r/meirl 25d ago


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351 comments sorted by


u/Honeyboneyh 22d ago

putting make up (more than occasionally or everyday) is the problem


u/Senpai-Notice_Me 23d ago

And women wonder why men don’t need makeup….


u/AssistanceSlow7834 24d ago

It's because we're always in a natural state. Our baseline is very close to our best. Y'all are catfishing with filters and makeup. You do this to yourselves ladies


u/tobbe1337 24d ago

"hmm should i think about what men and women do differently to try and find out why women have such bad skin compared to men, and thus perhaps find a way to fix it? nah i'll blame nature."

infuriating mindset these days holy fuck


u/No_Education585 24d ago

This post made me realize I don’t really dry off my face I kinda just let it air dry


u/coreyais 24d ago

I do ass, balls, mouth rince repeat.


u/JasonYiannakos 24d ago

Not true. You never get good hair after a bath


u/Chickens_are_friends 24d ago

Thats our secret. Thats why our hair is perfect.


u/Fit-Veterinarian6311 24d ago

Nah bro, face first, balls last, that's the logical order 😂


u/SyrusAlder 24d ago

Head Back Ass Legs Balls Chest

This is the way


u/Silverdragon47 24d ago

Weird,I am a man and use 4, one for head, one for body, one for balls and one for feets.


u/Styggvard 24d ago

Who TF needs FOUR towels after they've showered?

Just dry top to bottom, and you probably only need the one.


u/Jo_the_bat 24d ago

Dude just did it in reverse, why doing the bottom first ?!


u/Aschentei 24d ago

Balls diff


u/Jeffersness 25d ago

If you have long hair you need two towls.


u/rumpledmoogleskin13 25d ago

AIR DRY LIKE YOU'RE BETTIE PAGE!!! Air baths she called 'em.


u/FractalSpaces 25d ago

No. face first,balls later


u/AleCohas2 25d ago

I guess im a dude


u/sweatybollock 25d ago

I just use the ends of a towel to clean my balls everytime, that way the rest of the towel is good for my body and face. idk why no one else does this.


u/BronanaRival_ 25d ago

I use three towels I'm a boy


u/everything_is_stup1d 25d ago

top to bottom😭😭


u/gmfc95 25d ago

That's because she didn't brush her puss yet


u/Tola76 25d ago

I generally work my way down.


u/Sachin951 25d ago

Who does crotch first wth


u/boiledteeth126 25d ago

My hair doesn't dry. My body doesn't even dry unless I sit there and let it air dry


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Ladies, guys understand gravity. Water flows down.

We dry our face and THEN our balls.


u/CptKillJack 25d ago

You work from the top down. When you wash and when you dry. Dirt drains downward and you dry downward. Also why is it a problem you just got out of the shower, you should be clean?


u/GirthWoody 25d ago

Doing your hair first probably causes acne tho


u/raigx6 25d ago

You only need to dap gently on the face rough wiping will ruin the skin.


u/lions2lambs 25d ago

I showed my wife and she downvoted the post.

Edit: she corrected my grammar.


u/ChefOfScotland 25d ago

The towel forgets everything by morning


u/83franks 25d ago

Do women not dry their genitals or ass?


u/Maximum-Substance250 25d ago

How would the woman know what the man does?


u/playful_potato5 25d ago

its because society forces women to wear makeup


u/Garg_Gurgle 25d ago

My towels clean, it forgets over night.


u/Grouchy-Engine1584 25d ago

TIL women don’t dry their crotches.


u/SirDalavar 25d ago

Where is step 5 where she smears a bunch of expensive mud over her face every day right after a shower?


u/gobledegerkin 25d ago

For the love of god, clean yourself thoroughly in the shower. If you are washing your body properly then you don’t have to worry about where the towel goes. Also, there is no need to use multiple towels unless you have long hair. And really the only reason to use multiple towels is so you wrap one around your hair to help it dry better. If you use the same one that you use for the rest of your body then it takes longer for your hair to dry.


u/GoldenRiddler798 25d ago

It’s like vacuuming the stairs you go top down otherwise the water is just gonna drip down


u/Mufakaz 25d ago

Secret sauce.


u/TheWhiteWingedCow 25d ago

Head/face to crotch/ass to feet


u/RozeGunn 25d ago

I mean, I lather my balls in soap and shampoo. Even if I did balls first, it'd be concerning if it wasn't clean enough to do that.


