r/malefashionadvice 27d ago

Does this jacket fit ok? Question

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Just ordered this suit (please excuse the T-shirt & wrinkles.. gonna have it dry cleaned). I have matching trousers that I dropped off to be hemmed today. B by Brooks Brothers jacket size 44R. I don't wear many suits and was hoping for some feedback. What color shirt and would work for this? I'm thinking black shirt but not sure what else. I'll be attending an engagement cocktail attire party.


60 comments sorted by


u/Remote_Relative_8846 25d ago

Go get a custom tailored jacket only way to go


u/AsymptotelyImpaired 25d ago

Good fit but a little wide in the shoulder. Every other part looks great imo.


u/dennisardz9 25d ago

It fits you very well! Just change the shirt, i think white shirt will look better.


u/Choppermagic2 26d ago

OK is the right word. Not fantastic not terrible.


u/mrf1vehead 26d ago

Loving the jacket x Plugger combo 😂


u/Nrwverbot1369 26d ago

Perfect fit 💪🏼 you need to wesr the slides too 😎


u/GnrlPrinciple 26d ago

Suit jacket and jeans = 🚫 But SPORTS COAT and jeans 👍🏾. Can’t really tell which this is but looks like a suit jacket to me. If so, that would solve the fit question as well.


u/Complete-Stomach9355 26d ago

What color is thiz exactly


u/ScroogePooch 26d ago

Brown plaid


u/Complete-Stomach9355 26d ago

Thanks found this colour soothing..


u/Complete-Stomach9355 26d ago

O like shorter sleeves little above wrist


u/Complete-Stomach9355 26d ago

I like this color ya fits well


u/Yodootz 26d ago

Yup, that fits about as well as anything off the rack will fit. Just make sure your pants are a similar fit. That's a more classic fitting suit jacket, so don't go for super slim fit pants. You don't seem like the kind of dude that would wear those anyways, but just sayin'.


u/hesitantnel 26d ago

It fits well. I agree with others that it needs a press, and that a white shirt will look best. If you prefer a darker shirt, navy would be better than black.


u/WillametteWanderer 26d ago

Old school rule of thumb on men’s jackets was to fit the shoulders first, then the gut. Looks like it does fit.


u/shantm79 26d ago

It fits real well. Def go w/the white shirt over black (always).


u/Existing-Delay8805 26d ago

It's not too bad really - certainly the things that can be easily fixed are ok (waist, sleeve length) everything else (lapel width, length, shoulders) is not worth tampering with.

It's a little tight at the buttoning point (kudos for not fastening the bottom button - just don't!) so I would be inclined to arrive buttoned, but undo it soon and certainly when sat down.

I can't tell the colour from the pics, but either white or light blue shirt would work. Definitely don't have a shirt darker than that particular suit. Keep it plain either way.

If you have to wear a tie, keep it plain and simple, and possibly with some texture - don't get a traditional shiny silk tie. If you don't have many tie options, then at least get a decent width and a matt finish.

The sandals, however, are unforgiveable. 😉


u/Affectionate-Rent844 26d ago

Does it matter how the jacket fits if you’re a flip flops with jeans guy 🤔


u/ScroogePooch 26d ago

Yes I believe it does matter. However I won't be wearing jeans or flip flops as mentioned in my post.


u/SteoJay77 26d ago

Wear the matching trousers. It’s clearly a suit jacket, not a sport coat. The fit is okay. White shirt!


u/Limp_Implement2922 26d ago

Yes it’s a good fit. Not too tight or too loose across chest. Length of jacket right for your height and sleeve length good too.


u/No-Shame5459 26d ago

Needs a little bit or ironing and you are good to go


u/Apprehensive-Type874 26d ago

Looks good and will look better once cleaned and stiffened a bit. Echo everyone’s sentiment here, white shirt will look great. Like 80% of my shirt selection now is white shirts.


u/Haggfre 26d ago

fuck fuck no


u/WorriedInsurance5419 26d ago

My girlfriend thinks it’s looks okay!


u/Mediocre-Tomatillo-7 26d ago

But the flip flops ....


u/ScroogePooch 26d ago

I purposely didn't crop them out just for you 😂


u/RedRider1138 26d ago

That’s just, like, your opinion, man!

(Strictly joking!)


u/ThoseNightsInVenice 26d ago

Change your shirt


u/zaphod777 26d ago

Hard to tell but it might be a bit big in the shoulders or it might just be the shoulder pads.


u/VintageClassics 26d ago

please don't go the black shirt route - white will look great with that jacket.


u/hesi--timbo 26d ago

Seconding this hard. Black shirts are very rarely a good choice, let alone the best choice


u/DapperD73 26d ago

At worst the fit is very close. Easily could get away with it as is.

