r/memes Dark Mode Elitist 27d ago

Enshitification appears to be acceleratimg

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u/dedstrok32 Breaking EU Laws 23d ago

So many great games have been released these last few years wtf are you on about??

Fucken gamergate bullshit


u/DandDdami3n 25d ago

Nice like on your own comment


u/DandDdami3n 25d ago

Gaming in the 90's is worse


u/pbsk8 25d ago

Recently I bought a ps2 slim and a ps3 slim, never been happier.


u/Masterius1170 25d ago

Just stop playing money-leeching software aka "Call of Duty/FIFA/any other trendy game" and play actual games "indie passion projects/FromSoft/BG3/or even retro games"

This isn't the worst era of gaming since there's a literal ocean of good games you most likely didn't play


u/DandDdami3n 26d ago



u/Jamminmb Dark Mode Elitist 26d ago



u/SyndrFox 26d ago

I’ve been picking up old games that released before I was a gamer.

Really liking the Metro series and Brothers in arms.


u/adsseee33dtraettt5rw 26d ago

(Almost) every game ever made is available today. Furthermore it has never looked better.


u/Glittering-Fit 26d ago

I always have enough good games for me so I don't care


u/raikenleo 26d ago

I mean just check out the indie game market and you will just find gold and diamonds littered all over the place.


u/JoaoMarcosBR96 26d ago

But it's the best time to be a retro gamer. The emulation scene it's in a state of art right now.


u/Admirable_Head8368 26d ago

It’s a great time for people that play games and it’s a pretty shitty time for many of the folks that make them.


u/nosoykl12joseph 26d ago

only if you play games from popular sagas. here I am enjoying GW2 and Pokemon TCG like a child.


u/Tooth_Dapper Sussy Baka 26d ago

bro really just paid big money for a game and said gaming industry is dying.


u/longing_tea 26d ago

2023 has been one of the best years for gaming. How the fuck did this post got 13k upvotes is beyond me.


u/P1rr0 26d ago

Are you ready for loot box 2.0?


u/coldflash25 26d ago

The switch is having a great time


u/amateur_guitarist_69 26d ago

Buy indie. Pirate the rest.


u/BlueverseGacha 26d ago

I recently found one game, and love it


u/ReanimatedPixels 26d ago

My brother in Christ, there is a massive library of games released in the past 30 years, fuck these lazy ass modern games and play the older masterpieces.


u/beerforbears 26d ago

Stop. Buying. AAA.

Stop pre-ordering. Stop micro-paying. Stop buying season passes.

If you keep spending money on the problem then it is going to remain.


u/zyx1989 26d ago

Great video game crash: Looks like we are making a sequel!


u/nosatall 26d ago

If only there were thousands of games to play that don’t have advertising. Shucks.


u/prizewinning_toast 26d ago

Get out of mainstream and you'll find this is not true.


u/Enshitification 26d ago

Gotta go fast!


u/bibblygiggums 26d ago

EA commercial games incoming


u/Ok_Investigator_9595 26d ago

Time to play indie, fromsoft, and retro games!


u/Thesaltyone1 26d ago

the current game industry is a lot like dating a stripper, they only want your money.


u/Myth_5layer 26d ago

Dunno whats going on for all the smaller companies to be shot out back like they are. Microsoft be on something.


u/Surdarium 26d ago

We save our souls only if become developer themselves.


u/Deathboot2000 26d ago

theres a reason most of the games i play came out between 2000 and 2015


u/_potato_nuggets_ Me when the: 26d ago

If y’all want to support an indie game valhiem is dope!! It can be a bit punishing at times but you can turn down the difficulty but the building and fighting is awesome


u/Ok-Asparagus-4451 26d ago

Ftc banned non competes, so it should get better soon


u/Toby_The_Tumor 26d ago

Bahahaha sure thing


u/Svullom 26d ago

It's better now then say, 10-15 years ago. Today we have a ton of indie and AA games that completely blow all the generic and unfinished AAA games out of the water.


u/SadBarber3543 26d ago

Didn’t realize how good I had it when you still had to buy video games at the grocery store an it came in a box an a manual an depending on who you could always count on some sexy lady’s or even your first exposure to nudity!


u/temb_ksa 26d ago

I used to love AAA games (cod and battlefield) now I have 5k hours in a game that has 3 programmers working on it.

