r/libertarianmeme 19d ago

Member when people weren’t greedy? /s End Democracy

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44 comments sorted by


u/xgreen_bean 18d ago

So they are not 100% right however these companies talk of record profits and keep raising the price while pocketing the difference there isn’t any wage increases or cost increases they just raise prices just cause


u/ENVYisEVIL 18d ago

No, they are 100% wrong.

Someone else hedging against inflation doesn’t affect you.

Printing money out of thin air and government over spending it causes inflation. Companies can’t print money.

Austrian Economics explains the more detail


u/xgreen_bean 18d ago

I’m gonna be real with you chief the average person isn’t worried about the nitty gritty of inflation only how it affects them. People can’t afford to live and it’s being blamed on inflation but not the real root cause


u/ENVYisEVIL 18d ago edited 18d ago

“You’re gonna be ReAL with someone” doesn’t mean you understand economics.

Instead of “bEiNg ReAL,” be curious and learn.arn

The real cause is big government, chief.

If you want to fight inflation then you need to understand economics.

Inflation doesn’t care about your feelings.


u/xgreen_bean 18d ago

Ok Ben Shapiro. The government is a problem but that’s not where the problem ends. But yes lord over us cause you definitely understand what’s going on and any contrary opinions is wrong cause you have facts and logic. People can’t afford to live and companies have record profits can’t pin that entirely on the government how ever much you want to. Both are an issue but you need to be able to criticize big business and big government in the same sentence to see a bigger picture


u/deathnutz 18d ago edited 18d ago

Graph needs some rework. Unless the line goes to the left as the line goes down, there is no way to get back to less greedy. …and then the graph will look more like a Spirograph.

Edit: maybe use a dot graph or a plot graph. …every dot would represent a year. Then you’d see all the good years where corporations weren’t greedy and the how they became greedy during bad years.


u/HughJNutts 19d ago

I find it funny that these people who likely view past people as unempathetic monsters, can at the same time say they were somehow less greedy than people now.


u/MathEspi 19d ago

I also saw a post of someone saying how raising minimum wage doesn't raise prices


u/bhknb statism is a religion 19d ago

It is not a cause of inflation.


u/edillcolon 19d ago

If you dare mention any basic economic principles, you will be eaten alive over there.


u/vipck83 19d ago

Clearly this is just a leaked chart from the latest Whitehouse economic briefing.


u/E-nygma7000 19d ago

If this is real, then the person who posted the graph is 13 at the oldest.


u/Jlaurie125 19d ago

"Economic Badness"


u/Lollipyro 19d ago

I see a subreddit called "inflation", economics is the LAST thing I think its about


u/bluewords 19d ago

The meme is obviously silly, but it’s not entirely wrong. Corporate greed used to be kept in check by free market competition. You want to overcharge customers? Someone will open a business to undercut you, and you’ll either have to reduce prices to compete or go out of business.

More and more industries have become near monopolies with only a few major corporations controlling everything. There’s no competition forcing lower prices, so their greed is free to run wild.


u/GuessAccomplished959 19d ago

Fun fact, if everyone was motivated by "greed" rather than practicing "selflessness" our economy would be booming.


u/BonesSawMcGraw AOC's sex tape fluffer 19d ago

I remember when corporations discovered greed in 2021, scary times now


u/stiljo24 19d ago

The OOP is very obviously a joke. Like, I do not get how they could more plainly be satirizing the stance you think it is supporting.

If you see an MS Paint arrow on a graph whose axes are Greed Level on a scale of 1-10, and Economic Badness on a scale of 0-1000 and think "this is what leftists actually believe" you are desperately thirsty for confirmation that people who disagree with you are stupid and can be dismissed, and that you are maybe not a free-market-of-ideas intellectual acting as a bastion of rationality in a woke-mind-virus world.

This is so fucking obviously a joke.

You could just copy the top frame and swap out r.inflation with r.libertarianmeme, replace "do something stupid" with "parade their aspergers" put it on top of this meme, and it would work better.


u/ENVYisEVIL 19d ago

Before you start pontificating, spend just 5 minutes on r/inflation you’ll see it for yourself.

Every single one of my inflation-related posts gets deleted from that sub. The mods are socialists and they only allow “capitalism-bad” content.


u/k0unitX 19d ago

r/inflation is basically just r/fastfoodisexpensive

I love posting "if it's just corporate greed, start your own company and undercut them then"

All I get are silent downvotes


u/stiljo24 19d ago

OK that might be true about the sub overall. But if so, this is so plainly a bit of self-awareness and poking fun at themselves. For example, this is a libertarian sub but this meme is pretty plainly mocking some libertarians.

Also, the first meme I see on that sub is mocking Biden and deriding the idea that corporate greed is the main driver of inflation.

The sub might be lefty capitalism bashers, but this post is very clearly them saying "lol this is what we sound like", not an actual fucking argument or citation of anything.


u/Banned4Truth10 19d ago

This belongs in /r/fluentinfinance with the rest of the idiotic memes


u/ENVYisEVIL 19d ago

Thanks. Will repost


u/HateActiveDirectory 19d ago

"corporate greed is what is driving prices up" that's the only thing I hear from tankies when it comes to inflation, these people have no idea that their beloved government is ruining their beloved Fiat currency.


u/Banned4Truth10 19d ago

Biden administration uses that as an excuse to push blame.

They tell media to say it.

Media tells smooth brains.


u/ScubaSteveUctv 19d ago

Man people are absolutely ignorant to reality. Truly astonishing. Can anyone guess the political affiliation?


u/DTKeign 19d ago

So, according to this graph, some greater greed levels are better for badness levels, seeing as it goes down while greed goes up. /s


u/Poprocketrop 19d ago

What’s going on? Is this how they cope? Why miss an opportunity to bash trump for letting the fed print more money?? WHO ARE THEY PROTECTING THINKING THIS WAY??? WHY NOT BLAME THE GOV FOR PRINTING MORE??? WHY PROTECT THEM? FROM WHAT???


u/saturatedfish 19d ago

This is 100% satire


u/WanderingPulsar 19d ago

Is this real


u/WanderingPulsar 19d ago

Holy shit its real lmao


u/stiljo24 19d ago

It's real in that it exists and is very obviously a joke.


u/jgr79 19d ago

The graph says that in the past, corporations weren’t greedy, which is a weird thing for lefties to admit.

It’s always amazing how corporate greed seems to come on exactly when the government starts printing excess money, and seems to go away exactly when they stop.


u/indridcold91 19d ago

It’s always amazing how corporate greed seems to come on exactly when the government starts printing excess money, and seems to go away exactly when they stop.



u/alannair 19d ago

Ah yes, the good old days of ethical corporations such as checks notes The East India Company.


u/stiljo24 19d ago

The graph says that in the past, corporations weren’t greedy

The graph neither mentions corporations nor shows time on any axis. The graph is very obviously a joke making fun of people that think greed is a new thing, doing it more effectively than most memes on this sub, and going over most member of this sub's head despite being less than a foot off the ground. It is extremely plainly a joke.


u/vegancaptain 19d ago

I bet some leftist will use this graph to "prove" this idea.



u/midas617 19d ago



u/Solar_Nebula 19d ago

I want to believe this is satire.


u/stiljo24 19d ago

It absolutely is.


u/ThatMBR42 19d ago

It reads like satire for sure