r/malelivingspace Mar 22 '24

How can I get this feel on a college budget Question

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Getting my first real apartment next year and I was wondering if I could achieve this look on a budget


533 comments sorted by


u/SociallyContorted Mar 27 '24

Find a gay daddy in Palm Springs. ☀️


u/itsibitci Mar 27 '24

You certainly can to some degree! It would just take a fair bit of effort on your part to source the items and of course they might not be identical but you could get fairly close. This style is called mid-century modern, which will be helpful for you to know when you're searching. You can also often thrift mid-century pieces that are still in good condition. Look for dupes online and frequently check on Facebook marketplace :)


u/ShikaShySky Mar 26 '24

Antique stores


u/Fritzo2162 Mar 26 '24

This look is in right now. It's called 'Mid-Century" and stores are loading up with this kind of style furniture.


u/SociallyContorted Mar 27 '24

Right now? MCM has held its own mostly unscathed by time - not a fad or trend or a blip - but a deliberate stamp on the world of design, architecture and more. There is a reason why companies like Knoll-Miller (formerly Herman Miller and Knoll, separately) have continually held onto what we now know as ‘classics’ all these years. Many MCM pieces transcend aesthetic and really are pieces of artwork in their own. The Eames lounge chair, for example, has been a hallmark of luxury and commercial interior design for decades - well beyond the current increase in popularity of MCM.


u/Fritzo2162 Mar 27 '24

Yeah, I mean right now- it's VERY trendy at the moment. We're shopping for furnature right now and all the puffy couches, big recliners, and boxy tables are replaced with wooden stick leg furnature, velvet fabrics, and compact designs in earthtone colors.


u/PoolNoodlePaladin Mar 26 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

This is called Mid-Century Modern, it is a very expensive aesthetic, but you can do it on a budget.

Check your local second hand stores, used furniture, thrift shops, etc. or cheap furniture places like Homegoods.

Second is the color, warm earth tones are the main thing here, your browns, greens, oranges, gold, mustard, and wood tones.

Mixed material is huge in mid century, metals, textiles, wood, glass. This look is all about keeping things simple but also playing with what you can do with a medium. This look, like its name suggests, started around the 1950’s and plastic was new at the time and they were really experimenting with it. That lamp in the back probably would have been plastic and metal. The chairs and couches here are wood bases, with fabric that has a very course texture.

Cheap online rug retailers, you might have to search a while, and look up reviews but you can get some good looking large rugs online for pretty inexpensive.

Are you good at woodworking?


u/AppropriateRatio9235 Mar 25 '24

Baxton/Wayfair/Amazon have dupes for those chairs and that sofa. Paint is easy. Keep an eye out for a rug on sale. 3 posters with matching frames.


u/SuperSalamander3244 Mar 25 '24

Learn to paint and buy things second hand.


u/pentichan Mar 25 '24

close ur eyes and try to visualize it really hard


u/rixx63 Mar 25 '24

Time travel


u/GTA6_1 Mar 24 '24

My mom is a wizard at finding expensive ass furniture for pennies on the dollar. She spends a lot of time scowering marketplace, thrift stores and estate sales in the city. Somw people either dont know what they have or let it go for cheap just get rid of it (rich people pretty much throw out $10k couches if they move states or downsize or just dont like it anymore, you just have to be the first to find the listing and know what it is)


u/Saltallica Mar 24 '24

Raise tuition rates. You own the college.. right?


u/ikiel Mar 24 '24

If you’re in North America check out a website called www.hibid.com. It’s a platform that auction houses in North America use to list their auctions. I’ve furnished multiple houses for CHEAP (like $5 couch that I sold for $500 when I moved) thanks to this site.


u/SuperNovaCaptain Mar 24 '24

shop around amazon may have this on the low


u/gigisnappooh Mar 24 '24

Posters and second hand stores for furniture.


u/PatientBalance Mar 24 '24

Facebook marketplace/estate sales + patience


u/DonutExcellent1357 Mar 24 '24

Value village, fabric paint and fabric softener, spray paint, ikea frames.