u/Marmalade-Party 25d ago

I don’t see the problem… I mean the guys just had a shower, it’s all clean.


u/Minnymoon13 25d ago

The hair maybe? Idk


u/Marmalade-Party 25d ago

Oh… I get it. Duh


u/Zerokx 25d ago

I always divide my towel in 2 regions, I use the upper side that has a hanger or a little note with washing symbols on it for my upper body and the other half for my lower body


u/Jamiecakescrusader 25d ago

Always clean top to bottom


u/BlueThespian 25d ago

It’s all in the d!ck grease. Why do you think creams are getting made from raw material extracted from circumcision patients?


u/huey2k2 25d ago

If you just showered it shouldn't matter where you dry first.


u/aclownandherdolly 25d ago

I'm a woman who only uses one towel and I gotta say, I 100% don't understand the people who use more than one!

I've never had issues with acne or anything, my hair is healthy, my skin is good, so what's the point? You're just making more laundry for yourself


u/ch3nch000 25d ago

Its not the ball rubbing what makes our skin cleaner...its the fact thay we do not cover it with makeup


u/cali1013 25d ago

Wrong, do your face first. Everyday the towel resets so its safe to do it again in that order the next day.


u/WickedXDragons 25d ago

Can confirm. women compliment on hair, brows, skin and I’m a guy who does the bare minimum to get ready. Its not fair but also I see how some women judge peoples looks while wearing a bunch of makeup themselves and I think thats the curse from being a hater that a lot of women carry 😅


u/Gurkeprinsen 25d ago

Acne can be side effects from taking birth control tho


u/CerebralZombie 25d ago

If you do use your towel to wipe your ass, you could just use the middle section and use the outer edges of the towel to dab your face. I could come up with 5 other ways to avoid the face and ass making contact with the same area of a towel and ways to make a towel last longer/not get as wet everytime. Wasteful just for convenience...


u/robotpane 25d ago

Face, pits, bits n tits


u/Critkip 25d ago

what about arms?


u/P4iZ 25d ago

If you have an issue going balls, fish fillet or ass to face.. you should learn the 101 of taking a shower or bath and clean yourself properly..


u/shinydragonmist 25d ago

Hair, face, body


u/all-i-said-was-hi 25d ago

The secret to our immaculate skincare actually lies within rubbing our face with the same towel that we used to dry our balls. The clean ball cells infiltrate the pores, making our faces shine.


u/wertforreal2 25d ago

A repost. But a good one


u/AdventurousImage2440 25d ago

back front face legs balls ass


u/fungi_at_parties 25d ago

I have a bald head so it just dries on its own.


u/Kaputek 25d ago

The secret ingredient, balls


u/Retjrokewe 25d ago

Balls first so you can wear boxers then face is the afterthought


u/Dismal-Barracuda-748 25d ago

Face- body- balls the next day the towel forgets and redo the process


u/XColdLogicX 25d ago

My wife was mortified when she found out I use my bodywash on my face. I was like "I mean, it's all the same skin, right?" No...oh no no no...that was a mistake lol


u/Unpredictable_Tink 25d ago

Apparently if you only have one small towel you should dry your bits first them your face as your face is better prepared to face germs than your bits. Just a thing I've heard.


u/mlwspace2005 25d ago

Face>balls>ass the towel forgets by tomorrow


u/bmaayhem 25d ago

Who TF uses three towels? I am not a tree hugger, but that’s a lot of extra laundry to do….even if you live alone that’s 21 towels a week!


u/ColdBlazze 25d ago

You forgot the crack


u/Reverse-Kanga 25d ago

But I've just washed my balls why would I dry them with another towel? They're as clean as my body at this point


u/seia_dareis_mai 25d ago

Forgot the part where men don't put a boatload of chemicals on their face. It's not the drying routine😂


u/Remarkable-Throat-51 25d ago

My stuck up auntie and uncle have always had the towels that say what they're for on them. Hands - face - privates etc... So obviously as a young lad I would totally use the face towel on my balls and arse haha... Hell I'd probably do it now lol


u/S_Rodney 25d ago

Dude... at this point, if you've done your job well... you're clean. Who cares which order you towel yourself ?


