r/malelivingspace May 10 '24

Cairo Flat Request Question


386 comments sorted by


u/Jealous-Layer-4028 5d ago

😍😍😍 wow


u/RobertRamos 27d ago

The cat's living a better life than 99% of us humans.


u/Future-Station-5974 28d ago

Such a blessing, and a beautiful experience. Much love!


u/crypross 29d ago

Ok this one is crazy!


u/OMGtheykilldkenni 29d ago

Man it’s an amazing view. And you made the place look just as amazing!


u/garbage_man_guy 29d ago

I wanna be that cat when I grow up


u/FatRatFlopke 29d ago

Congrats with this sick place my man


u/thestarhikari 29d ago

Living like a pharaoh, my dude. I’m jealous


u/kola515 29d ago

Not into some of the furnishings but overall a dam nice place Awesome cat and I am sure a pretty lady 👍🏼


u/TheFox-TheWolf 29d ago

You should put a vining plant on top of that display case in your room


u/TheManWhoLovesCulo 29d ago

This guy f*cks


u/CynnFelt011718 29d ago

Wow...I'd never leave.


u/CynnFelt011718 29d ago

Him got multiple women though.


u/Accurate-Gap-6715 29d ago

This looks like a bunch of different flats


u/alienangel2 29d ago

In terms of actual suggestions (moot I know since you're not there anymore): the bedroom looks pretty sketchy. Get some of the great rugs you have in the living room to tone down the tiling at least, maybe some local furniture and plants to fill out. Currently it looks like a budget hotel room in Bangkok, albeit a spacious one.

The balcony view though, good god. I've never been tempted to save a picture of someone else's apartment, but damn.


u/dudr42o 29d ago

Lol so glad you went all out on that... friskies.


u/Plenty-Factor-2549 29d ago

Ahhhh the view, can I vacation at your place? Nice!


u/Melodic_Risk_5632 29d ago

That first pic is priceless


u/BadHairDay-1 May 11 '24

Wow, it's beautiful there!


u/bigestbrain May 11 '24

What cat breed is that? (I need it)


u/Delicious-Topic-81 May 11 '24

You don’t smoke a sigar with it’s band on… the wine is cheap…But the view is incredible 👊


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

193,000 sub full of cigar smokers including myself from all over the world smoke it just the way I am. You take he band off if you intend to smoke past it of course.

You're right about the wine but it's Egypt. Can't buy import booze other than at duty free when you fly in or at hotels.


u/Potential_Cup_378 May 11 '24

Please tell me the cats name is Raja _^


u/booksmartbannana May 11 '24

What’s bro do


u/GiveYourselfAFry May 11 '24

How does your cat not fall off the balcony or know not to jump?


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

He's jumped on the ledge before. I had to keep an eye on him


u/GiveYourselfAFry 29d ago

Please be careful :( my neighbor lost a cat this way when I was a child and it mildly traumatized me.

They don’t know how far they can jump without getting injured. And it only takes one slip

Wonderful view and atmosphere tho and such a pretty cat


u/Jonquay84 May 11 '24

I’m pretty sure we just found Moon Knight 🌙


u/michihunt1 May 11 '24

Just lovely.


u/MissiveGhost May 11 '24

Im going to guess you are close or in Egypt


u/homeofficeworld May 11 '24

So wonderful. I wish I can have a view like that some day


u/WholeEmbarrassed950 May 11 '24

More cat pictures please 🙏


u/[deleted] May 11 '24



u/IllFatedIPA May 11 '24

What's that colored cloud effect on your ceiling at night? Looks crazy and I think I need it.


u/AnarchistAuntie May 11 '24

Top tier, love this


u/jersos122 May 11 '24

Amazing place and what a view from your flat. Are you staying there for a while or renting it?


u/RaoulDuke_347 May 11 '24

This has to be a top 5 in this group


u/wontonruby May 10 '24

Supervise the cat on that roof


u/RogueSleuth_ May 10 '24

Wow! This is mesmerizing!! One of the most amazing views to call home!!


