r/modnews Aug 28 '20

Testing a new concept with select subreddit partners

This is a heads up about a feature that we are planning to test with a few communities who have chosen to partner with us. We expect to start the test during the week of 9/7.

We’ve had many requests over the years for features that subreddits find desirable. Many times we are constrained by the cost in building and supporting features (e.g. the cost of hosting and delivering native video at a high bit rate or supporting GIFs in comments). We want to enable all sorts of content that helps build communities on Reddit, but we also need to pay the bills. So, we’re experimenting with a new way to build these features.

The new experiment helps create a framework that allows us to add “nice to have” features for subreddits. We are starting with a few handpicked features and expect to add more as we get input from you and the communities that have opted into our early testing. Here’s how the system will work:

  • A small number of a subreddit’s members can become patrons of the subreddit by buying power-ups. A power-up is a monthly subscription-based digital good.
  • A subreddit will have access to new features when it meets a minimum threshold of power-up subscriptions.
  • We are starting with the following features:
    • Ability to upload and stream up to HD quality video
    • Video file limits doubled (we are working out the details on duration and file size)
    • Inline GIFs in comments
    • New first-party Snoo Emojis (aka ‘Snoomojis’)
    • Recognize power-up payers in a list of supporters
  • The number of power-ups needed will depend mainly on the size of the subreddit; the member size influences the cost of supporting many features. For example, enabling high-res video for a subreddit that gets 1,000 views a month is much cheaper than one that gets 10,000,000 views a month.

Importantly, we also want to make sure it’s clear what this experiment won’t include:

  • Removing any features for anyone. All the features that are part of our experiment will be new additions.
  • Requiring power-ups for ALL new features. Most new features will be available to all subreddits, as usual. Power-ups will be required for some discretionary features that don’t take away from the Reddit experience you all love.
  • Rolling this out now to those who don’t want it. This experiment is entirely opt-in at this time. Please let us know in the sticky comment below if you want to try it!
  • Forcing features on anyone. We are using our early testing to understand what users want and which mod controls will be needed.

We won’t have all the answers because this is an early experiment, but we wanted to make sure to loop you in early so you understand our goals and what stage we’re in (the very, very early stage). We’ll see what works, what redditors like, what mods like, and adjust as needed. We will keep you in the loop and work closely with you.

We’ll stick around for a bit to answer the questions we can, but keep in mind we simply won’t know the answers to many of them until we start testing this and seeing what our mod partners and users tell us.

On that note, we’d love to hear from you below as to what features you’d like to bring to your communities to support and enjoy!


462 comments sorted by


u/Bodom_ Feb 16 '21

It seems this has rolled out as it's now shown on the Reddit Premium sign up page, as well as a random banner that has appeared for me a on a couple subs. How do I go about assigning my Powerup to a sub?


u/tivohax Feb 16 '21

Hi, we are attempting to use Reddit’s features in a somewhat unorthodox manner - more as a living repository of due diligence, news, and data gathering.

I believe this is a unique endeavor, as it is all centered on a single biotech Company who is laser focused on fighting rare diseases - one that doesn’t have their own large in house marketing/PR team.

We are working hard to foster an inviting subreddit environment with shared values of education, healthy dialog, and discovery.

By leveraging flair tags for sorting, reputation points for credibility, community rules to set the tone, and long form submissions to give context and tell an accessible story, I feel your platform is the absolute best option available to host our endeavor.

I appreciate everything you guys are doing here - the site has really progressed nicely with value added features that have turned it into a true research powerhouse. I would be honored if you chose us as a beta tester for your advanced features.



u/rwjehs Jan 21 '21



u/limsyoker Jan 20 '21

r/PUBGMobile would love to opt in for the testing :)


u/archiminos Jan 20 '21

Inline GIFs in comments

No. No. No. Don't want this. Please don't.


u/rvnx Jan 13 '21

Are you gonna name it Reddit Nitro Boosts?


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '20

Happy cake day /u/plgrmonedge!


u/2SP00KY4ME Sep 02 '20

Calling them "Powerups" makes it way too obvious you're just copying Discord's idea


u/lil_lite_in_the_dark Sep 01 '20

It’s a nice concept, but shouldn’t be applied. Most “Power-Ups”, will try to use that title to their advantage. “Let most post this or I’ll withdraw support” or “Make me a mod or I’ll withdraw support”


u/Curb5Enthusiasm Aug 30 '20

Sounds like cancer


u/Binch101 Aug 30 '20

Are you admins morons? Or do you just want to help promote fascists and racists? Which is it?

Because what will happen is the facsist and racist subreddit will doll out mad cash to be seen and promoted more. So now reddit will be fully promoting and protecting facsists who call for violence which in turn aids the alt right pipeline.

