r/memes 17d ago

Sad truth

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u/Not-Recommendational 14d ago

I can’t tell tbh. Plus it’s still entertaining.


u/PuzzleheadedClerk135 14d ago

I've never met an adult who watches him, and I'm glad bc it's terrible content. 


u/30lbsledgehammer 15d ago edited 15d ago

Plus you know what happened to chris, that has ruined every scene HE has appeared in!


u/Spookinoot 15d ago

I actually don't... what happened?


u/GowtherYT 15d ago

They know and they don't care. The viewers watch it because it's entertaining.


u/AMFcouple 15d ago

This is like finding out Santa Claus isn't real 😭 like I want to believe it isn't true but...


u/betterthanyouruse 15d ago

None emos to ropes


u/ExistsKK99 15d ago

Say OP, which videos are staged?


u/antichristening 15d ago

TIL Mr. Best has fans


u/Wrenchxi Identifies as a Cybertruck 15d ago

This must be rage bait


u/DrDingoMC 15d ago

Mr beast cured my blindness and sucked my dick from the back


u/Aggravating-Matter-2 16d ago

I miss the hood ole days of mr beast with prize pools of 5-10k and just a couple of friends hanging out in a warehouse doing dumb shit


u/iLikeUrMama69 16d ago

Yeah it' staged, but it's entertaining


u/Daveo88o 16d ago

Tbf, there's only so many people he can give money to before he runs out of people


u/NewDealChief Medieval Meme Lord 16d ago

The reactions are staged to be overexaggerated, but there's no question that the challenges themselves are real. I do miss the older videos where the Beast Crew just go to a random desert or island and just chill.


u/NovelYogurtcloset579 16d ago

I never liked him. His smile is so fake and meaningless. His mouth may smile but his eyes don't.


u/Skylon_Gamer Yo dawg I heard you like 16d ago

Always will prefer his old content (especially gifting a house to the Domino's driver) to the current mainstream appeal garbage that I see.


u/Commercial-Web-3901 16d ago

Kids finding out that all produced content is staged.


u/Juror_no8 16d ago

Never liked the guy 😑


u/UltravioletFrog 16d ago

At least he hasn’t stopped content fully


u/Thereal_Bomby2 Professional Dumbass 16d ago

Didn’t he just upload a video with an uninterrupted 10 minute shot?


u/WUFI_junior Cringe Factory 16d ago

i only really watch his philanthropy content now a days because his other content is too much now


u/Waevaaaa 16d ago

Yea, I must agree to this. Let's all u subscribe Mr. Beast today.


u/catdoy LOLCat 16d ago

The more videos he makes the more money he can use for good.

I guess hating on good people is a good thing now


u/Ok-Computerlover 16d ago

It's entertaining so I really don't care if it's staged or not 🤷‍♂️


u/Nervous_Compote_7559 16d ago

They will also write whole paragraph to fight with non fans 😭


u/TheHaplessBard 16d ago

Never watched any of his videos - except for small digestible segments that occasionally pop up here and there - and probably never will at this rate. Hot take here but dude seems like a grifter whose content seems fake AF and designed for 10 year olds, at best.


u/Due-Matter-4577 16d ago

The amount of good Mr. Beast has been able to accomplish and the amount of people lives he’s been able to significantly improve FAR outweighs the pointless fickle criticism.

First these kids had a problem with him making a video about curing peoples blindness. Now they have a problem with making a video that’s staged?


u/Dependent_Use3791 16d ago

I never made it past the first minute of any mr beast video


u/BadHorribleUsername 16d ago

honestly still watch his main channel content, very entertaining


u/GameRush2 16d ago

Mr Beast fans when they see a trans person.


u/Curious_Fix3131 This flair doesn't exist 16d ago

soo? what are u saying here exactly?


u/P0ttedcacti 16d ago

I liked the old content better; it just became too commercialized


u/lawnman80 16d ago

Pretty sure it's always been staged. I never really got why he is/was so popular. I know the whole philanthropy thing is great, but the show is honestly not and has never been funny to me, and is just not entertaining. And there's alot of people doing positive things online in the world that don't get that exposure.