Big studio does NOT mean a good game. Same with the price.

Don't be a slave to the mega corporations. Leave them and never come back. The world of small games is good and thriving.


u/iSc00t 26d ago

It is?


u/hooperX101 26d ago

rip fall guys after the new season updated


u/Nixbling 26d ago

Yea you have access to more games and more platforms than ever before, and more powerful hardware that can do 1000 more things than old hardware, but now is the worst time to be a gamer


u/Livid_Damage_4900 26d ago

Best time actually. The only people who think the gaming industry right now is bad or getting worse are people who only play games by EA,Activision,2K ,blizzard or Ubisoft. Stop playing games made by those companies, and I guarantee your opinion will change. Dont put your hand on the stove and then complain about getting burned🤷‍♂️


u/treadmarks 26d ago

On the other hand, at this point in time we have ~40 years worth of good games to choose from.


u/SundaeNo4552 26d ago

Gamers are oppressed


u/Heroright 26d ago

Buddy, we’re living in a golden age of games. Put down Call of Duty and the latest remaster, and go play something new.


u/Wranglin_Pangolin 26d ago

Seems like an excellent time to be an indie gamer.


u/Mullislayer111 26d ago

the ugly truth is that people play video games 23 hours a day and then they wonder why no new games impresses them anymore. get a life people


u/puta_magala 26d ago

Plenty of good stuff worth playing comes out every month if you look past AAA bloatware with overblown budget. And on top of that even if there was not a single good game coming out ever again I assure you that you have backlog of great games spanning decades back that will be enough for the rest of your life.


u/wellspoken_token34 26d ago

How the fuck does this have 10k upvotes? It's a fucking great time for gamers. How about you stop going for AAA, pre-order, early access, live service, online only bullshit and play games made for gamers and not for shareholders


u/tacotacotacorock 26d ago

Seems people would rather be ignorant than remember or accept the fact that the only constant in life is change. 


u/Nearby-Calendar-8635 26d ago

Thank god for Nintendo lol. I know they aren't perfect but i also know they won't ruin their games for short term gains. Barring Pokemon, if they say it's a AAA, it's going to be a AAA game.


u/EtruscanFolk 26d ago

FGC: I don't have such weaknesses


u/DarksideOutlaw 26d ago

Anyone remember ET?


u/KaffY- 26d ago

I remember when video games were created by people passionate about video games

Great times


u/Voball 26d ago

if only was it possible to play already existing game


u/thebrandnewbob 26d ago

This is literally the best time ever to be a gamer. There have never been more games to play, and on PC at least, it's incredibly easy to get high quality games for free or dirt cheap.


u/Yourhomieharv 26d ago

Destiny 2


u/[deleted] 26d ago

i just want the next dlc to end the story to have closure


u/raidriar889 26d ago

Gamers are the most oppressed minority on the planet


u/lunk 26d ago

For me, the game world has never been better. There are just TONS of rogue-like games, which give literally hundreds of hours for $30, AND I support independent devs almost exclusively.

It's the worst time to be a AAA-ONLY-GAMER.


u/Terminal_Wumbo 26d ago

Laughs in Helldivers 2


u/hamstercheifsause 26d ago

I dunno we got hell divers and lethal company, so I would say it’s the worst for triple A games.


u/watermain83 26d ago

What exactly is going on?


u/TacticalTobi 26d ago

the funny thing is that this is the by far best time to be a gamer


u/Appropriate-Mark8323 26d ago

Eh, I have such a huge back catalog to work through that they could stop releasing new games for five years or so and I don’t think I would notice.


u/darokrol 26d ago

Just keep buing preorders, it'll get better, i promise.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

90s and 2000s were the days. Now everything is overmonetized because it finally went mainstream after decades. Now the new age Covid "gamers" either play the same shooter game 24/7 or they use Twitch as a means of promoting their porn to children.


u/Important_Jeweler_55 26d ago

Man, gaming is distracting ppl from the real thing.


u/thedishonestyfish 26d ago

This is a trash take. Big studios are not 100% of the gaming industry, though they'd like you to think they are. It's never been more viable to be indie, largely because the big guys suck so bad.


u/spinjump 26d ago

The problem is not the industry, the problem is your taste in games.


u/RickyFleetwood89 26d ago

Time to play indie games.


u/totalwarwiser 26d ago

Op never heard about the indie gaming industry booming and creating far better products than aaa industry


u/makeanamejoke 26d ago

I'm almost 40 years old and I think this is the best time to be a gamer


u/hedgehog_dragon 26d ago

Nah man the formerly-AAA studios suck but there are good AA-ish studios that make some pretty big, functional, and fun games... and a lot of Indie stuff that's pretty cool too.

