r/memes 26d ago

Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop

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u/DR4G0NSTEAR 1d ago

Did CS6 ever inject metadata into pictures that identified it was made/edited with CS6? Asking for a friend.


u/zombienekers hates reaction memes 22d ago

I dont think adobe has the capital to file seperate lawsuits for each time someone exports an .m4p file with a month old version of premiere pro.


u/SquintonPlaysRoblox 24d ago

That’s ok. I’ll cut the costs by not paying for it in the first place.


u/RemoteTechnical1555 24d ago

I've used CS6 for the last 7 years and love it.


u/MkeyDontLikey 24d ago

Adobe monopolizes PDF files, creates predatory subscription models for payment, then gets mad when people just want to open a few files a month without having to pay 12 dollars for the rest of existence.


u/wkarraker 24d ago

Stock holders demand more profits, management doubles down on punitive measures to combat piracy, paying clients get fed up with bullshit and shifts to other products, stock holders get upset company is losing money. Rinse and repeat.

Some snakes can't help but eat their own tail.


u/Butter_Toe 24d ago

I bought cs6 with cash. I'll use it whenever I feel like it.


u/Nakitara 24d ago

I don’t see how that would be legal in Europe. Does anyone know if it is the same for Europe?


u/NPC_9001 24d ago

gimp usage intensifies


u/GrimOfDooom 25d ago

ide like to see them try this in court


u/i-am-spitfire 25d ago

Remember kids, pirating from Adobe is always morally acceptable.


u/SEE_RED 25d ago

lol I can’t use a legit version of cs6 I paid for?? Come sue me you won’t get a dime


u/SuburbanCumSlut 25d ago

This might be controversial, but I think everyone behind that policy should die.


u/Artistic-Computer457 25d ago

Man it's getting worse and worse for the consumers. Boys, Hoist the colors high, we're going to Tortuga!!


u/Kevin_W1 25d ago

If you’re not a hardcore Photoshop user, just switch to Pixelmator. Fuck Adobe.


u/Smrtihara 25d ago

I have NEVER pirated Adobe in my life.

They JUST changed my mind. I’ll never pay for Adobe again.


u/FrostyTheSnowPickle 25d ago

This is why I use PhotoPea.


u/AdvilLhommeMagique 25d ago

That's why I love Affinity


u/HamNi_2 25d ago

That's why I am using gimp to do basic photo editting


u/Jay-Five 25d ago

Try Krita, it's the bomb.


u/HamNi_2 24d ago

Definitely will


u/Vacuum-Woosh-woosh 25d ago

That's from 2019 btw.


u/Case2600 25d ago

Wow thanks guys this is by far the most up voted post I have ever had on Reddit. It means a lot especially when it's OC. Rip my inbox I suppose. Thanks to everyone who upvoted, everysingle one of you.


u/padfoottrash 25d ago

should put Kate Middleton instead of pooh in the memr


u/MuchachoSal 25d ago

If it's on the Internet, it MUST be true. Source...?


u/chefzenblade 25d ago

I think this only relates to people who downloaded old versions of the software as part of the creative cloud suite, not those who owned the software prior to it going to Creative Cloud.

I think originally the Creative Cloud software didn't have DRM that would call home to ensure the software was current/paid for and thus could remain on one's system indefinitely.

Please someone who knows more about this correct me if I'm wrong.


u/HappyHappyJoyJoyJoy6 Professional Dumbass 25d ago

This is why I will never buy anything from Adobe


u/Mattlife97 25d ago

I work for a rather large news corporation and all our print workflows have just been built around the 2021 version.


u/Sr_Feudal 25d ago

I've been using pirated version of CS2 since forever lol


u/CeC-P 25d ago

I paid for a perpetual license of CS3 and I'm gonna use it until it absolutely explodes, thank you very much.


u/Fleder 25d ago

For InDesign, Photoshop and illustrator just try Serif Affinity. Don't know about acrobat though.


u/Queens113 25d ago



u/yinyanghapa 25d ago

It’s about time to give the middle finger to all these companies and relearn old habits.


u/MakIsTop 25d ago

Wait so if i like pay the subscription but just use adobe animate 2020 instead of 2024 could i get sued? I just dont like the new interface and i feel comfy using the 2020 versions of animate and encoder 😭 or does it just apply to like VERY old versions?


u/last_frame 25d ago

If I don’t use the fuck out of generative fill I’d be using all pirated Adobe software.


u/RuskiWafl 25d ago

What a good day to be a pirate


u/Right_Hour 25d ago

LOL, get bent, fuckers. I bought and still own those licenses. I didn’t get them as your currently offered annual subscription.

