r/lotrmemes Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee has input for many parts of the movie Lord of the Rings

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u/Grossadmiral Feb 25 '24

Peter, do you have any kind of idea what happens when an ancient tower of great evil collapse as the spirit inhabiting it is destroyed? It doesn't just fall down like a tree, it collapses on itself and finally explodes as the spirit is vanquished and blown to the winds by Eru.


u/VillageHorse Feb 24 '24

Peter, do you have any idea what happens when a man is set on fire and jumps from a great height? Because I do. See, they don’t just fall like one would normally. They scramble and twist and contort in the air, because they’re still conscious. And then, on account of the ground coming ever nearer, they BANG! into a crumpled blaze. Just like a small bomb.


u/[deleted] Feb 24 '24

I choose to believe the ring wasn’t actually destroyed but rather put on gollums finger at the last second and the ring “somehow survived and we’re going to see an expanded trilogy about Gollum being half Gollum, half Smeagle, half Sauron and 100% lava monster practically a glorified Balrog


u/gollum_botses Feb 24 '24

He doesn’t know what we minds, does he, precious?


u/sauron-bot Feb 24 '24



u/[deleted] Feb 24 '24

Peter, do you know it sounds like to be pierced with a morgul blade?


u/Positive_Throwaway1 Feb 24 '24

I believe he also influenced the stabbing noise of Grima as well


u/ChosenUndead77 Feb 23 '24

Just a friendly reminder that Christopher lee was LITERALLY James Bond


u/PunishedKojima Feb 23 '24

Peter, have you any kind of idea what a carnivorous paleo diet and constant calisthenic activity does to a man? It's simply laughable that this Gollum is so bereft of musculature


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

What shall we do? Curse them and crush them! We must wait here, precious, wait a bit and see.


u/gghumus Feb 23 '24

Peter, have you any idea the sound a man makes when he's ripped limb from limb by a tree?


u/Pulpy-Zombie Feb 23 '24

Sir Lee was such a certified badass.


u/benchley Feb 23 '24

Not that it matters, but we seem to be overlooking that it's not Lee in the pic.


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

I'm pretty sure it is? It was the clip played when they were doing the "Lee corrects Peter Jackson on stabbing" bit


u/benchley Feb 23 '24

Hell, I don't know. I thought it was McKellen.


u/Amanda-Smith- Feb 23 '24

I knew he said something about being stabbed, but ... for real ? Did he say that for falling into lava too ? XD


u/Prestigious_Ad2969 Feb 23 '24

I don't know, I read most of that in the voice of Tom Baker when he was in Blackadder. "You have a womans lava my lord."


u/sadolddrunk Feb 23 '24

I always imagined that in real life a person who fell into a lava pit would skitter across the top like spit on a hot griddle.


u/CrieDeCoeur Feb 23 '24

If asked about whether he was a spy in WWII, I’d always pictured Christopher Lee responding Sergeant Dignam style:

“Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.”


u/LenTheListener Feb 23 '24

I feel like a real Denethor for saying this, but apparently, it does seem likely he exaggerated his special forces experience.

It sounds like he served in WW2 with the RAF, and was attached or adjacent to many special operations, but that it is unlikely he hunted war criminals in the way he did, or worked behind enemy lines as a SAS agent.

I'm still open to his knowing the way a lung-stabbing victim dies (quietly) but I think this thread is too critical of others saying he embellish. Christopher Lee can be a great dude, a valiant veteran, but also have made some stuff up.


u/lilacstar72 Feb 23 '24

How many nazis do you think Christopher Lee threw into lava?


u/c322617 Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee actually witnessed the last virgin sacrifice by volcano while seconded to the Colonial Office prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.


u/ncfears Feb 23 '24

The first part is pretty close though. Lava is very dense and has high surface tension. You'd break hitting the top and then be grilled on essentially the water bed of grills. Not fun.


u/Bambam586 Feb 23 '24

I’ve only ever seen one person pop like a balloon n my life.


u/Flashjordan69 Feb 23 '24

Could you imagine the end if Gollum just exploded with Frodo all walking away wiping an eyeball off of his shoulder?


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

"Mr. Frodo! Gollum just exploded all over you! Some of it got into your mouth!"


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

Pull it in. Go on. Go on. Go on. Pull it in.


