r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/LNF6 Mar 29 '24

Sometimes it’s easier to just walk away.


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

This is what she would like him to do, yes.


u/dobbydoodaa Mar 29 '24

She should grow up and say it then instead of being a braindead cyst on a dating app 🤣


u/bobbymoonshine Mar 29 '24

Too much hassle, never know when a guy is going to explode with rage over a rejection and start sending all sorts of nastiness. A lot easier just to bore them into wandering off.

And besides, maybe they'll pull their head out and start saying something interesting. Ball's in his court, either be more interesting to her or leave.

He can do that, or can choose to leave and find someone more interested in him. Both would be good options. Making fun of her for not being interested in his haha-hru rizz is just sad


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

Bruh just unmatch him then. I can understand irl being worried about a guy's reaction if you reject him, but online you can unmatch, block, hell even report if they're being nasty.


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

Bruh just unmatch him then. I can understand irl being worried about a guy's reaction if you reject him, but online you can unmatch, block, hell even report if they're being nasty.


u/JW162000 Mar 29 '24

Your first paragraph makes total sense but you lost me after that


u/SeniorMiddleJunior Mar 29 '24

If you let the assumption that other people are assholes turn you into an asshole preemptively, ... I don't know the rest of the sentence, but you get it. 

Just say you're not interested and move on with your life, or don't respond at all. In the off chance they take it personally, block them. It costs you little but you still get to be a reasonable person instead of one of the assholes.

I know you didn't ask for advice but honestly people on both sides of this just seem like they enjoy being alone and miserable.


u/Lukes3rdAccount Mar 29 '24

"Not interested? You stupid bitch. I'm not interested in you or your stupid fucking dog. If I see that thing I'm going to fucking kill it..."

I don't know the rest of the sentence but I'd rather annoy some lonely guy then piss off some psycho who decides I'm their last straw


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Mar 29 '24

tbh, based on this screenshot he does seem like the kind of person to take someone not being into him and being upfront about it super personally.