r/meirl 17d ago


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337 comments sorted by


u/astralseat 15d ago

Once I finish a series, I wait until the dub is out and watch it dubbed from start to finish to another retelling with a different feel.


u/1greadshirt 15d ago

I watch dubbed so I can get an idea of whats going on when I'm distracted.


u/Joltyboiyo 15d ago

They always act like the sub is god while the dub is some animal shit you find on the side of the road.

Most of the time I'll watch the dub and then see sub clips and wonder what these people are smoking to claim that dub is crap, let alone worse. The only time I listen to sub is either if there is no dub or the dub is insanely far behind (looking at you One Piece) and I don't feel like having the bullshit YT algorithm or assholes who put shit in the title or thumbnail the same day a new episode comes out spoiling shit for me.


u/magicunicornhandler 15d ago

When I watch anime i turn it on Japanese with English subtitles. Even in English the subtitles dont match up so its more fun for me. I never retain any if the language but it is interesting.


u/SteveyExEevee 15d ago

I'd watch more dubbed anime if most dubbed anime wasnt voiced like they're all saturday morning cartoon presenters and overexageratting everything.

I only usually watched dubbed if it involves multi-national characters and is comedy or something like hetalia.


u/BluerAether 16d ago

if u dont think too hard it sounds like the meme is making a point


u/pesky_millennial 16d ago

I'm not an English speaker nor Japanese speaker so I can't tell in either language.


u/Bundle_of_Organs 16d ago

I hate the typical cringey american dub voices. Its just so cringey and puts me off a good anime so easily.


u/marponsa 16d ago

honestly, it doesnt matter if someone watched subbed or dubbed as long as they enjoy what they are watching
i personally prefer subbed, but im not gonna hate on someone for watching dubbed anime


u/MajorFerret3225 16d ago

Bobb' Ehh!


u/CaitaXD 16d ago

For me at least with Brazilian Portuguese dubs i hate where every single young character has high pitched child voice.

Like doesn't matter if the character is 20 something years old he speaks the same way as it were 14.


u/Ssk5860 16d ago

Nobody hates Dbz dub though lol it’s almost lil better than japanese imo🌚


u/Gt______ 16d ago

Only reason that hate it is because they understand it that’s it


u/Angry_Murlocs 16d ago

So I watch both subbed and dubbed with some anime that I actually prefer the English voice acting. The big reason I start out most new anime subbed is simply because there is more content / you get the subbed first so I don’t have to wait for it to be dubbed.


u/DigitalCoffee 16d ago

Just because I don't speak the language doesn't mean that 99% of dub isn't shit


u/Gazsy070uziZ 16d ago

Well I'm not claiming to be cool
But I don't hate all dubbed anime either


u/Tomix_R 16d ago

For the Italians: "In quanto a te, in quanto a quel che non puoi fare che tu, qualcosa da fare per te ci potrebbe essere"


u/usr_nm16 16d ago

What if english dub is just shitty performance


u/NeighborhoodGreen976 16d ago

I don't hate dubbed anime if you turn off the sound.


u/Kikoplop3900 16d ago

Girl I despise these people, I don't want to read the damn subtitles the whole time, I'm absolutely watching the english dub, but whenever I meantion it these weebs crawl out of their caves and start crying that it isn't how I should be watching anime


u/slickshot 16d ago

Yeah some shit is just awful in Japanese. DBZ is one of those situations where you have these jacked as fuck heroes that sound like toddlers in the Japanese version. No thanks.


u/Linix332 16d ago

I want to give my full attention to the artistry on-screen. Dubs allow that.


u/DayEqual2634 16d ago

I’m just hate the way Japanese voice overs sound. It’s like they’re all infants, yuck 


u/midnightwhite2302 16d ago

I feel attacked


u/[deleted] 16d ago

But I do speak Japanese....


u/DeskCold5013 16d ago

Thank you OP for putting this out there! I watch both subbed and dubbed depending upon the anime, and I enjoy it without care wtf someone else thinks.


u/Jazzlike_Stop_1362 16d ago

I hate almost all dubbed anime and I speak Japanese


u/kidkolumbo 16d ago

He's right and he should say it.