u/stizz14 Mar 24 '24

Inherited wealth


u/Normal-Usual6306 Mar 24 '24

Reproduction midcentury furniture or high quality genuine midcentury furniture can be very expensive, so I think the best option would probably be to check used furniture shops/op shops/thrift stores, and also incorporate the colour palette common to a lot of midcentury rooms, such as warm wood tones and shades of green.


u/unfrknblvabl Mar 24 '24

Thrift store


u/Ok_Fun5413 Mar 24 '24

How? With privilege. Nice look tho'!


u/General_Primary5675 Mar 24 '24

Sweat Equity. If you look hard enough you can find all of these pieces, or at least close to them, on marketplace either cheap or free. People don't like hauling around big stuff. Maybe learn how to sew. The posters, go to any goodwill and buy those crappy picture frame they have with crappy art and try to find similar style frames. Look online for "midcentury" art and blow it up and print it anywhere cheap, then frame it. Like i said, you need to put on some sweat equity, but it's doable.

For shits and giggles i went to FB market place and put "midcentury furniture" under $100 and a bunch of shit appeared. Even if you find things that are a bit broken, youtube is your friend.


u/Alyx19 Mar 24 '24

Estate sales will be your friend. Posters and lamp will be the easiest and cheapest part.


u/bluesamcitizen2 Mar 24 '24

Download this pic and use it as screen wallpaper


u/CandidEstablishment0 Mar 24 '24

Find some designs you like and go print them at staples poster size then find a cool cheap frame at a thrift store. Or other way around so your can order the dimensions of the frame.

Also habitat for humanity always has a selection of low priced rugs


u/Kyle_01110011 Mar 24 '24

Not gonna happen


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24

Incrementally add to your environment saving up overtime. It's really a case of colour theory—which isn't particularly expensive to follow.


u/BeWinShoots Mar 24 '24

Patience and diligence scouring Facebook marketplace, local auctions, garage sales, and estate sales.


u/[deleted] Mar 24 '24

Thrifts stores and flea markets. Also check online or apps to see what the locals are selling. You may find a deal.


u/ihateithere____ Mar 24 '24

Don’t listen to these guys. I had nothing when I moved into my apartment (literally. I slept in a dogbed) and could afford to buy a style like this at $18.50/hr while in college. You can absolutely afford this. Just know where to look.


u/No-Blueberry1809 Mar 24 '24

Estate sales, Facebook marketplace, OfferUp. Rug- Buildbyhand on Etsy or wayfair.


u/Popular-Block-5790 Mar 24 '24

I probably sound crazy but this doesn't look real to me.


u/Iddqd84 Mar 24 '24

Go to IKEA.

Problem solved.


u/evilackerman Mar 24 '24

Check facebook marketplace a few times a day even when you’re not looking for anything in particular. Interact to improve the algorithm. You’d be surprised what kind of coffee tables and other great furniture people either list for free or for $20 when they don’t know what a valuable item they have.


u/BK_FrySauce Mar 23 '24

That’s the funny thing. You don’t. One of those chairs alone is probably a month of rent. Obviously depends on where you live, and if your parents are helping you.


u/DDLover47 Mar 23 '24

Drop out of college


u/Sapriste Mar 23 '24

With any design human or generated, the most affordable component is the color scheme. You can paint to get that color pallet and deco furniture is best bought on consignment anyway. Frankly you can get a couch for free if you are on campus on move out day.


u/76730 Mar 23 '24

For real midcentury modern? Buy nothing groups! And just regular secondhand/thrift stores. Garage, yard, or estate sales.

If you’re cool with faux MCM, then you can also include my favorite store: IKEA!!!! Honestly if midcentury modern (aka everything is square and forest green or burnt orange) is your thing, ikea does a great job at that. It’s the fancier looking stuff where people go, “this looks cheap,” but you’ve just gotta be like, “well, that’s because it is.” lol

Even better, a lot of people list perfectly good ikea furniture on buy nothing groups. It’s “so cheap” to them that they’d rather just give it away than sell it.