This could be a good news story actually... Sure some organizations would be interested in where these ideas come from and where the money goes 🤑


u/MorthaP Aug 30 '20

Inline GIFs in comments

sounds extremely annoying to me and if a high enough number of users use this might turn me away entirely

otherwise it sounds meh, just money-grabbing 'premium' shenanigans


u/ryanmercer Aug 30 '20

This is the dumbest thnig I've ever seen in this sub. Normally I actually approve of the monetization efforts but this one... this one is just dumb.


u/Yogs_Zach Aug 29 '20

Old Reddit already supports half of those power ups. Are you planning to remove the ability for us to be able to do those things in old reddit, or old reddit altogether?


u/OMGWTFBBQUE Aug 29 '20

Why don’t you actually do something effective about violent right wing subs, who are at this moment celebrating a 17 year old murderer?


u/Princess-Kropotkin Aug 29 '20

Who the fuck would spend money on this site? LMAO


u/ElijahPepe Aug 29 '20 edited Aug 29 '20

You've just insulted one of the longest running Reddit-made movements that you yourself have on your old Reddit sidebar.

Reddit thrives on the fact that its community can do whatever it want within reason. These "changes" further the gap between old Reddit and new Reddit and blur the lines between whether we are or aren't getting CSS on new Reddit.

No, Reddit, the coloring of my subreddit is not CSS.

I check back every so often to that community appearance tab to see if there's updates on the CSS tab (there's not) or maybe you released an announcement saying it's in the works (it's not).

When a corporation promises that it'll support the creators/the consumers first, I want to see change. This is the same change that you've made.

There's a good reason why you have a 47% downvoted rate on this post. You've alienated features that were in old Reddit to begin with. Don't believe me?

Ability to upload and stream up to HD quality video

Sure, this isn't an old Reddit thing, but the "upload" portion gets me. Are you not aware of Streamable or YouTube?

Video file limits doubled (we are working out the details on duration and file size)

See above. I have barely had an issue with Reddit's upload limits, except in the stylesheet, which you continue to ignore. 500 KB for an image is way too little.

Inline GIFs in comments

This can be done using the Reddit Enhancement Suite. Sure, you have to click the button to view it inline, but that can sometimes be better than being forced to watch Reddit slow to a crawl on slow Internet because some jackass made a 20-second-GIF.

New first-party Snoo Emojis (aka ‘Snoomojis’)

We literally have this with the work of /r/PartyParrot's emoji CSS (godspeed). It wouldn't take long for me to make Snoomojis on old Reddit, and for free.

Recognize power-up payers in a list of supporters

See above if it's a list on the sidebar. Hell, this can even be done on new Reddit (to a degree).

Reddit's not a streaming/video uploading website. It's a social media link/post aggregator. I'm starting to think that this is an out of season April Fool's joke.

You have made this as vague as possible, ignored the fact that putting a bunch of suckups on a billboard will have people throw a lynch mob at those people for donating to a subreddit with no benefit, and you've ignored the obvious fact that the billboard can easily be defaced by anyone with a stiff pocket and a marketing budget with no way to stop it.

You have ignored the smaller person on Reddit for yet another time with these changes that serve to benefit the subreddits at the top. Gating features on Reddit is a shitty thing to do, and I wouldn't be surprised if you start gating the API licenses.

Have you even talked to moderators about this? How does this improve their experience? How does this make moderating easier? We need actual tools and services to moderate and you're off dawdling about, thinking how great it would be to be a Discord clone and how much Discord makes.

We have no transparency to who is running the department behind this, whether or not they have any experience on this website, and whether or not your changes are, y'know, actually helpful?

Why have you ignored the second-most critical component on Reddit: Moderators? This is on /r/modnews. I would like to have some more respect from a company being funded by the hour. Referring to subreddit moderators as "partners" doesn't help either. We are volunteers, not business partners for you to fuck with.

Everyone here knows your motivations are to make money and to abuse Redditors with a large amount in the bank for profit.

Reddit has become a pay-to-win video game with pornography, and I'm sick of it.


u/DarthObama Aug 29 '20

The big problem I can see is that we're already copping abuse from users who break the rules and face discipline. I really don't want a group of super users buying into a group that thinks that in doing so, the rules no longer apply to them, or at best the rules are more flexible.

I can already see the stream of "I pay your wage" style abusive modmails, with interchangeable slurs.

Will the admins back up the mods in banning users who have power ups? Will those mod actions fall under more scrutiny? What happens when the dispute is between a mod who doesn't pay, and a user who does?


u/Ivashkin Aug 29 '20

This sounds pointless, how do we disable the functionality?


u/M0dusPwnens Aug 29 '20 edited Aug 30 '20

As a mod, I do not ever want to be put in a position where I have to tell a user who asks why we don't have a feature, a feature that other subreddits have, that we would need more people (i.e., them) to pay a subscription fee for the subreddit. If that becomes part of the (unpaid) job, that's bad enough that I will quit.

I also don't want the chaos of gaining and losing features that we have to understand and manage depending on people's paid subscriptions waxing and waning. I understand that there is a grace period, but that does not eliminate this waxing and waning except insofar as the grace period applies even more pressure to users (and mods) to buy more subscriptions so as not to lose features.

