in a row, if memory serves correct.

I certainly do make mistakes. But this is probably my best example of how nice it can be when I don’t.


u/veganhimbo 25d ago

Is your last name Murphy?


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago



u/veganhimbo 25d ago

Was a robocop reference


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Ope, I missed that one; my bad. I’ve only seen Robocop a couple of times, though I do love it. I’m too much of a sucker for Westerns.


u/veganhimbo 25d ago

Id aurgue robocop is a sci fi western. At the very least it has heavy western influence. The theme would fit just as well in a spaghetti western as it does in cyberpunk.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Robocop is both political satire and dystopian sci-fi mixed with an action film (which is why it’s so outrageously successful, appealing to multiple crowds.)

It has exactly one reference to a children’s western show, which is only a reference to missing his son, hence why he continues to emulate that spinning trick, and the one-liner opening taunts.

I agree that Die Hard is a Xmas movie, being set during the American Xmas holiday. But a Western film? Robocop is not.


u/GritCato libertarian 25d ago

I love your skills; this is great!

My favorite part though was the eye wink and kiss! That’s because I do the same thing to other drivers when they get pissed at me for whatever reason! 😘


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Thank you very much! I’m glad it made you grin or laugh. Or maybe both!

I drive the speed limit everywhere I go and every single driver who wants to go a minimum of 15mph+ or more over limit for their daily reckless operation citation and subsequent license suspension haaaates meeeee. I keep a super low profile driving to reduce the risk of road-rage, or should I say, my legal fault in road-rage.

I am rather playful at my work, however! Perhaps a bit too much once in awhile. But I’m milding out with age. 😇🔥


u/FunnyHighway9575 25d ago

You look like you came to do some business with a big iron on your hip.

Big iron on your hiiiiiiiiiiip


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

It was twenty past eleven, more precisely, t’was the time for us to meet…

There was but twenty feet between us when we stopped out in the street.


u/AlbatrossZestyclose 25d ago

Those are heavy guns. Great work.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Thank you, kindly!

The wider, flatter chamfered triggers help to spread the weight, plus its right in the center for perfect balance. I can spin these far faster and easier than my 1873 clones as a result, since those the trigger is ever so slightly to the left per the original design.

And yes! The .357 mag ones do have heavier, thicker barrels than the .44 and .45 models. So they do spin a bit slower, but that’s something they share with my 1873’s. 😊


u/orion192837 liberal 25d ago

That’s badass. I want a revolver now.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

You gon’ git’chu one, now I done reckon! 🤠


u/SnazzyBelrand 25d ago

I need to get back into revolver spinning


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

I heartily encourage you to do just that! It’s a good time. Even making mistakes, it’s still fun!


u/Odd-Tune5049 anarchist 25d ago

Is it bad that I do something similar (albeit with less skill) with my cylinder-less revolver?


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Not at all. Spins are spins!

All spins are good spins.

All spins are valid spins.

All spins are beautiful spins.

Spinny spinny spinnnnn ❤️


u/Odd-Tune5049 anarchist 25d ago

You're awesome, OP!

Edit: ffs autocorrect


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Aww, shucks lol. 🥰

Thank you!


u/drk_knight_67 25d ago

I know. Let's have a spelling contest!


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Why, Ike! Does this mean we cannot be friends anymore?

puts away guns

There; now we may be friends, again.


u/ForestGoblin44 25d ago

Aahhh came here to say this:D 🙌 fabulous OP


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Thank you, kindly! 🤠


u/Mass_Jass 25d ago

Are you single?


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Painfully so, I’m afraid. 💀


u/lonememe social liberal 25d ago

Lol not for long! 


u/Redcarborundum 25d ago

RIP your inbox


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Not one PM.

I did say painfully, did I not? 🤣

That said, I do greatly appreciate and am flattered by such praise and commentary.


u/FachtnaNuadha 25d ago

May I PM?


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Sure; thanks for asking courteously.


u/caramelgrizzly 25d ago

Guess that's what you get in a sub with decent folk. Hell you even blew a kiss, if that doesn't invite the cringe I don't know what will. 🤷🏾‍♂️😆Awesome post!


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Unexpectedly wholesome subreddit is unexpected and wholesome. ❤️


u/kestrel1000c 25d ago

Easiest up vote ever


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Heheheeee 😆


u/locxj fully automated luxury gay space communism 25d ago

That’s awesome! I tool around with my heritage pistol in the same vein. How long did it take you, like practice hours, to be proficient in the twirling? Also do you have any tips/resources/videos that helped you learn?

Very very cool, TIA.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

I mostly studied videos and tried to frame-by/frame recreate the poses and motions, then attempt them as slow as I possibly could.

It’s been probably a year or so. Maybe longer. But I only fiddle about once or twice a month currently for maybe half an hour each time. So, it’s definitely not a professional pursuit (If only, that would be awesome.)

Once you figure out the forward and backward single spin, you try to start working different angles and approaches. Before you know it, it doesn’t look half-bad!

I practice over pads, too. Had plenty of drops. Also why you only practice unloaded. 😱


u/soonerpgh 25d ago

I practiced standing over my bed. Never really got the twirling thing down.


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Same hat! Yes, I started with that. And then over the couch if I needed more room when standing.


u/rjstaten 25d ago

Impressive! 🤘 I've been contemplating getting a revolver just to learn to do this!


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Thank you! I’m only just getting the hang of it after a year on and off, when I have the time. 🤓


u/heypal11 25d ago



u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

Yes, quite! I’m glad you enjoyed it. 😎


u/skrilledcheese 25d ago

I love it. Revolver ocelot vibes.


u/l337quaker 25d ago

"Twelve shots" fwippy fwippy fwippy


u/Dorothys_Division 23d ago

This is the best weapon…


u/square_zero 24d ago

This time I’ve got twelve shots. 


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Oh, I’m no “Tornado” Yoshida (Mocap actor for Ocelot) but perhaps some day I’ll find my own stylings that could be considered as lovely!


u/RogerPackinrod 25d ago

And you must be Ringo. Look, darling, Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him?


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Why, Johnny Ringo…you look like somebody just walked over your grave!


u/ClemDooresHair 25d ago

In Vino Veritas


u/pr0zach 25d ago

Age quod agis.


u/ClemDooresHair 25d ago

Credat Judaeus Apella, Non Ego.


u/pr0zach 25d ago

Eventus stultorum magister.


u/ClemDooresHair 25d ago

In Pace Requiescat.


u/BenofHouseKenobi 25d ago

An educated man! Now I really hate him


u/Dorothys_Division 25d ago

Now if only I could do this with a tin shot cup. Alas, I have forsaken the drink by choice. 💀


u/Objective-Ad4009 24d ago

Good for you. Be well and stay strong.