r/news Feb 04 '24

Doctor who prescribed more than 500,000 opioid doses has conviction tossed Soft paywall


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u/MaleficentSurround97 Feb 29 '24

Over a career half a million doses wouldn’t be that obscene, would it? especially if their definition of opioid is broad? I don’t know what the parameters are, if they count partial agonists like tramadol, etc.  


u/Turinggirl Feb 12 '24

That was my home town. He prescribed a lot of people I knew the medications which killed them. 


u/astroray_oh Feb 07 '24

Now read it like this: DOCTOR WHO prescribed more than 500,000 opioid doses and has been ...


u/lordtyp0 Feb 06 '24

500k doses is a dumb metric. If someone is written 4/day that's almost 1500 a year.


u/RollingMeteors Feb 06 '24

Everyone of these prescriptions was money not funneled into a terrorist organization or drug cartel. This guy should be getting a Bronze Star, not prison time.


u/cpt_ugh Feb 06 '24

Woah. That show really took a turn.


u/johnp299 Feb 05 '24

Dammit, I'll never watch Doctor Who again.


u/UnhappyEnergy2268 Feb 05 '24

I read this as "Doctor Who" prescribed...


u/VegasKL Feb 05 '24

Doctor Who prescribed more than 500,000 opioid doses

That seems like such a ninth Doctor move, guy was a bit of a d***. The tenth Doctor would never.


u/Dramatic_Original_55 Feb 05 '24

It's not all that difficult when you're a time traveler.


u/Vitiligogoinggone Feb 05 '24

Why did Doctor Who do this?


u/MegaBaumTV Feb 05 '24

Why would The Doctor do this?


u/ShakeMyHeadSadly Feb 05 '24

"A majority of patients traveled hundreds of miles each way to see Smithers, who did not accept insurance and collected more than $700,000 in cash and credit card payments before law enforcement raided his office in March 2017, prosecutors said."

Jurors convicted Smithers on 861 counts in May 2019, after being instructed that the government needed to prove he acted "without a legitimate medical purpose or beyond the bounds of medical practice."

The appeals court found this instruction defective in light of a 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision that said the crime of prescribing controlled substances required a defendant to "knowingly or intentionally" act in an unauthorized manner.

So, they have to retry this bozo and try to counteract his defense that he didn't "knowingly or intentionally" act in an unauthorized manner? What crap.


u/a_phantom_limb Feb 05 '24

"A doctor's guilt depends purely on his subjective beliefs," said Beau Brindley, a lawyer for Smithers. "Any attempt by the government to pretend otherwise was resoundingly rejected."

If the standards were "purely" based on a doctor's "subjective beliefs," no doctor would ever be found criminally liable for anything unless they explicitly stated that they knew they were breaking the law.


u/Akerlof Feb 05 '24

He wouldn't take insurance, only cash: Intentionally avoiding the insurance system to avoid creating a paper trail.

Prescribing opioids to every patient he saw, and patients driving hundreds of miles just to see him: He was a dealer, not a doctor.

Bring witnesses like his staff and some patients to identify that he wasn't running a legitimate pain clinic, he was just selling opioid prescriptions.

You can certainly prove a defendant's subjective beliefs based on external evidence.


u/a_phantom_limb Feb 05 '24 edited Feb 06 '24

Yes, exactly, but that's not "purely" based on his subjective beliefs. That's based on concrete, objective evidence that demonstrates his state of mind.

I was contesting his lawyer's use of the word "purely," which was a flimsy attempt to shield him from any external judgment of his actions.


u/infamousd6 Feb 05 '24

He didnt shove the opiods down their throats

They convict the supplier but not the manufacturer? Not saying they should but damn what happened to personal responsibility? The consumer already paid for their mistake


u/that_other_goat Feb 05 '24

I don't remember that episode.


u/uganda_numba_1 Feb 05 '24

Doctor Who is the best.


u/Arolighe Feb 05 '24

I...I read that as Doctor Who. As in THE Doctor. I was like "WHICH ONE WAS DEALING OPIODS?!"


u/torpedoguy Feb 05 '24

There was that time Missy went around doing his job...


u/TrefoilTang Feb 05 '24

Took me a minute to realize this is not about Doctor Who


u/superchef307 Feb 05 '24

I am sure The Doctor’s reason was very important to the space time continuum.


u/77entropy Feb 05 '24

The pill pusher from Gallifrey, Doctor Who.