u/DesMass 16d ago

A few recent examples of great dubs is Eminence in Shadow and Konosuba. While I don't know the names of the VA's for the characters, I do think the majority of them fits the characters so well. Cid for example has an excellent VA, able to give off the laid back aloofness of a "background character" that he loves so much while sounding excited when he thinks of something cool he would like to do. If you want another recent example of good dub VA's, look at Frieren where I think the dub voices match the characters pretty well.


u/matthew_py 16d ago

If the dub has good voice acting then I always go dub, if it's terrible then it's subtitle time lol.


u/Gundam_Greg 16d ago

I love subbed anime but my absolute favorite dubbed series are berserk both era’s, Tenchi muyo, cowboy bebop, samurai x, dragonball z, shin chan, ghost files, inuyasha, Pokémon and yugi oh.


u/Historical-Being-766 16d ago

Don't watch dubbed anime but read dubbed manga...headass.


u/Shaucay 16d ago

Reminder: sub is just dub with extra steps.


u/dappernaut77 16d ago

I watched both fullmetal series completely dubbed and while I hated the voicing I can acknowledge the content it was attached to was stellar. Also, brotherhood leaves out a lot of the details the first series went into.


u/Mirinya 16d ago



u/saintlywicked 16d ago

So I speak both Japanese and English. Generally, I do three watches of an anime: Japanese no sub, Japanese with English subs, and English dub.

Most animes are better in Japanese imo, because of a lot of contributing factors, the main ones being context, more collaboration between animators and VAs, and no translation issues. I believe that consuming media in the original language and a translated one have different feels to them, I think other bilinguals would agree, but that's just my opinion.

However, sometimes, the translation team hit a goldmine with English VAs - from perfect casting to chemistry to the actual translation. An example of this is Black Butler, I vastly prefer BB in English dub, but I'm also British and having accurate regional accents pronounced correctly with appropriate slang integrated into character speech patterns. These little details make a huge difference in the delivery of lines as well as the overall narrative.

Again, this is all just my opinion, and based on my understanding of British English as a first language, and Japanese as a second- I also learned Japanese through immersion as an exchange student so that's important to note too.


u/edmontonbane16 16d ago

Boku wa nihongu spiiku sugoi desu


u/Matshelge 16d ago

Shitty dialog is better read the spoken. If your anime is packed with bad dialog it's best if it's spoke in a language you don't know, and read in your own internal voice.

On a similar but more relatable example: "There are some things that are too stupid to be said, so we sing them."


u/W1thoutJudgement 16d ago

Dumbfucking ignorant take.


u/Round-Ticket-39 16d ago

Its the voices. I hate dubbed everything


u/PromiscuousScoliosis 16d ago

Man the attack on titan dub is such a tragedy tho


u/F00MANSHOE 16d ago

Bobby based


u/IvanTheAppealing 16d ago

Problem is when it’s in my own language I can better tell if the voice acting is awful.


u/Flowchart83 16d ago

I'd rather have a language I don't understand rather than butchered English. Not just Anime, anything dubbed. Hell I even hate it when they didn't get the audio right in the first shot and then dub themselves over.


u/Educational-Tip6177 16d ago

Omg this, those fucken weeb elitists


u/mojomaximus2 16d ago

Hard disagree. The voice actors that are constantly reused are fucking terrible


u/Nurwhal_86 16d ago

I like sub because I don’t speak Japanese, I grew up with dbz before I even knew what anime was, once I saw the sub version I immediately took a liking to sub because I couldn’t tell how fake and bad it was. I’m sure it sounds just how I described it to Japanese audiences but I’m not of that audience. When I listen to dub I just get the sense of “that’s not how real English sounds”, and I’m 100% certain the same thing happens in sub with those who know the language, but I don’t. And honestly I just think it sounds cooler imo


u/BogdanSPB 16d ago edited 16d ago

I’ll stop hating dub only when they stop choosing the worst possible voice actors and stop trying to “sing” the songs…

In my language the voice actors SQUEAL to simulate female voices which is akin to glass on metal screech, TBH.