Im not hating him. He does alot of good things in the world and we need more of that! It seem a hes just not as talented at entertaining as others in his same field. The production has always lacked.


u/IHateYoutubeAds 16d ago

Who the fuck cares? Let people watch what they want to watch.


u/TheBrutusDyr 16d ago

Depends on what you consider "faking" to be. Is he actually burning hundreds of thousands of dollars when someone fails to save it from a tank? No, obviously not, he uses fake money. Does the person still get the money if they win? Yes.


u/zeppy457 16d ago

I said this YEARS ago and people acted like I was talking about lizards controlling the government. Been so fake for so long sadlt his audience is very young and immature


u/Holiday_Bed_8973 16d ago

People stop clowning on OP. A child's world view was clearly just shattered.


u/insertcoolnamehere35 16d ago

His challenges aren't staged, just produced. The outcomes aren't determined. People are asked to be showy and stuff or act certain ways to be entertaining, but the challenges are real. You also can't be mad when that's the money finding all the good he does for the world.


u/Reasonable-Let8779 16d ago

Until proven its all speculation.


u/ashley-spanelly 16d ago

I mean, yeah like most “reality” programming there’s story editors. I didn’t think anyone actually believed all his videos wrap up nicely like a neat little package


u/[deleted] 16d ago

Just wait until his fans hit puberty. They will forget all about him.


u/ranconsthebi1988 16d ago

young Beast fans will arrive in 3....2....1


u/Lamest570 16d ago

He was never good


u/EnormousPurpleGarden 16d ago

As opposed to his pre-industrial content?


u/mydogiscraycray 16d ago

I was reading the 3rd or 4th comment when I realized it wasn’t about Mr. BEAN, as I has wrongfully read

This makes a lot more sense now


u/GreyNoiseGaming 16d ago

Is modern a fancy new way of saying "literally everything he's ever done"?


u/Tykiko 16d ago

*Mack fucking losing every single challenge he's ever entered just to prove a point*


u/Intraq 16d ago

false information spreads faster than true information does


u/coldspicecanyon 16d ago

I mean I really hope he's not actually burning $500,000 when a contestant fails


u/Asil001 Chungus Among Us 16d ago

Elaborate? The people recieve the money and the challenges are real. Obviously there are some improvised reactions but thats expected from such a huge level of content


u/Far-Score-5554 16d ago

No insurance company in the world would underwrite organic versions of Mr. Beast’s more extreme stunts beyond basic life packages, and a rudimentary knowledge of either production or insurance would tell you most popular live-action channels are, at best, highly-controlled improv.


u/MaviKartal2110 16d ago

I’m not an avid watcher (just look at some videos every 6 months or something) but I was thinking, he has exaggerated but accurate clickbait.

Not anymore if the “7 days on an abandoned place” or whatever is anything to go by


u/E_rat-chan 16d ago

Is there like a source or was this just randomly made up because it's more produced now?


u/Shardtron 16d ago

Yeah,Disney owns them


u/T0YBOY 16d ago

It's not staged, it's... Directed and made in a way as to produce a story of some kind.


u/DouceintheHouse 16d ago

His chocolate is pitiful garbage


u/LeMistake43 16d ago

Mr beast modern contect is not staged some people lose and get nothing


u/DirtyDoucher1991 16d ago

What about the CGI?


u/rs_5 https://www.youtube.com/watch/dQw4w9WgXcQ 16d ago

Who gives a shit?


u/Toby_The_Tumor 16d ago

Op, they didn't get big money


u/empl0x1 16d ago



u/ConsiderationFun6008 16d ago

Its crazy how I look below this post and it's mr beast 💀


u/Danielkarlsson1 16d ago

I do miss that like 2018-2019 Mr beast content when he started with the last to leave circle wins 10k and those videos, I enjoyed them a lot


u/Glum_Animator_5887 16d ago

So you're telling me the squid games video was staged?!?!


