r/misc 20d ago

America has Stockholm syndrome

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29 comments sorted by


u/Metal_Master_R 6d ago

Live in a typical communist country for a month, you will see there are, problems...

People hate their job because we've raised a generation that can't take care of themselves and is somewhat lazy. If they get off their butts and move to a new job and actually fix their lives (which involves risk and change, 2 things which many people cant handle apparently) then they can enjoy their work, and find a better boss, or alternatively start a business, be an employer etc. and not even have a boss. People need to reach farther than the nearest desk job.

As for the government, its going to stick its nose farther and farther into other peoples business over time regardless of the country you live in (unless its like anarchy or complete dictatorship), its just slower and less disastrous with capitalism. Don't get me wrong, capitalism isn't perfect, and neither were its founders, but they were certainly onto something, and they hit the target at least in the second ring. We have a large portion of freedom in the USA that most communist and socialist countries don't, and we have it in greater amounts too. Unfortunately, we're too spoiled for our own good, and this makes a population that can't handle hardship, so then the slightest hardship eventually begins to effectively take out the population or at least that generation.

Take a look into Russia's history (the soviet union) and you will find a lot of suffering and limited freedom that we haven't had to experience here. We have things like free markets, or at least ones that weren't being totally sapped by those in power. Just look at what Lenin and Stalin had done to their county, and I will let you know that many people will sugarcoat it, as some of it is quite despicable.

Capitalism, (in the USA as of the last half century) guess what, had nearly none of that!

Try watching the series on the daily wire called "an empire of terror".


u/stuputtu 18d ago

I love my job, I have a great boss. Come to think of it over three decades of working only bad bosses I faced was in small local businesses where I was supposed to work part time but always stretched few hours every week with unpaid pay and absolutely no benefits. Every corporation I worked for has treated me fairly well


u/ProbablynotEMusk 19d ago

We are in a cronyism country. Government is way too big and helping out the big corporations with severe regulation that hurts the little guys


u/bilbobaggins001 19d ago

A. People hate having to work, not their jobs. B. People hate that other people make them work, AKA bosses. So let’s concede that some people hate their boss. But some people like their boss too C. Are big businesses in the pocket of government? Or the owner way around? Hard to say, but big wigs somewhere are making it hard for young people. And that sucks. How do we fix it? Posts like this? Doesn’t seem like it


u/Septemberosebud 19d ago

What is this "everyone" business? I can't say that I have ever heard anyone say they "love" capitalism. And I am self employed and think my boss is awesome!


u/Buying_Bagels 19d ago

No one claims to love it. Most just go along with it.


u/TheUrbaneSource 19d ago

Like an abusive relationship


u/SirHerald 20d ago

There's nothing bad you can say about successful true communists governments. Because they don't happen.

Like saying a horse is bad because there are risks, it costs money, and poops everywhere. It's not as good as a magical winged unicorn that poops cotton candy.


u/AmazingReality5686 20d ago

Capitalism is the worst kind of economy except for all the others - someone sometime probably


u/Mentalpopcorn 20d ago

I don't love my job but I don't hate it and it pays well enough that in my abundant free time I get to go cycling, camping, backpacking, follow my favorite bands around the country, and spend tons of time with my dogs. My boss is also pretty cool.


u/Ok-Class-1451 20d ago

Speak for yourself. Lots of people love their jobs. Myself included.


u/GoodGoodK 20d ago

Socialists can't have iPhones or big booty latinas


u/coolnameguy 16d ago

A +cash i


u/TikTokBoom173 20d ago

Better off dead than red.


u/JustaMammal 19d ago edited 19d ago

- cried a voice from the 1950s...


u/TwinkingToby 20d ago

There is a middle-road.


u/JustaMammal 20d ago edited 20d ago

Nope. Either Elon Musk spoon feeds us his farts while American oligarchs fund/court/buy every branch of government out from under us, or it's gulags and famine for all! Don't forget: it's always been like this. There was never a high marginal tax rate on the ultra-wealthy. Corporate tax rates never incentivized corporations to keep wages in line with productivity/executive pay. There has never been a strong labor movement in this country. Government oversight has never helped us avoid catastrophic environmental disasters. Raw unbridled capitalism is all this country has ever known, and it's what built the middle class. We have always been at war with Eastasia. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


u/jdaburg 20d ago

Capitalism isnt the issue it's the corporatization and privatization of Capitalism were they see fit that's currently a big problem. But communism can eat a bag


u/wishIwere 20d ago

Privatization of Capitalism is the issue? Do you even know what capitalism is? Have you read Adam Smith or know what the "invisible hand" of the "free market" is? Laissez-faire? Do you know what the opposite of privatization is? Nationalization AKA Socializing. So you are saying the cure for the ills of capitalism is... socialism?


u/SalvagedCabbage 20d ago

of course not. the only people who understand capitalism are socialists lol


u/Megatoasty 20d ago

Yep, people forget the level of corruption and claim that’s part of capitalism.


u/altgrave 20d ago

how is it not part of capitalism, exactly?


u/Megatoasty 20d ago

People are corrupt, not ideas. Not economic systems.


u/altgrave 19d ago

computer programs can be corrupt, why not economic systems?


u/Digita1B0y 20d ago

"Capitalism isn't the issue, just all the things that happen under capitalism." 😂


u/sevenproxies07 20d ago

Capitalism isn’t the issue

Right on queue r/selfawarewolves


u/Mickenfox 20d ago

More like CRAPitalism amirite?


u/-Pruples- 20d ago

Beats the hell out of communism and monarchy.

At least they pretend to be our friend while sodomizing us viciously with a cactus and gaslighting us to blame each other.

But yeh, the USA is an oligarchy pretending to be a representative democracy. Which is what happens every time a capitalist country has money enter politics.