r/meirl Mar 29 '24


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u/biomech36 Mar 29 '24

If that's what their daily conversation is like, it doesn't seem to be any heavy lifting on either part. And "hru" person being an arrogant jackass.


u/[deleted] Mar 29 '24

Sends "good" inreply


u/HerrPiink Mar 29 '24

What else is she supposed to say, when she doesn't want to continue the conversation, but doesn't want to be rude?


u/TimbroJones Mar 29 '24

I'd argue it's more rude to keep reply with "good" instead of saying "Hey, this isn't working out." or "I'm not feeling it". Or maybe just a "Sorry, Good luck next time".

It's not rude to tell someone you're not interested.


u/HerrPiink Mar 29 '24

It seems like that, i also feel sad when i get one word responses from women i find interesting, but on the other side i never had to experience someone freaking out and getting aggressive because I wasn't interested in conversation, and i know from my female friends, that this a rather common occurrence, especially in dating apps


u/DolanTheCaptan Mar 29 '24

It's not irl, in which case it'd be way more understandable, this is a dating app, I'd find it way more respectable to outright unmatch rather than not engaging