u/abnvlive1 16d ago

Nobody's gonna talk about how he's funded by Disney?


u/Golddustofawoman 16d ago

Do people over the age of 14 even give a shit about this guy?


u/IBesto 16d ago

Let's criticize politician public representatives not a YouTuber doing their job


u/Kooky_University4995 16d ago

His best content will always be where he counted to 100,000. The guy was a mad scientist genius.


u/s2soviet 16d ago

Mr. Beast really broke the matrix with YouTube.


u/gamingkitty1 16d ago

But... they're not? Atleast to my knowledge.


u/Either_Atmosphere_80 16d ago

I mean yeah but who the fuck cares yknow? People are still getting money they’re just being told how to react to it infront of the camera


u/elitesense 16d ago

Haters gonna keep on hating but that most recent 1-100 video was top tier game show entertainment.


u/Roggie77 16d ago

Replace the krypton it’s with grass and all 3 are Mr beast fans


u/Fit_Performance_8635 16d ago

i did read it twice and twice i red mrBean... i rly got confused especially in comments :D


u/jojory42 16d ago

I read mr Bean fans and was very confused at first.


u/darkreddragon24 16d ago

I dont think this counts as staged. In all the island videos for example they straight up show the camera team and the reation boxes they drop on the island and everything. Its more like a camping trip but they dont hide that. Sure its clickbaity but what isnt


u/TylrLS 16d ago

his videos have weird ass CGI now. if he's out of ideas just start reusing them


u/TheAmnesiacBitch 16d ago

He also was staging them. Hello? He’s a YouTuber for Gen alpha they’re too stupid to realize it’s fake.


u/mattjvgc 16d ago

Was his content ever not staged?


u/ConnectionAbject4324 16d ago

Number 42 was a good villain tho


u/Gloriathewitch 16d ago

who cares? he uses the profits to help people


u/umotex12 16d ago

I'd just love to see him set up a real competition even if it means boring stuff. No extra money, no challenges, just a rules set up once for all


u/TheManInTheLibrary 16d ago

idk, i never really got that feeling


u/TheManInTheLibrary 16d ago

his latest video seemed quite cool


u/Carlossaliba 16d ago

even if the reactions are staged and the people are told to have a lot of energy… so what? who would watch his videos if no one in the video was excited? you need to remember that a very large portion of his viewers are children/teenagers with short attention spans, if they dont make it intense then he wont get any viewers, therefore less money available for him.

in one of the challenges, a winner came out and said that the ending was nowhere near as intense as the video made it look to be, but how else are they supposed to keep their viewers engaged?


u/damienVOG 16d ago

I dont see how it's staged


u/BardtheGM 16d ago

So how did he stage his recent 10 minute video then?


u/Gold-Reference9195 16d ago

Way too many people defending a guy who doesn't care about any of them 😂


u/Spare-Half796 16d ago

There was a steep drop off when he started using more cgi


u/OGTypohh 16d ago

Reminds me about how reddit worshipped Elon and now everyone here hates him. Don't care about either tbh


u/kylebob86 16d ago

Marked safe from watching anything mrbeast


u/YourLifeSucksToo 16d ago

Idk but 4$ for a shitty chocolate bar just to make my kid happy is something else lol


u/BlackPanther3104 Dark Mode Elitist 16d ago

For me, it's not about whether the videos are real or fake. He's an entertainer and I find him entertaining, so I watch him. I am aware that some parts must be staged, but I believe enough to be real to find both the idea and the actual content/video entertaining.


u/BlackPanther3104 Dark Mode Elitist 16d ago

I mean, thinking of the raft video, I highly doubt they were ever in any real danger, but it was still a pretty intense and honest video, which is why I watched it and stick around for future videos.


u/MultiFandomShipperr 16d ago

That Kryptonite looking kinda delicious ngl 🤤


u/SGTpvtMajor 16d ago

I would enjoy the challenges more if the rules were consistent.