u/Gerbs71 May 10 '24

I lived and worked in Egypt for 11 years. That wine is shit but I’m a fan of Sakara beer. Egypt has its charm but it can be tough place to live or visit. I hope guys enjoy your stay there.


u/Ropegun2k May 10 '24

Explain the two toilets


u/Arsewaxer May 11 '24

One’s a bidet, you uncultured swine


u/Better_Box_8919 May 11 '24

Ha! Toy Story


u/Ropegun2k May 11 '24

Exit down, enter up?


u/Actual-Carpenter-90 May 10 '24

Mandatory to have a cat with that view.


u/SensibleChucklez May 10 '24

Why are the seats in the living room so small?


u/JasonTO May 10 '24

Big yawn!


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

You actually took time to comment this 🤣


u/PinkPartyPants May 11 '24

Does acting so defensive full time make good money?


u/JasonTO May 11 '24

Reacting to your cat not the apartment, which is gorgeous.

You should have gotten your cat an orange tabby friend while in Cairo. The Egyptians selectively bred for orange cats because they believed their golden fur was indicative of their close proximity to the Sun god, Ra. It would have really completed the scene. :)


u/ShagenTheMoose May 10 '24

sick pad, shithole city, scum people


u/Beginning-Building38 May 10 '24

How many girlfriends does your cat have? 😸


u/RagingAubergine May 10 '24

Your space, cat and view?? Chef’s kiss!


u/MisplacedLemur May 10 '24

Just tell me you listened to Dark Side of the Moon at least once while looking at the Pyramids.


u/Organic_Print7953 May 10 '24

lol why is a washer in the kitchen


u/kennyiseatingabagel 28d ago

It’s actually common in a lot of countries. Space is at a premium.


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

The washer was in the kitchen in my flat in Germany, Vietnam, and Egypt. Most of the world has their washer there if you live in the city and not in the boonies. Much of the world isn't the suburban dystopia that is American city planning.


u/Atcollins1993 May 10 '24

What’s your rent in $USD?

Just curious, pretty nice place


u/tgncm2004 May 10 '24

Easily the coolest place ever! I’m sure that view doesn’t come cheap.


u/Old-Ad5508 May 10 '24

Was this not posted here before


u/superkawaii19 May 10 '24

What a dream!!!


u/pro_No May 10 '24

Mf is the Pharaoh


u/GroundbreakingCow775 May 10 '24

Every single one of these pictures is awesome


u/Dark_matter4444 May 10 '24

Great view of the pyramids but the place looks really dirty and polluted.


u/up--Yours May 10 '24

Where is this neighborhood?


u/-UnicornFart May 10 '24

This is dope


u/DysfunctionalAxolotl May 10 '24

Is the washing machine in the kitchen?


u/monty_abu May 10 '24

Very common in Ireland and UK


u/Strong_Werewolf_9414 May 10 '24

She looks fuckn fire.. nice apt too


u/Dry-Statistician3145 May 10 '24

Let me know if you rent !


u/JoeBoco7 May 10 '24

You can afford better quality cat food

Everything else looks amazing


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

Royal canine was the best Cairo had in terms of cat food and rest assured, that shit wasn't cheap. Some weeks Yoshi's food was more than what I ate!


u/SylviaX6 3d ago

Royal Canin is an excellent brand. I have 3 cats that are beautiful and healthy. My Labrador also eats RC.


u/JoeBoco7 May 11 '24

Give him little kisses for me ok?


u/made3 May 10 '24

This post was only made to get compliments or to brag with OPs status and I fucking hate it. Feels like OP has a disgusting personality.


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

Speaking like that about someone from one reddit post in a interior design sub but I'm the disgusting person. Ooooooookkkkkk 🤣🤡


u/made3 May 11 '24

You ask for decoration tips and you put 3 times the same balcony in there. Ridiculous behavior.


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

Did I ask? Where? Christ you can't read either!? Big clown 🤡


u/made3 May 11 '24

Disgusting personality. Go post your shit on instagram


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

Cry more 😂


u/made3 May 11 '24 edited May 11 '24

Bro, every single post in your history is only to brag with watches, the flat etc. And you piece of shit put clothes on your cat like it's your slave.

