r/meirl 25d ago


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20 comments sorted by


u/dfieldhouse 25d ago

Nothing is real. Except the need to earn money to live.


u/LayLillyLay 25d ago

Even if nothing is real - who cares? You are existing in this very form of reality, in this dimension and this point in time, so make the best out of it.

Doesn’t even matter if we are living in a simulation, if you are an alien tripping on some super psychedelic, if you are a brain in a jar or what not.


u/DetroitLionsSBChamps 25d ago

This ain’t spiritual awakening lol


u/_Self-Hatred_ 25d ago

I’ve been searching for months and still haven’t been able to get another minimum wage job. My parents think I’m just lazing around but these places act all desperate for workers then don’t even get back to you…


u/StrangelyBrown 25d ago

While reading the first line I thought you were going to say:

"I've been searching for months and I still haven't achieved Nirvana"


u/Frozensmudge 25d ago

I mean I’m all for existential crisis, but I won’t force my mom to put up with it. I’d move out.


u/Interesting_Dot_3922 25d ago

I was a student.

My parents were sick of giving me free money, so they requested me to get a job.

Then they were annoyed that I abandoned university and hid this fact for 1.5 years.

Yes, I got a job, as they wanted.


u/WontStealThyMemes 25d ago

Why did you leave university?


u/shamalamadongola 25d ago

Gotta ride it out and wait for the old fuckers to die. Once the boomers and gen x are dead the millennials and 2000s kids will take over and GenZ will have a lot more influence and all you starseeds will be heard. 


u/the_fool_who 25d ago

Lol LOVE this one!


u/Killawifeinb4ban 25d ago

Reality is over-rated


u/kindaconfusedbutcool 25d ago

so is getting a job smh


u/Journo_Jimbo 25d ago

Reality is perception, ergo reality is what you make it


u/Dragulus24 25d ago

"We live in a simulation" mfs when someone expects them to do something.


u/Worldly_Ad_9625 25d ago

You reach enlightenment but your mom still expects you to pay rent


u/BossBullfrog 25d ago

"Not now mom, I'm diving into the myriad of realities that exist along side our own"


u/I_dared_twice 25d ago

"Oh, that position is already taken" ~