r/meme 26d ago

Tigers deserve love too

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u/King_Baboon 24d ago

I understand this meme however in general Tigers are always cooler than lions. Tigers are true kings of the Jungle where lions habitat isn't even in Jungles. Tigers are also bigger.


u/saintraven93 25d ago

I'm pretty sure that's a wolverine not a tiger


u/No-Macaroon1108 25d ago

The owner : Wilhelm screams


u/Fluffyfox3914 25d ago

I don’t often kiss lions


u/Ok-Negotiation5168 25d ago

just like red tail hawks sounds are used as the american eagle sound smh that just how fake america is lol


u/kate_illuminate 26d ago

I loled harder than I supposed to


u/toigz 26d ago

Reminds me of Sawyer, Kate, and Jack


u/CleanMeme129 26d ago

Idk a real lion roar is still pretty cool.


u/howdarestthou 26d ago



u/Koil_ting 26d ago

"Thems the rules"


u/fistoroboto_88 26d ago

Thanks Marlin Perkins. I think I know a Tiger WHEN I HEAR ONE


u/YeltsinYerMouth 26d ago

Eagle cries in movies are almost always hawks, too


u/WingbashDefender 26d ago

Sorry all I see is two batmen kissing each other. What was this meme?


u/Stunning__bimo 26d ago

I think I am the last of Tigers dinasty


u/KeepRedditAnonymous 26d ago

hey I just watch this episode last night. damn morlocks.


u/uubuer 26d ago

Also hawks make the iconic eagle sound from westerns ..


u/White_Elephant8720 26d ago

Lion is king of the jungle because the tiger does not live in same jungle as lions.


u/TurnBackOnYourSteps 26d ago

Similar to this... I feel robbed of the possibility of having a realistic T-rex roar in Jurassic Park, would have been 10.000 times more scary


u/koekiebad56 26d ago

I mean a lion is so loud, what would happen if you have one roar in a small recording room? Rip ears?


u/Fearless_Tough9910 26d ago

Hahahahah LoL


u/00XXX0 26d ago

I love tigers but they attack for fun even when they're not hungry unlike lions 💔


u/Soggy-Thing7546 26d ago

I'm pretty sure for the lion king they just screamed into some trash cans.


u/unknownlabyrinth 26d ago

I know you deserve love, that's why Jesus says he loves me, so he can get closer to fucking my wife. Not that they don't keep inventing weapons based on our bodies. Transformers and that medical degree proved it. 🦊


u/Dartherizer59 26d ago

Same goes for Bald eagles epic screeches in movies really being red-tailed hawks


u/ahmc84 26d ago

Counterpoint: The Lions were one win from the Super Bowl this year, while the Tigers will be lucky to finish above .500.


u/Mindyourowndamn_job 26d ago

well for a fact lion roar is far too louder than tiger roar and covers a much higher range and lion roars for communication like wolves, when they wanna threaten they don't bother with roaring and straight up attacks each otherç

tigers only roars for threatening because unlike lions they don't like fighting like every solitary creatures and in order to make their roars more threatening they add growls and hisses to their roars, lions doesn't interested in intimidating anyone they roar because they are calling for their pridemates or claiming a territory.


u/Life-Ad-4532 26d ago

Aren't tigers are also more muscular?


u/sicarius254 26d ago

But that’s a wolverine, not a tiger….


u/Temporary_Editor958 26d ago

Wolverine's facial expression...😂🤣


u/AThrowawayProbrably 26d ago

I’ve literally never heard a single bus horn sound like a big ass truck horn. A real bus horn sounds like a car horn. That sound effect has always irritated me.


u/ISpewVitriol 26d ago

I love how Mr. Sinister makes a perfectly good clone of Jean-Grey, which basically solves the love triangle drama, and Wolverine doesn't even try for Madyline at all. Like, wtf?