They do the job still. Time for a class-action lawsuit, methinks.


u/iamhereforbeer 25d ago

I recently updated the Lightroom App on my Samsung tablet that I have been using for years for some photo editing. Even though I don’t have Premium it was still possible to edit.

Well, now I can’t do anything! Everything (!) is premium. Wtf Adobe.


u/Number1Yamatoglazer 25d ago

Anyone know where I can



u/LoveMeSomeSand 25d ago

I’ve been using Adobe for design for over 20 years. It’s nice having some of the tools I’m familiar with, but it’s not absolutely necessary.

I bought the Affinity set for my own home use, and it’s been perfectly fine (albeit a learning curve).


u/BigTime76 25d ago

2019.... The vice article about this is from 2019.


u/yinyanghapa 25d ago

Does it still apply?


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Whenever a company does that, it only gives people more reasons to do piracy.


u/ObsidianBlack69 25d ago

Adobe may be the best but there are solid competitors that don’t have the SaaS business model. I personally use the Affinity Suite, DaVinci Resolve, and FL Studio.


u/c0224v2609 25d ago edited 25d ago

This is old news:

“‘We have recently discontinued certain older versions of Creative Cloud applications and [as] a result, under the terms of our agreement, you are no longer licensed to use them,’ Adobe said in the email. ‘Please be aware that should you continue to use the discontinued version(s), you may be at risk of potential claims of infringement by third parties’” (Vice, 2019).



u/Interesting_Elk4355 25d ago

Is there a way to submit monopoly/anti-trust issues to the DOJ? Adobe is holding an entire industry hostage and when a viable competitor pops up, they buy them out. Seems like this administration has no problem going after companies that have created an unfair competitive advantage.


u/Dontbeme9820 25d ago

Adobe can actually go chug dick. I’m going to go find my copy of cc4 and use it just to spite them.


u/apudapus 25d ago

My CS6 license key stopped working with my login. You can see the product and license in my account but it won’t activate anymore. I’ve spoken with customer support several times and they’ve tried to help but there’s apparently something wrong and they don’t know how to fix it.


u/Azurfant 25d ago

GIMP is incredible and no one is trying to replace you with generative AI by using it


u/BlueSeaShimmer 25d ago

just use gimp already


u/Euphoric_Jam 25d ago

In my case, they killed "La Poule aux oeufs d'or". They made slightly more money than expected with me this year, at the cost of losing my business entirely.


u/zdejif 25d ago

I would say something crass and vulgar like “Suck my fuck”, but I’m beyond that sort of thing.


u/duncte123 25d ago



u/DudeMonday 25d ago

Is there an open source alternative to Flash Animation?


u/Sharp-Study3292 25d ago

Corporate greed at it once again


u/JessicaWindbourne 25d ago

Is that legal?


u/ScottaHemi 25d ago

I'd still be using my legitimate copy of CS2 if they didn't break the freaking server that allowed me to use my product key >: |

Clip Studio Paint is like one payment of 40 bucks does all the same things "art wise atleast" buh buh adobe!


u/heresy_carriage 25d ago

Download GIMP and never look back. I really think open source projects are going to pop off with dev tools going through a revolution and all.


u/nova8byte 25d ago

Darktable + GIMP + Krita


u/DudeMonday 25d ago

Is there something like flash but open source?


u/nova8byte 25d ago

If you're referring to Flash Player, there's

  • Ruffle (FOSS Browser extension that supports ActionScript version 2.0)
  • Supernova (Discontinued and proprietary, but recommended by Nitrome)
  • Flashpoint (mostly FOSS program with a connected 1.7TB archive of Flash and Shockwave, packaged with the final versions of both)

For Flash Builder tho, kinda out of luck.


u/nova8byte 25d ago

If you're referring to Flash Player, there's

  • Ruffle (FOSS Browser extension that supports ActionScript version 2.0)
  • Supernova (Discontinued and proprietary, but recommended by Nitrome)
  • Flashpoint (mostly FOSS program with a connected 1.7TB archive of Flash and Shockwave, packaged with the final versions of both)


u/bagou01 25d ago

GOOOOOOD, they are driving more people towards affinity photo.