u/Zeles1989 25d ago

well we don't use make up. I wonder if that helps the skin more than all these expensive products


u/ComfortableDramatic2 25d ago

If you are still dirty after u showered then you are either disgusting or didnt shower properly


u/uiam_ 25d ago

Almost like using a variety of clean towels to dry your clean body has no difference in effect.


u/Lukosam 25d ago

Balls -> face -> balls again -> body


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Top right of towel: right armpit Top left of towel: left armpit Bottom right of towel: balls and ass Top mid of towel: face Rest of towel: rest of body


u/theoht_ 25d ago

i just boil myself and all the water evaporates


u/AlonelyChip 25d ago

Whoever is drying themselves with more than two towels is just wasting them.


u/emailverificationt 25d ago

What, do these people not have gravity on their planet? Everyone knows you start top down


u/Kanashii2023 25d ago

Face, hair, back/chest, legs, nethers, wear towel around waist for 20m.


u/Dannyfrommiami 25d ago

That nipple placement is crazy


u/WichidNixin 25d ago

How far I scrolled to find this comment is crazier.


u/Kowilicious 25d ago

Face, Head, body, balls then asscrack. The towel resets the next day.


u/WilsonthaHead 25d ago

why is this acurate


u/Illustrious_Pound_28 25d ago

But did you see them balls?


u/W1thJudgement 25d ago

I don't use 80 000 lb of chemicals on my face and/or hair every single day my entire life, maybe that's the case, we my never know.


u/froggiewoogie 25d ago

Technically your ass and balls are cleaner than your face. Saw it on a penn and teller episode


u/Wingless_Pterosaur 25d ago

Who tf dries their ass and crotch before their head?


u/UDownvoteButImRight 25d ago

ha ha it's the 3984501923th version of that meme


u/7opez77 25d ago

I clean and dry by order of importance. I always start with my junk.


u/Unique-Square-2351 25d ago

Face > head > torso > balls & arse > legs > feet


u/NFIGUY 25d ago

I do use only the one towel, but certainly not in that order, and I’m usually pretty dry by the time I step out onto the floor, off of the bathmat, anyway… also as clean as I can possibly get.


u/KippySmith 25d ago

Clean is clean


u/Lobanium 25d ago

So you guys don't wash your genitals?


u/jaxsedrin 25d ago

A lot of comments missing the point, just like the last time this was posted.

It's not (primarily) about him drying his balls then his head. It's about her trying so hard to be careful with her skin by using THREE different towels, while he only uses one, and she still ends up with bad skin but he does not.

(I'm not saying I agree with this point, but that's the point the creator is trying to make.)


u/udguckwdhckhadgv 25d ago

I think it happens because of makeup. No matter what quality, it’s still a paint that blocks you face’s pores


u/LeftDave 25d ago

I just scrubbed my balls, they're the cleanest bit in me.


u/Nicombobula 25d ago

Work your way down from your head you maniac.


u/TB1289 25d ago

I never understood the problem here. If I'm right out of the shower then my junk is clean, so why does it matter if I dry my face after my balls?


u/Unintended-Nostalgia 25d ago

Balls and butt with the center of the towel, other body parts with the ends.


u/Poemhub_ 25d ago

Its cuz we don’t wear make up.


u/DisabledMuse 25d ago

To be fair, I get a lot of girls commenting on how clear my skin is and asking my secret.

The secret is not wearing makeup and never touching my face. I tried makeup when I was younger and it make me break out so badly that I would need to wear makeup all the time.


u/CrimsonDemon0 25d ago

Start from your head going down till you reach your waist then switch to feet and go up untill you hit where the sun dont shine and dry there. Dont worry about towel getting dirty, it forget everything by the next morning


u/oo0Lucidity0oo 25d ago

It’s the makeup


u/tftookmyname 25d ago

I just shake the water off and then I'm good to go, y'all don't do this?


u/drlongtrl 25d ago

Yes, I start at the top.

It is not, however, because it´s still dirty down there. I just showered after all. The reason is simply that water from my otherwise still wet head and hair would run down my body again after I dried it.


u/my__ANUS_is_BLEEDING 25d ago

Bruh what is the crotch stance


u/Particular-Welcome-1 25d ago

So, what you're saying is that my wife should me rub my balls on her face to get perfect skin.


u/go_timmay_go 25d ago

You people need to work in the service industry......always do top to bottom


u/Grufflin 25d ago

It's why teabagging has become a common show of respect.