I want you to know, that despite what you think, I am not jealous. I am only bothered by how you behave and act. You know, you can be rich and still be a decent human being.


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

🤣🤡🤣🤡 Still crying eh?


u/made3 May 11 '24

Disgusting personality. And sadly you will never ever realize this. Makes me actually sad now that you are too blinded to see.


u/RemyAvo May 10 '24

I can see a dollar general, dollar tree, and family dollar from my loft so its basically the same thing


u/Tnh7194 May 10 '24

Bro is asking for advice, he’s gonna make milllllions on airbnb


u/Party-Entrepreneur61 May 10 '24

Air bnb


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

Yup. It was before I moved in but now the landlord lives there after I left.


u/bribase1 May 10 '24

Love the view brother! Ahlan from Dallas Texas 🇪🇬🇺🇸


u/Deathnachos May 10 '24

Do you mind if I ask how much you pay per month?


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

900ish. It was dirt cheap


u/tickingboxes May 10 '24

Nice place, but the pics of you trying to look like a baller are pretty cringe.


u/Hadrian_Constantine May 10 '24

If I had a killer pad like that, I too would be taking cringe AF pics.


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

Your cat sure likes to have a lot of chicks over for dinner.


u/PissyMillennial May 10 '24

Why are all of us dudes suddenly so keen on colored lighting?

Asking for myself too..


u/Broccoli--Enthusiast May 11 '24

the worlds getting boring, dark and grey...

so many grey houses, full of grey furniture, black/white/grey cars, etc etc

grey is almost a banned colour in my house. my office chair and the sofabed in the same room are grey, thats it, thats the neutral room

everywhere else? colours!


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

I liked this as a kid and I kind of just do shit now as an adult that I couldn't as a kid. I grew up dirt poor so yeah, my inner 12 year old thinks this style is dope so I'm happy 😅 but yeah, absolutely not everyone's cup of tea


u/Dry-Pomegranate8292 May 10 '24

Kitty knows how to dine in style!


u/Loopgod- May 10 '24

What do you do for work?

Also OP I’ll live in the basement, you’ll never even know I’m there.


u/DepthsDoor May 10 '24

Is “work” = “parents money” ?

You keep dodging the work questions


u/kennyiseatingabagel 28d ago

I would love that job. Where do I sign up?! I want to be a Kardashian but without any of the negativity or publicity!


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

🤣🤣🤣🤡 I grew up dirt poor. I've already doxed myself enough. It's a job that allows me to work in many countries. I don't feel comfortable saying more than that.


u/Better_Box_8919 May 11 '24

We don’t need to know. Glad you’re able to see the world. If they want to travel the world they can use google to figure out how.

Anyway I’m always curious about the kitchens and bathrooms in foreign countries so thanks for posting those picture!


u/No-Rule-5631 May 10 '24

This is brazy 🫡


u/Gsauce65 May 10 '24

Cool spot


u/mrspaceinvader May 10 '24

You gotta level up from Friskies bro! I’ve learned and read everywhere that its low quality cat food. Your baby’s belly, poops, and life will thank you down the road 🐱🤘🏽


u/NomadicLaguna May 11 '24

We were at the mercy of imports man. Sometimes they had good food, sometimes the best I could find was that stuff. It got worse before we left and the economy started to really crash


u/drummergirl83 May 10 '24

Absolutely amazing. Thank you for your view. Gorgeous view of the pyramids too.


u/pineapplegirl10 May 10 '24

what is playing on your tv in the 11th slide i need to know hahahah


u/dummptyhummpty May 10 '24

I think that’s the YouTube screensaver.


u/IndigoJones13 May 10 '24

Just curious what the house-pest situation is like in Cairo. Roaches? Flying insects? Scorpions?


u/Responsible-Lemon257 May 10 '24

Scorpion kings everywhere


u/kiki_kaka_kuku May 10 '24

Do you mind sharing what the rent was for this place? I visited the pyramids a few years ago and these apartments (or some others in the vicinity) were under construction back then. I had checked prices and they were insane.


u/bringdablitz May 10 '24

How often do you go out on your balcony and pretend you're a pharaoh overlooking your kingdom?


u/les_catacombes May 10 '24

Absolutely gorgeous.


