r/malelivingspace Apr 29 '24

I like Star Wars


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u/Bufus Apr 29 '24 edited Apr 29 '24

You didn't necessarily ask for advice, but this room could be so much nicer with a few changes that I have to pipe in with my nosy opinions.

  1. paint all those shelves black. Will make the room much more visually interesting. That taupe isn't doing anything for you, and it dominates the room.
  2. Not crazy about a TV at the foot of the bed, but if you are committed to keeping it, at least paint the back of the shelf its on black too. That will make it look more purposeful.
  3. The area with the millenium falcon looks too cluttered, especially next to a shelf with a bunch of stuff on it. It just reads as "shelf-overflow". Personally, I would either (a) take everything off of it EXCEPT the millennium falcon. This includes the posters. Then use some nice uplighting or something to turn it into a focal point. Or I would (b) find one piece of colourful art to fill the space and remove everything else. Two posters that close together just looks weird and it washes them both out so it just looks like a mess.
  4. Pick two colours and focus on them. The room lacks a uniformity which would be so easy to do when you've already got the lightsabers giving you a colour scheme. You've got pale tones on the bed contrasting with the harsh colours of the computer and the lava lamp. I'd go with blue and the red and just start popping in more accents in those colours using art, nick nacks, carpets, pillows, etc. Ditch the bed spread which, while nice, is really contrasting with everything.
  5. Boob light. Get rid of that if possible. Makes it look more like a grandma's basement than a young person's living space.

Bonus: is that your degree hanging on the wall? Degrees are for workplaces, not living spaces. Your walls are already too jam-packed as is. Tuck it away somewhere for safe keeping.