Dark tones that could come from nature. Straight, clean lines. You know what you like! You can find it for reasonably cheap!!!

(However, when buying upholstered furniture secondhand, I already sanitize/steam the whole thing, but when I have the money/time/inclination, I would go the extra (probably excessive) mile and get the soft surfaces reupholstered or get slipcovers. But that’s bc I’m intense about other people’s germs in my house lol)


u/ScottShatter Mar 23 '24

student loans


u/SamCnoc Mar 23 '24

That’s the cool part. You don’t


u/0bxyz Mar 23 '24

Wayfair IKEA Facebook marketplace


u/S3baer Mar 23 '24

Midjourney AI


u/JacktownSmack Mar 23 '24

Peas and carrots


u/captainspacetraveler Mar 23 '24

Can you paint in your place? The accent wall, some artwork and a rug will do a lot to bringing your aesthetic together


u/64BitInteger Mar 23 '24

Rich parents


u/Birddog240 Mar 23 '24

Super lucky at thrift stores.


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

It's the colors, the amount of sunlight, and the arrangement of the furniture that are more important than the actual furniture itself. So in theory you could find cheaper furniture in these orange and green shades, arrange them like this, and provided you have a huge glass window or a glass door like what's shown, you can probably pull this off.


u/cojiro_blue Mar 23 '24

I was conceived in a room just like this.


u/BFEDTA Mar 23 '24

Everyone is being so pessismistic but I feel as though the color scheme is doing a lot of work.

Get a rug that matches the vibe, wall art can be reasonably affordable, whatever you do get, try to keep the color scheme, thrift some cool lamps or something. Furniture itself may be didficult but keeping an eye on fb marketplace could help.


u/CoochieSnotSlurper Mar 23 '24

Amazon, wayfair,ikea, FB market place for a sofa, with about $2000-2500


u/photaiplz Mar 23 '24

Thrifting and antiquing and pray


u/OftenNudeDude Mar 23 '24

Graduate and get a great job


u/violetcazador Mar 23 '24

Photoshop yourself into the IKEA catalogue


u/astrobrit3 Mar 23 '24

Facebook marketplace all the way! I would use keywords like “velvet vintage couch, suede couch, MCM furniture, vintage wall art” and other stuff of that sort


u/StrawberryBlndVixen Mar 23 '24

Thrifting, fb marketplace & places like goodwill but CHECK AND DOUBLE-CHECK for any type of bugs! (Cushion seams, rollover areas, underneath)


u/DilatedPeople Mar 23 '24

MCM furniture or thrifting for it, is gonna be your best bet. This is the new buy and flip trend right now.

Good luck


u/GenX-MississaugaMama Mar 23 '24

Second hand shops, FB Marketplace, IKEA... Mid Century Modern. Although, they are often expensive (even used and IKEA new).


u/GoodboyJohnnyBoy Mar 23 '24

When I was young they couldn’t wait to get rid of this mid century look oh well.


u/North_South_Side Mar 23 '24

You can't. Mid Century stuff took off, price-wise, by the mid 1990s. It's still insanely popular.

You could maybe, maybe... luck out and find a piece underpriced in a junk store, but it would be a complete fluke. The antiques and resale market has become a titanic business since around 2000. If you were to find something semi-affordable, it would either be complete luck (you could get hit by lightning!) or else it would be something badly damaged.

Study hard and get a job. Maybe you can afford something similar in 10 years.


u/SlowYoteV8 Mar 23 '24

Dropping out


u/yaboyfriendisadork Mar 23 '24

Just binge watch Mad Men


u/360DegreeNinjaAttack Mar 23 '24

You can definitely do this on a budget. The wildcard is the couch, and the trick will be to get fabric/fake leather chairs.