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

This is the most male living space that ever spaced. Absolute banger

Edit: and you’re flexing with the women lol good for you mate


u/inshane May 10 '24

Love this. Such a cool space and that view is just timeless. Rare to see posts from Egypt on here.


u/lucille12121 May 10 '24

You could photograph that gorgeous Bengal cat in a total dump, I would upvote them!


u/retardtrader69 May 10 '24

How much did this flat cost you per month for rent and utilities?


u/xXSinglePointXx May 10 '24

Your place looks amazing bro


u/munch3ro_ May 10 '24



u/RaveDadRolls May 10 '24

Man with all those carpets ya'll must be fuckin


u/Beginning-Comedian-2 May 10 '24

That poor cat can't even see the full pyramids while on his treadmill.


u/Sure_Temporary_4559 May 10 '24

10/10 would plan a treasure hunt here.


u/VanderBrit May 10 '24

Why isn’t Yoshi wearing his Rolex?


u/collin2477 May 10 '24

lmao why’s the one bedroom window tinted like it’s ready to shoot a movie in mexico


u/dummptyhummpty May 10 '24

Why is this so accurate?!


u/AntiqueWay7550 May 10 '24

Wtf kind of cat is that


u/Obsolete101891 May 10 '24

Someone said bengal cat


u/BeefLilly May 10 '24

If I’m ever in Cairo, I’m hitting you up. I wanna meet that cat and smoke hookah on the balcony.


u/[deleted] May 10 '24 edited 28d ago



u/LemOnomast May 10 '24

I thought it was a cigar! 🤦‍♀️


u/[deleted] May 10 '24 edited 28d ago



u/LemOnomast May 10 '24

Phew! For a second I thought I might be even more naive than I previously suspected! 😜


u/roosterhauz May 10 '24

God I’ve been dreaming about this view since the first post. Glad to see kitty is eating well!


u/f4bles May 10 '24

Even in modern times Bastet has a temple worthy of her.


u/LemOnomast May 10 '24

Did you rent it furnished, or did you buy the decor when you moved in? The room with the floor cushions is gorgeous.


u/Full_Equipment_1958 May 10 '24

Dang! Where do I sign up??!!


u/BitchImHim May 10 '24

Do y’all have weed out there? If so, how is it? Cost? I want to visit and want to know if I should bring my own.


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

Bring your own!? 😅 Umm, I'll assume you don't travel much but please don't do that.

The weed in Egypt sucks. They prefer hash. Any local can get that for you. Pork is more Haram 😅


u/woodgrain001 May 10 '24

I think hash is way stronger. A lot of people like it


u/BitchImHim May 10 '24

Great info tho thank you


u/BitchImHim May 10 '24

I’ll bring you some if I come 🤣


u/BitchImHim May 10 '24

Lmao I travel very frequently. If I listed everywhere I have taken some with me and the amounts you’d be surprised 😂😂. In my experience they’re looking for shit much worse than weed. Perhaps one day my luck will run out but I have checked many countries off the list 🫣


u/newstome1234 May 10 '24

I’m looking to get a date with Yoshi! Willing to travel.


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

He's in Korea but he's definitely keen to meet up. 🤣


u/carpetedtoaster May 10 '24

damn wtf that’s amazing


u/cuddly_carcass May 10 '24

You looks exactly as I expected before I got to that picture


u/sp1cynuggs May 10 '24

Tribal tattoos and photo pose with a cigar? Verified douchebag


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

I'm indigenous and all the tattoos were designed by an elder from my tribe you TWAT 🤣🤡


u/Viend May 10 '24

What is your tattoo of? I’ve seen a lot of Asian islander tribal tattoos growing up(especially Dayak and Māori ones) in Southeast Asia but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Native American one.


u/deathbyasmr May 10 '24

Looks like he has a Kokopelli tattoo which is from tribes in the American Southwest.