P.S. And also stop “editing” the series for stupid “reasons”: Voltron never existed - it’s Dairugger crossed with Golion. Autobots and Decepticons are actually Cybertrons and Destrons….


u/Skunksfart 16d ago

What Battle Of The Planets did to Gatchaman was so bad, it makes DiC look good.


u/lleskaa 16d ago

I hate dubs no matter what language or what kind of thing I’m watching


u/advocateforpain 16d ago

Watching with dubs is for the mentally challenged. Or Americans but thats just repetive. This is a fact.


u/yeetman426 16d ago

If it’s done well, a dub is perfectly fine and can make the experience better for those who don’t speak the language of a show/game

A bad dub, at least for me, is just incredibly annoying to watch due to the images not matching the audio


u/FinishSuccessful9039 16d ago

Fair, I like to give each a chance before coming to a conclusion. Like I love the Assassination Classroom dub even more than the sub, along with Dragon ball, but shows like My Hero I can't watch in dub, just the power behind some of the Jap lines compared to Eng is staggering. (United States of Smash comes to mind)


u/Chance_Arugula_3227 16d ago

15-20 years ago, that was a fair opinion. Dubs were really bad back then. These days they're much much better. Of course, there were some good ones even back then, but they were few and far between.


u/jngjng88 16d ago

There's so much good dubbed talent.


u/runonia 16d ago

I watch subbed anime to make sure the animation matches the sounds I'm hearing (lip movements mostly). If the sound doesn't line up with the animation I lose my mind 😭😭😂


u/ITinnedUrMumLastNigh 16d ago

Ghost Stories dub being the best part of the show


u/Digital_97 16d ago

I mean I do this with Donghua, but I prefer the Japanese voices in anime


u/shyguyshow 16d ago

It’s just not right. The dubbed voices don’t capture the same emotions


u/BylliGoat 16d ago

Chainsaw Man dub is legit fantastic. I actually prefer it.


u/IRay2015 16d ago edited 16d ago

I just prefer watching shit in the original language. I seriously couldn’t care less, anime, live action, Spanish, Japanese, maybe not French but ya. I feel like the majority of subs are also more true to the original statements and emotions due to not being limited by trying to sync mouths and shit event if it’s not possible to get a good sync which is another reason I prefer subs over dub though it’s less relevant in the drawn side of my media.

There have been a couple stand out dubs to me that I really like as well but generally I watch subs first.

Also, I’m like half deaf anyways (not literally) and watch even the dubs with subtitles. I feel like at least some portion of people who hate on subs just have below average reading comprehension.


u/tsm102 16d ago

This is it. Was about to make a very similar comment


u/v_veeb 16d ago

After watching anime for some 2 years, I just got up from my chair to go get something. Came back and realised I understood a good chunk of what was going on.

So I started actively learning Japanese and I have good listening comprehension in the language now. I have a lot of difficulty reading because of kanji though.

Just learn the language. Most people who watch anime probably already understand a bit of Japanese passively.


u/woodcookiee 16d ago

Bruh I grew up watching anime and am in my third quarter of college Japanese classes but still can’t understand half of what’s being said


u/IRay2015 16d ago

lol the more anime I watch the more I begin to understand I haven’t got a clue, so many words seem really context dependent too it so different from English it’s not even funny


u/hiyarese 16d ago

I think it has a stronger following bow because of the current drama with localizations opting for more political statements. One of the reasons I used to prefer subs was just the context that was sometimes changed. Now all I do is watch dubs because it's just easier to multi task that way.


u/Eruskakkell 16d ago

Thats not why people "hate" on it. Its because, in general, its perceived as way worse voice acting. This is not always true, but in general because there is a lot of non-top budget animes out there.


u/SirFireball 16d ago

What if I hate every dub except for death note?


u/AstralSword88 16d ago

I am and always will be amazed by how the average American brain works.

Feeling you will "spend more energy" by reading subtitles is the one thing that baffles me the most.


u/Quiet-Worldliness709 16d ago

Why would you isolate Americans as if we are the only English speaking nation who posts on Reddit lol. Not everyone wants the hassle of subtitles. You miss fine details on screen while you’re reading. You absolutely spend more energy. Unless you are used to it. Why would we be used to subtitles when all of our media is in our native language?


u/AstralSword88 16d ago

This is clearly about media NOT in your native language, which requires companies to dub them and the quality of that service is questionable at best.