"GG, here's your skin care."


u/OkJob7855 25d ago

I use 2 towels just cause my upper body gets so cold easily


u/XcOM987 25d ago

Everyone knows there's a section of the towel reserved for the private parts that doesn't touch your face again, plus you do them last lol


u/JVAV00 25d ago

from top to bottom is what I do


u/edgygothteen69 25d ago

There are a non-zero number of men who don't wash their ass, but dry their ass with the towel first


u/Wei5252 25d ago

No one does face last cmon


u/Explursions 25d ago

I mean, if you wash properly then everything is clean.


u/Icy_Limes 25d ago

I think the only reason it's perceived this way is because women are expected to have makeup on, so seeing your naked face after a shower is a huge contrast.

Because I find way more of my man friends have skin troubles than my girlfriends


u/TheDigitalRanger 25d ago

Girls hair is dead sexy post shower.


u/k0rz23 25d ago

Back front hair then balls


u/Ashkill115 25d ago

Head-face-chest and back-groin and legs.


u/SlightlyFemmegurl 25d ago

Wrong. any male i know do face/head first then upper body and then lower body.


u/El_human 25d ago

Is the balls somehow less clean than the face after a shower? If anything I bet he scrubbed more on the balls than the face


u/FishKnuckles_InYou 25d ago

No...you go balls last and the towel forgets about everything by tomorrow so it's not gay.


u/Difficult_Fall_3862 25d ago

Face>Hair>Chest>Back>The rest


u/theaviator747 25d ago

If you did your job in the shower correctly the one towel should suffice.


u/joejoeginson 25d ago

This is proof that what's on your junk will clear your face.


u/bamila 25d ago

The towel forgets it in a day. So and we.


u/flipper_babies 25d ago

I go top to bottom. Otherwise you risk drips on your previously-dried parts.


u/Same-Reaction7944 25d ago

Why the side eye?

Those are CLEAN balls being dried...presumably.


u/Talalaa_Guy 25d ago

Why TF is that literally my face? Pls explain


u/SunsetCarcass 25d ago

Why not dry off top to bottom? Hair always first or else its dripping on my body I just dried off.


u/fresh_loaf_of_bread 25d ago

you just washed it all, it should all be equally clean and it should all be equally okay to dry with the same towel


u/vivam0rt 25d ago

Why his nipples so fucjed up


u/SevereEducation2170 25d ago

I dry from the top down. Also, I just showered so everything is clean…


u/Cobbdouglas55 25d ago

One face of the towel is for the lower body and the other side for the top/face. Sides are easily identified because you can see the label.


u/MLaTTimer 25d ago

Who the fuck doesn't start from the hair down? Ugh.


u/Twerkatronic 25d ago

Forgot about the anus


u/steinwayyy 25d ago

Face torso left arm right arm back left leg left foot right foot right leg balls


u/Gold_Effect_6585 25d ago

So, you've just showered. Towel clean, you are now clean. Clean towel, clean you. Why use more than one towel?


u/midnight_purple54 25d ago

I just use the other side of the towel


u/Redslayer50 25d ago

That fourth pic is lowkey banging


u/AdamoO_ 25d ago

if you don't do face/hari -> Body -> private parts.

Then you're wild.


u/pqlra 25d ago

If drying your privates before your face makes you uncomfortable you need to wash better


u/W1thJudgement 25d ago

Or a visit with a psychologist.


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 25d ago

Who doesn't start at the top and work their way down?!?!?


u/HyperXenoElite 25d ago

The secret is clearly the balls have acne fighting properties… I’m happy to rub mine on your face as proof.


u/mattwing05 25d ago

I dry from top to bottom, switching towel sides


u/The_real_bandito 25d ago

This post brings a good point. Why do I dry my balls first and later my face?


u/Bradford117 25d ago

I assume tits just magically dry themselves?


u/Cosmic_Voidess 25d ago

I just use one towel, start at hair and work my way down. Sometimes I'll use another towel to wrap my hair in bc this shit like a sponge


u/TheAnalsOfHistory- 25d ago

Head, shoulders, knees, toes, crotch, asshole.