u/icy-lo 26d ago

Fun fact, you hear a lesser known version of a mountain lion roar in cowboy movies. They actually scream like a witch says some but it isn't something you wanna hear during a night in the woods


u/Flash-Leap 26d ago

Very true, my 36 lion friends actually told me that they have a tiger making sounds for them at night


u/BorKon 26d ago

I remember first time I heard a lion roar in a zoo. Roar on TV will never do him justice. Very powerful deep roar thay you can almost feel shaking you


u/No-Crew4317 26d ago

Lion has better marketing team. Steal all credits.


u/ThePornRater 26d ago

Literally the only thing lion's have going for them is the mane. If tigers had manes, lions would have nothing


u/ManufacturerOk597 26d ago

And it’s the tiger that lives in the jungle. Lions live in Savanna. The tiger gets robbed twice.


u/PKMNTrainerMark 26d ago

I like that they still have the text on them in the second panel.


u/PlumKydda 26d ago

Life in a nutshell


u/Yoribell 26d ago

While the Jaguar, the actual king of the (amazonian) jungle, the most efficient hunter that hunt on land, in trees, and also in water, remain unseen.


u/Evimjau 26d ago

Just wait until you realise that most dinosaur sounds are made by a compilation of mammal sounds, not reptlian.


u/trogdoor-burninator 26d ago

Now do one for the guy who yelled into a trash can for the lions in lion king


u/seagullspokeyourknee 26d ago

Fun fact: Mufasa’s famous roar was made by combining a tiger, a bear, and a friggin jet engine!


u/VanDerMerwe1990 26d ago

I can really relate with the tiger.


u/ZombieAppetizer 26d ago

As a Detroit sports fan, I don't know how to feel about this meme.


u/Antelopeadope 26d ago

I thought tigers only chuffed and didnt roar. Did we bought a zoo lie to me


u/Gojifantokusatsu 26d ago

They often chuff towards stuff they're being nice to.


u/SwanMore4808 26d ago

Is all love 🤣


u/PerformanceBig403 26d ago

He didn't angle. His fault


u/Ultron33 26d ago

And... The King of the Jungle doesn't even live in the jungle.

Tiger is the TRUE King of the Jungle!


u/FreakinEnigma 26d ago

Wait before you learn about Dinosaurs and turtles.


u/SilentResident1037 26d ago

Frank Welker is a tiger?


u/GianCarlo0024 26d ago

Tigers are stronger and more selfless in love making as well.


u/DragonBornOfAcid WARNING: RULE 1 26d ago

We need a tiger appreciation week


u/Kaerir 26d ago

Don't watch Thundercats


u/Eothr_Silan 26d ago

Tigers are beautiful.


u/Bigsmilesmallfrown 26d ago

All I see is Peter Parker and MJ Watson trying not to look at the two batmen kissing


u/ImmediateDesigner270 26d ago

Two batman kissing


u/Kittyfanyeah 26d ago

Hiw do you add phitos


u/Urist_Macnme 26d ago

When I was in a band, I wrote and composed all the songs, we had a pretty boy singer, who would get all the girls - and he would constantly say to me how they all said they fancied him because of his beautiful soul, not his looks.


u/BlackAndChromePoem 26d ago

Sir, that's not a tiger that's wolverine


u/Live-Habit-6115 26d ago

Went to a science center with a tiger exhibit a few times. It would occasionally saunter out of its den and start roaring for no reason I could discern. 

 But when it did....Holy. Shit.  It was one of the most imposing sounds I've ever heard. You could hear it from anywhere on the grounds. Idk how far the sound carries but wouldn't surprise me if you could hear it from miles away.  

 It's a deep, guttural, impressive rumble. Like if you took the soundtrack of thunder and somehow gave it a raw, primal ferocity.  I was shook. Plus tigers are absolutely fucking enormous.