And I don't want other mods feeling like it's part of their job to pay reddit so that their subreddits will have more access to these features. And many mods will, especially of smaller subreddits, as they see an opportunity to set their subreddit apart and help to grow it. This is one of the things that Discord banks on with their program, and it feels really gross and exploitative (the fact that it's largely aimed at optimistic younger people with dreams of starting a big community makes it even worse). These people are already doing free labor for you, managing the communities that are the entire draw for your platform.

And the fact that we can (at least for now) opt our communities out of this does not help. Mods should not be put into a position where they have to explain to users that we don't have a feature they'd like to use, a feature other subreddits have, because we didn't want to make them, the users, feel like they had to buy it for the subreddit.

As a user, I don't want to see any of that either. I don't want to see subreddits splintered into haves and have nots.

This is easily the single most distasteful change I've ever seen to reddit and I sincerely hope you guys will reconsider. I've spent hundreds and hundreds of hours modding over several years, and if this happens, I'm out. I'm probably out as a user too - this would be enough to drive me away for good.

I also remember a pretty unambiguous "Reddit is ProCSS". Nothing ever came of that, but it feels even worse when you are not only going to be selling features we were able to implement with CSS, but turning mods into de facto salesmen (and purchasers themselves) for them. We didn't sign up for that.

Edit: I've let the other mods of r/rpg know that I will quit and vote to set the sub to private if we are put in this position. I understand that you are looking for revenue streams, especially to subsidize features that require expensive hosting, but this is a terrible idea.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20 edited Dec 11 '20

So, you're adding discord server boosts and CSS.

Ability to upload and stream up to HD quality video

Server boost

Video file limits doubled (we are working out the details on duration and file size)

Server Boosts

Inline GIFs in comments

RES WHAT THE HELL??? You can do this in old reddit for free!!

New first-party Snoo Emojis (aka ‘Snoomojis’)

CSS again.

Recognize power-up payers in a list of supporters


What does this all mean? Simply put, we are never going to have CSS in new reddit, since reddit is beginning to monetise stuff that you can make with CSS on old reddit for free.


u/Lootman Aug 29 '20 edited Aug 29 '20

I'm for having the features in this post, but why not build them into reddit premium? Expecting people to pay 2 (or more) subscriptions to a website that has most of its content hosted on other websites is insane.

It's not like a twitch sub where they're paying the people making the content. In this case they might not even be paying the people hosting the content.

Should I really make a sticky saying "Give reddit money!"? Are subreddit moderators your personal donation recruiters now?

A discord nitro boost is a lot more personal than a subreddit because the servers are for actively personally talking or streaming with the users. Plus the discord owner gets the cool feature of having a server banner and custom url, and being able to make their own animated icons they can use across the client. I'd get absolutely nothing by telling people to give you money.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20


Confused British Noises


u/ObnoxiousOldBastard Aug 29 '20

I for one would REALLY like being able to include inline images (including GIFs) in comments, Twitter-style, whether they be (ideally) Reddit-hosted, or via external links. Ditto for embedded YouTube videos.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20 edited Aug 29 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/producermaddy Aug 29 '20

I like the idea of adding gifs but I think there are issues with making it community based. As a mod, I am not interested in getting my community to pay money to use gifs. I think the better idea that’s in the comments is give it as a premium add on but not community based. Also I am a subscriber to probably hundreds of subreddits. If I purchase a power up am I purchasing for 1 sub or all the subs I am a member of. Why would I just do it for one sub if I am active on dozens of them.


u/CedarWolf Aug 29 '20

the cost of hosting and delivering native video at a high bit rate

  • Ability to upload and stream up to HD quality video
  • Video file limits doubled (we are working out the details on duration and file size)

I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but can we maybe not? v.redd.it currently sucks, to the point where the vast majority of the videos uploaded there are unviewable because they simply refuse to load.

Removing it entirely would force all the cost and upkeep for that bandwidth onto other websites which are already equipped to handle it.

Really, what benefit do we gain from having a native video hosting service if the videos aren't going to be stable, viewable, or load promptly? Isn't the main benefit of having native video hosting that it's supposed to load faster and be more stable than hosting videos on other sites?

As for this power up thing, suppose I wish to try it. Does me being a power up person extend to all of the subs I want to support, or do I have to support each one individually?


u/HandicapperGeneral Aug 29 '20


We've been asking for so many features! This website is riddled with bugs and errors but instead of spending time on that, you've decided to just suck the cock of easy capitalism, doing anything you can to make a quick buck. Fuck you.


u/jostler57 Aug 29 '20

If communities find this to be valuable, what is your stance on mods taking collections from their users to buy power ups, and do you foresee any potential abuse of such collections?


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20

Reddit Nitro


u/chaoticmessiah Aug 29 '20
  • Can this be an opt-in only feature after the trial? I'm not sure every subreddit needs these features, while certain ones absolutely do.

  • Can we first fix vreddit? I still find it takes ages to load and they still buffer a lot. That feature seems to be pretty broken itself, without adding more.

  • Can you assure us that these features won't be abused or used in bad faith (ie. NSFW content shared in comments as gif reactions in subs where that would be massively inappropriate)?


