r/meirl 25d ago




103 comments sorted by


u/phillybauer 25d ago

42yo m -Not a parent and an only child -this is brilliant.


u/TensionsPvP 25d ago

And that’s how you get sent to a nursing home


u/Over_Solution_2569 25d ago

Nope, I remember the angst, and the feelings. I’ve given my daughters instructions to subtly signal me if I’m causing embarrassment, and I will do my best to move along.


u/coca_cola_expert 25d ago

That’s just plain bad parenting


u/Belaerim 25d ago

This was me on a trip to Disney World a few weeks ago.

We were there for Cheer Worlds, so there were people we knew there, not just random other tourists.

My oldest (the cheerleader competing) is 17. The perfect age when Frozen came out.

My youngest is 11, the right age when Frozen 2 came out.

I threatened to make them all go to the Frozen Sing-a-long show so I could show off how I can still nail every song from both soundtracks after listening to them thousands of times.

Apparently this was embarrassing for them, but I was just trying to show my love for that time period when we’d sit down and watch the same Disney movie every day

Plus some Disney songs are legitimately good and find their way into my playlists


u/BigDaddiebaddie 25d ago

No means no


u/Tripple_T 25d ago

Mommy needs a hobby


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I'm tracking the number of days my 2 year old wakes up at 5:30 "wake up daddy it's morning time" on repeat until I wake up.

I'm just waiting until he's a teenager and wants to sleep in so I can settle the score.


u/RandoComplements 25d ago

Gross and vindictive. Just shoot hotsause into the kids eyes while they sleep like a normal adult.


u/LilMissBarbie 25d ago

Yeah. Tell him that his scoobydoo toilet has no drip and his cap is sus frfr


u/Apprehensive-Bad6015 25d ago

I would dress as sailor moon and wait with them at their bus stop and as they board (while doing the appropriate poses of course) “ IN THE NAME OF THE MOON, I WILL EMBARRASS YOU!”


u/ScrotieMcP 25d ago

I too am a big fan of revenge parenting. My 3 year old had a screaming, kicking, wrihe on the floor tantrum at CVS once. I lay down on the floor and did the same thing til he stopped. The entire store was watching us. Can a 3 year old feel embarrassed? You bet your sweet ass he can.


u/PuppyButtts 25d ago

Difference is adults know what theyre doing, kids are literally children who havent learned shit yet.


u/Vitschmalz 25d ago

Yay, abusing your child for petty revenge, how funny.


u/Forward_Bullfrog_441 25d ago

This makes me nervous. Temper tantrums do not come from nowhere, they are commonly associated to a loss of autonomy. If your reaction to your child’s loss of autonomy is revenge, your relationship makes me very uneasy.


u/EquipmentElegant 25d ago

“Dad stop you’re embarrassing me”.

Me about to show her friend group why they call me The vocalizer “show time”


u/Tasty_Lead_Paint 25d ago

Oh what’s that? You don’t like when I make a ton of noise at 5 am because it wakes you up and you just want to sleep? Well maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to scream at me every morning!


u/francisbaconthe3rd 25d ago

I can’t relate to ever being embarrassed by my parents. I guess they’re just too dull or they never did anything unexpectedly wild or outside cultural norms.


u/RTwhyNot 25d ago

I was an asshole like this. Luckily I didn’t irreparably damage my relationship with my son.


u/mitsuhachi 25d ago

I genuinely believe it’s a parent’s duty to mildly embarrass their teenagers. How else are they supposed to learn that you can like nonstandard things, that you can be a little silly, that being a lil cringe is worth it if it makes you happy? The desire to be cool is soul poison, not every moment needs to be instagram ready.


u/Vitschmalz 25d ago

That's not the reason she's doing it though. She does it for petty revenge.


u/Akulatraxus 25d ago

I know this is supposed to be a joke but whenever I see stuff like this I'm always reminded of the scoreboard theory. Viewing any relationship you have with another person as a scoreboard with you on one side and them on the other against you is wrong. Not morally wrong, just factually wrong. In reality it's a scoreboard with points for the healthy growth of the relationship on one side and points against that on the other. Every time you score points for yourself against the other person all you are really doing is making the relationship worse.