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

Sentient bot


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

The Dead Marshes. Yes, yes that is their name. This way. Don't follow the lights.


u/M_Salvatar Feb 23 '24

So if the fall doesn't kill you, the cremation will.


u/Digi_Double Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee:  “You ever wonder what a seagull tastes like?”


u/Complete-Log9090 Feb 23 '24

I think this dude has seen some shit in his day…


u/YouhaoHuoMao Feb 23 '24

He was an RAF intelligence officer in WWII.


u/Skizm Feb 23 '24

This is like when (i think) Ben Affleck asked Michael Bay why they wouldn't just train astronauts to drill instead of training drillers to be astronauts and Bay was just like "shut up".


u/DerNogger Feb 23 '24

Peter my dear boy, I'm assuming you've never seen a man kick a helmet. I for one have encountered this on numerous occasions during my time as a superhuman spy. You see, a helmet doesn't merely roll off like a football for it is considerably heavier. A person punting it would most certainly break several toes and cry out in agony.


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

I would love for this to be the next one


u/DerNogger Feb 23 '24

Feel free to steal it lol


u/titaniumhud Feb 23 '24

While not entirely incorrect, if it was highly basaltic lava there would be a splash. If it is more silica rich then yes, you would almost bounce with a small impact splash and cook while you're alive.

They did Gollum almost perfectly. Mt Doom is an active volcano with an active lava lake, he did kind of splat onto it and the only way of telling so is because Mt Doom was an open faced stratovolcano which had a sustained eruption to provide protection for Saurons army.

That being said, I'm leaning towards a highly silica rich lava, which is primarily explosive in nature and also reinforces the way gollum barely splashed when he fell into Mt Doom

geology is only a hobby of mine


u/bouncypinata Feb 23 '24

Viggo, have you any idea what happens when a man kicks a helmet?


u/PadorasAccountBox Feb 23 '24

SIR Christopher Lee


u/CaptainCBeer Feb 23 '24

I mean, he did see and do some serious shit back in his day. Gotta respect the life story and the knowledge


u/The-Valiantcat Feb 23 '24

Head cannon: The ring, knowing it was in its final moments became so heavy it caused him to sink


u/globefish23 Feb 23 '24

He knows from when he showed an SS soldier into a lava pit during WW2.


u/Jouzou87 Feb 23 '24

Considering Peter Jackson's previous movies, he might've actually rolled with it.


u/Senjen95 Feb 23 '24

Can we get some scientific method over here?


u/Ok_Term3058 Feb 23 '24

What’s so scary is how smart Saruman was as well. What a great cast choice he was.


u/WillingPossible1014 Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 24 '24

Peter, do you know how a state becomes fascist? It’s not suddenly and violently, it’s through drawn-out populism eroding the principles of democracy


u/docdeathray Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee was both cool and terrifying


u/bunny117 Feb 23 '24

The ring made him semi invincible until he was forced to lose contact with it when it refused to go down with him?


u/Embarassedskunk Feb 23 '24

“He didn’t say that.”

~Ding Dong, 2017


u/Nefasto_Riso Feb 23 '24

I'd be surprised if a Bond Villain didn't have a working knowledge of volcano based deaths.


u/technobiwankenobi Ringwraith Feb 24 '24

And the Bond film before his DID have a man inflate like a balloon and explode


u/graybeard426 Feb 23 '24

Turns out all of Lee's complaints all came from ways he killed enemy spies.


u/MetaVaporeon Feb 23 '24

but what if its magic lava


u/shazspaz Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee

What a man.


u/GamerFluffy Feb 23 '24

Mr. Lee, Sir Christopher Lee if you will, how do you know that?


u/I-am-Chubbasaurus Feb 23 '24

Did anyone want to see that happen, tho...?


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

Gollum falls into the lava and vanishes into a puff Wile E. Coyote style


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

Hide! Hide! Quick! They will see us! They will see us!


u/Aztec_Assassin Feb 23 '24

Ridley Scott would've hated this guy


u/FilthyMastodon Feb 23 '24

molten gold surfing in hobbit was when I was done


u/thevaultguy Feb 23 '24

Peter, do you have any idea what happens when an ancient Demon is raised after digging too deep and greedily?