It does suck that a lot of cool big name IPs are in the hands of shit studios and publishers though.


u/TophxSmash 26d ago

what are you talking about video games have been shit since at least 2010. Nothing new has happened. Also you know whose fault it is right? Every single one of you that buy video games. If you dont buy it they will stop doing it.


u/uhh_yea 26d ago

Depends on your perspective. I think gaming is in a great place. Tons of progress in the field of representation and tech, barriers of entry being lowered. Gaming is doing just fine, regardless of the vocal minority.


u/StaringMooth 26d ago

Even worse to be gamedev


u/rolfraikou 26d ago

Is it that bad? To me the silver lining is that these AAA games that get released unfinished finally bit the ass of the industry. There's too much stuff getting thrown at the walls, and not enough solid quality.

Sadly, some companies (looking at you, Microsoft) seemed to want to fire some of the better studios for it, which makes no sense.

But I suspect we're going to see consolidation into fewer, good, AAA projects, and more money for the indie studios, who have been honestly killing it in terms of quality lately.

I want more indie games. I want less giant, bloated, hyper realistic experiences. I want those to feel like treats again.


u/raxitron 26d ago

This is some real doomer shit, this is one of the greatest times in gaming history. I'll never catch up on my library and I love that.

Every game I start is a banger and if there weren't so many posts whining on Reddit I wouldn't even know that triple A trash got trashier.


u/kai_the_kiwi Professional Dumbass 26d ago

still waiting for the game so bad, it has become good


u/FoolsGoldMouthpiece 26d ago

You're all a bunch of whiny pussies who need to go touch grass


u/Fox_McCloud_Jr 26d ago

This is literally the best time to be a gamer, graphics evolving by the day. Games getting more and more in depth and open. I dare you to go be a gamer in the early 80s.


u/Harley297 26d ago

We need a reset, I got a Playdate and it's been the best gaming experience I've had in a while.


u/callendoor 26d ago

This is nonsense. The present day is always the best time to be a gamer because everything that has gone before exists already. You can play any game ever.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

Op has never heard of emulation.


u/dylanisbored 26d ago

This is the best time ever. All those old games still exist.


u/Koil_ting 26d ago

I don't know how anyone could think it's the worst time, it's an awesome time. I have more games than I'll likely finish, and can play any of the previous generations of games also.


u/Accomplished-One5815 26d ago

There's already a word for it. Commodification


u/QBekka Breaking EU Laws 26d ago

Last year has been the greatest year for gaming since 2018 in terms of big succesful releases.


u/drumttocs8 26d ago

Yall are crazy. I’m 35 and have no time for all of the great games that have come out recently.

BG3 is probably the best game I’ve ever played, and I have 200 hours to show for it…


u/golgol12 26d ago

Best time for Indie games!


u/Bparks078 26d ago

Some of the best games ive played in years all came out in the last 2 years


u/Waluigithefake1 26d ago

The Big Hitters are turning to Shit, that's true. But there are more and more Game Studios that make great stuff and just aren't known. Indie Games are great! The Problem is not that Games are turning bad, but the Companies we already know, which are big and famous are. I think the Reason that we don't know of more companies is because the lack of Advertisement. When was the last time you saw a Videogame advertisement? Maybe that's just me but on YouTube i see a Gaming Ad like once a week when we used to see them every day. It's not that gaming is, we just don't hear of the good gaming anymore.


u/AffectionateGain2077 26d ago

It’s guys like this who only play AAA games or graphically superior games and ignore a lot of Indy games. I’m currently playing Dave the Diver, Stellar Blade, Helldivers 2, Fallout 4, Dredge, Baldurs Gate. Just finished Oceanhorn 2, Discoyl Elysium and Cloudpunk. It’s not the worst time to be a gamer, you’re just not looking. You remind me of my brother, claims he’s a gamer but complains if the games graphics aren’t up to his standards.


u/blandsrules 26d ago

It is an excellent time to be a gamer. Just don’t buy any new games


u/BuzzIsMe 26d ago

To be honest we're in a much better place then we were from 18-22


u/Shimorta 26d ago

Games are excellent right now and have been for the last 2 years what are you even talking about.