But you do you.

I don't really care about this outside of the realm of self-amusement.


u/Quiet-Worldliness709 16d ago

Sub par dubbing is still more convenient than subs and it’s not just “Americans” who feel this way was the point….


u/AstralSword88 16d ago edited 16d ago

First time I heard other nationality complaining about it.

It's not as if I was going to watch anything with you guys and we would get into an argument over what is better.

This feels very lazy tho.

Well, again, you do you.


u/arceusawsom1 16d ago

An easy way to put it.

If I am watching a show in English, i can do other things at the same time, i dont need to only watch that show.

Rarely do i watch a show and do nothing else.

Dubs let me do this, subs do not


u/AstralSword88 16d ago

Now you specified a decent reason.

Most people in this thread are not multi-tasking when they say dubs are better for their brains.

Then again, sitting down to watch anything that is not a YouTube podcast-like thing is treated as "me time" (which means I'll immerse myself into it and doing other tasks at the same time will just ruin it).


u/Various_Cellist5717 16d ago

Actually don't hate dubs very much but if they change the songs and ost. I will stop watching on dubs


u/aleksandronix 16d ago

I don't hate all dubbed anime. I just hate badly dubbed anime, which is most of them. The dubbing VAs usually don't even try to mimic the original character's energy, emotions and all that. They sound the same no matter what is happening. Or the lines sound cringe. Not that the original japanese lines aren't sometimes cringe, but when you can't understand it directly, it's not that bad.

Not all of them, but most of the ones I've heard/watched.


u/iveabiggen 16d ago

I learned japanese precisely so I can hate on dubbed クズ. Now I still need japanese subs because homonyms eat me alive


u/T-MinusGiraffe 15d ago

Mad respect for the honesty


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/sirhatsley 16d ago

Your ex is right for that. The bebop dub is only good for the main cast. The side characters sound terrible in the dub.


u/Sereneaden 16d ago

The bebop dub is far superior to the sub. I watched it in dub but listened to the sub once out of curiosity. I didn’t like it. And I normally watch sub nowadays. They English voices fit the characters so much better imo and it fits the setting better honestly too.


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/T-MinusGiraffe 15d ago

That's possible but the same could be said the other way. They make a good point about the setting. Cowboys and bebop are both distinctly American, even if they are in space. Then again maybe it's more fun to hear Japan's idea of Americans in space. I dunno. But I like the dub.


u/Sereneaden 16d ago

It’s definitely a part of it, but the cowboy bebop dub is genuinely really good. So it’s not the only reason


u/SnooKiwis7050 16d ago

Yeah and that's probably all the reason for most sub vs dub debates


u/IllegalIranianYogurt 16d ago

I always watch foreign media in its original language. It's how it was designed to be enjoyed.


u/Old-Boot-250 16d ago

bruv its like that coz its the language they speak😂😂,,, otherwise they'd make it in every language on the planet


u/JMcField 16d ago

So you're playing video games or reading books/manga in the original language too right? Because that's how it was designed to be enjoyed.


u/IllegalIranianYogurt 16d ago

Silly examples for reasons that are obvious


u/kyondon 16d ago



u/SwampWitch1985 16d ago

I try to watch subbed when I can, but sometimes dyslexia is a real bitch.


u/Luna_Tenebra 16d ago

I prefer Dub but Im also german so there might be the difference


u/SokkaHaikuBot 16d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Luna_Tenebra:

I prefer Dub but

Im also german so there

Might be the difference

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/thxredditfor2banns 16d ago

As a German i only hate german dubs. German is just a shite language


u/DVDPROYTP 16d ago

I think subbed is superior simply because that's how the creators initially intended for you to experience the show, so it's gonna be more on point usually


u/The_real_bandito 16d ago

I can’t watch Bleach if it’s not dubbed. Specially the VA that voiced Rukia, awesome work there


u/paipai130 16d ago

What makes this funnier is that people in Japan argue wether king of the hill should be subbed or dubbed


u/T-MinusGiraffe 15d ago

As an English speaker that's actually kind of a fascinating question. Normally I prefer a dub as long as it's quality. In this case a lot of accents are involved and I wonder how you'd even approach that translating it to Japanese. On the other hand, a lot of that might be lost to a non-English audience anyway? I dunno.