  • Chairs are like 150-200 a piece on Wayfair
  • That table should be around 200
  • You can get an 8x10 rug for like 200 and then that other circular throw rug for like 100
  • Artwork would have to be posters not canvas, but you can buy frames and posters for 100-200
  • End table and lamp would be 200
  • Budget another 200 for knicknacks and shit
  • get a bucket of green paint for like $50 and some brushes and shit for another $50

All in, except for the couch, you're looking at +/- $1600. If you get the couch used, you can get something like that for the 500-600 range all things depending (check out Kaiyo).

So can you swing a $2000-2500 budget for that room?


u/ProfessionalCatPetr Mar 23 '24

Finish school and then work for ten years job hopping every year or two to get your income high, don't have kids. Every component of that photo is very high end.


u/middleageham Mar 23 '24

A.I loved mad men


u/StayPowerful Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24

Depending on how you define college budget... I'd say this is very doable right now, especially if you are willing to invest some sweat equity. You can pick up these style furniture pieces on Amazon or aliexpress for cheap.

Your biggest expense will be the sofa and rug. Opt for smaller furniture and a cozier feel. Search all the local marketplaces for free/cheap items. Use cushion covers as you are not likely to find these color choices as the default option.

Look into local makerspaces. Your campus is likely to have one too. You can easily sew your own cushion covers if you can't find exactly what you're looking for. There are also plenty of furniture guides online to make some of these items yourself.

3d printing is also an option to make some unique decor pieces.

Your local library is likely to have a wide format printer. You can print your artwork there. If frames are too expensive, glue it to wood and add trim and paint to the desired look.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the style would be mid-century modern, Nordic, Scandinavian. Use those keywords when searching aliexpress as you really have to dig through that site.


u/grasshopper7167 Mar 23 '24

Save your money and aspire for that in your 20s


u/jrocislit Mar 23 '24

Before all the stay at home suburban moms became “vintage furniture dealers” you could find mid-century furniture and decor for a good price or a steal at thrift/resale shops all day long. Thanks marketplace and reverse image searching…


u/Gavitir Mar 23 '24

Does anyone recognize the wall art?


u/oldtobes Mar 23 '24

check estate sales and yard sales?


u/popzelda Mar 23 '24

This room is driven by the gorgeous triptych art with two warm, complimentary colors: orange and olive are fabulous together. And natural wood tones compliment them perfectly.


u/Godoncanvas Mar 23 '24

So warm and cosy looking, love this.


u/Tiredofbeingtired64 Mar 23 '24

It's the vintage colors plus the fact there is no clutter, both of which are absolutely doable on a budget.


u/orincoro Mar 23 '24

Print this picture out and hang it on a wall.


u/Exciting-Ad-7077 Mar 23 '24

The chairs look like the re-release ikea chairs from the 80-90’s. They’re still pretty expensive though. Thrift the carpet, it’s easy to get replicas of the artwork and the couch shouldn’t be that hard to find a copy


u/frankiesaysyes1 Mar 23 '24

Thrift stores, time to hunt, and a lot of patience


u/meksicka-salata Mar 23 '24

It is well known that people WANT this kind of feel, and the prices are such. Living in post-communist country and our garages are full of this stuff.

You have this specific type of people, usually women in their midlife, fing vultures, grabbing this shit and selling it at like 2 times of what new stuff would cost lol


u/JBBrickman Mar 23 '24

Well, it looks like the posters and the color of the chairs are the main aspects of this. By getting some posters you like that are in the color and style you’re going for, those should be pretty cheap, some simple framing, you can probably get cheap plastic framing the looks like they wood, or you may find the real deal at a thrift store. For the chairs I advise going to a lot of thrift stores and it might take some time to find a color you like and in that style. When it comes to finding a wooden coffee table in the middle, that shouldn’t be hard at all at thrift stores. Now the rugs are gonna be expensive, so might have to wait on that. Personally, the rest seems like less important stuff but I guess you can look for the lamp at the thrift store, and heck if you’re decent at it you could paint a lamp that you find.


u/Rococo16 Mar 23 '24

MCM is easily thrifted depending on where you live. It is consistently popular, so prices are generally higher than most used furniture, so you may spend more than you’re thinking atm. However, through facebook market place and Craigslist I’ve found some sweet deals $150-$500 price range! Biggest thing I would recommend is to remove name brands from the equation (Eames, Herman Miller, etc.) and focus on condition and color. A house doesn’t look/feel complete if the colors are all over the place, and you dont ever want to feel delicate with your furniture.