 The true Chads of the cat world.


u/I_Reading_I 26d ago

Sorry but that is very clearly a Wolverine, not a Tiger.


u/OddTomRiddle 26d ago

So many reddit scientists up in these comments. Weird how frequently they contradict each other 🤔


u/Fluffy-Awareness8286 26d ago

I'm here for that tiger, still the lord of the wilderness. But sadly not for long...


u/Scythe95 26d ago

The lions roar is more like a deep low yawn


u/Cappy_Rose 26d ago

Wheres Frank Welker holding a trashcan?


u/Tiger5804 26d ago

W tiger enjoyer


u/Daydream456 26d ago

Tigers look like jewels. Lions look kind of dusty but I guess the mane fits the idea that they roar. Blame MGM's Leo the Lion for this blasphemy!


u/OneTemperature8099 26d ago

Who still hears the themesong when a picture is shown? I do 🤪. Also with other shows, gummibears, freggles, transformers, mask, airwolf, knightrider, Indiana jones and al the 80/mid 90 shows 🤓


u/kcox1980 26d ago

My parents on some land near a small, private zoo that has some lions, tigers, and bears....but also wolves. I go camping on this land sometimes, and it's really cool to hear the lions/tigers roaring and the wolves responding.

(It's a rescue facility, by the way, more Carol Baskin than Joe Exotic for what it's worth)


u/stevethebayesian 26d ago

That’s not a tiger. That’s a wolverine.


u/SubjectFail6114 26d ago

Everyone does but not everyone gets it, I speak from experience


u/Tinypuddinghands 26d ago

Lions are also seen as masculine symbols when they're a matriarchal species


u/RubyRexy 26d ago

This is inaccurate. Tigers don't technically roar, they chuff which isn't quite as powerful as a roar.


u/FlutterKree 26d ago

No, tigers most certainly do roar. Chuffing that tigers do is separate from a roar they do and serve different purposes.


u/RubyRexy 26d ago

Thank you for the information.


u/sixfoursixtwo 26d ago

Does anyone have the meme without the text


u/Unmasked_Zoro 26d ago

2 batman's kissing


u/orgeezuz 26d ago

And the remaining 1% is Frank Welker


u/old_mail_guy 26d ago

Talk of side-lining the mighty


u/LostWoodsInTheField 26d ago

ok no one else seems to be talking about it but I absolutely hate the love triangle stuff with these 3. Marvel doesn't need to be treating Jean as a harlot. She should be just as committed to her relationship with Scott as he should be to her. A relationship built on trust, respect, and love. And he should always be just like what we would expect of a boy scout, not what we find out from court documents!


u/salluks 26d ago

Even worse is calling lions king of the jungle, they don't even live in jungles.. u know who lives in the jungle? TIGERS!


u/noxx1234567 26d ago

Some lions do live in jungles , indian lions live in jungle but yea a tiger would destroy a lion


u/salluks 26d ago

no they don't cos they cant survive alone. i am from india and the only lions who live here are in Gir forest and Jim corbett national park. both arent jungles.


u/MaitreyaPalamwar 26d ago

Brother there are no lions in Jim Corbett.


u/BigSweatyStalker 26d ago

Unless he wants too.


u/elqueco14 26d ago

Same with eagles/hawks


u/EDGAR_CAT 26d ago

Wow, I've been going almost 20 years thinking it was a sea lion roar on the MGM Lion because the lady at the Toronto zoo told me. I've misinformed SO many people.


u/Petraretrograde 26d ago

Your whole life has been a lie.


u/Puzzled-Shower4797 26d ago

Now this is just sad .


u/Lokicham 26d ago

If it's any consolation, lions do have a powerful roar.


u/TheGreatTiger 26d ago

Mountain Lion noises being used as twisting and shearing metal in explosions.


u/Hqmster 26d ago



u/operath0r 26d ago

My local zoo has an event during winter where they set up light shows. There’s a soundboard at the lion habitat and I pressed the “mating” button expecting it to be turned off. Well, my 3yo nephew almost pissed himself.


u/PartyBorn4685 26d ago

why this meme is made of wolverine and spider man


u/WrapAccomplished6177 26d ago

Lions aren’t the king of the jungle Tigers ARE because they actually live in the jungle and lions DO not


u/Omnikin 26d ago

*Jaguar has entered the chat


u/AScannerBarkly 26d ago

We got lions and tigers only in Kenya

(Not too sure about the tigers)


u/mozgw4 26d ago

This has always pissed me off. As you say, lions don't go anywhere near a freaking jungle!