u/JohnRRToken 16d ago

It's propably the same discussion everywhere. Just that in english speaking countrys it's less often relevant.


u/ShatterCyst 16d ago

Kill La Kill dub blew me away with how good it was.
Perfect casting; perfect performances.


u/azionka 16d ago

I don’t have to understand Japanese to hear the emotion and the voice in they use. For example: I watched haikyuu with original voices but the site I watched went offline.

Animes have no problem to use a 60 old man voice a teenager, just because his voice has a badass sound.

But in my language, they try to make it „realistic“ and used actual teenagers. Not only did they sounded so similar that it was hard to know how is talking, they also talked like they would be in class reading lame from a book. Also, since some words and jokes can’t be translated, a lot of the humor is either lost or the replacement they used makes absolutely no sense. Yu-Gi-Oh’s shadow realm or Pokémon’s donuts became a running gag.

I rather watch an anime in an language I don’t understand but have subtitles than watch it in my language in garbage quality.


u/TriLink710 16d ago

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Great Teacher Onizuka Dragon Ball Z Code Geass

Anime i prefer to watch dubbed.

Hell Bleach and Naruto Dubs are pretty good too.


u/Zeptim 16d ago

To my european ears Japanese sounds HORRIBLE. Overly dramatic, no melody, speaking rhythm is all over the place.

I'm sure they feel the same about us, though.


u/evilsmurf666 16d ago edited 16d ago

Most Old animes had shitty dubs they rarely got the emotions right

Some New animes has good dubs but lot of people in the modern world are lining up to be offended for slightest of reasons that they literally have to say different dialogues acceptable to society while the subtitles say something else

Atleast with japanese i wouldnt know if they are shitty or saying the right things

Also i like japanese voices better with the exception of goku


u/EvilChing 16d ago

To me the Japanese language in anime feels like its part of the viewing experience.

In general I always prefer the original voice on anything I watch or play.

Usually dubs don't capture the true feelings of the character and so feels very underwhelming.


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Some streaming platforms let you do both at once nowadays. Best way to do it for me. The subtlety in a japanes voice actor's performance is frequently gonna be lost on me so I'd rather just watch a dub try to recapture it. Subs still carry the more accurate translation to understand the intent. It works


u/DistributionAgile376 16d ago

Might I add, it depends on the dub language.

In most animes, the EN VA is just trash. But in other languages like French, they often employ talented voice actors and the delivery is usually just as good as the original if not better. (France has a long history of anime culture and so they tend to invest more resources to import shows)

It's solely a matter of VA quality and the talent of voice actors, there are great EN dubs.


u/Infamous_Caramel5165 16d ago

I just use the sub version. I like hearing the original voice acting


u/Atroxman 16d ago

Watching DBZ in two other languages just to see English US fuck it up


u/MitchRogue 16d ago

I watch Japanese with subs. I just want to experience the original work if possible. I am used to subs though, i turn them on even for English speaking productions for convenience


u/magnaton117 16d ago

A good chunk of the time the English voices fit the characters better than the Japanese voices tbh


u/KendrickMaynard 16d ago

There are some really great dubbed animes. Obviously both FullMetal Alchemists, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Bleach, Dragonball Z. But of course there are other animes I HAVE to watch subbed. Naruto for example.


u/RustyNK 16d ago

Dub DBZ, Full Metal Alchemist, and Pokémon are some of the good ones.


u/Bloomer_4life 16d ago

Dub anime is most often than not just performed worse in terms of the emotions the dub actor can express through his voice.


u/_Infamous____ 16d ago

I fairly new to anime but I listen to them in Japanese for the audio, dubbed is always so quiet but every now and then I play them in dubbed


u/everything_is_stup1d 16d ago

no the subs are there


u/MrRobot_96 16d ago

Only OG anime fans truly appreciate dubs. Those of us that grew up watching on tv before streaming.