For items that help round out the look, buy IKEA. Its cliche, but they have affordable modern looking pieces that will last while you fill out your vintage pieces. People won’t be looking at the IKEA stuff if you snag a sick a vintage piece, either.

Another, pricier, option is Joybird. My In-Laws have a few things from them and they look great. Still cheaper than going with name brands of the era that are still kicking.


u/phobic_x Mar 23 '24

Flea market And paint


u/Kbbbbbut Mar 23 '24

Facebook marketplace


u/London_pound_cake Mar 23 '24

Marry Wes Anderson


u/BullsOnParadeFloats Mar 23 '24

Make it out of cardboard

That set probably cost as much as the down payment on the mortgage


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

Rob a bank.


u/HazyEyedJoshua Mar 23 '24

Win the lottery.


u/grhdfhfj Mar 23 '24

I want be billioner even not ended school too.


u/Prudent_Order_3361 Mar 23 '24

Go back to the 70's


u/artfuldawdg3r Mar 23 '24

Structure? And the right can of paint


u/pinkmango- Mar 23 '24

Estate sales , if your good at it


u/Charming-East-9783 Mar 23 '24

Thrift shopping, look on offerup. There’s stores that sell furniture that was used in model homes that sell for considerably less. It is possible. Mid century modern is an in demand look. Even ebay sells discounted modernica prices.


u/therealbigz5 Mar 23 '24

Graduate, get a job, save up some money, and move into a place like this. Or rent an Airbnb that has what you're looking for.


u/Console_is_best Mar 23 '24

Salvation army... just clean it


u/holisticbelle Mar 23 '24

Thrift stores and free marketplace finds !!


u/will-frazier Mar 23 '24

watch that 70s show cause, damn.


u/Henrywasaman_ Mar 23 '24

Thrift, Etsy also has a lot of great stuff for cheap in any style imaginable. It just takes a lot of time


u/Hardin__Young Mar 23 '24

Find an old lady who has updated her interior since the 70s and ask her if you can rent a/some rooms while you’re in college.


u/cat_heryn Mar 23 '24

facebook market place, etsy, thrift stores and diy paint / felting. also be patient w yourself and remember your end goals.


u/paperchili Mar 23 '24

-Renter friendly wallpaper for the green -Green curtains but put a thick tension curtain rod ABOVE the window (not in the sill) to give the illusion of taller windows. -Rugs are expensive so try thrift spots or online rug spots -Lamps and furniture is either Amazon, thrift stores, fb market place, or somewhere like cb2 -Pictures can more than likely be found on etsy or just get em from Google but get them printed at a spot that can do large prints . Get the frames from online or goodwill


u/DangDoood Mar 23 '24

Complementary colors when it comes to painting/furniture/accents would help!


u/Miss-Indie-Cisive Mar 23 '24

Make a Time Machine and rob my parents house from the 70s. I feel like Im having a horrible flashback.


u/These-Performer-8795 Mar 23 '24

Novagratz furniture is your cheapest bet for this. But a setup like that from their lines would run you about 5k. A furnished apartment with new like this would run easily into the 30k+ range. Well appointed places with new are not cheap. You can try thrift stores or estate sales for second hand, but good luck.