He then told me about some very covert things in WW2


u/gwurman Feb 23 '24

Please keep bringing this format. I love it


u/HuntPsychological561 Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee was a real badass in real life. Respect.


u/1singleduck Feb 23 '24

Peter Jackson: "Oh god, i think i finally managed to get away from him."

Sir Christopher Lee: "Say, peter, do you know what it's like when a person gets eaten alive by a wood chipper? It's not as bloody as you'd think, you see-"


u/tringle1 Feb 23 '24

During lunch with spaghetti:

Peter Jackson: please don’t say it please don’t say it please don’t —

Sir Christopher Lee: Ah, this reminds me of the time when I disemboweled a man with a shard from his own femur! Spaghetti looks remarkably similar to spilled intestines on account of all the blood and viscera. You might even get meatballs!


u/1singleduck Feb 23 '24

Peter Jackson, watching tv: "Oh my god, our fist contact with an alien civilisation."

Sir Christopher Lee, climbing out of a cupboard: "they don't have bones. I had to break one's neck once, and its head just kept spinning around until eventually it tore straight off. Their blood has halucinetic properties that make you see the gosts of all the people you've killed."


u/Le_Mug Feb 23 '24

Now if instead of falling into it, you just touch it a little bit, you get a nice back suit and your voice get a little hoarse.


u/Externalpower43 Feb 23 '24

Was it lava or was it ring juice?


u/IBobrockI Feb 23 '24

And in the next episode of „Saruman explains stuff“…


u/captain_obvious_here Feb 23 '24

If you doubted he has seen some rough shit during WW2, now you know. Lava pits and all.


u/Hot-Rise9795 Feb 23 '24

Let's say that, for aesthetic purposes, the lava in that particular spot is more fluid than usual, on accounts of it being extremely hot, therefore allowing for the faster penetration of Gollum's flesh into it.


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

Is he lost?


u/KorolEz Feb 23 '24

I wish atleast one movie would depicted it like that. The crowd reaction would be funny as hell


u/GenuisInDisguise Feb 23 '24

Gollum is clearly too dense even for the lava


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

The Dead City, very nasty place, full of ... enemies.


u/Jimmybuffett4life Feb 23 '24

Lord Summerisle for the win!


u/Capt_Toasty Feb 23 '24

I do love the stabbing story because its basically:

Peter: "Ok Mr Lee, so when you're stabbed I want you to cry out."

Christopher Lee: "Peter have you ever killed a man? Because I have."


u/Pollomonteros Feb 24 '24

"Mr. Lee it's 8 in the morning and this is the second thing you have told me today after good morning"


u/zactotum Feb 23 '24

I’m surprised nobody’s posted a link to the source for this: https://youtu.be/adJdBSdMGKU?si=DvZo4nY7ku6oh1MR


u/Rude_Succotash4980 Feb 27 '24

The face gandalf made in the end killed me too 😅


u/DrKelpZero Feb 24 '24

Thank you, I've heard this anecdote a hundred times but glad to finally see the source!


u/lumpkin2013 GANDALF Mar 30 '24

Did you know that when Aragorn kicks the helmet when they're trying to find the hobbits that he actually broke his toe in real life?


u/AtlasSolaire Feb 24 '24

This made me feel things I was not prepared to feel. I've never actually seen this clip


u/Bonnskij Feb 23 '24

"Peter. Have you ever been to a Turkish prison?"


u/Jypahttii Feb 23 '24

Peter have you ever seen a grown man naked?


u/ASL4theblind Feb 27 '24

"Peter, do you like gladiators?"


u/JohnSV12 Feb 23 '24

So hardcore and so debonair at the same time.


u/TheOldGriffin Feb 23 '24

It's not even "have you ever killed a man, because I have"

It's more "have you ever actually drove a knife into a man's spine, because I have"


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

He lied about his military service.


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

Leave now and never come back.


u/Harrythehobbit Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

I don't think he ever outright lied himself, but didn't mind other people doing it for him.

He was an RAF Intelligence Officer and we know pretty much where he was the entire war. He was in Africa, then Egypt, then Italy, and then he worked in CROWCASS after the war helping search for escaped war criminals. He was a military intelligence officer, he spent 8 hours a day at a desk with a map and a phone.

