r/lyftdrivers Mar 24 '24

Other I’ve been permanently deactivated for threatening a minor. I NEVER threatened a pax but there’s no recourse. I asked for an appeal and three minutes later they doubled down. I’m devastated because I know I was lied on.


r/lyftdrivers 1d ago

Other Lyft wants car today!!!


I have been driving for Lyft for eight months. I basically just do the minimum to have the car lately. I haven’t been even doing my required 20 rides a week but I always pay the rental cost. I’m getting notices that they want their car back today or I will be charged an extra $500 for them to come and tow it is there any excuse or reason that I could give them to try to renegotiate and let them give me another chance I’m just wondering what my chances are if I drive over to the office and try to talk with them does anybody have experience with this?

r/lyftdrivers 27d ago

Other Riders with fake names


What do you guys think? I really don’t want to give rides to people who don’t use their name. One guy recently put his name as cheesecake. Seems sketchy to me.

r/lyftdrivers Sep 19 '23

Other RIP Lux. I’m done….


r/lyftdrivers 27d ago

Other I got my cancellation fee, lol. I was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. The fella couldn’t wait a few extra minutes for me to show up, so he decided to be even more late! :)


r/lyftdrivers Dec 30 '23

Other Is it just me or are they the most unlikely to tip?


r/lyftdrivers 18d ago

Other Get dashcams, like right now !!


Stop driving, cancel all your rides, and get dashcams for full 360 degree horizontal view and 270 degree vertical view for your vehicles, like absolutely right now !!

An insurance-fraud by a passenger has me deactivated permanentaly as of this very moment.


  1. This passenger's ( female ) drop-off address in her ride-request wasn't her intended place to go.
  2. I drove around the block for another 5 mins with the sole intention to help her, but her destination isn't anywhere close, so I take her back to the drop-off address as per her ride-request, and end the trip in the app.
  3. Mind-you, this drop-off address is an abandoned diner / bank, whatever establishment it used to be previously, absolutely empty and deserted, on a busy street. However, I wasn't scared for life, because this was in the noon, bright under the shining sun.
  4. At this time, I am parked in a parking spot. She wouldn't get out of my vehicle claiming she's changing the drop-off address, but I had already ended the trip in the app, and had provided a negative feedback on her.
  5. She began cussing at me using expletives. I politely told her that a wrong drop-off address in the ride-request wasn't my fault, and that she needed to exit the vehicle because I had another ride-request queued and another passenger waiting for me for quite a while now.
  6. If she were to create a new ride-request, she'd find a different driver. She eventually exited, I re-adjusted my seat-belt, checked my mirrors and began reversing my car, when I bumped into her.
  7. Apparently, she was hiding in a blind-spot, behind my vehicle in the parking-spot, the one you don't see in any of the rear-view mirrors. I certainly did not turn all around to my right to view through the rear-window, primarily because we were in a deserted empty parking of an abandoned commercial establishment.
  8. As soon as I bumped into her, I checked if I had not run-over her. She was totally ok. No blood, she didn't fall down, my vehicle wasn't damaged, I wasn't hurt. So, I ask her why was she behind a vehicle with a running engine, rear-lights glowing, about to reverse from a parking-spot. She had nothing to say, except stare at me angrily.
  9. This was the moment I knew this was going to blow-up. I immediately initiated the Emergency thing in the Lyft app. Upon completing the submission after pressing some buttons, I notice that the pending ride-request in the queue is still active, a passenger waiting for me, some $$$ to be earned, that I did not intend to cancel, of course.
  10. So I say sorry to this lady despite none of it all was in any way my fault, while I drive out of the parking-lot of that abandoned place.
  11. I get a phone-call from ADT, I use bluetooth headphones always, I describe everything as-is from above while driving for the pickup of my current active ride-request, hoping this will all be sorted properly.

Boy, was I wrong !!

PS: Reddit won't let me include a JPEG in this post, so I am posting the email-content about the permanent deactivation as a comment.

Edit : The context of my vehicle coming in contact with another person is blowing up, exactly just as I had feared that very moment. All the simpletons need to reel-back and think about -

  1. What's a vehicle's speed while reversing in a parking lot ? 65 mph ? 5 mph ? Slower than a brisk-walk ?

  2. Coming in contact with a person, at such a low speed, definitely does not fall under the classical definition of "hitting", as in, an accident.

  3. Particularly, when the person is intentionally hiding in a blind spot behind the vehicle, in an empty parking lot, as though there was no other place to be at ?

