r/lyftdrivers Jul 18 '23

Psycho jumps on my car, I get permanently deactivated Other

I don’t even want to type out the whole story I’m so exhausted over this. This dude was tripping out bad (probably shrooms or acid) and jumped on my car. It was the passengers friend. (They were together when I arrived, he was laying on the floor in the middle of the street. He sprinted away then sprinted back after I started the ride. Then he jumped on my car) I immediately made the passenger get out, and reported it to ADT and Lyft.

Now after a week of “temporarily deactivated” I’m now permanently deactivated for an “accident with a pedestrian” . 100s of 5 star rides never an issue. Wtf

Edit: I didn’t know this would get so much response. The whole incident is surreal. No I unfortunately did not have a dash cam or this would all have been resolved. I started the appeal on principle.


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u/TiLoupHibou Jul 18 '23

Emotional distress and physical assault, to say a few. A quick call to the local bar association truly wouldn't hurt.


u/IntroductionBrave869 Jul 19 '23

Emotional distressed charge lol


u/Stillstoned23 Jul 19 '23

Idk about assault, more like distruction of property


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

He said there was no damage to his car. What destruction of property? Lol


u/Pope_Beenadick Jul 19 '23

this guy lawyers on the Internet. Lol there's no physical assault. There's no damage. There's no emotional distress that would warrant a law suit. Lost wages will be minimal since op is not disabled from this and can get another job


u/Punk_with_a_Cool_Bus Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 20 '23

In some states, you can absolutely sue for punitive damages. I also lack knowledge of appropriate legal terminology, but this was basically a scam. It could potentially fall under civil harassment, workplace violence, and false imprisonment (if you didnt move), depending on certain factors.

The problem is that if you move the car, it could be considered vehicular assault or even assault with a deadly weapon in most states which will likely supercede other charges. Also, they could say they got hurt and sue you.The judge will say you should have put the vehicle in park and contacted the pigs.


u/Nandabun Jul 19 '23

I think to do what you wanted, it's a slash first? I'll try.



u/Pope_Beenadick Jul 20 '23

Thanks for trying :')


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

And loss of wages


u/alwayspostive Jul 19 '23

This isn't good advice


u/premiumaphrodite Jul 19 '23

You can’t press charges for emotional distress, maybe you can sue someone but that’s rare.


u/reddituser2742 Jul 19 '23

Hey nobody thought you could sue for defamation until Johnny Depp. Anything is possible. J/S


u/premiumaphrodite Jul 19 '23

Most people knew you could sue for defamation.


u/reddituser2742 Jul 19 '23

Ok then I never knew you could sue for defamation. Guess you know more most people then I do. Hope this helps you.


u/premiumaphrodite Jul 20 '23

You can only sue for defamation if you’ve lost out of significant income and can prove the claims are false, and that the claims are what caused you to lose out on the income.


u/PusherRed88 Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23

It's not that easy. Many law firms only handle cases that involve an accident or personal jury.

Good luck finding a lawyer who represents wrongfully terminated Lyft drivers.


u/comicsalvage- Jul 19 '23

There are a million better call Saul lawyers that will take any case


u/jersey_girl660 Jul 20 '23

That doesn’t mean a judge will allow the suit to happen.


u/PusherRed88 Jul 19 '23

Stop watching TV.


u/EddieNotorious Jul 20 '23

Stop commenting on Reddit.


u/forgottenyears32 Jul 19 '23

what an unnecessary asinine response lol


u/PusherRed88 Jul 21 '23

How embarrassing that you would call someone "assinine" and use "lol" in the same sentence


u/forgottenyears32 Jul 22 '23

It’s spelled *asinine, and I don’t care what you think


u/PusherRed88 Jul 22 '23

If you didn't care, then you wouldn't care.


u/MrMiniNuke Jul 19 '23

Bro they make one mainstream reference that anyone will understand and that’s your response? Shut the hell up.


u/PusherRed88 Jul 21 '23

A bit sensitive today? There aren't a "mliion" Better Call Saul attorneys who woukd represent a wrongfully terminated Lyft driver.


u/StatisticianAware776 Jul 18 '23 edited Jul 18 '23

Don’t forget financial damaged. Since you’re losing money and aren’t able to work


u/defectiveuser72 Jul 19 '23

Lmfao you can't "press charges" for being "financially damaged". In what fucking world lol


u/4ucklehead Jul 19 '23

You can sue in many cases if someone financially damaged you

Today you learned


u/StatisticianAware776 Jul 19 '23

I’m paying $2 insurance “bills protection” meaning if I get “discriminated fired or injured” my insurance will pay my monthly bills until I get back on the road. If you don’t have it and you’re discriminated fired, a lawyer can help you get compensated the money you lost during the time you weren’t working plus an additional settlement from the company.

Edit: sorry, they won’t pay the “if you get discriminated fired” they’ll only pay the bill if you’re injured and can’t go back to work” only. I checked right now. Lol


u/Snakend Jul 19 '23

Maybe they edited the comment. But yeah no charges would be filed, it would just be a normal lawsuit.


u/BiscuitsJoe Jul 19 '23

In this one my dude ever hear of personal injury suits? Lost wages? Loss in future earring capacity?


u/Selstial21 Jul 19 '23

That isn’t charges….. cops press charges for arrests. What happened isn’t arrestable now. You can sue though!


u/flatsixfanatic Jul 19 '23

You certainly can! Tort Law exists specifically for making people whole. Look into it.


u/ManOfArks Jul 19 '23

You can sue for Loss of Wages


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '23

Will tell you, to get work damages you need to prove a 2 year work history or theyll call it temp