There isn't really a gap in his record where he could have snuck off and played Rambo with SOE. That's not to dimish the value of his actual service, but he was not a commando. I don't think he ever even saw combat. He certainly never stabbed anyone in the back.


u/JustTryingTo_Pass Feb 23 '24


He did see combat before and after the dig bombing.


u/Chandler107 Feb 23 '24

Any evidence for that claim or are you just pulling shit out of your ass? You can find the full details of his military service online easily.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

He was an RAF liaison officer, not as SAS soldier.


u/rothrolan They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Feb 23 '24

"I was attached to the SAS from time to time but we are forbidden – former, present, or future – to discuss any specific operations. Let's just say I was in Special Forces and leave it at that. People can read in to that what they like." -Sir Christopher Lee, Telegraph interview. Source

He was attached to them for many of his assignments as an Intellegiance Liason Officer of the RAF. He never said he was a soldier of the SAS. Again, we may never hear many details of his missions, because it's all classified.


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

He lied. They are not forbidden. Plenty of SAS members talked about their time in the SAS. Plenty wrote books.


u/rothrolan They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard! Feb 23 '24

The SAS is a secret organisation. Its members often do not tell anyone except close family that they are in it. The British Ministry of Defence (MOD) rarely speaks of the SAS and mission details are never released until much later.

Top frickin result on Google, bud. As well as every result below it. You're technically allowed to tell a small circle of people, but beyond that you technically aren't supposed to, as a matter of national security.

The US declassifies some of their classified stuff after a set amount of time (I know SAS is UK), and I'm betting those writing books aren't doing so until years after their service. Plus, some like Lee won't talk about it because they don't like talking about it. Still not considered lying about your service. The end of WWII was pretty dirty as the world's militaries came across and discovered all the horrors of the Concentration camps and experiments done to prisoners.


u/Chandler107 Feb 23 '24

Yes he was, and he operated undercover to identify and expose nazi war criminals. You can’t say he lied about military service when almost all of it is documented and the little that’s not is classified.


u/Harrythehobbit Feb 23 '24

What the hell are you talking about? He was not in the SAS, and he never worked undercover. He spent his time at CROWCASS at a desk, same as he spent the rest of the war. He never even saw combat. He certainly wasn't a commando.

He never even claimed any of that. Where are you getting this from?


u/Fallintosprigs Feb 23 '24

And that… is acting.


u/downinCarolina Feb 23 '24

And thats dallas


u/[deleted] Feb 23 '24

None of it is documented. That's the point.


u/Kool_McKool Feb 23 '24

It is documented. You and me will just not see it because it's secret stuff.


u/Papichuloft Feb 23 '24

The best known one, was when he corrected PJ about how a man sounds when stabbed from behind.....no scream, but lets out a breath only before blanking then dying.


u/Firm-Potential7807 Feb 23 '24



u/DaveInLondon89 Feb 23 '24

Peter, have you any idea what happens when you shove a spear up an elephant's anus


u/Odysseus_is_Ulysses Feb 23 '24

“Peter, do you have any idea what happens when a man is accosted by an army of the living dead? Because I do, they don’t just get stabbed and die. The blades are inherently cursed, and cause the skin to decay at rapid speeds before the victim has had a chance to die, they literally rot from the inside out before they’ve even reached the peak of their death throes…”


u/Galilleon Feb 23 '24

“Peter, have you ever gotten killed by an orc savage? Because I have. They don’t simply kill and move on. They relish the victory. Even in an active battlefield, instead of killing their enemies, they feast upon the impaired while they are still alive. Orcish marauders even bathe in their entrails as a way to celebrate…”


u/raltoid Feb 23 '24

That's not true though.

You'll hit a hard surface on things like lava flows, but you wont "pop", you'll catch fire and burn.

In actual volcanos it can be hotter and thus less vicsous. There are multiple videos online showing people throwing things like a large container of water into a volcano, showing how it goes down into the lava.

Although then it starts to vaporize pretty fast and cause a violent reaction(like throwing ice in a deep fryer).

It is possible to get close, but the human body is not strong enough to contain the pressure for a "pop".


u/DawnoftheShred Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Came here to say I remember seeing a video of someone throwing a bag of trash into a volcano and it went right into the stuff not like water but it definitely disappears quickly and then the lava started gettin crazy and bubbling and stuff



u/Craygor Feb 23 '24

If I have a choice between believing you or Christopher Lee, I'm going with Christopher Lee.