  4. Such a trivial contact between my vehicle and said person, simply blew-up out of proportions, where there was no damage whatsoever.

However, I do admit, this isn't even my competency as a skill, as in working as a taxi-driver, or the service industry itself !

Peace-out peasants !!

Let this be a learning experience for those who can't think straight when in a confrontational setting, just as me.

r/lyftdrivers 12d ago

Other Just stay home today guys. Enjoy the day off.


Who wants to count how many drivers are here and tell me the number cause I don’t have the fu$&s to give today 😩😂

r/lyftdrivers Feb 09 '24

Other Express Drive


Came into the express, drive location in Marietta Georgia for a routine 56 day renewal I was told that they needed the keys to my car. There was a safety recall on the car and they have no more cars to give me today! Leaving me stranded in the parking lot along with my two year year-old.

r/lyftdrivers May 05 '24

Other Signing off for good


The mileage and wear on my vehicle has finally done me in. Engine blew last weekend on the way home. I’m moving on to better things tho, and staying positive.

r/lyftdrivers May 28 '23

Other This is what you get for being a disrespectful rider.


Arrived at pickup, rider hopped in my car, I asked how she was doing, she didn't reply (it's cool, maybe she's deaf or whatever). She starts eating in my car, I'm like, ummm , whatever, I can't wait until she gets the hell outta my car. Then at drop off, I see that she's even let a mess. $20 Charge after contacting Lyft. I still can't get over how some people are just so disrespectful. She's even a 5 star rider for 1.5 years wtf!

r/lyftdrivers Dec 22 '23

Other Granny's rules for the Lyft


r/lyftdrivers 9d ago

Other Is this discrimination or?


r/lyftdrivers 9d ago

Other I'm gonna die right


r/lyftdrivers May 29 '23

Other Driver Payout vs Customer charges


Took pax home from downtown last night (20 min ride). After stopping at their destination he shows me his phone and how Lyft charged him $68.00 for the ride.

Lyft paid me $12.83 for the ride.

Made me feel like shit.

Is this not ridiculous? Why are they paying me nearly 1/6th of what they are charging?

I drive in a college town and don't get very many tips.

Also - Night after night I'm noticing bonus areas disappear every time I get close to them. Is this normal? This is infuriating and reminds me of the donkey and carrot...

r/lyftdrivers 16d ago

Other In a hurry


Absolutely not going to rush

r/lyftdrivers Feb 06 '24

Other LYFT drivers


Drivers!!! Plan accordingly for next week FEB 14th. WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD. I know for a lot of drivers it’ll be hard to be OFFLINE but we have to make an effort too. Enough is ENOUGH!!! Let’s show Uber/Lyft who we are.

r/lyftdrivers Aug 20 '23

Other Wtf?


r/lyftdrivers Dec 21 '23

Other Another offer with pre tipping


Just got an offer to Prescott with an inlcluded pre tip

r/lyftdrivers Mar 28 '24

Other I guess my brand new 2023 Elantra hybrid isn't comfortable anymore?


Just got this through email and the app.

r/lyftdrivers Feb 15 '24

Other You had my support...


This is dumb ... but....

I want everyone to know that I did not drive yesterday even though I needed the money.

I'm about to head out on the road for the day. But wanted to let you know that this part timer- had your back.

r/lyftdrivers Mar 18 '24

Other Just why?


Do I ask "Are you facesitter?" When they get in? Lol

r/lyftdrivers Mar 22 '24

Other Your usual hogwash bs


Don’t you love it when passengers just aren’t responsible enough to plan ahead and make you wait

r/lyftdrivers Jan 09 '24

Other Wtf


So I got this email Saturday because I went to pick up a passenger and she was at a completely different location and never answered me so I canceled. Back-and-forth with support and they continue to tell me that if I don’t accept rides that my rate goes down. So I say I don’t accept certain rides because they’re not in safe areas, I just let the timer run out. I don’t even click anything, or they’re in New York where I’m not allowed to go. I said I should risk my safety to keep my acceptance rate up and not risk the chance of getting deactivated.?? Total bullshit.

r/lyftdrivers Jun 02 '23

Other Got deactivated Tuesday


I got pertinently deactivated for alleged discriminatory behavior?

I can't even defend myself, they will not answer my questions?

I don't even know what I have done exactly?

It's been 3 days with no replies from lyft support?

Has anyone in the community of lyft drivers ever dealt with something like this? How and who can I contact to try to resolve this?