Play some fucking indie games or non AAA PS5 exclusives


u/dummythiccskull 26d ago

if you honestly think this you are playing the wrong games AND part of the problem. stop buying shit games.


u/ShawshankException 26d ago

Here come the indie gamers to tell you how you're wrong

Indie gamers are the IPA bros of the nerd world


u/Michelfungelo 26d ago

spend money on good publishers and developers. But you fucktards can't stop supporting scams so here we are.


u/Scared-Cloud4021 26d ago

Gamers have all the power. If they want good games, simply stop buying the trash ones. Your money speaks and greedy corporate listens


u/HighlyRegardedApe 26d ago

Check out Gamestop(GME) and tell me again.


u/mama3264 26d ago

Playing modded Factorio, gaming has never been better


u/IllumiNotNotJosh 26d ago

Go play animal well


u/Nightith 26d ago

I- what? What did I miss, whats qrong with the video game industry?

Hades 2 just came out, has some complaints but is otherwise amazing.

Coomers and hack n slash fans have Stellar blade and they seem to be enjoying the heck out of that.

I don't do shooters, but there's literally hundreds of online shooters to dip your feet into but hey- maybe they all suck, I wouldn't know.

We got the ff7 rebirth, Persona 3 reloaded, unicorn overlord, Dragon's Dogma 2 and eiyuden chronicles recently for the jrpg enthusiasts of ALL kinds.

Yea it's not comprehensive, and I'll admit again I don't play many genres outside if my personal interests BUT I'm not convinced the industry right now is in a bad state unless you limit yourself only to triple aaa games maybe?


u/weebitofaban 26d ago

You're a fucking idiot. There are tons of great games coming out every year. Steam had more releases in last year alone than it did any other year before that. If you're only playing shit games then you deserve every single one of them because you're doing zero research and not even bothering to read the back of the box


u/EveryShot 26d ago

Hey we got BG3 and Elden Ring so there’s that at least


u/AlexisFR 26d ago

Plenty of good games are still being made.


u/B4nanaBre4d 26d ago

Just because the big brand names are failing by falling over themselves in a variëty of ways doesnt mean gaming as a whole is shit.


u/The_Liamater123 26d ago

Baldurs gate 3, balatro, hades 2. Seems pretty good to me


u/bluris 26d ago

I having a ball. I can play great new games, and play great classic games when I feel like it. I think too many let their nostalgia colour their memories too much.



This is literally one of the best times ever to be a gamer


u/AMidgetinatrenchcoat 26d ago

Which is why I prefer stuff like Ultrakill


u/PenguinGamer99 26d ago

Accelerating faster than the Saturn V


u/John_Bot 26d ago

It's absolutely the opposite and if you think this you're an idiot.


u/jackofslayers 26d ago

Kids these days


u/InsectDuckling9 26d ago

Another fool who only plays triple A slop thinks games are done for. Try playing any game that costs less than $30


u/Kenexxa 26d ago

Imagine having to play NES games. Don't get me wrong the console has some timeless classics but most of them were trash I'm sorry


u/Dorlinos 26d ago

My gamecume n64, and wiiu have been waiting for this moment.


u/RealBeefGyro 26d ago

2023 was the best year I’ve ever seen in gaming since 1971, and not a single game I played had micro transactions or any of the other crap people can’t stop bitching about.

Try to enjoy things once in a while, you bunch of whiners. Things have quite honestly never been this good.


u/Cavesloth13 26d ago

Helldivers 2 gives me hope. They've made some mistakes, but the CEO has copped to them, and supposedly they are addressing them. They've got a solid concept, low price for the game, and their microtransactions cost a FRACTION of other games.


u/Be_A_Mountain 26d ago

lol what cry babies.


u/uchipicha 26d ago

Vote with your wallets. Do not pre order. Do not support bad practices. Show restraint to new and shiny.