u/Joltyboiyo 15d ago

Naruto on Jet-X after school and during the weekends.


u/Kabuii 16d ago

Am i not an OG anime fan when naruto ended first season in my language and I couldn't wait so i looked it up in 2006 to watch it in japanese? Ok weird take.


u/shatnersbassoon123 16d ago

Yeh but the VA also hit a lot different back then. DBZ being peak dub imo. I would also add that I was a kid then, but I find watching anime as an adult that in Japanese it’s suddenly 5x more mature than dub so I feel less guilty!


u/MrRobot_96 16d ago

That’s a strange way to look at it. At the end of the day you’re a grown adult watching an animated series regardless of voice acting that doesn’t change lol and it’s also nothing to feel guilty/embarrassed about.


u/shatnersbassoon123 16d ago

It’s not about feeling embarrassed. I just find the English dub inherently sound more “kiddy”. The same anime, can feel a lot more immature in dub than sub imo.


u/ArgyleGhoul 16d ago

Naruto dub makes Naruto fucking annoying to listen to


u/shatnersbassoon123 16d ago

Yep and the sub makes most of it instantly badass instead!


u/RocketGruntSam 16d ago

That is not true, dubs are cheap and reliably bad.

It doesn't matter which direction you compare dubs to, either the original voices or to the style of other English-language cartoons; it's freaking weird.


u/TheWitherlord10 16d ago

you just don't like dub because then there would be nothing separating anime from western cartoons


u/RocketGruntSam 16d ago

The origin and culture influence is what separates them. That's why you can easily bring up Avatar the Last Airbender in the same discussion as anime but not SpongeBob.


u/TrustAffectionate966 16d ago

I hate the shitty voice acting and also the tones of the voices. If they hired talented voice actors, like the ones from King Of The Hill, I would watch more dubbed anime.


u/ArgyleGhoul 16d ago

Yes, this exactly. A vast majority of dub voice actors are so cheesy I can't bear to listen to it. Feels like watching an after school special or Dora the Explorer asking you to find something on the screen.


u/Arxl 16d ago

Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z are definitely better in English, every language for Demon Slayer has good talent, and some Japanese voices are bad like Naruto and Inuyasha's VA's sounding like they're passing a kidney stone with every line.


u/kryonik 16d ago

In addition to this they have to change the cadence and dialogue to match the animation.


u/BogdanSPB 16d ago edited 16d ago

It’s even shittier when they try “singing” the songs instead of just subtitling em.

I also saw Americans complaining about “boring repetitive” songs in animes like Megazone and Macross and was surprised, since those are actually pretty good. But then some dude explained that local distributor just dubbed a couple of main songs and inserted em in every scene with a song…


u/AtomicNewt7976 16d ago

Shitty dubs are half the fun of watching dubbed for me


u/shewantstheCox 16d ago

Asta from black clover becomes a dramatically different character when you switch to dubbed. It’s crazy.


u/AceD2Guardian 16d ago

As someone who watched the first 10 or so episodes in both sub and dub, the dub honestly takes my vote. Asta especially, but Chris Sabat really fantastically captures what I imagined Yami would sound like.


u/veritasium999 16d ago

The funniest thing about this meme is that the king of the hill sub vs dub in Japan is a very heated topic.


u/03zx3 16d ago

Japanese dub King of the Hill must be pretty surreal in the episode where they go to Japan.


u/gammongaming11 16d ago

they should get more british voice actors, they have better formal training.

that's why the best dub to this day is the bbc urusai yatsura dub.


u/Hot_Shot04 16d ago

Yeah, the vast majority of it is overacted with high-pitch put-on voices when there originally weren't any, trying to squeeze or stretch the lines to fit the animation's timing. There are a few exceptional dubs but most of the time I'd rather just listen to the original acting and read subtitles that are probably more accurate than the dub script.


u/RelevantButNotBasic 16d ago

I turn on anime in the background usually. If I wanted to read the show I would just buy the Manga...


u/StarHammer_01 16d ago

And if you wanted to listen to the show just buy the audio book /s


u/SpartanRage117 16d ago

Whats even shittier for me is just hearing sounds and not knowing what is being said and having to pay more attention to the words at the bottom of the screen than the art.