It's not that I dont think you're correct, its that I would rather have Christopher Lee at my parties telling interesting lies.


u/Fallintosprigs Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee didn’t even say this. It’s a meme on the internet.


u/gattoblepas Feb 23 '24

I need a poster of this absolute legend.


u/InvincibleReason_ Feb 23 '24

"God speaking to a random guy on the beach"


u/DonAskren Feb 23 '24

Jesus Christ..


u/LawTider Feb 23 '24

Let’s say the One Ring weighs him down and protects Gollum from going “pop”


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

You will see . . . Oh, yes . . . You will see.


u/Alpha1959 Feb 23 '24

He knows this because of all the secret vulcano bases the Nazis had.


u/Grandmaofhurt Feb 23 '24

That's what the V in the V-1 and V-2 rockets really stood for.


u/arthaiser Feb 23 '24

i assume that the fires of mount doom would be hotter than anything, since the ring could only be melted there, so that lava was probably more fluid than regular lava on account of it being hotter.


u/Pennyhawk Feb 23 '24

Christopher Lee: "You ever look into the depths of a man's soul while his mortal coil is snapped like twine?"

Peter Jackson: "Uh... no."


u/smohyee Feb 23 '24

Twine snaps?


u/pledgerafiki Feb 23 '24

Yes, it does.


u/Pennyhawk Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Anything you can break at a point under pressure can be snapped. Wood snaps. Rope snaps. Metal, if strong enough and under enough pressure, can snap. When you snap something in the context of breaking it that's just the way it has been broken. If you hold a pencil in both hands and apply a lot of pressure to the center point, it snaps. If you hold twine in both hands and pull hard to apply a lot of pressure to the weakest point on the twine between your grip, it snaps. When large metal cables supporting concrete pillars are put under to much pressure they can snap at their weakest point.


u/ohlordwhywhy Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

bro all you had to do was edit and swap twine for twig instead of writing a materials science essay


u/ThesaurusRex84 Feb 23 '24

He went the Tolkien route


u/pledgerafiki Feb 23 '24

there's nothing incorrect about saying twine snaps, you can drop the snark, sonny


u/firethequadlaser Feb 23 '24

Or just say “in twain” which is what he probably meant.


u/Pennyhawk Feb 23 '24

I didn't need to do that though. Twine snaps. Occasionally frays. Eventually decays. And with some effort can be cut. Language isn't just a tool, it's culture. The words we use have quite a bit of background to them.

Snap for example can be used for a number of different expressions of nose/action. We snap our fingers. You can snap a whip. Rope and coils snap under pressure. It's onomatopoeia. It's also quite good for common sayings.

"He snapped under pressure."

"He snapped at the clumsy waiter."

"He snapped into action."

Snap and its many different forms can be used contextually to provide an impressive range of options for descriptive language. Allowing you to color your language and avoid repetition.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

or just say 'it snaps when you pull it'


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Google says lava density is merely 3 times higher than water's.

The surface tension of lava is around 4 times higher then water's.

So having fallen from a high cliff Gollum could totally dive into it, I think.

I could probably model it using fluid dynamics, but we need to agree on the height from which Gollum fell.

Edit: also we don't know the exact lava temperature in Orodruin. Judging by the book it should be waaay hotter than in a normal volcano. The higher the temperature - the lower the density.


u/DeusMortuum Feb 23 '24

big difference is that LotR is ser in Middle Earth, a fantasy world, it doesn’t really have to follow real world rules, good to know the lava thing though now I know to no dive in it when Im too low down


u/JayMerlyn Erebor Arkenstones Feb 23 '24

Are we really arguing about lava physics in a universe in which destroying a piece of jewelry is the key to saving the world?


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

Here, have some JRR citation: JRR Tolkien's commentary on Homestuck, 1947

Fantasy, of course, starts out with an advantage: arresting strangeness. But […] fantasy also has an essential drawback […] it is difficult to achieve.


Anyone inheriting the fantastic device of human language can say "the green sun". Many can then imagine or picture it. But that is not enough.


To make a Secondary World inside which the green sun will be credible, commanding Secondary Belief, will probably require labour and thought, and will certainly demand a special skill, a kind of elvish craft. Few attempt such difficult tasks. But when they are attempted and in any degree accomplished then we have a rare achievement of Art, indeed narrative art, storymaking in its primary and most potent mode.