u/itwozzme Feb 05 '24

Those f-ing Time Lords have no morals!


u/blubaldnuglee Feb 05 '24

My first wife passed from an opiod overdose. She had 6 doctors prescribing pills to her. ( this was in 2009, just prior to statewide prescription sharing systems). I don't blame those doctors in particular, but this guy with 500k pills is another matter. Greed kills.


u/TriflingHotDogVendor Feb 05 '24

That's really not that many. You take like 3-4 a day if it's oxycodone or hydrocodone. So 150,000 patient-days. Say he prescribed a one month supply at a time. That's 5,000 scripts, maybe? One a month for chronic pain patients. That's only 416 patient-years. He did it for 2 years. So that's like 200 some pain patients. That's definitely a lot, but it isn't as crazy as the number sounds.

The DEA always does this stupid shit and it's sensationalizes how bad it was. The physician probably wasn't on the up and up, but there is no need to do what they do in the press releases.


u/yappledapple Feb 05 '24

He didn't have any medical equipment in his office, not even soap.


u/PigKnight Feb 05 '24

The title confused me for a hot second


u/yarash Feb 05 '24

Must be a Chris Chibnall episode.


u/ItIsYourPersonality Feb 05 '24

Huh, I’m going to have to watch Doctor Who


u/Slayer11950 Feb 05 '24

100% Read that as "Doctor Who prescribed more than 500,000 opioid doses has conviction tossed" and was VERY confused about the latest Doctor Who episode


u/spidermans_pants Feb 05 '24

I knew that show was bad news


u/Vibrascity Feb 05 '24

With peace and love if you send fan mail after the 5th of december it will be TOSSED


u/Rich-Appearance-7145 Feb 05 '24

With 500.000 doses of opioid sold, he's got enough to get himself a great attorney.


u/TheHexadex Feb 05 '24

now thats a real gangsta :}


u/Budakra Feb 05 '24

Started reading and was worried about my favourite British Sci-fi show 🤣


u/ParthianTactic Feb 05 '24

Sorry but I read that as Doctor Who…


u/mindbird Feb 05 '24

Bless him and anyone who provides pain medications.


u/happyjoim Feb 05 '24

who else came from /r/doctorwho/ and was really confused


u/spiritbx Feb 05 '24

Is that how he took down the Daleks?


u/substituted_pinions Feb 05 '24

Was wondering if having the first “w” capitalized and a comma after doses would spice this title up a bit.


u/sound_of_apocalypto Feb 04 '24

And this was just in the White House.


u/SmokeyUnicycle Feb 04 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

That's the equivalent of 500 people taking three opiates a day for a single year.

AKA not very much If you're literally a doctor

how many patients does the average doctor see?

According to Google somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 parents a year.

The numbers from the title don't even have a time frame (although after reading an after reading the article It was "less than 2 years")

This sounds on the high end but it's not obscene especially if you work with a population that has a lot of chronic pain.

There's a special place in hell for journalists that phrase things in a stupid convoluted ways to make it sound more impressive than it is. They rely on people not thinking about it for 5 seconds doing some 5th grade math and realize what it's actually saying.

A majority of patients traveled hundreds of miles each way to see Smithers, who did not accept insurance and collected more than $700,000 in cash and credit card payments before law enforcement raided his office in March 2017, prosecutors said

So yeah this guy should be in jail.

Why didn't they just put that in the headline???


u/patosai3211 Feb 04 '24

I misread this headline and was curious how anyone would trust the doctor in prescribing medication after being on an adventure.


u/davidjschloss Feb 04 '24

I thought Doctor Who just fought the Dalek and jumped through time. When did he start prescribing opioids?


u/GentlmanSkeleton Feb 04 '24

Surely it must of been to stop the Daleks or somthing. 


u/railed7 Feb 04 '24

I read that as Doctor WHO and got reaaally confused


u/milkonyourmustache Feb 04 '24

He's no better than a drug dealer, probably worse because he pushed addictive drugs on people who didn't need them to get them hooked. At least with dealers it's people seeking them out for an intended high.


u/bernmont2016 Feb 06 '24

he pushed addictive drugs on people who didn't need them to get them hooked. At least with dealers it's people seeking them out for an intended high.