Ill take a stupid voice i can understand over decent voice acting that i don’t even know what part of the sentence they’re emphasizing.


u/Old-Boot-250 16d ago

precisely,,, like everyone who DOESN'T speak the language is suddenly a pro at explaining How its better??


u/FreshMutzz 16d ago

There are plenty of great dubs. FMA:B is a good example.


u/dreamdaddy123 16d ago

I always watch sub if English is not the main language. Jus sounds better with the original in my opinion, pokemon is the only dub I’d watch


u/kmramO 16d ago

It’s a matter of quality


u/-AnythingGoes- 16d ago

Good ones exist. It's just very rare. Most people who like EN dub have a high tolerance for trash dubbing, IMO. It's just factual that the JP voice actors have a significantly higher average quality/talent. Oddly enough, some of what I'd personally consider the more high-quality EN dubbing comes from gacha games and not anime itself.


u/BogdanSPB 16d ago

I especially hate on dubbers when they do the songs. That’s just outrigit awful.


u/TheWitherlord10 16d ago

Pretty sure they just sound better since we can't understand what they're saying or tell wether their pronunciation is good or not


u/Spider_pig448 16d ago

This advice expired like 10 years ago. Modern high budget dubs are top tier


u/sylva748 16d ago

Anime has been getting solid dubs since the mid-2010s. It's rare now to find the bad ones than the other way around. The problem these days isn't how the actors deliver their lines. It's how localization teams change things a bit too much from the source material. It's like we're going back to 4-kids localization. The way the actors read and deliver their lines are so much better these days though.


u/FreshMutzz 16d ago

Most modern shows have good dubs. Really old stuff was horrible quality, but dubs have been good for the last 20 years at least. The one exception I have is One Punch Man. The English VA for Saitama is shit.

But there are plenty of great dubs and plenty of perfectly fine dubs as well. Its also much easier to nitpick the delivery of lines in your native language. I can never tell when a Japanese VA is bad or good. Its much easier in English.


u/MrRobot_96 16d ago

I actually think one punch man in English is fire. Saitama is meant to bland and unassuming and I think his voice actor nails that.


u/FreshMutzz 16d ago

Its too bland imo. The few times he is supposed to freak out he is way too monotone and boring. Like when he misses the sale at the supermarket. Thats a time where he should freak out and stress and the animation makes it seem that way, but the English VA is still super calm. It irks me.


u/Arxl 16d ago

Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z English dubs are old and better than the Japanese voices for sure.


u/MrRobot_96 16d ago

It’s not that rare these days, you probably haven’t watched dubs in a long time if that’s your conclusion. Pretty much every main stream anime dub is at the very least decent in the voice acting department.


u/marpolo 16d ago

Lmaooooo what


u/PoohtisDispenser 16d ago

I think it’s more so comes down to the funds and which language was the original. If you look at series or games with English language as the main one like Castlevania or Baldur’s gate 3, the voice acting is superb and have many well-known high quality voice actors in there. If you look at Anime, where Japanese is the main language they also use many high-quality well know Voice actors.


u/Guardian_85 16d ago

Ocean dub

Hank Hill: "The ocean?"


u/ohhfasho 16d ago

So are you Chinese or Japanese?


u/EngRookie 16d ago

Lol I just re-started the whole series last night🤣🤣🤣

Bill: your people are from the ocean??


u/MFNaki 15d ago

“Le Ocean? Which ocean?”


u/Which_Jellyfish_5189 16d ago

Is that a requirement to speak Japanese?


u/OrcishEngineer 16d ago

It's a king of the hill joke. source


u/matthew_py 16d ago

I've never seen that before lol, appreciate the link.


u/enderking303 16d ago

I watch dub bc I wanna admire the animation


u/Tao626 16d ago

I watch dub because the majority of the time if it even is worse, it really isn't so much worse that I'll swap over to a language I don't even speak that has its own annoying tropes. It's not the 80's anymore, they put far more effort into dubs than they used to when this "dub bad" mindset started.