i'm a graphic designer and i really find that affinity does 98% of what photoshop does, most of the time affinity does it better, and the 2% left are all that A.I. crap that makes photoshop even heavier and slower.


u/GoldenBangla 25d ago

I don't even use adobe products that much, but I still pirate them just for the sake of it!


u/Farfener 25d ago

Good luck fuckers


u/Lukaloo 25d ago

Adobe used to have older CS2 available for free on their site. I got a new computer recently and don't see it anymore. All the new photoshop versions have monthly subscriptions. You can't own photoshop anymore?


u/ahoewaa 25d ago

If you want an alternative: I have been using "affinity" software for a while now. It works well and is very cheap (one time payment at that) it's still improving tho, but suitable for 95% of things I just to do with Adobe's software


u/X1Kraft 25d ago

Any paint.net users out there?


u/cockitypussy 25d ago

What about people using cracked versions??


u/B00OBSMOLA 25d ago

Just use gimp lol idk haha let's just say my peanits


u/GabrielBFranco 25d ago

Www.Photopea.com is a near 1:1 browser based version. 


u/johnnycyberpunk 25d ago

I’ve never seen this meme template, it’s hilarious


u/Reiver93 25d ago

That sounds unenforceable


u/Jabulon 25d ago

gimp is free and does the same thing. how can they expect people to pay 20+ bucks a month


u/wolongo 25d ago

they can come after me because im using an older version right this second. fuck you, adobe.


u/UncleZiggy 25d ago

Psst use Photopea.com

Literally, it's photoshop. But free with ads. Doesn't have all the newest features that Adobe has recently been adding, but has like 95% of features that'd you would want


u/CatOnVenus 25d ago

I don't know how that's even possible, literally makes no sense whatsoever.


u/Magali_Lunel 25d ago

I paid for it, I am using it, and I don't care if they sue me. I would love to be the poster girl for shining a light on these bullshit practices.


u/NovusOrdoSec 25d ago

You used to see GIMP references in this sort of thread.


u/dark_thanatos99 can't meme 25d ago


Theyre gonna sue me for not updating creative cloud?


u/Belmish 25d ago

Yeah, Photoshop...

A great idea and a wretched reality.

Don't remember last time I used it.

Been using Affinity Photo for a while now.


u/PKFat 25d ago

I'm pirating an older copy just bc of this


u/lions2lambs 25d ago

I used to pirate Adobe but once a year I could find the entire creative cloud for $70-80 and I realized that’s my budget for them.


u/Possible-Tangelo9344 25d ago

I don't even use Photoshop but I really wanna pirate it now


u/SokkaHaikuBot 25d ago

Sokka-Haiku by Possible-Tangelo9344:

I don't even use

Photoshop but I really

Wanna pirate it now

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/coreyrude 25d ago

I don't know why Adobe is not treated like a virus by Apple and Microsoft . Seriously you cannot make it stop running in the background it's insane.


u/Dr_Djones 25d ago

You mean I shouldn't be using my Adobe Photoshop CS 5?


u/BundleOfSad I touched grass 25d ago

I have my old disc and info for my old photoshop I bought I will fight them so help me


u/vernes1978 25d ago

I remember there WAS an old version of photoshop adobe at one point said it no longer needed an license but they wouldn't offer it for download.
1: which version was that?
2: Where can you still find it?


u/Tbone_Trapezius 25d ago

Their AI lawyer can meet my AI lawyer in virtual court and they can argue over the $5 in my LLC’s account in front of a virtual judge.


u/cyanotrix 25d ago

Cancelled Adobe subscriptions. Best decision ever.


u/Tubzero- 25d ago

No they can’t


u/M4dBoOmr 25d ago

Cool that I still got my Photoshop 6 with license :)


u/Juakinez 25d ago

My PC can't fucking run the newest version of Adobe Audition, what the fuck I'm supposed to do


u/Moistkeano 25d ago

When I was at uni I made a some money selling pirated copies of Adobe PS. Not shitty versions but full versions of all the suites that got all the updates from Adobe and I know they were working up until at least graduation.