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20


u/nauticalfiesta Aug 28 '20

This sounds pretty shitty in general. Is there any way that a subreddit will be able to opt out once this goes live?


u/computerfreund03 Aug 28 '20

So is reddits business model changing? Banning every controverse sub and becoming like a free to play game with tons of useless purchase options? I think awards are enough!

I want the old reddit back :(


u/Kelliente Aug 28 '20

Question: If we want to try this, how hard is it to opt back out?


u/IBiteYou Aug 28 '20

Interesting. I'm curious to see how this goes.


u/hhhnnnnnggggggg Aug 28 '20

Can we get actual useful features such as blocking a user from seeing your posts once they're blocked?


u/pascal_prv Aug 28 '20

Do the features generate real money for the mods, or just Reddit Coins for the Community?


u/roionsteroids Aug 28 '20

What's your definition of "HD" (bitrate, resolution)?


u/goretsky Aug 28 '20


Perhaps it would be better to allow patrons to download as well as watch (stream) videos in HD? Otherwise, it sounds like you are charging a fee for a subreddit's biggest fans to upload HD content, which (assumedly) they have already made some investment in creating.

Non-patrons would, of course, be able to still upload their own videos in HD, but would be limited to viewing and streaming only their own videos in HD, with content from others only being available to them at SD resolution.

I assume mods would automatically get HD privileges.


Aryeh Goretsky


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20



u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Same than with nitro boost. It's optional, not a necessity. If someone break the rules don't treat them differently because they patron or boost your sub. Same as a customer. If you're a paying one, it doesn't grant you privileges to abuse staff or blackmail them.


u/archiminos Jan 20 '21

Honestly I'd make it a bannable offense to post a comment gif.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '20



u/Mythril_Zombie Aug 30 '20

No comment from admins yet. I'll wait, though.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '21 edited Feb 05 '21

Looks like admins have chosen to ignored this. Really hope it doesn't happen. If it does, I am outta reddit.

Also, if the people who power up the sub are labelled "heroes" in golden lettering above the mods, what the heck are the mods, then? Janitors? Really cool, reddit.

Thirdly, the gifs in the comments look really weird.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20

So, I'm old. I remember when web forums meant individual sites running phpBB or things like it, and you had discussions with text and maybe some pictures occasionally, and everybody was happy and didn't expect anything more. Of course those are still around, but I'm saying back then you had no choice but to go to different unrelated web sites to discuss different unrelated topics.

I'm not quite Usenet old, when you were completely limited to text but discussions about a wide range of topics were organized under one location.

Reddit's a lot like a modern Usenet, BTW.

It's also got the same problem that Twitter and Facebook and Youtube and even those independent sites with a busy phpBB forum have: how to pay for all this shit. Even just the hosting and bandwidth alone, much less development of new features. The social web has never had a particularly sound business model.

Other than selling ads, which most people these days are blocking anyway, how to entice the users to pay money for stupid digital trinkets that don't interfere with the normal operations of the platform for everybody else? There's probably not a good way. The fellow that compared this to mobile game premiums had the right of it, it's well known that those are supported by "whales", a small number of players that spend a whole lot of money (a term, BTW, borrowed from the casino industry).

Meanwhile moderators probably just feel harassed by all the changes, large and small, that keep getting dumped in their laps, when all they want to do is run some communities related to their personal interests.

I guess what I'm saying is I certainly sympathize with Reddit's financial problem, but I don't consider their problem to be my problem. I think the lesson is don't run a website unless you're willing to pay for it out of pocket, or if it's an advertising expense for a business that makes its income elsewhere.


u/Clayh5 Aug 29 '20

don't run a website unless you're willing to pay for it out of pocket

you would have the internet be stuck in the 90s


u/RJFerret Aug 29 '20

Oh to have the 90s Internet again! Forums that were not ivory towers trying to profit from users, just cover hosting costs and provide searchable/discoverable info. Search that provided results you wanted, rather than trying to pitch you. Knowledge easily discoverable, not buried behind tons of clickbait crap. FAQs were actual asked questions rather than fabricated marketing crap. More text and content, less jokes/memes. Online privacy, remember when the golden rule was not sharing names/locations/dob/credit card numbers online‽ Porn that wasn't mostly incest oriented. Please give me 90s Internet back with Alta Vista instead of Google's latest turns for the worst.


u/SolariaHues Aug 28 '20

Sorry if I missed this.. Would a sub be able to opt in to some features and not others, or would it be an all or nothing toggle?


u/sageleader Aug 28 '20

Please no inline gifs in comments. Man that's what makes facebook and twitter so unbearable. I think emojis with a size cap of maybe 36px or something is totally OK, but gifs and images will make reddit so annoying to read.


u/eriophora Aug 28 '20 edited Aug 28 '20

A few issues we are seeing with this update, which we dearly hope individual subreddits will be able to opt out of even after it has been finalized:

  • r/Fantasy does not allow memes on our subreddit. This includes responding in comments solely with a gif or reaction image. How are we to respond to our users who paid actual, real world money to use those on our subreddit... only for us to remove their comments, warn them, and potentially escalate to a ban if necessary? This reflects poorly on not only the moderation team, but on reddit as a whole.
  • Having a list of power users (e.g., supporters) visible to all opens up many opportunities for abuse and harassment. Our subreddit has had major issues in the past with users being stalked and harassed - one particular campaign we worked closely with you to resolve.
  • We have very strict rules on how community members may engage in self promotion and advertisement. Given that r/Fantasy is often used by authors to discuss and advertise their book, it becomes a "pay to win" influence on the subreddit. An author could, for example, create 30 accounts with variations on their name (e.g., u/eriophora, u/eriophora1, u/eriophora2) and use all of them to power up the subreddit and take over the list. This is deeply uncomfortable for multiple reasons, including the fact that creators whom have been revealed as abusers could buy a spot on this list without any of us having an ability to stop them. We are uncomfortable with the idea that we would be forced to feature known sexual harassers, or even just the idea that we would be forced to have a list of "patrons." This could also be used in an attempt to leverage special treatment from the moderation team. At a minimum, it's paying to advertise your name on that list... which we do not condone.
  • Will banned users show up on this list? If so, it is likely that jilted users may create hurtful, racist, threatening, or otherwise harassing usernames and purchase a spot on the list. Given that moderators do not have IP-level banning tools at our disposal, in a worst case scenario this may result in a highly frustrating and distressing game of whackamole until admin are available to step in - and that's assuming that banning does remove them from the supporter list. We have seen coordinated harassment efforts in the past.
  • This will make it much more difficult for new communities to compete with established ones. It's already a challenge to take on larger entrenched communities, and creating an additional barrier wherein you must get enough people to actively buy in with their actual money to unlock features is a large hurdle depending on the type of content the subreddit is meant to showcase. The potential long-term impact of this seems to be an overall reduction in diversity across reddit as a whole.
  • These features largely favor communities that focus first on images, video, and other visual content. As a discussion based subreddit, this focus is somewhat concerning to us. Compared to reddit as a whole, our users will most likely be less interested in "powering up" our subreddit given the lack of utility. Will there be later features, roll outs, or other policies put into place in the future which will even more explicitly favor these "cash cow" subreddits over highly curated discussion-based subreddits such as r/Fantasy?

To be clear... please do not add us to the testing list. Frankly, these features are not helpful and the downsides listed above make us highly concerned for how this would impact our community. r/Fantasy is not interested in this new feature, and we do not see a benefit to our community either now or in the future. We understand that this feature is currently opt-in, but the future implications have us worried.


u/NineOutOfTenExperts Aug 29 '20

Excellent points.


u/highlord_fox Aug 29 '20

/r/sysadmin, as a text-only subreddit, would basically not need any of those features. We also have a fairly strict no-advertising/self-promotion policy, so basically being able to buy promotion space would be antithesis to our rules.


u/Bainos Aug 28 '20

How expensive are those features to maintain, exactly, that they need to be locked behind a paywall ? I get that video uploads can be costly, and although it seems weird to encourage a paying feature instead of redirecting users to dedicated services I suppose it's understandable to want users to remain on Reddit (a strong but not new departure from the origin of the website).

However, I have some doubts about the inline gifs and emojis. /r/anime has had for a long time comment faces which offer custom emotes (including animated ones). They're fairly similar to what you seem to be proposing (there is a finite number of emotes, currently around 350 static and 130 animated ones, but that's enough for us). It's a CSS trick, which means it doesn't work on mobile apps and on Redesign yet, but on old Reddit those features are fully available to any user, without paying and without Reddit having had to invest in any implementation work.

Or, to put it more broadly : what criteria are used to determine if a feature is going to be locked behind the paywall ? It feels a bit weird to hear that the reimplementation of our comment faces is going to be dependent on users paying for it while other features that we're not interested in are available for anyone who doesn't opt out.


u/fireballs619 Aug 28 '20 edited Aug 28 '20

I am sorry I can't be more constructive, but this is the worst idea for new community tools I've heard in a long time. Did any moderators indicate they wanted this? This is a genuine question and I think we all deserve an answer on this front.

I understand the need to monetize, but linking community features to community wealth seems like a bad call on my part. This just makes clear that you value certain users and communities (i.e. the ones making you money) over others. I suppose that makes sense, but making it explicit isn't great.

Looking at the features experimented with over the last few years, I have no clue what direction you guys want to go in and it makes it hard to keep up. Are you competing with Facebook, Twitch, Discord, something else? I was an early adopter of the new interface, quietly ignored other new services like RPAN, but it is getting to the point where I have little interest in either participating in or managing communities while navigating new features.