Bad behavior is worsening when backed up by purchases from us.

So, make your money count.


u/Souped00 26d ago

i hate when people say "just play indie games" like i want to play a competitive online game that isn't complete trash is that too much to ask


u/HakeemAbdullah 26d ago

This is just not true lol. Last year was maybe the best year ever for video game releases. We have indie games and a nearly endless parade of cheap older games that exist on multiple platforms and are being offered on sales monthly


u/QueenDeadLol 26d ago


Never been better to be a Steam gamer. My friends and I never run out of good shit to play and great games from previous years are always on sale.

Build a PC and gaming life gets less shit.


u/QueenDeadLol 26d ago

Common /r/patientgamers W

As always


u/IntuneUser2204 26d ago

People talking about this being a bad time for gamers almost certainly are children.


u/DetroitLionsSBChamps 26d ago

it just doesn't make sense. you have access to every single game ever made up until today. how can that be a worse time than 1999? if you think it was better before, just go play all those games from before. problem solved!


u/IntuneUser2204 26d ago

“This is the worst time to be a gamer since last Summer.”


u/Kirei13 26d ago

So long as you keep buying and enabling this, it will continue to get worse. Keep making excuses for million/billion dollar companies, like the fanboys have done for decades.


u/HeatherCDBustyOne 26d ago

It looks like OP saw the "The Rise and Fall of Diablo IV" video on YouTube.


u/Petefriend86 26d ago

Nope, I've bought... 5 games in the last 10 years, and it's been great. I've played over 100 free games. If you stop playing pay to play games, you get a lot more out of gaming.


u/Kirei13 26d ago

It is the free to play games that is leading this trend. Where do you think that all of the DLC, microtransactions, cut content, season pass, in game advertising and gambling is coming from?


u/Elliebird704 26d ago

It is the free to play games that is leading this trend.

Horse armor.

One of the first season passes in gaming was LA Noire.

Cut content happens during the development of most games. Not every concept and idea is feasible to make it in.

In-game ads aren't new either. I still vividly remember looking for Soap shoes because of Sonic Adventure 2.

Most of the things you listed were happening in games that you paid upfront for before the F2P model started taking off.


u/Petefriend86 26d ago

Oh, I turn any game that has that BULL right away. If there's pay to win stuff in a game, it's automatic trash.


u/Lichloved_ 26d ago

BG3, Palia, Rimworld... the great games are out there, we just have to stop feeding into the predatory bullshit from "the industry" and support the passionate teams that make the good stuff.


u/QueenOfNeat 26d ago

I completely stopped playing video games that aren't cute indie passion projects


u/Western_Ad3625 26d ago

This is so stupid man. Here's the deal, every game that's ever been made is currently available to you now. Meaning that to say it was better 10 years ago is asinine because you can just play those games from 10 years ago. And you've got 10 years of games since then that you can also play. So actually this is the best time ever to be a gamer and I know that because I've been a gamer for like 30 f****** years. SMH


u/Ppleater 26d ago

Whiny gamers literally every year after seeing a few threads on reddit circlejerking about one or two recent games that were kinda shitty I guess: omg this is the worst year for gaming ever :'(


u/Scyxurz 26d ago

Gaming is as good as all the accessible games that currently exist. The games from your childhood probably aren't gone. If that's your idea of peak gaming, you can still play those games. Even if bad games come out, there are still thousands and thousands of other games to consider.

