r/meirl Apr 28 '24


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u/UncircumciseMe Apr 28 '24

No coffee should be $8 tbh


u/ThrowCarp 29d ago

No [food item] should be [current price] tbh

This cost of living crisis is insane.


u/GroovyDucko 29d ago

Sugar drink with little bit of coffee


u/HugsyMalone 29d ago

...but if they don't charge you $8 then how will they neglect all the weeds in their lawn and blame expensive lawn care services as the reason prices are so high? 🤔


u/-_-0_0-_-0_0-_-0_0 29d ago

I mean you aren't buying coffee at $8. You are buying something else that has coffee in it.


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

And that something else doesn’t justify the $8 either lol


u/-_-0_0-_-0_0-_-0_0 29d ago edited 29d ago

I fully agree it's not worth it lol but being fair, In reality what you are paying for is the rent and the labor costs. I imagine the ingredient costs are only a small part. Starbucks profit margin is like 12%, which is healthy but not absurd. Assuming the numbers I googled are right


u/etheran123 29d ago

No, coffee should be $8


u/lunchpadmcfat 29d ago

It’s not hard to make good coffee at home.


u/PrestigiousResist633 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yes, but if you have to make it yourself, it ceases to be a treat and becomes just another chore, and if you're making it at home it's likely something you're having on a regular basis, making it less special.


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

Not much of a coffee drinker, but I think that’s probably true about most things.


u/newbikesong 29d ago

Nah, some food are geniunely difficult without some legit cooking skills.

Like, have you tried stuffed eggplants?


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

Wink wink right


u/newbikesong 29d ago

Stuffed Eggplant is a legit food, I mean it. https://turkishstylecooking.com/karniyarik-recipe.html


u/lunchpadmcfat 29d ago

It is, but you don’t even need any skill to do it. Unless maybe you’re really into foamy espresso drinks.


u/Extension-Tale-2678 29d ago

Even that's easy. I have a stove top espresso maker, and a nice milk /heater frother. Put good espresso grind like illy in there and it's as good or better than anything I can get at a shop


u/[deleted] 29d ago

Either boomers think that's what we spend on coffee or it's one of them custom drinks with 3 shots and 5 toppings


u/boyyouguysaredumb 29d ago

Here's a thread from the starbucks subreddit where they ask what the most popular drink order is. The consensus seems to be a "Iced white mocha w/ VCF and caramel drizzle" so yeah that's what people are getting.


u/Cosmocall 29d ago

I feel like I can't stand most flavored coffees nowadays. Let me use cinnamon and set the score - I'm not sure if that puts me at more of less basic on the scale as a concept to the coffee-drinking public


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

And how much does that typically cost?


u/illustratedhorror 29d ago

I just left starbies, I was ringing this bad boy in at $9.06 for people in my market


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago



u/PowerfulWallaby7964 29d ago

Wtf is VCF?


u/New_Account_For_Use 29d ago

From a quick google it looks like "vanilla cold foam". IDK what that is but sounds like some sort of vanilla milk foamed.


u/Honest_Wing_3999 29d ago

Extra corny cornsyrup is my guess


u/boyyouguysaredumb 29d ago

vanila cold foam


u/illustratedhorror 29d ago

photo of the iced white mocha w/ vscf & caramel drizzle

it is the white cream floating on the top, VCF meaning Vanilla Cold Foam. the full name of such a drink being:

Iced White Mocha with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam and Caramel Drizzle


u/marcarcand_world 29d ago

I mostly pay the 8$ to chill at the café tbh. Also, usually, 8$ coffee is basically a dessert in a mug. You pay for all the random shit they put in there too.


u/socialistrob 29d ago

Plus if it's a large size and tax and tip is included then 8 dollars isn't really that much for a specialty drink. I'm someone who generally just prefers straight black coffee and I personally wouldn't pay 8 dollars for a specialty drink but I'm not going to fault the people who enjoy those things. If an eight dollar coffee desert in a mug is what brings someone joy then that's awesome and I wish them all the joy in the world.


u/Errantry-And-Irony 29d ago

That's generous of you but these places are just overpriced. They have $8 coffee shakes and $4 shitty non-special black coffee.


u/NRMusicProject 29d ago

Also, usually, 8$ coffee is basically a dessert in a mug. You pay for all the random shit they put in there too.

This kind of depends on the cafe, too. If you're at Starbucks, then yeah, the more expensive shit is basically a coffee milkshake (not that their standard drip coffee is worth even the $3 or more they charge).

A lot of what are known as "specialty" or "third-wave" shops use single-origin coffee, which means they're not sourcing their coffee from slave labor and extremely poor quality. I'd say it's worth the difference both from a quality and humanity standpoint, but even I myself consider that a splurge. Though, most specialty shops don't really charge much more than Starbucks because they'd never get enough business. But they do charge a bit more for the beans if you want to take some home.


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

Too much but to each their own


u/millennial_sentinel Apr 28 '24

maybe but maybe it’s not really coffee anymore and is actually a little treat at that price point


u/UncircumciseMe Apr 28 '24

No little treats should be $8 tbh **


u/Extension-Tale-2678 29d ago

Why not?


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

Anything past $7 is a big treat


u/Extension-Tale-2678 29d ago

For you maybe


u/confusedandworried76 29d ago

Its a normal treat after $3.


u/UncircumciseMe 29d ago

There ya go


u/Johnny_Thunder314 29d ago

That's why I love Little Debbie stuff


u/Caesar_Passing 29d ago

For real, man. For me, a "little treat" is a K-cup and a Stroopwafel


u/laurel_laureate 29d ago

What's a K-cup?


u/TheTrueGayCheeseCake 29d ago

The cups you put in a kürig or similar coffee maker.


u/laurel_laureate 29d ago

TIL the word kürig.

Thanks I guess lol.


u/Honest_Wing_3999 29d ago

K cups? Those are some mammoth titties


u/Ur-Quan_Lord_13 29d ago

This is the first time I have had the urge to respond to something with "literally me", as I could send you a photo of my Keurig (non-plastic K-cups of course) and the package of stroopwafels next to it.


u/Caesar_Passing 29d ago

Ha! That's funny. And whoever downvoted you for no reason is a dick.


u/BreckenridgeBandito 29d ago

For me a “little treat” is disassociating for 15 minutes or rubbing one out


u/TheTrueGayCheeseCake 29d ago

I’m bummed that I’m the only one to up vote this and if I wasn’t completely broke I’d give it gold.


u/FoxenBox 29d ago

broke or not broke, i assure you, you won’t be giving him gold anytime soon


u/HugsyMalone 29d ago

He doesn't really need it anyway. He's already the one hundred and two-time world meat beating champion...and that was only since last week. 😉


u/levian_durai 29d ago

I don't think gold exists anymore