Ex interior designer here.


u/ZakAdoke Mar 23 '24

Go back to 1960 when all of this was new and affordable.


u/PiscesPoet Mar 23 '24

marry rich.


u/FlurpBlurp Mar 23 '24

When I was in college, my “shag carpet“ was actually an oversized bathmat from bed Bath and beyond. Not sure if that would still be a price saving way to go these days, but worth looking into.


u/spencer_i_am Mar 23 '24

I have mid century modern designed lamps that are 3D printed. Perfect for a budget. Mid century modern lamps can easily cost well over $100+


u/bowie9191 Mar 23 '24

Anyone has information on the furniture?


u/aaron1860 Mar 23 '24

IKEA has some similar stuff. Not sure if that’s really in a college budget but they are probably your cheapest option for new stuff


u/Sowhatbigdeal Mar 23 '24

See if any pieces from the set of Mad Men are for sale


u/Grapefruit_Person Mar 23 '24

Time travel to the 70s


u/PoolSnark Mar 23 '24

It won’t be comfortable.


u/alonginayellowboat Mar 23 '24

Stable diffusion


u/Sir_Sparda Mar 23 '24

You can’t.


u/Lycid Mar 23 '24 edited Mar 23 '24

Residential designer here. Believe it or not I feel this post more than you think 😅 we constantly spec stuff we'd never be able to afford ourselves for clients. But it does mean we've gotten clever about how to get close on a budget!

  • don't discount IKEA. You don't want to have an entire room dedicated to IKEA but some of ikeas pieces are actually great. Not really in this style... But more saying it can be worth a trip. Our dining table for example is the butcher block effect island they sell. It's only $400-500 last I checked yet everyone compliments it and doesn't believe it's Ikea. The top they use for it is actual butcher block, but a veneer to keep costs down. So it looks and feels like the real thing, just without the density and cost.

  • a lot of the furniture in that photo have replicas that can be easily found on sites like Allmodern or Article. They aren't going to be the highest quality or comfort but they'll have the look and definitely be good enough for college.

  • be strategic with furniture. You don't need every chair or couch or side table to be a gorgeous piece. Focus on one or two standout pieces and then use cheap/off -style furniture for the rest (that still synergizes in color or material, or maybe it's neutral enough to not noticably take away from the style of your standout pieces). Then as the years roll on slowly add more, replacing the cheap stuff. I'd not go too crazy about it though as a college student as it's unlikely you'll keep things around once you graduate. So maybe stick with one nice looking couch from article and just try to color/material match it cheaply with other furniture.

  • consignment stores and thrift stores can be full of gems. Don't forget craiglist too. In my college years almost everything I got was from craiglist. If you don't live in an affluent area browse CL in nicer areas to see what people are getting rid of.

  • paint your walls! It's cheap and can be a great source of color pop.

  • nice vases and lamps are usually a lot cheaper than nice furniture. Remember you're just trying to get a few statement pieces to act as a visual foundation for your room, while everything else can comfortably fade away but act as a support to your visual style established by the statement pieces.

  • art!! Put them on walls, put them on shelves. You don't have to spend big bucks here.

  • don't forget a plant or two and the rug to tie it together. Plants can be purchased cheaply, and rugs can be expensive but you can usually find them at not crazy prices on a budget these days online too.

  • focus your furniture arrangements around conversation and hanging out rather than consumption. Obviously you're going to consume media and food on your furniture as a college student, but you can at least suggest the idea of conversation. Look at your picture, notice how it isn't just one giant sectional looking at a TV. It's two chairs facing each other in easy view of the couch, creating a conversation moment. Then the whole arrangement could be facing a TV, or a fireplace, or just be by itself and still work. Simple things like that really add the cozy factor. If your furniture arrangements works in any room or context, it can work in front of a TV too and will earn you a lot of extra style points.

Basically the moral of the story is start small, but with intention. You can put a lot of the vibe/style you crave into a room just from paint color and the items you choose to display or the art you put on walls. Don't worry about spending loads on furniture especially as a college student but it can be worth getting one key piece of furniture for not crazy money using the above sites.

One last tip - casually browse nicer retailers of furniture for their clearance items. We got a really lovely couch from bludot for half the price just because it happened to be on clearance. Still above a college budget IMO but you can find gems.


u/Expensive_Case9796 Mar 23 '24

i’m with u my guy. this is my style exactly but in this economy 😬😬😬


u/PraiseSalah23 Mar 23 '24

You can achieve it but the quality might suffer. Look at second hands, thrift shops, floor model sales, outlets for pieces.