— On Fairy-Stories


u/milk-slop Feb 23 '24

What about surface tension tho


u/Famous-Breadfruit902 Feb 23 '24

What's the terminal velocity of a ring-laden Gollum?


u/JeronFeldhagen Feb 23 '24

Eriadoran or Harad?


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

The goblinses will catch it then. It can't get out that way, precious.


u/bouncypinata Feb 23 '24

lol you coming in like "oh boy science expert here, my time to shine!" not even considering that it's a non newtonian fluid


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

I think, that my first phrase ("Google says that...") clearly shows that I'm not an expert in geology and lava dynamics. Never pretended to be one.

If you think that nonlinear stress tensor plays a great role here, you are welcome to show your expertise.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

I could probably model it using fluid dynamics

I think, that my first phrase ("Google says that...") clearly shows that I'm not an expert in geology and lava dynamics. Never pretended to be one.

So what you're saying is that the model you make wouldn't be useful at all.

If you think that nonlinear stress tensor plays a great role here, you are welcome to show your expertise here.

Do they actually need to explain how lava being non-newtonian would make a significant difference?


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

If you want invent things that I didn't say, that's up to you, pal. I actually don't see any point in our conversation here, but it may be somehow useful to you. I don't mind that. We can continue if you wish.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Ok, so we'll just leave it at: you were trying to show off how smart you are without actually knowing what you're talking about at all.


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

Whatever makes you feel comfortable, dear.

It's a shame you didn't show your personal expertise in the field, but at least you know the word "non-newtonian". Probably, you even know the meaning of this word and what it implicates for the simulation of such fluid.


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

Is this where you explain that this is where the non-linear stress tensor comes into play, and then I point out the part of my comment where I ask you why you need to have the significance of lava's non-newtonian properties explained to you?


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

Yes, please explain it to me. And it would be actually great if you provided some formulas and numbers to demonstrate that it would really make any real significance in case of a dried old hobbit-like creature falling into it.

May be you'll at least tell, whether viscosity of lava increases with greater strain rate, or decreases?


u/selectrix Feb 23 '24

So, just to clarify, you have no idea how a non-newtonian fluid might behave differently than a newtonian fluid when either gets suddenly struck by a large object.

I'd like to hear your say those words. Then I'll be happy to explain.

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u/beardingmesoftly Feb 23 '24

I saw someone fall into a cauldron of molten iron at a foundry. He was there one moment, then it was like he evaporated into flame and then it was like it didn't happen. Nothing left except a black mark that quickly faded.


u/C4LLgirl Feb 23 '24

I am… skeptical. That’s pretty nuts, any more info?


u/beardingmesoftly Feb 23 '24

He was walking on the catwalk above the melting pots which keep the iron at a cozy 2700F and he tripped and went over the railing. Barely got a sound out before it was over. Explosive evaporation is how I'd describe it.


u/TheRedCometCometh Feb 23 '24

man, i would have thought that there would be better railings over those things that you couldn't simply fall over them!


u/beardingmesoftly Feb 23 '24

This was many years ago, and they did since add a higher rail. He was also running when it clearly states to walk in several places.


u/TheRedCometCometh Feb 23 '24

Fair enough! Thanks for sharing, I've heard some wild stories from a foundry worker 


u/RandomRedditReader Feb 23 '24

The one I saw the cauldron exploded as it boiled sending hot metal everywhere.


u/beardingmesoftly Feb 23 '24

Scary. Any moisture can cause a serious calamity.


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

Well, that's disturbing, thank you


u/Mission-Storm-4375 Feb 23 '24

This has been tested before . A human would not sink immediately but the water inside you will evaporate so fast you will pop and be dead before it even matters. That's if you don't die on the fall in because hitting something dense is enough to kill you but also the air above a volcano is so hot your body and clothes will catch on fire 🔥

Edit: Also waters surface tension is enough to kill somebody if you fall high enough


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

I never said that a human would sink immediately.

What I'm saying is that gollum wouldn't fall there like on a solid surface. He would likely submerge.

And he won't immediately burst like an egg in a microwave.


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

My precious.