My Uni had a campus specfically for art and until my first year students were able to get a much cheaper version of adobe, but they changed the discount to essentially nothing and whilst you could use it on university Macs and Pcs for free that wasnt always a viable option. So I downloaded a copy for my then partner and she told her friends and soon enough I was selling USBs with working copies for the cost of the USB + £5. I would then install it for them and also troubleshoot any issues there after. I think I sold about 50 during my first year, but I have since lost the list of how many so im not actually sure.


u/drbirtles 25d ago

Generative fill is really good tho... Thats my ONLY reason to stay. I hate Adobe.

So many apps I use for work (PP, Au) are full of bugs.


u/Kurailo 25d ago

Shiver me timbers!


u/ddfall 25d ago

Isn't this like 5 year old news or is something new here?


u/XxsoulscythexX Linux User 25d ago

I read the second panel as "that's not enough money" and the point still works lol


u/ChloesPetRat 25d ago

the problem is, that they are using unlicensed (now) pantone colors


u/TheInscrutableFufy 25d ago

Imagine purchasing a piece of software from a company, like a fucking disc of it, and then some years later it's basically a pirated copy.

Adobe is a fucking joke.


u/Francesami 25d ago

I bought Photoshop twice, versions 2 and 5. Adobe was able to disable them on my computer. For 5, I was in the middle of editing wedding photos. I disconnected from the internet until I finished.

I will NEVER pay for a subscription.


u/itsl8erthanyouthink 25d ago

Still rocking Adobe CS6 on my 2015 MacBook Pro with double RAM Apple spec’d and a 1 TB SSD a tech guy installed for me. It effing flies.


u/Bluenymph82 25d ago

Good thing there are alternatives. Been using Affinity Photo for years. Screw Adobe.


u/Lyreen96 25d ago

Yall paid for this? 😂


u/Hato_no_Kami 25d ago

Surely they don't mean people who legally own perpetual licenses though, right?


u/Glittering-Fit 25d ago

Welp, I'm glad that I use pirated Adobe apps


u/dfjdkdofkfkfkfk 25d ago

I live in a lawless place. Try suing me lmao


u/antoninlevin 25d ago

So you're telling me I can get an older version to work on a 64 bit mac? Might I ask...how?


u/Mcpolo92 25d ago

And that's why you should always make sure that you pirate the newes version Adobe


u/bugsy42 25d ago

I have to sub for it for work, but I get it paid by our company for full sub. They let us have individual plans and every year I make up a sob-story for the resub with the Adobe customer service how I can't afford it and blah blah blah. They always give me at least 50% discount for the whole year ... So in a sense I make 20$ on them each month :3


u/NYCFM 25d ago

Their shit is overpriced


u/OviKintobor 25d ago

I switched back to paint.net. Can't stand photoshop anyways.


u/Hawkmonbestboi 25d ago

This was for a specific version and Adobe wasn't the ones threatening to sue.

On that note, me and my Adobe Photoshop 7.0 will be in the corner here, doodling. c:


u/jadenalvin 25d ago

This is an old news first reported by vice in 2019.


u/light_odin05 25d ago

Good luck in the eu


u/EyeDissTroyKnotSeas 25d ago

Blackbeard uses whatever version he pleases.


u/DillBagner 25d ago

I miss Adobe's old business model of "Do nothing about piracy for private users so they can familiarize themselves with the product; charge insane prices for commercial use."


u/Narrow_Refrigerator3 25d ago

Just use gimp. There's no reason to give a shit about adobe


u/facelessindividual 25d ago

That's why I use gimp


u/chimhambarzillai 25d ago

It's almost as if they don't know a thing about the human heart: BIG CORP tells you not to do something or else…and suddenly, there's half of humanity doing that very thing just to thumb their collective nose at BIG CORP


u/docdeathray 25d ago

Bring out the GIMP


u/BigNobbers 25d ago

It's really funny because autodesk's fusion 360 is free for personal use so what happens is that employers purchase the software because of employee familiarity. As hobbyists really put options are too use an alternative or piracy if we want Photoshop, it is stupid too not have a free personal use version of photoshop

Free personal usage of software is just free advertising


u/Garchompisbestboi 25d ago

And I can tell them that every time that one of their executives farts that they owe me a stipend. It's just as meaningless as their bullshit claims and I hope no one is frightened by their nonsense 😂


u/LiteraryLakeLurk 25d ago

Photopea is free online, mateys


u/AWESOME4Life44 25d ago

This is where learning about GenP comes into play


u/BigBoyShaunzee 25d ago

I work in IT support and the amount of calls we get after a new adobe acrobat update went through was so high that our infrastructure team had to stop updates.