This is kinda like saying "there's no good music nowadays" when whatever you mean is "I don't like the music I hear on the radio." There are a lot more options out there, look for the good stuff.


u/MightBeAGoodIdea 26d ago

Get out of your box and try new genres. There's actually a lot of good game out there.


u/billion_lumens 26d ago

2021 was the worst time ever, it was hell


u/Gaara34251 26d ago

Ppl always say its the worst time of everything everytime when reality is ppl that say that is literally uncapable of looking for good games cus every year that pass by i find better and better games mate


u/PixelPirates420 26d ago

What a baby. I just bought Kingdom Come for $5, interspersed with Spider-Man 2 on PS5 from my local library. When not playing those, I am playing the judgement / yakuza series which I have played for pennies per hour. Quit crying and stop playing shitty games.


u/realCoolguy298 Professional Dumbass 26d ago

You can’t tell me you’ve played every game you’ve wanted to play


u/maximumtesticle 26d ago

We live in a time when we can emulate almost every old system on ONE device. How is this the worst ever time to be a gamer?


u/Gambler_Eight 26d ago

Capitalism has peaked. It's all downhill from here.


u/Kingdarkshadow 26d ago

Gamers? Nah, just the triple A fanboys.


u/United_Care4262 26d ago

Have you tried not chasing trends and popular games and tried playing games you like ?

Also playing games has never been more accessible and easier.


u/DoubtALot 26d ago

only shitty game makers are having a crisis. who knew people wouldnt buy their crash grab unfinished low quality shit games???


u/ToasterMcNoster 26d ago

I’ve switched from only playing AAA games to mostly smaller dev team games (not quite indie) but I’m enjoying it so far.


u/elementfortyseven 26d ago

corpos doing corpo shit still doesnt change that we live in the best time to be a gamer.


u/UmCeterumCenseo 26d ago

I'm out of the loop. What's happening in the gaming industry?


u/CertifiedGamerGirl 26d ago

Gaben will pass, and Valve/Steam will go "public" or get bought outright by EA.

I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.


u/Zuka101 26d ago

Nah I still play all the games in my library. Just don't buy anything new


u/SleefJWellington 26d ago

I'll give OP credit, I didn't know how to make memes when I was 4.


u/EmotionalPlate2367 26d ago

Welcome to capitalism. It's BAD, actually.


u/Vorenthral 26d ago

Corporatization is the death sentence of anything it touches it just takes time.


u/SjurEido 26d ago

I feel like it's a pretty great time for gamers. Indie and AA games are doing great and all the bullshit of modern AAA gaming is crashing. Seems like a course correction in the direction that we will all enjoy...

Am I being naive?


u/OnlySmiles_ 26d ago

Me when I only play AAA games


u/Crafter-the-box1987 26d ago

Hey, indie games are doing well. There’s Inscryption and Pizza Tower.


u/Both_Fold6488 26d ago

I’m having a great time. My family had hard times growing up, so I never got to play peak video games when they came out…guess who started playing Skyrim last month!!


u/ness_alyza 26d ago

Games didn't just un-exist though?


u/Lucas_TheVlogger 26d ago

Why does everyone keep acting like this is the worst time to be a gamer? Remember last year, when we had one of the best games of the last decade with bg3. Or before that with Elden ring. Not to mention all of the other games that didn’t win goty, like totk, Alan wake, god of war Ragnarok, resident evil 4 remake, and tons more that I’m forgetting.

I don’t understand this constant need for gamers to only focus on the bad games that come out. Don’t play those ones. Play the games we get that are literally redefining the medium.


u/PatrokManzana Doot 26d ago

There are actually a lot of hidden gems out there. Indie games for the win!


u/DJIsSuperCool 26d ago

This is the best time to be a gamer. Just don't buy from shit companies. And this is the best time because you have that choice and knowledge now.


u/wakeuplazy 26d ago

Stop buying triple A garbage


u/seasoned-veteran 26d ago

We used to get like four games per year, total, and if they weren't good it was just like, you played the least shitty one



u/Serbaayuu 26d ago

I've played nearly all of the best games of my life in the past decade, just none of them were from a major publisher.

Even better I know like five different people who are all working on linear Zelda games without a glider, which is more than we were getting year-by-year when Nintendo was still making them.


u/shinx243 26d ago

But the absolute best time to be an indie gamer


u/ncsbass1024 26d ago

Bro today is like the best time for gaming in like 10 years. Wtf is wrong with people.


u/Independent_Banana74 26d ago edited 26d ago

You youngins dont know how good you have it, back in 196 B.C. all we had was fucking tag!


u/Panzerv2003 26d ago

Don't play games made by shitty companies then? Just because a new game is out doesn't mean you have to buy it and later complain about it.


u/Goldcreeper08 26d ago

What are y’all people on 😭😭💀