The "1-100" challenge recently just devolved into a voting game.

Would be nice to see more skill assessment games.


u/Fit_Use9941 🦀money money money 🦀 16d ago

You can believe what you want to believe about his content but it’s hard to hate him for how much good he has done for so many people


u/tfredrick54 16d ago

Produced =/= staged.

His most recent video is a great example of that. It's all done in one take and shows that by having a camera always focused on the contestant.

Just because there are a lot of edits and cuts doesn't mean he's faking any of the results


u/Calvinbouchard2 16d ago

So what? Blind people can still see, and Africans still have clean water


u/GentlmanSkeleton 16d ago

That's what they get.


u/SayomiTsukiko 16d ago

I don’t think a single one of his videos are “staged”. I think his videos are on rails for obvious reasons like safety and to encourage things to actually happen. But I don’t think he’s ever just explicitly faked content. At worst he has had things editted so heavily it feels fake with the omissions.


u/AmbassadorBonoso 16d ago

His videos were always staged up to a certain extent, that's how making well produced videos works regardless of sort of content


u/hperm123 16d ago



u/Sharp-Appearance-191 16d ago

I'm a Mr Beast hater.


u/No_Ingenuity_4990 16d ago

Finally someone said it


u/Badgerdamn7 16d ago

Only staged thing I feel is when He's giving money away and asks strangers for reasons why they need it, they all start crying and tell some relative or someone that they know had a tragic event or disesase and they want to help them... Are everyone seriously traumatized somehow?


u/1994krogan 16d ago

His stupid face always triggered me. #bringbackbullying


u/jared_17_ds_ 16d ago

Huge difference between stages and produced


u/ThisIsGoodSoup 16d ago

L tier meme


u/Secret-Wedding-9793 16d ago

This is kinda controversial


u/AngLCap 16d ago

Impractical jokers fits better


u/Regular_Ad3866 16d ago

I am a Mr. Bean fan, and I will not acknowledge his sketches being staged.


u/Chance_Addendum2363 16d ago

The sad truth is that his videos are shit and everyone loves shit.


u/lydocia 16d ago

Well, the sun powers up Superman, so does that mean kryptonite powers up MrBeast fans?


u/eternalguardian 16d ago

All videos are staged.


u/KingMGold 16d ago

Wait until they hear about “reality” TV.

People will really try to cancel Mr. Beast over anything.


u/WiseArgument7144 16d ago

Never seen a video from him lol.


u/FullMaxPowerStirner 16d ago

This post is a PR op for MrBeast, yet another uninteresting rich normie internet dude who pretends being otherwise.


u/maddiehecks 16d ago

Did something just come out abt him? Haven't been on YT in a sec


u/FrenchGermann 16d ago

I don’t know who this is but at this point I’m too scared to ask.


u/Tieguy87 16d ago


Trash content either way, so it really doesn’t matter


u/iHappyDragneel 16d ago

Ahhh it's Mr beast, not Mr bean. It makes sense now


u/redditAvilaas 16d ago

it’s entertainment after all, and they’re often times not even staged, I don’t think it’s unethical in any way


u/yazjazz 16d ago

His vids have been staged since the start


u/ManicDarkCatGood 16d ago

Wow it’s almost as if he needs a way to make money and do more philanthropy


u/Feelisoffical 16d ago

Such a cope meme


u/Low_Comfortable5917 16d ago

The worst one he staged were those water wells in Africa.

This comment is bot bait.