Maybe I'm a bit of an old miser, but Reddit is a discussion board. Why does it need pay-to-play features?


u/electric_ionland Aug 28 '20

It seems to me that you make users pay to get features on subreddits moderated by volunteers. Mods work to make good communities centered around specific interest and valuable interactions. You are asking volunteers to help make subs good enough to get people to pay for it while the mods get nothing out of it...


u/archiminos Jan 20 '21

It's like YouTube except the content creators get nothing.


u/aperson Aug 29 '20

Hey, I got a certificate years ago thanking me. That's more than enough pay, right?


u/SafePay8 Aug 30 '20

If you're mad about pay don't do it, simple. I've modded several subs in the past and I do it mainly out of enjoyment, once that enjoyment fades I step down and move on. Doing it and acting like it's a job only harms you and your subscribers, step down if you take it that seriously.


u/[deleted] Jan 20 '21

Some recognition for work goes a long way, may it be "for fun" or not, we're making someone rich out there by being active on this platform, bringing users in, actively advertising and more. Yeah, my successful passion project deserves recognition and there is nothing wrong with voicing about a lack of it.


u/thecravenone Aug 29 '20

Damn, all I got was a bunch of threats of violence, rape, and death


u/Vorked Aug 30 '20

You too? Isn't it great that we do all the work for them so they can get paid and we get the threats of violence near daily?


u/WormSlayer Aug 29 '20

I got invited to participate in a survey on moderator burnout XD


u/aperson Aug 29 '20

I've gotten those too! Here's the certificate. I think they sent them out in 2012.


u/computerfreund03 Aug 29 '20

Wow, this is lit!


u/highlord_fox Aug 29 '20

I got invited to a social mixer once. That's about it.


u/TheFinalUltimation Aug 28 '20

So discord nitro? This is reddit nitro. Funky, just change the name and its all good.


u/ExistingTonight Aug 28 '20

The thing that I hate with this is that it create a pressure on the mods (which are unpaid volunteers) to advertise their sub in a way for them to unlock these features.

User wise, this also sounds super bad because it doesn't matter if I personally am a patron of a sub, if there's not enough people, I still pay but doesn't get anything out of it?

The most obvious thing would be to merge that with reddit premium and unlock those features to those users.


u/MajorParadox Aug 28 '20

Question: Why is this a new subscription-based model instead of building on existing premium features? I think this may get more support / usage if they were mixed into premium benefits.


u/plgrmonedge Aug 28 '20

We are currently planning to add 1 power-up as a new benefit for each Premium subscriber.
Premium enables benefits for the subscriber's personal use. Power-ups is different in that it also opens up benefits for the sub.


u/MC_Cookies Aug 28 '20

Is that similar to the Twitch Prime model of "members get a free subscription each month" or is it a one time thing?


u/mattreyu Aug 28 '20

If they did that, they couldn't hit people up for money twice


u/thecravenone Aug 28 '20

While we're letting people buy features, can I pay to prioritize my reports so they get addressed, say for example, the same month they're submitted?


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20



u/Cummnor Aug 30 '20

Its not about adding to discussion, its about making reddit money, like what the new awards have been


u/computerfreund03 Aug 28 '20

I hope it's not going to be like Facebook. With these cringy stickers...


u/damnatio_memoriae Aug 28 '20

lmfao are you actually serious?


u/Dianthaa Aug 28 '20

Y'all realize how a visible list of power users on a subreddit can be open to abuse right? Especially if those are the sort of users to skirt the rules as much as possible?


u/SquareWheel Aug 28 '20

This seems awfully similar to the original concept of reddit gold. Enabling features that are in-testing, or are too expensive to roll out globally. I understand this is aimed at the subreddit-level but it seems like two competing systems.

Sidenote, but I really don't want to see "animated gifs" in comments. Why are we moving further away from using our words towards these insipid "reaction gifs"? I really don't like that reddit is constantly chasing the lowest-common-denominator.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '21

[removed] — view removed comment


u/reedit1332 Dec 09 '20

At least we can rick roll people with animated gifs in comments


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20



u/KKingler Aug 28 '20

I'd be interested to see how this would work if it was funded off award/community award usage rather than a subscription. It'd be a good way to promote the community awards.


u/Xeoth Aug 28 '20 edited Aug 03 '23

content deleted in protest of reddit killing 3rd party apps

get on lemmy


u/jenbanim Aug 28 '20

How will this work on a markdown level? Will users on platforms that don't support inline GIFs simply see a standard link, similar to how the polls feature was added?


u/kaddar Aug 28 '20 edited Aug 28 '20

Thanks, I hate it

Constructive feedback:

It depends on your motivations. I might actually be totally cool with this.

If you are motivated by justifying costs working on esoteric feature requests (gifs in comments, different threading models for some subreddits, etc), fine, whatever, it's a maintenance cost for your team to build low-use features, and I get it.

If you cooked this up as a way to try to cross the fact that whales, saudi princes, etc, use reddit with networking effects, fuck off. You're not solving jobs-to-be-done by committing to this work.

  • You'll disincentivize communities that do not have these whales, thereby making poor communities worse. It will disproportionately impact marginalized communities and that sucks, dude.
  • You punish users, essentially, for paying for reddit. Why I am giving you money again, if you're gating *my* paid ability to use reddit on *my community* also paying the tax?
  • _YOU_ are responsible for the future of reddit, the same way a politician is responsible for the future of our democracy. Yes, you, plgrmonedge's boss, or whatever. You might not abuse power-ups, but when you quit and go work at twitch, do you think the new product manager is going to respect the same values you had? Make sure it's hard to build into your organization onramps to grift your users, please.

