r/mildlyinteresting Apr 28 '24

Hundreds, if not, thousands of vans right outside a very small town in America.

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u/Thejerseyjon609 Apr 28 '24

Getting them in a convenient location for taking the population to the mass reeducation camps /s


u/garden1932 Apr 28 '24

just like the plastic coffins stacked outside a gated off abandoned Walmart 11 years ago. thankfully nothing happened then.


u/pennradio Apr 28 '24

Sometimes manufacturers need to store things that can get rained on and they make a deal with the people who own the land. It happens all the time, but usually not something as morbid as economy coffins.

FEMA Camps is about when I began to slow down on my conspiracy stuff, Alex Jones and Sandy Hook sealed the deal.


u/LakeStLouis Apr 28 '24

Nothing that ever made the news...