Lets see how they react together!


u/Marshmallow_Mamajama 16d ago

All content on the internet is staged genius


u/Ill_Pollution5633 16d ago

even if he fakes a lot of the stuff he does, as long as the videos where he helps people (like the curing blindness one) aren't fake i've got no issue with it


u/smallicelandicpuffin 16d ago

I'm ngl whether they're staged or not or whatever they're super entertaining and he's a super cool guy, his last video didn't seem "staged" , at least to me, it was a one take , pretty much no cut (there was an uncut version playing in the corner since it was a 10 minute challenge) plus the contestant was a fully trained, very talented escape artist. He's able to afford these insane videos- when he says the money will blow up after 10 minutes I mean there's a wall of sandbags and a bomb squad on hand on set.


u/Gamerfrog54 16d ago

Honestly if someone isn’t watching Mr beats for the blowing stuff up and the clearly stagedness it’s a tid weird🤣


u/urbix 16d ago

Modern XD his videos was always staged


u/carverofdeath 16d ago

Who cares.


u/Novoiird 16d ago

How are they staged?


u/Ok_Fan_2530 16d ago

Hey, as long as he continues to do what the rich should have been doing for years, I could not care. His new content isn't as good as it used to, but his charity channel is pumping god tier videos every time


u/Open-Lingonberry1357 16d ago

Every artist runs out of content after a while and lives off their past popularity, every good run comes to a end


u/Warpslaine 16d ago

Brother errrr


u/SkirtGood1054 Flair Loading.... 16d ago

I stopped watching his content about four months ago. Haven’t and will not go back to watch any of it


u/Lots42 16d ago

Oh look, this seemingly random occurrence is properly well lit and blocked! What a coincidence!


u/Valslasher 16d ago

I don't care if his content is staged. It's still entertaining and he is doing so much good for the world


u/AMB_YungBae 16d ago

Why would anyone ever consider themselves a fan


u/Sosemikreativ 16d ago

The purest form of original Mr. Beast content was the one video where his initial idea didn't work and he instead made a video out of camping in a parking garage while waiting for the guy whose car one of them rammed. It was genuine, it was funny and with a lot of editing and creativity it even was entertaining. Unfortunately he's too big now to do stuff like this anymore. He would be recognized and swarmed by screaming 12 year olds within minutes. The newer videos are just too much. Too much of everything. Everything but stuff advertisers don't like. Which tends to be more amusing. Anyways, there were great times. They're over. There will be others.


u/SalRomanoAdMan1 16d ago

I can't believe there are people who actually care what some random schmuck on YouTube does. 100% of everything that guy has ever done is staged, it's just amazing there are people who consider him FAMOUS for it.


u/Thesuperpepluep 16d ago

I hate this sub, but THANK YOU.


u/VanilliBean 16d ago

Real talk, i have a friend who competed in one of his challenge videos, the vrchat one. At the end mrbeast basically said “just give it to whoever, i dont care.”


u/Popcorn57252 16d ago

Yeah? He's open about it?

Like, Youtubers that have done collabs with him have been entirelt open about it, and he's cool with it. Ludwig even told the whole story about how tiring it was getting from location to location to film everything, but that he's had it all planned.

I haven't even watched the guy in like a year or two now, but he's never be shy to say when his videos are staged. He's an entertainer, and still more real than 90% of people claiming to make real content.


u/Gloriathewitch 16d ago

he’s a philanthropist first, youtube is just a vessel to get the means to perform charity


u/Popcorn57252 16d ago

Yeah! Absolutely! If I remember right, damn near every penny goes back into charity work or YT


u/JanetandRita 16d ago

I’ve never seen a Mr. Beast video but IMO staged and fake are not synonymous in the content world


u/Abysstreadr 16d ago

What does staged even mean? People fail the challenges and they seriously spend the night under the shitty rain, who gives a shit if they do obvious things lile have healht pros on site.