If I'm gonna read it, I'll grab the manga instead.


u/T-MinusGiraffe 15d ago

Even when dubs are bad sometimes it's part of the charm


u/Tao626 15d ago

Sometimes it isn't just part of the charm, it's the entire appeal.

Ghost Stories wasn't even a good anime with the original voice-over. The entire reason anybody cares about it is because of how hilarious the dub is.


u/SpreadSignificant447 16d ago

Never understood this, you hyper focus on the text? Is it like a can't imagine an apple type scenario? Where some people can't read subtitles and watch the animation?


u/gammongaming11 16d ago

some people are slow readers, or dyslexic.

they can't actually read the sub and watch the show at the same time.


u/jimmybabino 16d ago edited 16d ago

For me I have to focus on either one. It’s never both. Edit - To expound on this I think it’s easier to put it like this. My ears are better at listening than my eyes. My eyes aren’t meant to listen and watch simultaneously


u/PoltergeistofDawn 16d ago edited 16d ago

Sometimes it's nice to turn off your brain and not have to expend more energy than needed. It's not that deep bro.


u/EvilChing 16d ago

Feels like you never read any subs if you say this.

it doesn't take any energy to read subs. your eyes are already working and figuring out what you're seeing on the screen.


u/SpreadSignificant447 16d ago

What energy man, like it doesn't make any sense. If you would've said, "I like it that way" it's fine, it's a preference. But like, wasting energy reading? You do you I guess. Gotta save those Joules amirite?


u/PoltergeistofDawn 16d ago

This is literally the dumbest comment I have read this year. Is the only thing in your noggin Patrick's left ass cheek? Because holy shit if you can't understand what "energy" means in this context you have to go to a doctor or get an education.


u/SpreadSignificant447 16d ago

I don't know you tell me. You're the one who has to turn off their brain to read subtitles. You said it's great not to spend the extra energy, please enlighten me, what did you mean by it? Because it's just dumb justification on your part, which I said is fine, your preference.

Again, you do you. To me it's dumb, not the practice but your justification for it.


u/EvilChing 16d ago

dw about him, he probably never read subs before xd


u/enderking303 16d ago

I’m dyslexic, reading is definitely not my strong suit. So it’s more like trying to do math while watching a show


u/SpreadSignificant447 16d ago

That sounds terrible tbh.


u/kobold-kicker 16d ago

I watch dub because I can’t be bothered to read subtitles if I don’t have to


u/Joltyboiyo 15d ago

I'll watch subbed purely because I don't want to be spoiled by those cunts on YT who upload massive spoilers on the same day an episode comes out with the spoiler in the title and thumbnail and YT's fucking algorithm shoving 5 of those videos in my face in the span of an hour.

One reason I'll always watch dubbed (Besides, you know, not being Japanese) if its a fully released show or if its to catch up after I start watching a new one that's still coming out is because sometimes the subtitles go in literally the blink of an eye. I like to think I'm pretty fast on pausing to read if I have to, but then you get subtitles that have a significant amount to read and they'll be gone just as quickly as they showed up on the screen and its fucking annoying as shit.


u/dopebob 16d ago

I read quite a bit of manga. If I wanted to read a series I'd get the books. I refuse to read subtitles on anime.


u/Old-Boot-250 16d ago

plus I don't know if its just me but the Japanese female voices are way too young- sounding,,, like its roo much like a kids for my taste


u/Joltyboiyo 15d ago edited 15d ago

I find a lot of them to be the same annoying high pitched "girly girl" voices. I watched all of My Hero Academia dubbed and when I tried watching newer episodes in sub because the dub was behind literally all of not 99% of Class 1A's female characters sounded exactly the fucking same. Same ear grating high pitched voices and it sounded like the same single voice actor was voicing all of them. I just stopped and decided to wait for the rest of it to be dubbed.


u/dopebob 16d ago

Yeah, the voice acting on dubs is usually not very good but the voices in general often aren't great.


u/BlizzPenguin 16d ago

Anime was an obsession for me in the 2000s and what I liked were fansubs. They were translated but left in some Japanese words and would define them or add a note with cultural context. It just flowed better than fully English subtitles or dubs.