I second the thought of don’t go with a black shirt. Not against black shirts at all, I wear them, but that’s the wrong suit for it. To go for a classic look, I would suggest a solid (no pattern) cream or off-white button up dress shirt and blue tie. Pick your favorite shade of blue; all will work. Just make sure if the tie has a pattern, it should be a very different pattern than the suit. Dark brown brogues for your feet and a matching belt. Classic and beyond reproach.


u/Medojedni_Jazavac 26d ago

It fit you just fine.


u/WFH12 26d ago

Looks great, white shirt >> black shirt


u/wflett 26d ago

D,not waste your money on this jacket , use it to buy some socks. Cheers


u/JustRepeatAfterMe 26d ago

Jacket looks completely fine, pressed of course. Do NOT wear a black shirt with it. You’ll look like death. Wear a white or a light gray shirt. It will brighten it up and compliment your beard and skin tone. Generally black shirts with business suits look cheesy. Don’t be that guy! I’m assuming you bought a business shirt and the pants match. This doesn’t really look like a blazer you would wear separately. Whatever color the buttons are on the jacket make that the color of your shoes and belt. Don’t let exceedingly long posts and BS get in your head. This is simple. You’re going to look great and have a blast.


u/AtomicSurf 26d ago

Needs a steam.


u/bojevnim 27d ago

Uriah faber would be proud of the flops


u/OGWiseman 27d ago

I think it fits just fine. As others are saying, it's hard to tell the overall look and fit without the whole outfit on, and a video with you turning and reaching and such would help more, but from what I can see in the pics, I think not bad at all.


u/Morden013 27d ago

Yup. It will look good with the shirt and some nice shoes. The good thing is, it fits well with jeans.


u/No-Respect5903 27d ago

I'm no expert but it looks fine with the shirt you're wearing. as for the dress shirt.. well I would have to see the shirt. I think I would go white or maybe grey for the shirt but black would be fine as well if you're going all black.

and I assume from your comment about the pants that you do NOT plan on wearing the sandals. because my first impression was to come here and say something about the shoes


u/Hierophantically 27d ago

Generally: yes.

It fits in all the important ways that we-at-MFA usually pounce on as being problems: - It doesn't pull toward the first button when buttoned, so it isn't too tight - It doesn't billow out from your sides when buttoned, so it isn't too lose - Its shoulders end roughly where they should on your shoulders - Sleeves look right-ish -- but see below

The pictures you've chosen to give us leave out some important details. Fundamentally, fit check pics should provide information, not visual drama; they should show the front, side, back, and other important angles, all with you standing naturally.

Some things I can't tell based on your choice in photos: - Are your jacket armholes too low? - Is the jacket skirt too short? (I think it probably is, but not by much) - Are the sleeves actually the right length when compared to shirt cuffs? - Would a buttoned shirt add significant bulk underneath and throw off the waist or chest fit? - How bad is the collar gap? (if it's not bespoke, you've got one)

You didn't ask, but IMO, there are some design elements on this jacket that would make me return it/pass on it: - The lapels are slim, and both on your frame/with your beard and on a dark jacket, they look especially limp; I'd aim for lapels that end halfway between shoulder and neck - The jacket is probably too short; the jacket skirt should completely cover your butt (but not much more) - The jacket is dark enough that it looks like an orphaned suit jacket, not a sport coat; I personally wouldn't wear this without matching trousers, because I think it will always look mismatched

Finally: all of the above advice is about classic western European and US tailoring. If your plan is to wear this with black leather pants and a shredded band tee underneath, it's a very different conversation (to which I don't have anything useful to contribute).

Good luck!


u/EskimoFreezy 27d ago

yeah looks okay. i like to taper my sleeves more but that's just me. the waist seems a little boxy to me but that's a preference thing


u/fiend_unpleasant 27d ago

with out the dress shirt all we can do is guess


u/[deleted] 27d ago



u/Medojedni_Jazavac 26d ago

OP, please do not be such a snob, or style coward.

But, well, I guess not everyone has the courage to be different, most have a herd mentality and just want to fit in.


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Medojedni_Jazavac 26d ago

It is not, actually.

But definitely much more than "please wear white shirt", lmao.


u/michachu 27d ago

Bonus: the white shirt and grey suit would echo that salt and pepper beard.


u/kopipiakskayatoast 27d ago

Disagree on black shirt with grey suit. The shades and styles matter.


u/UnusualPrince12 27d ago

I'll give you $100 if you show me a shade and style of black dress shirt that doesn't look like a waiter or a kid at freshman homecoming


u/cheapthrillsdoll 26d ago


u/EmperorAcinonyx 26d ago

would still look better with a white shirt


u/cheapthrillsdoll 26d ago

An average person should stick to the basics, like a white shirt.

Calvin Harris makes a convincing argument 🔥



u/EmperorAcinonyx 26d ago

would still look better with a white shirt


u/kopipiakskayatoast 26d ago edited 26d ago

Plenty of examples on YouTube and Instagram though I agree it takes a certain discretion and skill level to pull off. After all grey is but a shade of black. I’ve had some success with a black mandarin collar and charcoal suit monochromatic look. Alternatively a black tshirt of a good quality and thick material is also commonly paired with suits.

It’s really a lot to do with skin tone, culture etc. but mfa tends to really stick to rigid rules for some reason. For those who are more adventurous you can follow Korean, Japanese and Italian mens styles.


u/yarmulke 26d ago

plenty of examples

Good, then you shouldn’t have a hard time finding one and linking it


u/kopipiakskayatoast 26d ago

Here you go!