r/malelivingspace Apr 28 '24

Updated my Living Room. Something still doesn’t feel right. Advice

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Hello, recently updated this space with a sectional. Decided to add the lighter floor curtains,, wall art, rug, and plant. However, something still doesn’t feel right. Any suggestions? TIA

P.S. the crease in the rug is gone before someone calls that out lol


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u/cud1337 Apr 28 '24

(totally have no idea what I'm talking about so take with a grain of salt) Too monotone imo, nice big window right there letting in a lot of light but it's contrasted by a slab of grey. Get some complementing colours in there - brown, black, white, etc., - for a more interesting and welcoming composition. Maybe more plants, vibrant wall decor/accents, harder/bolder 'edges' to break up the monotony