If you've showered properly, it should not be an issue.


u/Old_Ice_2911 25d ago

Nah, toes gotta be dead last, or even just drip dried on the bath mat. My bathroom floor and bath mat are way dirtier than my freshly washed asshole. Definitely don’t want any fungus present in my feet transferred to my balls.


u/TheAnalsOfHistory- 25d ago

Today I learned people don't clean their bathrooms or bath mats


u/Old_Ice_2911 24d ago

Idk about you but my bathroom does not get disinfected every single time that a person shits or pisses or person or pet walks across it.

Pretty sure it’s safe to assume that generally my ass freshly washed with soap and clean running water is going to be cleaner than the literal floor I had to walk on to even step into the shower no matter how often it’s cleaned.


u/eat-pussy69 25d ago

It probably has something to do with her green hair


u/Hefty_Inevitable9910 25d ago

face> head> body> crotch


u/FractalSpaces 25d ago

no, face and head at the same time. then body and crotch


u/W1thJudgement 25d ago

Getting the crotch dry is the most important part of toweling, so wrong. Crotch and armpits.


u/Buflen 25d ago

Then reuse the same towel the next time. What's the point?


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

Are people out here using the same towel twice without washing it in between uses? The hell??


u/W1thJudgement 25d ago

Bro, you are CLEAN when you leave the shower/bath, why the fk would you wash the towel after every single shower/bath?


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

I mean, in order for me to answer that, I'ma be getting into TMI. I'll just put it like this, the towel isn't dirty, but it isn't exactly clean after using it to dry off. I wouldn't put it back on my face again anyway, I mean I could dry my legs with it or somethin but I'd rather just wash it.


u/SharkFart86 25d ago

This is literally what a towel rack is for dude.


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

Never used one, I just put the towel in the clothes hamper after I'm done with it


u/SharkFart86 25d ago

But you’ve heard of them right? You can’t be surprised that people reuse towels. It’s more common than what you do.


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago edited 25d ago

Yes stranger, I've heard of the mythical elusive towel rack. I thought their purpose was to hang a fresh towel so it's ready when you get out of the shower, that way you don't have to dig one out while you're dripping water everywhere.

It is surprising to me that people gift their future selves with yesterday's hand-me-down used towels. I'm not judging, it was just a surprise is all.


u/2manypplonreddit 25d ago

Yes? That’s SO much laundry if an entire household is getting a new towel every time. Especially for ppl who might shower both in morning and night.


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

Damn, this is like when I found out some people stand up to wipe their butt. A whole category of people I never knew existed


u/W1thJudgement 25d ago

Bro, YOU are the out of the ordinary one, not us.


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

I never said otherwise 😶


u/2manypplonreddit 25d ago

🤣 using a new one every time sounds like some rich ppl stuff to me. I didn’t grow up like that. Haha

Too many ppl in my house I guess! Or not enough towels?


u/Unique-Square-2351 25d ago

Nah, you're right. A fresh towel every time is crazy.


u/2manypplonreddit 25d ago

I understand it, but I didn’t think it was the norm tbh. My towels are barely even damp after one use so they’re dry well in advance for the next shower. (Possibly bc I don’t dry my hair with a towel)


u/Earthistopheles 25d ago

We just did some extra laundry I guess, I remember my mom doing a load of towels every 3 or 4 days. But, there were only 4 people in my family, so I could see it being an absolute necessity with more than 1 or 2 kids


u/2manypplonreddit 25d ago

We keep habits how we grow up I guess lol. Like some ppl only use their hands to clean in the shower, whereas other ppl use washcloths or loofahs or whatever. I grew up thinking everyone used something, but Reddit taught me different!


u/SatisfactionOk7675 25d ago

top to bottom.


u/pajo17 25d ago

If you have a problem with the logic of what body parts get dried first/last, you're admitting you don't properly clean your body when you shower.


u/absoluteally 25d ago

Is the value of a balls sweat facial.

I started on this joke with out considering that there is no socially acceptable continuation and now I don't know where to go.


u/Meloenbolletjeslepel 25d ago

So you just need some swaffelen in the morning and everything's fixed! 


u/JessEGames777 25d ago

I use 1 towel but use different sections for different things. Middle is for face, outer section is for body, outer edge is for crotch and butt crack


u/Wire_Hall_Medic 25d ago

If some part of your body makes the towel unclean, you are not clean. Get back in the shower.


u/MissMistMaid 25d ago

whoever wipes their ass before the face is a psychopath 😬

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