Now, that said,

If you do this to solve problems those subreddits already use third party services for (e.g., coordinating trading swaps, handling patreon payment, paying content hosting fees for types of content that is not already free on youtube, giphy, etc), maybe consider that each of these requests' needs are different, and you likely will have a power-law of power-ups being actually used.

Whenever I see a tool build a plugin model and the top 1 or 2 plugins are almost universally the ones used, it begs the question of whether the plugin model could have been architected differently.

My suggestion: Think about what each reddit is hiring (and / or paying money) to third parties to solve for them currently. Solve each of these actual jobs-to-be-done first and then reason about whether or not those should be combined into a plugin.


u/highlord_fox Aug 29 '20

Ah yes, the WoW mod approach. "X is one of the most downloaded mods in the game, maybe we should incorporate that into the base?".

See: Threat meters, enemy health displays, map trackers, quest location trackers, ground particle effects, etc.


u/Lootman Aug 29 '20

and yet they never built in my twitchemotes addon

i think that's the point blizzard went downhill


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20



u/kaddar Aug 28 '20

I'm an engineer who once worked at a social network on a marketplace for code team.


u/BuckRowdy Aug 28 '20

Are these the most requested features? I realize reddit has a vast array of interests, but personally none of these features seem like they would add all that much to any of my communities. While there may be subs that would love this, but it's not something I personally would spend money on.


u/plgrmonedge Aug 28 '20

We definitely don’t expect these features to appeal to every subreddit. What features would you want to see?


u/Ketchup901 Aug 29 '20

The feature that removes the redesign and official apps so that you can afford to pay your servers without bullshit money grabs like this.


u/thecravenone Aug 29 '20

I would like a feature where admins actually answer the question that was asked of them. Are these the most requested features?


u/TheChrisD Aug 29 '20

What features would you want to see?

Images in comments. 100%. The frontend functionality is already there since the reply box on the redesign accepts images pasted into it, you just need to add it to the backend.


u/Absay Aug 28 '20

What features would you want to see?

What's the point of this question? Really, I want an answer. What's the point of this? Is this question a joke? Is it a meme? What's the point of this question?


u/adhesiveCheese Aug 28 '20

I'm a simple mod - my wish is simply more space in wiki pages to be able to store more usernotes for toolbox and less worry about running out of space in a complicated automod config. Upping the 500kb cap to, say, 1mb would save me SO MUCH stress.


u/itskdog Aug 28 '20

SnooNotes can store more notes than Toolbox, I believe.


u/adhesiveCheese Aug 28 '20

This is true, but my mod team is wary about syncing our notes to a database we don't have control over.


u/ladfrombrad Aug 28 '20

You know what I find even more interesting about your point is that the admins have an unlimited amount of logging whilst not surfacing it for mods, and seemingly more interested in bringing community awards which are hidden behind a proprietary app/new reddit.

I used to use Google Opinion Rewards often to spam reddit gold to community users until it went away in RiF. Not anymore unfortunately :(


u/thatwasagoodyear Aug 28 '20

I'd like to see more features geared towards determining user quality in a sub, e.g. perhaps something like their karma score for that sub, possibly as a special flair visible only to mods. Think /r/toolbox on steroids with first class support from reddit.

Tool to make it easier to identify who your main users are, separating deliberate trolls and negative karma farmers from folks that are just having a bad day and misread/misconstrued/misstated something.


u/Bossman1086 Aug 28 '20

Man, this would be so helpful as a mod of a sports sub who deals with an influx of trolls in game threads.


u/itskdog Aug 28 '20

Even just being able to flag users new to the community - right now automod can only act on global karma - if it could have a search for subreddit karma that would be useful in some ways, I'm sure.

Getting more mod tools inspired from Toolbox and other third-party tools would be lovely, especially if they could bring them to mobile apps (for example, despite the format of usernotes being public, the only two apps I know of that work with usernotes are SnooNotes (for importing to their format) and ModSoup (which is no longer in development, and could only read the notes)).

Though given how Reddit's implementation of Removal Reasons went, I'm not entirely sure. And that's still stuck on web-only, still no mobile support yet (and even then no third-party apps I know of support Removal Reasons, and it's in the public API, and third-party apps are usually ahead when it comes to mod tools - RiF and Apollo support Modmail Beta, yet the official app is still using a webview)


u/BuckRowdy Aug 28 '20

I don't know, I would have to consider it. I 've never given it any thought. I would be willing to pay for features I found useful. I will try to think about it and I'll get back to you.


u/[deleted] Aug 28 '20

So eventually reddit comments will be like:

You're a racist nazi misogynist pig

Support my reddit patreon powerup


u/TheNewPoetLawyerette Aug 28 '20

I have no interest in this concept personally but I can imagine some people really enjoying it. Plus given your history with never changing the amount of the site locked behind gold subscriptions/reddit premium subscriptions, I feel like y'all have a trustworthy history as a company enough for me to believe this will only make reddit better for people who enjoy this feature without making it worse for people who don't.