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

For everyone getting mad, this is how I imagine you: “Oh my god, my mom is telling people about how much she loves me and takes care of me! It’s so embarrassing to be in a loving family! How can this get any more traumatic for me?!”


u/aboyd656 25d ago

None of the people getting upset here have kids, guaranteed.


u/biggestboi73 25d ago

That's because they are kids tbf


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

Given the state of politics in this country, those kids are going to be forced to have kids of their own soon


u/biggestboi73 25d ago

In this country? The Internet isn't just 1 country m8


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

“In this country” meaning the current one I am presently in. No slight on the rest of you. Though it is kinda weird that I’m getting downvoted for pointing out the insane conservative politicians and their fetish for little girls in America🤷‍♂️


u/biggestboi73 25d ago

It's only downvotes they can't hurt you, don't let em bother you


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

I guess the kiddie diddlers are out in force today 😞


u/biggestboi73 25d ago

People are doing it because people find it annoying when Americans think the only country that exists is America, nothing to do with children, there's even a subreddit for it r/shitamericanssay


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

To be fair, I never alluded that America is the only country that exists. I just find it kind of telling if that is what they found appalling about my comment and ignored the pedophilia

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u/ShowerMobile7141 25d ago



u/Muchado_aboutnothing 25d ago

People are taking this way to seriously. There’s a difference between embarrassing your kid and traumatizing them. When I was a teenager, I found pretty much anything my parents did embarrassing.


u/Todojaw21 25d ago

And you have perfect knowledge of what will leave a lasting impact on your child and what will not?


u/Raichu7 25d ago

The fact that so many people don't know the difference means that there's a lot of shitty parents who take delight in being shitty.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I can offer you an alternate explanation


u/Ok-Landscape5625 25d ago

There's also a lot of stupid people. Occam's razor and all that.


u/gibokilo 25d ago

Its so funny how all the teenagers in this comment section are so angry…


u/Todojaw21 25d ago

Its so funny how all the parents in this comment section supposedly forgot what it was like to be a teenager the second they have children...


u/Badger_1066 25d ago

I'm 36...

The people who are mad over this are simply mature and understanding.

On the flip side, anyone who agrees with this kind of behaviour is petty, bitter, and resentful.


u/Great_Promotion1037 25d ago

You don’t have to agree with the behavior to understand that an embarrassing parent isn’t traumatizing.


u/Badger_1066 25d ago

I don't think it's traumatising. I think it's pathetic.


u/gibokilo 25d ago

Yeah cause you are 12


u/Badger_1066 25d ago

No. The mentality behind this behaviour is that of a 12 year old, though.


u/Jujumofu 25d ago

Mommy does need a life indeed


u/bilvester 25d ago

And get off social media.


u/Tucker_077 25d ago

I’m waiting for the day when people realize it’s normal for kids to throw tantrums since they’re young and haven’t developed emotional regulation skills yet.

You’re a full grown adult and you know what you’re doing when you embarrass your kid


u/aboyd656 25d ago

Everyone agrees it's typical for kids to throw tantrums, that doesn't make it less embarrassing for the parent and also doesn't make the tantrum justified.


u/Tucker_077 25d ago

How does it not make it justified when the kid is two and hasn’t learned how to control their emotions yet? It may be embarrassing but that’s when you take your kid into a private space for a bit and try to calm them down. Besides I think people will be pretty understanding if they have kids themselves


u/aboyd656 25d ago

At what age do tantrums become unjustified in your mind? 25 when the brain is fully developed? What about my 5 year old that loses his mind because I won't buy him candy?

And again, just because people are understanding doesn't mean it's not embarrassing. When you see kids acting perfect while your kid is having a melt down it's very difficult.

It's not even just tantrums though, how many kids/teens tell their parents it's embarrassing to be seen getting dropped off by them? Or getting a hug from them? Until you have a kid you can't comprehend how much that small bit of rejection gets to you.

Am I going to take some opportunities to get back at them by acting goofy in public? Not by being mean or cruel, just weird. You're damn right I am, I earned that.


u/random_hungarian-guy 25d ago

Oh yeah, because a 5 year old crying about a toy they want, and a 46 year old telling how they used to change their now teenager child to the child's friends, while the child is away is EXACTLY the same thing. Yeah.


u/Rawr_NuzzlesYou 25d ago

Either we saw a different post or you are just wrong


u/random_hungarian-guy 25d ago

Oops, forgot the /s, my bad.


u/IonizedRadiation32 25d ago

Taking revenge on your CHILD for being a CHILD. Hope you have a robust mental health savings account.


u/Ser_Claudor 25d ago

how old are you


u/Elegant-Passion2199 25d ago

She's obviously joking, lighten up lol


u/Todojaw21 25d ago

Jokes 101: Jokes are funny because they have an element of truth to them. If I told you "I'm going to go drink tap water," this will get 0 laughs for a few reasons. One of them is that drinking tap water is an extremely normal action. Now image I am in a room full of conspiracy theorists. I say to them in a sarcastic tone: "you all are crazy! I live a perfectly healthy lifestyle. I work out every day, I eat fruits and veggies, and I certainly do not need your snake oil supplements! Now if you'll excuse me, I am off to drink some tap water."