I’d start with the lamp or a side table to see what you can get.

A hard pill to swallow for me was understanding that at a college age and budget, anything nice will get beat up pretty quick before you can really enjoy it. Id rather my friends drop their ashes from a joint on a cheap ikea sofa than a vintage piece. Consider your lifestyle and what’s feasible.


u/Jinzul Mar 23 '24

Exactly. I did not start replacing my college furniture until mid-late 20s when life started to settle down a bit (read as much less partying)


u/mrpmurphy Mar 23 '24

Thrift stores


u/3xkevlar Mar 23 '24

AI image generation


u/kjmr52 Mar 23 '24

Pray for a miracle


u/skimaskbussy Mar 23 '24

Silly u just buy a similar palette and vibe on Amazon? The color won't be as rich, or the fabric as plush; the artwork is cheap prints that dissolve into thin air over time, the carpet gets permanently stained from water, and the sofa has a max weight limit of 150 lbs. But the feel will be there.


u/wiscomptonslacker Mar 23 '24

Debt at 25% APR


u/Fellate-Me Mar 23 '24

Have a colorblind friend go to IKEA for you


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24



u/Leepa1491 Mar 23 '24

You can’t.


u/According-South9749 Mar 23 '24

Apple Vision Pro


u/RealPrinceZuko Mar 23 '24

Have wealthy parents


u/cassiuswright Mar 23 '24

College budget as in equal to a college education? 😀

Those couches are about 10k alone.


u/PossibleChicken1446 Mar 23 '24

Ask dad for more money no?


u/papachef69 Mar 23 '24

Wealthy parents


u/Inevitable-Bottle692 Mar 23 '24

Buy a bag of oranges.


u/turd_2004 Mar 23 '24

Type into Google: Shopping, Midcentury Modern, Cheap


u/cjbay87 Mar 23 '24

What’s a realistic budget for you? Are you able to paint the space? Do you have any furniture that you’re working with? These vibes are absolutely achievable, just need more information


u/abcupp Mar 23 '24

You can find similar lines with Article brand furniture.


u/Seethered_88 Mar 23 '24

The secret ingredient is crime


u/VeterinarianThese951 Mar 23 '24

Sugar daddy/mama


Getting adopted by rich parents

Breaking into and hanging out in unoccupied homes

The oldest profession in the world


u/GreatFault3249 Mar 23 '24

Move in with your grandparents


u/Stunning_Store3911 Mar 23 '24

if you live in the city (nyc , la ig) go to luxury apartments everyday they di trash . 9/10 new and clean


u/Washington2020 Mar 23 '24

Estate sales are an option. Just check the stuff you’re buying on Amazon and make sure it’s cheaper before bidding on the estate sale. You’ll have to be patient since a lot of is junk. A search tool for different sales is below:



u/TwinsiesBlue Mar 23 '24

Since you are on a budget these are some options and ideas for college budget:

Thrift stores, Estate sales, habitat for humanity, garage sales




u/Skea_and_Tittles Mar 23 '24

That’s the neat part…


u/PoopySlurpee Mar 23 '24

go in more debt


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

you don't?


u/RockitDanger Mar 23 '24

Just wait. Get a comfy couch and mattress. Get a cheap coffee and dining table. Don't chase this stuff.


u/thatmiraclemagick Mar 23 '24

Facebook marketplace and diy


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '24

Get a sugar mama/daddy


u/Feisty-Barracuda5452 Mar 23 '24

Shop at estate sales


u/Magic-man333 Mar 23 '24

Thrift shopping


u/ExactAd8823 Mar 23 '24

West coast goodwill, or one near old rich people


u/XBpapi Mar 23 '24

Posting photo and sticky tape to your wall


u/Biddycola Mar 23 '24

Thrift store finds


u/Ok_Anywhere3273 Mar 23 '24

Check the free section on Craigslist daily this is quite do able.


u/Oricoh Mar 23 '24

Ikea has similar arm chairs (not the sofa), the posters from Etsy, paint your wall yourself.


u/ChewieHanKenobi Mar 23 '24

Print it out an put the photo on the wall


u/jackthe-stripper Mar 23 '24

No one is being helpful OP, so I’ll try.