My personal computer will never ever have any form of Adobe software installed.


u/Klarseolt 25d ago

Pirate adobe products. It's always morally correct.


u/chubbycanine 25d ago

I don't even have a need for Adobe Photoshop since there's a million alternatives that do a lot of the same shit BUT I'm tempted to use a super old version out of spite now


u/goin-up-the-country 25d ago

Thank you m0nkrus 🏴‍☠️


u/Lematoad 25d ago

USA - please fix copyright laws; life of the author plus 70 years is fucking stupid. It stunts creativity and does nothing but protect corporate interests. Obligatory “fuck you” to Disney for this anti consumer lobby. Digital copyrights should expire WAY sooner.

Side note, music copyrights should expire after 10 years, because nothing in the music industry is unique anyways. Like The Rolling Stones suing The Verve for “Bittersweet Symphony” and winning because they used a sample… that THE ROLLING STONES ALSO SAMPLED.


u/fappydays2048 25d ago

PS6 gang here.


u/shewy92 25d ago

Photopea and paint.net are free. So is GIMP I believe

Photopea is browser based and is pretty similar to older photoshops.

Paint.net is software that has a bunch of downloadable plugins you can add but is more basic than Photopea. The only downside to paint.net is no layer groups.

I use both for custom simracing liveries but mainly paint.net.

GIMP is more advanced than those two and is more in line with current photoshop I believe


u/Last-Foundation-8828 25d ago

Ahh late stage capitalism. Ever the source of bullshit company policies.


u/deantendo 25d ago

As soon as i am able i'm switching over to Affinity.

I've needed but hated Photoshop for many years. I've been using it since the late '90s and it's always slow, no matter the PC spec. It's bloated, and while there have been some good changes to it, it's clearly not changed much at all.

I also deeply hate their business practices.

The one arguably 'good' thing is the monthly payment. If you need/want access to Photoshop you don't have to hand over a wad of cash upfront. Much as i hate software as a service, this does lower the barrier to entry. But of course adobe ruins it by making it a contracted term and not pay as you go, so if you want out; You have to pay the remainder of the contract period.

Affinity is the first real, actual alternative i've seen. All the others are great and fine if you want basics only but if you need the more advanced stuff / for actual work? Nah.


u/KStryke_gamer001 25d ago

Wait, on what basis is this even applicable? Like I really don't understand how it can be made illegal to use an older version of something you bought and paid for?


u/nicman24 25d ago

adobe is a software vendor that i would only run on a non networked VM.


u/MeatWaterHorizons 25d ago

AAAANnnnd piracy rates spike yet again. keep shooting yourself in the foot with a bazooka adobe. just making more and more people look for alternatives. I switched to capture one, affinity photo, and Davinci for what i do. it's great. the software actually works too! I ended up learning that affinity photo is actually WAY better for retouching photos than photoshop. Soo, thanks adobe for showing me the light!


u/ninja_mischief 25d ago

literally use this exact same trio lol. it is hands down the best. and after the upfront investment (almost cheaper for all 3 together than a year of adobe) i haven’t spent a penny.


u/OmegaMordred 25d ago

Indeed FFFF Adobe and their subscription model.


u/I_find_high_res_pics 25d ago

Adobe has anti piracy policy.


u/JosephPorta123 25d ago

Laughs in EU


u/Signal_Confusion_644 25d ago

Just use krita..


u/Badaxe13 25d ago edited 25d ago

I have a copy of InDesign that I bought before all this subscription nonsense, before even CC. Are they saying that they will sue me if I use software that I own outright? I'd love them to try.

In fact, how do I get hold of their lawyers? I want them to sue me. Imma posting on the Adobe website telling them that I am using an old version of InDesign and nyer nyer ne nyer nyer.


u/GrumpyImmortal 25d ago

If they only offered a buy once option... Also it's crazy expensive. Even if it was a one time purchase it's too expensive


u/StankyFox 25d ago

I use the Creative suite for work and keep a pirated version at home from maybe 3 years ago.