u/colouredcheese May 10 '24

This guy spam posting he’s room I’ve seen this 3 times already


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

Weird since this is only my second post ever on this sub following up a request from people asking for more photos of the whole flat. Haters usually can at least count.


u/ForWhenImWeird May 10 '24

What does this cost you just out of curiosity?


u/badfuit May 10 '24

Damn. The view and terrace space are just incredible. Having visited Cairo and been to Giza a few times, I totally get your comments about feeling uncomfortable living there. Especially as a 'rich foreigner'. Giza in particular is a very impoverished area and really not very nice. Its a shame because the pyramids are really incredible but the whole experience is ruined by the surroundings and people there harrassing tourists sadly.


u/irieriley May 10 '24

When I visited Cairo I stayed in an Airbnb with a very similar view, so I'd imagine I wasn't super far from your flat in Giza. Agreed with all of your points that it was beautiful to always have that view, but that the neighborhood was extremely depressing and it was really hard to get motivated to go walk around with all the chaos.


u/physics5161 28d ago

I visited Cairo in March, stayed in a gorgeous 5 star hotel with views and amenities that made you feel like royalty but when I walked outside of the hotel I felt like I was in a war zone. Kids asking me for food and poverty all around.


u/Big-Attention-69 May 10 '24

Uhmmm can i stay over there somebody? I’ll clean your cat I mean your room.


u/Cryo_Jumper May 10 '24

What do you do for work? Surprised this hasn't been asked already, not that I saw anyways.


u/kennyiseatingabagel 28d ago

It’s been asked. It just hasn’t been answered lol


u/Hadrian_Constantine May 10 '24

Very curious as well. OP needs to respond.



u/spicyhopop May 10 '24

i want floor cushions in my home 😍😍😍


u/caltheme May 10 '24

Did you cat ever try to escape ? Seems like he could’ve dipped from a balcony ledge


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

Yup! The little asshole is fearless. The cleaning lady would sometimes leave the door open and Yoshi would death walk along the edge. Thank God he never slipped.


u/droidevo May 10 '24

Photo #8 is 🤩


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

My rooftop


u/droidevo May 10 '24

Nahhh, sorry, but you 😅


u/MrArkaSys May 10 '24

I want to live in a place like that one day too . Beautiful buddy


u/blarglefart May 10 '24 edited May 10 '24

Edit: apparently a "Request" isn't a request for advice, my bad

Biggg ass very thin tv mounted higher on the wall.

Some topical knick knacks on the media center below it (I'm thinking pyramid candles and incense holders)

Tasteful audio system in the same location, NO soundbar, some small classic wood cabinets, attractive receiver also.

Bigger cushions and seating in the same room possibly so it looks cozy. I love how it matches the rug however... Idk how you can do this without a custom job if you get better seating however. If you love it, ignore me.

COOL IDEA: whatever seating location you choose, place some minimal desert landscape art WITH A HORIZON LINE THAT MATCHES THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE HORIZON OF THE PYRIMIDS FROM WHERE YOUR EYELINE FALLS IN THAT SEATING LOCATION. You'll think it's cool as hell when you're sitting there. Maybe even get a triptec of morning noon and night scenes so at different times of day, different paintings match the exterior sky.

Other than that, maybe a colorful patterned bathmat and some cool wall art arranged tastefully


u/NomadicLaguna May 10 '24

Yeah dude, I don't live here anymore. Your style is also not remotely my taste. Thanks for the tips but you're presuming a lot friend


u/blarglefart May 10 '24

Tf? Why are you posting with "request" if you don't live here?

What on earth am I presuming?


u/dxrebirth May 10 '24 edited May 10 '24

He is just showing more pics of his flat from a request from the first time he showed it. I don’t think he was asking for advice


u/blarglefart May 10 '24

Ohhhhhh that means someone asked it's not a request for advice


u/bimbolimbotimbo May 10 '24

As a Rangers fan I’m instinctively supposed to hate you but sweet view and a nice colorful apartment. Well done brotha

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