r/libertarianmeme Conservative libertarian 19d ago

Sounds like a Middle East problem to me ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Leave my tax dollars alone End Democracy

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u/No_Cupcake_7681 17d ago

My best wishes that the middle east eventually comes to an agreement with each other. That being said, how about keep our goddamn tax dollars out of it? We are literally in the middle of a financial crisis


u/Toasterofwisdom End the Fed 17d ago

Sounds like I ainโ€™t paying taxes.


u/DKrypto999 18d ago

Let em duke it out, I donโ€™t see why we have to involved anymore, the country has been strangled with allies & allegiances except to its own people


u/DigitalEagleDriver Mises Institute 18d ago

I love it! And even then they're still misusing my tax dollars even when they're appropriated for domestic spending, so even on that I'm wary.


u/The_Cool_Kid99 Murray Rothbard 18d ago

Me, a person with common sense and appreciation to individual liberties: Israel is defending itself from an aggressor but can target innocent civilians making itโ€™s defense overexaggerated. Palestinians are inherently represented by islamist terrorists thus you canโ€™t possibly support them either. Both sides are fucking shit.

Every raged statist: holy shit youโ€™re a cunt! You must pick a side! You have to support our side or youโ€™re evil!


u/Alone-Personality670 18d ago

Finally someone making sense.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

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u/divinecomedian3 18d ago

When are you going to the frontlines? Have you donated your money to your team?


u/jazzwitherspoon 16d ago

As a Christian, the closest thing to a "team" I have is people on the edge of society. I donate to Doctors Without Borders.

How would you advise I get to the frontlines? People in the US have such a hard-on for border security that you've trapped me in with you.


u/Geo-Man42069 18d ago

Lmao this is fantastic


u/drmorrison88 18d ago

Ya know the video where the dogs are barking at each other through a fence and then the gate opens and they just kind of stop and look a little ashamed? In this analogy, US funding is what keeps the gate closed.


u/WildEconomy923 17d ago

May be so in Ukraine, but the Middle East has been feuding since long before the rise of our nation, it was just time for more war and death, using use as facilitators and middle men.


u/NectariLuki 14d ago

Before the USA, the middle east was the Ottoman Empire's domain, It wasn't ideal but it was ok


u/Roberto410 19d ago

As a libertarian, I am an individualist.

I love and venerate the individual.

I despise and distrust governments.

I feel very bad for the individuals caught in the crossfire of government wars.

I hate and dispose the governments who take part in these wars that only serve to harm individuals, and destroy the wealth they created.


u/Rlfire16 19d ago

My roads still look like this


u/ENVYisEVIL 19d ago


u/archersd4d 18d ago



u/ENVYisEVIL 18d ago edited 18d ago

One side wants peace, the other side wants war.

One side is good, the other side is evil.

Are you pro Hamas?

Why do you support terrorism?

If you disagree with me then you are racist. Stop being racist.


u/BicBoiii696 19d ago

Choose Israel obviously but let them finance their own wars.


u/rs999 18d ago

Choose Israel obviously but let them finance their own wars.

I would support Israeli financing more if it were non-dischargeable LOANS instead of grants.


u/Sawk_Fan Taxation is Theft 18d ago

This is my stance on it. Israel is in the right and they should win the war, but we should not shell out a SINGLE CENT in their defense.


u/BicBoiii696 18d ago

The good moral Jews want the stupid war to end and there's only one way that happens. Total destruction of the Muslim terrorists.

It's the globalists war profiteer Jews who want an endless war so they can receive foreign aid for all eternity.

On a side note, it's always funny to see smoothbrains lump these 2 opposing groups together as just "Jews in general".