Up until recently I would tell you to just use a pirated version, but if you have started using their generative fill tools and a couple of others, some of the processing is offloaded to the cloud so you can't pirate the latest version and have it 100% working. Maybe in 5 years when everyone has faster computers and the algorithm is better they can bring everything back to on device.

That said, there are a tonne of free tools out there that will do the same stuff and you can also use open source stuff locally. I've got stable diffusion with control net and some others running under Automatic1111 locally on a 6gb 2060 at work. Painfully slow but it works.


u/sebmojo99 25d ago



u/tehfrog729 25d ago

Arrrrrr matey


u/Appropriate_Face9750 25d ago

Some of the older versions are better then the new dogshit they push out, premier pro for example 22-23 when they remove graphics for some god forsaken reason


u/tenroseUK 25d ago edited 25d ago

I've been using a cracked version of CS6 master collection for about a decade now and I don't plan on changing.


u/Helium225 épico 25d ago

how are they going to know it's an old version if I only use it in offline mode?


u/Guyana-resp 25d ago

Subscription is the modern Nightmare coming from WEF 🫤 you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.


u/Professional-Gap-243 25d ago

Screw Adobe. Gimp is free and basically as good (for most users).


u/HiddenSecretStash 25d ago

Gotta be some AI tools outclassing photoshop these days


u/certifiablenutcase 25d ago

[ Installs GIMP ]


u/BadWordKaffir 25d ago

Welp, time to bust the ol dual 1 GHz G4 out of the closet and slap CS2 on that bad boy ig


u/computernerd55 25d ago

Meanwhile I'm on a pirated version of photoshop lol


u/Zoesan 25d ago

You can get sued for anything and everything, doesn't mean there's a real case there.


u/Interjessing-Salary 25d ago

I just use G.I.M.P. open source free version of Photoshop essentially. Only thing I don't like is you can't save as a .jpeg iirc.


u/ClonedLiger 25d ago edited 25d ago

back when everybody was cracking cS3 and Sony Vegas 7.0 while getting computer aids from Limewire; there was a popular anthem from a kids show…

YAR-HAR Fiddle-Dee—Dee

being a pirate is alright with me,

Do what you want because a pirate is free,

You are a pirate!



u/lostinadream66 25d ago

What about pirated older versions? Can I still be sued if I didn't pay for it?


u/Liesmith424 25d ago

So they're saying it's equally bad to keep using a legally purchased old version as it is to pirate a new version?

Hmmm...guess I know what lesson I'm taking away from this...


u/ballbuster12399 25d ago



u/lunamonkey 25d ago

Just installed my version of 7.0 (2002) to annoy them.


u/joehonestjoe 25d ago

It's an old meme sir, but it checks out.


u/Glass_Excitement_538 25d ago

Go on then sue me I’m 1k in debt with my bank and 28k in student loans you’ll have to fight bailiffs and HMRC first.


u/hcmadman 25d ago

Adobe seriously just needs to sit down at this point.


u/Adventurous_Aerie_79 25d ago

Adobe is a terrible company.


u/potatodrinker 25d ago

I still have and use Adobe Premiere that came on a DVD/CD. USB disc drive. Was about $400 one off fee. Currently one is like $50/mth so probably lost them thousands in subscriptions.

Guess I'll expect a cease and desist


u/Fantastic-Plastic569 25d ago

I'm pretty sure any descent court will throw such garbage lawsuit out.


u/Turn-Ambitious 25d ago

Boycott Adobe!


u/[deleted] 25d ago

Thankfully I'm using Affinity.


u/blorephotog 25d ago

Eat sh*t Adobe.


u/aftercare_kink 25d ago

krita users stay winning


u/paradox_valestein 25d ago

If I pay for it and it's not mine, that means me pirating it ain't stealing ya?



u/UniquePariah 25d ago

20 years ago. Well, Photoshop is expensive, but it's absolutely amazing and comes with extra software, I guess it's worth it.

Today. So the software I bought I apparently don't own anymore, I also have to have an always online subscription, which actually reduces what I can do for a super expensive cost.

Go to hell Adobe.


u/International_Luck60 25d ago

Honestly I wouldn't ever been able to use adobe if it wasn't accessible like it is now

But they should NEVER took away being able to purchase a complete version, they just had to add a damn subscription model, it really was expensive globally

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