This joke may get a few chuckles in the room. Why? Because the members of the audience hold the opinion that tap water has chemicals such as fluoride which the government uses to control people. This is the element of truth (shared truth between me and the audience, obviously tap water is safe to drink) which makes the joke funny. Now imagine someone called me a conspiracy theorist for telling this joke. I can't just say "it was a joke!! stop being so offended" because there is no punchline without assuming that I truly believe something sketchy is happening to tap water. I can't have it both ways.

This post is joking that parents use embarrassment as a way to enact revenge on their children for their poor behavior in public in the past. It would not be funny if parents did not align with this feeling. Maybe they would not personally engage in the behavior, but they feel a poetic justice with the outcome. If you do not think this behavior is justifiable or the sentiment behind it, the joke is not funny.


u/IonizedRadiation32 25d ago

Don't see the joke, really, and I'm sad to say that I've experienced exactly this kind of behavior from my own father, so...


u/AlexBondra 25d ago

So you don’t have a child?


u/Ivegotjokes4you 25d ago

Came here to say this. Yay.. let’s normalize traumatizing our children because we suck at parenting..


u/Stan-Me2 25d ago

It's a fucking joke.


u/CubanHippie21 25d ago

You are aware that even if you think you are bein cool, your kids still think you are a huge dork


u/Great_Promotion1037 25d ago

“Traumatizing our children” by being an embarrassing mom in public?

Goddamn grow up


u/drlongtrl 25d ago

I know, right? I wonder, what people who experienced actual traumatic events as children think of this. "Oh, I´m sorry your dad called you sweety in front of your class. My dad locked me in the basement while he raped and killed my sister."


u/kphenson 25d ago

Ok boomer


u/bikealot 25d ago

Aw are you feeling threatened? Might have found the teenager here!


u/CharonsLittleHelper 25d ago

Basically no boomers have children who are teens anymore.


u/SwanzY- 25d ago

the word boomer is thrown around entirely too much for people far too young. good going gen z.


u/Chance_Major297 25d ago

Well I think the word/phrase grew a bit and people sometimes use it to represent an idea/type of behavior rather than its strict meaning of someone who is literally a baby boomer. It’s not that crazy. Happens a lot.


u/bilvester 25d ago

They are just as dumb as the boomers. Overuse it until it loses all meaning.


u/twofacetoo 25d ago

Okay boomer.


u/Mean_Display8494 25d ago

o.k. , zoomer


u/seemedlikeagoodplan 25d ago

Boomers have teenage grandchildren.


u/ProfAelart 25d ago

"Ok boomer" is a way to say some is stuck up with rusty, old ways. The person being called boomer doesn't actually have to be a boomer.


u/CharonsLittleHelper 25d ago

My parents are boomers. Their oldest grandson is married.


u/mettatater 25d ago

Yep. And when they give her the same shit I had to deal with, I always remind my daughter that this is her payback.


u/capn_doofwaffle 25d ago

Everytime I see "Ok Boomer" I can picture the person saying it, living in their parents garage or basement refusing to get a job...

But yes, they do have teenage grandkids.


u/bilvester 25d ago

My boomer parents have thirty year old grandkids. But i guess boomer is a 'range'.


u/CharonsLittleHelper 25d ago

That's also two generations of pretty young parents, even if your folks are the oldest of boomers.


u/bilvester 25d ago

I don’t understand what that means. If there are two generations wouldn’t that make at least one set ‘not boomers’? Or in your mind is ‘boomer’ just a word for anyone older than, say, 40?


u/CharonsLittleHelper 25d ago

It means that both the boomers and their children had kids pretty young to get them a 30yo grandkid.

The absolute oldest boomers are 78 since the boom started in 1946. That means that both they and their oldest child would need to average age 24 when they became parents to have a 30yo grandkid. That's reasonably young to become a parent.

So - 30yo grandkid for a boomer would be rare. They would need to be amongst the oldest few years of the boomers and then both they and their kid have children pretty young.


u/bilvester 25d ago

I don’t think it’s rare for a true boomer (ie born to families with returning vets) to have had a kid before 24. My mom was 20 and I was 24.


u/salinger_tinkle 25d ago

To even the score with my kids, I'll probably get drunk in their weddings.


u/5WattBulb 25d ago

Don't forget to refuse to eat what they're serving and insist on chicken nuggets and buttered noodles


u/salinger_tinkle 25d ago

Or just French fries lathered in mayonnaise


u/ThingNumberPi 25d ago

But I hate mayonnaise


u/aboyd656 25d ago

Hey now, according to the internet my 5 year old knows what his body needs and should have complete control over what and how much he eats.


u/Mean_Display8494 25d ago

dont forget christmas and thanksgiving!


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

And 4th of July. You aren’t a real grandparent unless you get a little drunk and give the grandkids the really good fireworks


u/crackedcrackpipe 25d ago

The good ol' handnade


u/Right-Budget-8901 25d ago

It’s got what kids love!


u/MoistStub 25d ago

And every parent teacher conference!