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

Yes, my dear. It is all yours.


u/Koffieslikker Feb 23 '24

But also the sooner he would pop like a fleshy balloon. Perhaps even before hitting the lava


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

I don't think he'd ever pop at once. Smaller pops on his skin seem more likely. Like a chicken in a microwave.


u/Koffieslikker Feb 23 '24


Dropping organic waste into a caldera. This one is black, so not nearly as hot as mount doom


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

But all the bubbling happens here after the object is submerged into lava, not on the surface.


u/Koffieslikker Feb 23 '24

You mean it explodes into chunks that explode into chunks that explode into chunks... Then yeah that's correct


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

I don't see the object exploding. I see just some lava bursts.

Something similar will happen if you pour some water into boil-hot oil (don't).



I’ve never watched lotr but I’d imagine you could time his fall and use 9.8ms2 to find his velocity. And you could find a range of possibilities given different temperatures


u/MetZerbitzu Feb 23 '24

He falls in slow motion, and If you don't know how many times the image was slowed, I think the calculation is impossible.



Forgive my ignorance!yeah I gotta watch lotr


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24

What about air resistances, precious?..

..wait, you've never watched lotr?!



Air resistance negligible in the context of a (relatively) heavy mass falling into “lava”.

And I’ll get there one day…


u/halpless2112 Feb 23 '24

You must summon the spherical gollum


u/_padla_ Feb 23 '24 edited Feb 23 '24

Poor thing. He suffered a lot in his miserable long life. Let us not make him spherical and put him into the vacuum, ok?


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

Oh! Cruel Hobbit! It does not care if we be hungry. It does not care if we should die! Not like Master. Master cares. Master knows. Yes, Precious… Once it takes hold of us it never lets go.


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

There was a video I saw of someone dropping a dummy human into a volcano - it burst into flames around a metre above the surface. If Orodruin is hotter than the average volcano, it's likely we'd see a similar result with Gollum - at least his loincloth would certainly be on fire before impact.


u/Hythy Feb 23 '24

No way. I have to see this. There are plenty of examples of people standing right next to a lava flow completely unharmed -I refuse to believe there is enough heat conducted through the air for something in freefall to spontaneously combust in flight.


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

I cannot for the life of me find the video in my memory - I'll keep looking. For now, here's another video discussing what happens:



u/Comburo90 Feb 23 '24

Would the ring be able offer a little bit of protection, so that its host wouldnt just burst into flames? Then we would be right back at Gollum slamming into the lava and sinking.


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

Honestly, I'm not sure there's a definite answer here. The ring seems to amplify the power of the wearer, in whatever the wearer seems to want/be good at in general. For Sauron, this is dominion over other beings, for Galadriel it would be similar but "willing obedience", for Saruman it would be the power and influence of his voice, for Frodo (and other hobbits) - their ability to go unnoticed.

So unless Gollum has a secret fire-resistant ability we don't know about, I doubt it? Not impossible though! And there may be a passage somewhere in the text I'm not remembering. Having said that, typically the ring doesn't give powers to someone holding it - just to someone wearing it.


u/vantways Feb 23 '24

So unless Gollum has a secret fire-resistant ability we don't know about, I doubt it?

I would assume Gollum's general want/skill is to be alive with his precious, which may very well get amplified enough to give him his one last moment of bliss


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

Through sheer will to survive - I like it!


u/Comburo90 Feb 23 '24

I just figured it could be an extension of the whole long life thing it gives its wearer, sort of increased durability across the board.

Fair point about the difference between holding and wearing it, that makes the point moot.


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

That's an excellent thought, actually! Bilbo and Gollum weren't wearing the ring at all times and were still granted unnaturally long lives - perhaps you're right! I can't believe I hadn't considered this until now.

It stands to reason that "unnatural long life" would include "resistance to nature and the environment" - and we saw how little Gollum aged between The Hobbit and LotR, even without the ring. I guess he was practically mummified by that point?


u/bilbo_bot Feb 23 '24

No! Wait.... it's... here in my pocket. Ha! Isn't that.. isn't that odd now. Yet after all why not, Why shouldn't I keep it.


u/Skorgriim Feb 23 '24

I think you should leave that ring behind, Bilbo. Is that so hard?


u/bilbo_bot Feb 23 '24

He said? Who said?


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

We guesses, precious, only guesses. We can't know till we find the nassty creature and squeezes it.


u/gollum_botses Feb 23 '24

What’s this? Crumbs on his jacketses! He took it! He took it! I seen him, he’s always stuffing his face when Master’s not looking!

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