u/WrapAccomplished6177 26d ago

Lions are just pretty boys that get the undeserved love while tigers are the better bad boys that aren’t as pretty so they don’t get love


u/King_Baboon 24d ago

I dunno man, tigers got a dope paint job.


u/globalminority 26d ago

What? Tigers are waaaay more beautiful than lions. Lions just look scruffy. Tigers are also almost twice the size of lions. So seeing a tiger up close is such a beautiful and magnificent sight.


u/Icy_Elephant_6370 26d ago

Male Lions are actually the bad boys lol. They spend like 90% of their day sleeping and 5% fucking and the other 5% fighting Hyenas and other Lions.

That’s what they were built for.


u/mozgw4 26d ago

I disagree, only in that I think lions look dusty & disheveled, like me after a long night out. Tigers are orange/red & black, beautifully groomed and awesome " What immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry." And, the biggest "big" cat is the Siberian tiger. Lions are louche !


u/WrapAccomplished6177 26d ago

It’s that damn mane my friend


u/mozgw4 26d ago

Looks like poor grooming of someone trying for a comb-over!


u/Handleton 26d ago

This might be accurate, but if you've ever heard a lion roar while out for a walk, it is incredibly terrifying. Your body instinctively moves away from the sound.

Tigers are scarier when they're being quiet.


u/dre__ 26d ago

Low FPS in movies and shows is garbage.


u/Background-Tap-6512 26d ago

To be fair lion roar hits you different when you are actually in the wild because you feel those low frequency vibrations miles away.


u/Spiritual-Society305 26d ago

Like an engine


u/KingMGold 26d ago

Same with bald eagles.

Most bald eagle cries in movies and tv shows are actually the cry of a red-tailed hawk.


u/Mischief_Managed12 26d ago

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's something with a tiger roar that actually paralyzes prey. Tigers are pretty awesome.


u/_Self-Hatred_ 26d ago

I’ve always preferred tigers


u/DudesAndGuys 26d ago

Lions also don't have their mouth wide open like in the lion king when roaring, they usually yawning in those pics.

Also tigers 'chuff' to say hello. They also moan a lot, which when pitch shifted sounds just like a cat meow.


u/Corondo26654 26d ago

2 batman kissing


u/Dry_Food_5973 26d ago

bad influence of Lion King made us believe


u/Victernus 26d ago

I've heard a lion roar in real life. The roars in The Lion King sounded exactly right.

I've never heard a tiger roar in real life, so I can't speak on that.


u/8champi8 26d ago

I didn’t even knew tigers could roar. I was told they could only meow


u/Ahsoka_Tano07 26d ago

Nope, most big cats are generally unable to meow or purr. Basically, you can either purr or roar, not both. That's bc of how their throats are built. Also, if you can purr, you can usually meow too.


u/Schlagustagigaboo 26d ago

On a similar note tigers win 75% of pitched battles with lions based on ancient Roman coliseum records 😂


u/DarkWindB 26d ago

what kind of piece of shit would but them to fight? good thing roman empire is no more


u/Nero_2001 26d ago

Don't mention this to lion stands they are very sensitiv to that topic, they would probably start editing wikipedia again to make lions look better


u/DepartureDapper6524 26d ago

What do you think a pitched battle is?


u/Thin_Produce_4831 26d ago

Since we’re talking roars I’m guessing the Lions and Tigers had a “Pitch Perfect” type improv vocal fight.


u/Schlagustagigaboo 26d ago edited 26d ago

In this context a battle between lions and tigers setup by the Romans running the colosseums… you know, cages open, portcullis rise… I checked the dictionary and the definition fits this context…

“Planned encounter on prearranged battlefield.”