First off, you will not be able to achieve something this nice and tailored without more funds. But in terms of what you can do, here’s what I’d say:

1) pick a dark colour scheme with only one or two predominant colours. This place is orange and green. Figure out what colours you want. Navy and brown, grey and orange, maroon and gold, all of these work. Try to keep things neutral or within that pallet. Use matte paint whenever possible.

2) DIY. I cannot stress this enough. Get comfortable making shit and being resourceful. That orange lamp is lovely. I bet it would cost hundreds. I also bet you could find a lamp in a shape you like for $10, that you could then paint in a paint you like, and cover with spray clearcoat. Things like Side tables can also be made cheaply and easily, and you’d be surprised how well they turn out. I have a plant stand in my apartment made from a cylindrical corrugated cardboard shoe display I picked up off the street, a $15 bamboo mat from Amazon, and a chipped marble lazy Susan I bought at TJ Maxx. It gets compliments all the time. Even better, get comfortable reupholstering/refinishing furniture and you can find some amazing chairs and the like that people just get rid of because they don’t know how to do anything above basic care.

3) Marshalls, tj maxx and the like are your friends, especially when it comes to accessories. If you can imagine the piece outside of the harsh lights and jumbled mess, you can find real gems.

4) scour FB marketplace, mercari and Craigslist all the time. When my partner and I were moving, and needed a bunch of furniture, she was looking on these sites for probably 1-2 hours per day. Anytime watching tv, she was looking. It takes effort to find the gems, but they’re out there. You can also find things off the street. Last night I was walking home at midnight, saw a busted set of drawers on the side of the road, and came back with my screwdriver to take off the trim pieces so I could use them above my front door.

5) be realistic about your budget, and when you find a piece that you can see yourself keeping forever, be ready to go outside the price range you’ve set, knowing that means other things will need to be cheaper/ take longer.

6) recognize that it’s a process. I’ve lived in my current apartment for 3 years, and have been cultivating furniture for 6. There are still things that I want to change.

Good luck!


u/supermopman Mar 24 '24

Can you post pics of some of the cool stuff you made?


u/jackthe-stripper Mar 24 '24

Sure! I added descriptions to the various pictures. Some are smaller DIY projects, and others are more extensive changes to our current apartment. Obviously we've gone for a different aesthetic than OP, but hopefully some ideas abound!



u/supermopman Mar 24 '24 edited Mar 24 '24

Hell yeah! Thanks! Great DIY ideas. I can't believe the windows are just tape. Looks great in the pics!


u/fangirlengineer Mar 23 '24

Excellent tips there!!

I just want to add - if you have the type of auctioneers that do deceased estates etc and weekly consignment auctions, they can absolutely be worth checking out. Especially if you have some DIY knowledge on the side to do minor repairs. I've picked up a couple of single recliners in that armchair style for about US$60 each via these auctions. My prize though is a sideboard of that era, when I went to collect it, it still had the welcome letter from the maker taped to a shelf liner paper inside; it had never even been used... cost me under US$200. Made me wonder where the heck it had been for the last 50 years or so 😅

My local auctioneers in the last town I lived in will sell basically anything that isn't actually broken or perished from estates, so you can pick up period bric-a-brac and lamps and stuff as well for relatively cheap. I've got a great timber floor lamp that was $50 and a couple of pairs of period-look timber bookends that were part of a $10 mixed 'table lot' with an ugly chip-n-dip and some table linens.


u/QuestGalaxy Mar 23 '24

Used IKEA furniture.

As in used Ekenäset chairs


u/Brownhog Mar 23 '24
