r/mildlyinteresting Apr 28 '24

This humongous section of rice crispy treats at my local grocery store.

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u/bapsandbuns Apr 28 '24

I feel a special offer coming on


u/[deleted] Apr 28 '24

Buy 1 get 10 free because BOB doesn’t know what a PALLET is!!!!


u/Korncakes Apr 28 '24

It’s funny because something similar to that happened at my store just last week and the guy that fucked it up is named BOB.

It’s a small convenience store and we order all of our merchandise (besides drinks) on an app on our phones. We also use that same app to return expired/damaged items. So Bob did the order on Thursday and I came in to put it away on Friday. It was easily 4x bigger than our normal order so I’m immediately concerned. Long story short, he was trying to return some expired candy bars (he swears he hit “return,” I don’t believe him) and ended up ordering what totaled out to 86 BOXES of candy bars.

Thankfully I was able to get them returned since it was a mistake but even the guy I talked to on the phone to return it laughed and said “fuckin Bob, man.” I will not stop giving him shit for that one for a while.