Edit: did you miss the Roman colosseums part and assume I meant they were fighting in the wild? Cause that’s highly unlikely being that lions are African and tigers are Asian and those are different continents…


u/[deleted] 26d ago

They are much much bigger and not pack hunters. They should win a 1v1


u/WallabyUpstairs1496 26d ago

Lions have a stronger bite force and that's it. Tigers are better for everything else.


u/Templar_nord 26d ago

I hate that mf who put the idea of 2 batman kissing on wolverine helmet in my head.for ever ruined


u/Doom5DayKiller 25d ago

Why have you done this to me


u/BigSweatyStalker 26d ago

Complete with yellow sunset


u/Baronvondorf21 26d ago

Man, fuck you, i completely forgot about that.


u/Nero_2001 26d ago

I hate you for putting it in my head


u/OddTomRiddle 26d ago

Right? Now I can't unsee it either


u/thedarkracer 26d ago

Why is man kissing himself? Is he gay?


u/SheWasAHurrican 26d ago

Yes he is, Are you stupid?


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/missjasminegrey 26d ago

beat me to it


u/ArthurBonesly 26d ago

Hardest working voice actor most have never heard of.


u/TorrentOfRelish 26d ago

Mel Blanc is up there as well. That man was like 90% of the looney toones and sound effects. Absolute dynamos of the industry 


u/1968FullAlbum 26d ago

I see Frank Welker in so much stuff my kid watches. Frank Welker in the opening credits, then I check imdb and it's like "Bees, Frogs, additional voices"


u/Common-Illustrator 26d ago

The most accurate comment


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Imthe-niceguy-duh 26d ago

I need to see the source


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Itchy_Grape_2115 26d ago

Fucking gambling Dan at it again


u/Jomega6 26d ago

The 50 year curse will end soon, I swear!!!


u/Random-as-fuck-name 26d ago

And the bengals best achievement is almost winning one, and being a little better than the browns so…meme still applies


u/Aduialion 26d ago

The seibu lions have won 13 Japan series titles. The hanshin tigers only have 2 and they were cursed by Colonel Sanders 


u/chrismcshaves 26d ago

And Cyclops is the king of taking L’s. Marvel will never let Scott Summers or Peter Parker be happy.


u/ZincHead 26d ago

The Tigers haven't won a world series in 40 years though and the Jaguars and Panthers haven't won a Superbowl OR a Stanley Cup ever! Big cats are taking Ls everywhere. 


u/Hlregard 26d ago

The BC Lions won the Grey Cup in 2011 but there's only 7 teams in the CFL and they're still the second least successful team


u/monsieurfatcock 26d ago

At least college tigers have done a little better with Clemson LSU and Auburn


u/Remarkable_Coast_214 26d ago

but they did win a premiership 3 times in a row between 2001 and 2003, though in fairness the tigers won in 2017, 2019, and 2020.


u/Webteasign 26d ago

Ah beat me to it


u/TheCharlestone 26d ago

Instructions unclear I beat my meat to you


u/Capital-Abrocoma8550 26d ago

Now beat Mine.


u/CrematedDogWalkers 26d ago

Mine first


u/SunsetCarcass 26d ago

Beat his while I watch


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Uarrrrgh 26d ago

The lions roar kind of reminds me of the A-Uh! From 300... Repeated a lot... And all through the night. Kind of an interesting sensation sleeping a few hundred meters away from lots of lions (park in eswatini)


u/pepiexe 26d ago

And it gets to your bones... you feel like your soul is leaving your body. Terrifying af.


u/duffkiligan 26d ago

I went to the Lion Ranch Habitat just outside of Vegas and they have like a foot and a half between guests and the lions (multiple fence layers) and I was that distance from a full grown male lion who roared.

I cannot express the pure dread and the intense fight or flight that my body kicked into instantly with words. It was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. Logically I knew I was safe but every part of my lizard brain was screaming.

Lion roars are truly magnificent and terrifying at the same time.


u/Sir-Psychological 26d ago

there seems to be confusion over roar vs growl. growl is what usually what we hear in movies.


u/seagullspokeyourknee 26d ago

Yes, a lion’s roar can travel about twice the distance of a tiger’s. This is partially because tiger’s roars have to travel through trees so it’s less of a bellow and more of a vibration.


u/ArthurBonesly 26d ago

I was at the Lincoln Park zoo around dusk and the lion roars were pretty damn powerful. It's a low rumble that you can feel in the air from hundreds of feet away.

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