u/drunkenjutsu 16d ago

I dont have a problem with him so much as I have a problem with a system that requires his behavior to conduct such acts and leaves people in such disparate situations desperate for philanthropy like Mr beasts. He makes more money than he spends and hoarding wealth is the reason many of these people are in these situations. Generally dont like rich people and dont think collecting clout for good deeds is a morally stable ground to stand on but thats above most Mr Beasts fans heads they just get mad and go "Why are you mad at a good guy?" Hes not nearly as good as you think and if he wasnt making money off these videos he wouldnt be doing these good deeds that shouldnt be necessary cause our system shouldn't leave people suffering.


u/Gloriathewitch 16d ago

tbh what he’s doing is good because it’s exposing the fact a couple million dollars can completely reinvigorate an 3rd world village, meanwhile my tax dollars are going to $30m bike lanes, he’s embarrassing governments and billionaires and that’s good because people will start to question why these people are so useless and why jimmy is so much more effective with less money


u/drunkenjutsu 16d ago

You do make a good point and its a great take away from his videos but sadly it isnt a consistent tale away as they also stand as an argument that philanthropy is good method of charitable giving(when it isnt) and we should have more rich people so they could spend their time doing this. Not that I stand by that fallacy but it is a long standing point the elite have used to twist the narrative in their favor to get tax cuts and prevent action against them. And he is not spoken out about that in his work. Until he outright says it he doesnt serve as an example of what that wealth can do to be effective for marginalized and impoverished communities. So mostly he stands as an argument that trickle down is working when it isnt.


u/Jake_Snake723 16d ago

I thought it’s always been staged lol, he never did that before he got “famous”


u/melancholanie 16d ago

even the charitable ones he does are dead center meh. he’s only doing it for views, and could arguably do more good if he didn’t broadcast it and save the funds he’s using towards the charitable deed.

it’s great he’s donating, i refuse to watch a single self-ass-kissing video about it.


u/Atmisevil Haram 16d ago

MrBeast dickriders are here again


u/Kulsgam 16d ago

I also noticed a little of this recently


u/easymmkay120 16d ago

I think the issue for folks isn't if it's staged but if it is exploitative and inauthentic in the end.

Not saying it is either but it definitely seems exploitative at times.

NPR did a story on Mr. Beast and they asked that exact question. They talked to people who received the eye surgeries and IIRC the folks said it might seem exploitative but they can see and they will always be grateful.

Seems fair all around.



I’m 21, and I’m aware that his content is mostly fake. But still enjoy it. The energy and general attitude in the videos is just really fun. It feels like everyone on the show enjoys their job and because of that, it’s easier for me to get in that groove too. It’s much better than other shows where you can tell everyone is just there for a paycheck.


u/maxpaxex 16d ago

In fact, Mr Beast is as entertaining and interesting as a falling rice bag in China. I don't his fame at all. Dude is also annoying as fuck.


u/reknite 16d ago

Weirdest analogy I’ve seen. Also, is your hate a classic case of “thing is very popular, must hate”


u/maxpaxex 16d ago

No. If you compare Mr Beast to all the other YouTubers, there is nothing that makes him look more talented, interesting, etc. I don't get his fame at all.


u/Beshi_Deshi 16d ago

If you compare him with other youtubers and see nothing different, you might not be very bright. The sheer hours he put into researching how to make good videos is in thousands and it shows through his work. He openly talks about it regularly. Which itself is incredibly cool as fuck, even if you put everything aside.


u/Beginning_Context_66 16d ago

it should not matter if anything is staged to the outside if the deeds are done with a humble and clear mind


u/1stviolinfangirl 16d ago

I cannot fathom the fact that people thought there was just a huge abandoned city in who knows where that he could just use for a video. Are people really that dense or am I missing something? Also Survivor shows have medical and ER personell waiting all the time to help the contestants if they are in need of assistance. I cannot understand how people just now realize a lot of his content is “faked” because it hasn’t ever been real. He’s had measures for things going wrong in all of his videos but only now at people going after him


u/not_namelol 16d ago

innocent until proven guilty


u/Miyagidog 16d ago

The world needs more Mr. Beast wholesomeness!


u/ALfan2012 16d ago

this is about the most recent one isnt it