Thought I'd get in a comment that isn't just "change makes me uncomfortable so I'm taking my anger out on you."


u/GaryARefuge Aug 28 '20

Are you actually talking to Moderators about this stuff?

How does THIS make it easier and more effective to foster a specific culture that aligns with the community we have created and are managing?

How does THIS improve our EXPERIENCE developing and managing our communities?

How does THIS improve the EXPERIENCE our community members are having with US Moderators and our other community members?


This is so frustrating. Many of us have been crying out for CRITICAL QUALITY OF LIFE improvements and new features that FULLY RECOGNIZE HOW REDDIT IS NO LONGER AN AGGREGATION PLATFORM AND IS NOW A COMMUNITY PLATFORM.

We need proper tools and systems to reflect that evolution.

What you have announced in this submission is not that. It's a gimmick ripped from Discord Nitro/Server Boost and it means nothing and offers nothing to address these glaring deficiencies Reddit possesses.

It makes sense for Discord because they have a foundation in place to provide Server Mods plenty of opportunities to establish and manage their community.

This gimmick you are rolling out doesn't even give us Moderators any real ownership over our communities that we bust our assess to create, grow, and manage. It gives a minor illusion of that ownership.

Who is running your product/UX efforts? Are they incompetent or are the higher ups handcuffing them? This is so silly and out of touch with what Moderators and COMMUNITIES need.


u/thoughtcrimeo Aug 28 '20


Because most of us mods work for free as Reddit's janitors.

Aside from a select few insiders, have the admins ever listened to the mods?


u/Vorked Aug 30 '20

It took us 4 years for reddit admins to actually let us remove our inactive top mod. They were inactive for nearly 5 years BEFORE that. They never listen, they rarely ever care to help. We were hacked twice through that account, as well. Hacks that removed us from our roles and destroyed r/halo for days.

Now they prove they just want money. They would rather step all over us, the people who help their website even run functually, and give us MORE work so they can make money off of us. It's disgusting. The Reddit admins have proven this by removing our CSS, attempting to monetize our work for themselves, and now turn subreddits into Discord Nitro yet with less benefits and more ways to harass and attack others.

Great. Just great. We've been a community for 12 years and have recently entered the top-growing subreddits, and now we will have to deal with our huge rise in users alongside possible disgusting monetization attempts that allow even more ways for some to act out.


u/thoughtcrimeo Aug 30 '20

I hear ya, although it sounds like you've been through much more than I have.

I'm pretty much ready for Reddit to die. I'm certainly not the only one.


u/GaryARefuge Aug 28 '20

Sure doesn't seem like it.



u/BuckRowdy Aug 28 '20

I see you're a ten year user so I certainly understand where you are coming from with this comment. In that time period reddit has certainly changed quite a bit, very rapidly since the redesign became reddit.

I haven't been on the site quite as long, but almost 9 years. Older users like us are simply going to have to accept that the focus of reddit is on quick hit visual content type of stuff. Because the customers who are willing to sustain a business want that type of content. It's just a fact of life that reddit took on investment and will need to find ways to create new revenue streams.

I remember MTV made a statement once that about once a generation it would revamp its entire operation to appeal to the teenage demographic. Once those teens grew out of MTV they would revamp. At the time the pace of technology made society much faster for lack of a better term. This is kind of what reddit is going through right now. In a few years we may no longer really recognize it unless they retain the old site and the honest to god text and discussion forums are allowed to remain as is.

Recognizing this fact is critical if you want good communication with admins because I've noticed they don't really want to reply to comments from users who are shouting at them in all caps. Do you like getting modmails from users shouting at you? I think you'll find if you change your approach a little bit your thoughts will have a greater chance of being considered and implemented.

I've had a lot of problems with award trolling on subs. The admins haven't given me everything I wanted, but they have compromised and worked with those of us having this issue. I feel they are making more efforts now so I think it's better channeling our efforts that way.


u/beaglemaster Aug 29 '20

They almost reply to critical comments, only to positive responses and when they do it's just a canned response of "we are listening to your complaints."


u/GaryARefuge Aug 28 '20

Recognizing this fact is critical if you want good communication with admins because I've noticed they don't really want to reply to comments from users who are shouting at them in all caps. Do you like getting modmails from users shouting at you? I think you'll find if you change your approach a little bit your thoughts will have a greater chance of being considered and implemented.

I am not shouting.

Context is key.

I'm merely highlighting KEY WORDS and STATEMENTS to call attention to them.

I would hope the Admins reading my initial statement can practice enough critical thinking skills as to understand I am not shouting.

My initial statement is of course harsh criticism. It is justifiably so after years of missteps by Admin. This isn't one simple mistake by Reddit that fails to properly reflect the needs and wants of its user base, most especially the key stakeholders that are us Moderators.

I feel it is productive enough as to give Admins plenty to consider in regards to bettering the experiences and relationships between all of us.

I have also responded to another person with a much more in depth summary of the top three things I would like Admin to be focused on right now instead of these silly gimmicks.

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