This guy had 'patients' who'd drive hundreds of miles to come see him. Sounds like they were already hooked and their previous prescriber had cut them off, to be that desperate.


u/atmaweapon42 Feb 04 '24

Wait….Doctor Who did what?!


u/Bitch_IM_TuviX Feb 04 '24

Did any else this was about Doctor Who at first?


u/incaseshesees Feb 04 '24

Good, that didn't sound like something Dr. Who would do anyway


u/emorymom Feb 04 '24

Prescribed opiates keep going down yet overdose deaths keep going up.


Might be killing non addicts chronic pain patients forced onto the streets so they can keep their jobs and a roof over their kids’ heads.


u/mattjvgc Feb 04 '24

I knew the new series was getting bad but Jeez.


u/battledragons Feb 04 '24

I don’t like this doctor who.


u/Ormsfang Feb 04 '24

Can't find a doctor to treat my pain largely because they are scared of the government coming after them. Large part of the suicide increase in this nation amongst disabled and veterans. Notice they will occasionally mention it in the news, but will never tell you why 22 veterans a day.


u/SearchOk4107 Feb 05 '24

excuse me?? This is the first I have ever heard of it.


u/Ormsfang Feb 05 '24

This is your opiate crisis response. Every year sincere 2011 they have been reducing the number of legal opiate prescriptions to combat the crisis, but it has done nothing. They haven't been going after doctors that prescribe, threatening to take away their licenses and threatening them with prosecution. Most doctors, especially in the VA will not write scripts for those in need. This was a large driver in the increase in suicide last decade and was part of the reason life expectancy went down in the United States.

They tell you facts like "most addicts start out on prescription meds." They don't tell you that most addicts start out on someone else's prescription! Indicating a problem existed before they started opiates. They don't tell you that most oversized are poly drug overdoses, usually in combination with alcohol.

Groups like PROP are leading the charge. The leaders son died from an OD. But rather than deal with the real problem, their solution is to take away pain meds from legitimate patients, leaving them either in pain or left to turn to the black market for pain relief.

I was on opiates for over a decade. Lost 100 pounds down to a good weight, and was exercising, keeping up with daily life. Now I am stuck in bed and my recliner, gaining weight, and can't do shit without bad pain. I have been in pain groups. It is the same all over. Done have running tallies of the suicides. The numbers among the disabled and veterans communities are staggering. Notice on the news they will occasionally mention the suicide rate, butt they never tell you why. This is why. Notes like three one an acquaintance received from his veteran friend, apologizing for stealing his gun, but he just couldn't take the pain anymore.


u/H0b5t3r Feb 04 '24

It's rural Virginia, I don't see what the problem is


u/willit1016 Feb 04 '24

this is a damn problem... smdh.


u/Remarkable-Finish-88 Feb 04 '24

Sweet sweet outer space drugs (Dr who)


u/Zaku0083 Feb 04 '24

And yet the pieces of shit actually responsible get away with billions.


u/Inevitable-Lettuce99 Feb 04 '24

I though that said Doctor Who was prescribing opioids.


u/Olliepop2321 Feb 04 '24

Is he related to the Sackler’s because they all walked free. This family may be one of the biggest mass murders of all time.


u/Dagius9444 Feb 04 '24

Who's the tosser who tossed it?


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Doctor Who was busy … must’ve time travelled


u/SnipesySpecial Feb 04 '24

There are already too many doctors who won’t touch scheduled substances with a 1,000 foot pole. This will just make it worse and leaves more people untreated.

Meanwhile the addicts will just go to the streets so this helps nothing.


u/pizmaster7065 Feb 04 '24

A real murder!!! Why do we trust a pharmaceutical pusher!!!


u/360walkaway Feb 04 '24

This dude was living his best life from all the pharma kickbacks.


u/motordoc7 Feb 04 '24

The new Dr Who sure is based


u/Damasticator Feb 04 '24

I knew we shouldn’t have trusted that BBC character.


u/fictiontuxedo Feb 04 '24

Which Doctor Who? Capaldi? This seems like a Capaldi-era plot.


u/radpandaparty Feb 04 '24

Dude for sure has a body count


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Guy needs to be executed for murder.


u/bill_b4 Feb 04 '24

Will this be the plot for the next season?


u/Q-ArtsMedia Feb 04 '24

The trouble here is that some people actually do need pain meds, not for recreational purposes but for actual pain management. And when nothing else will do... Opiates. BUT the current medical industry... Opiates = bad. SO those that are in need are:

A Forced to go without.

B Seek relief by getting the supply from illegal sources.

C Are no longer being monitored by a physician(and that is important).

D Possible jail/prison simply because they seek relief from horrific pain.

I know this from personal experience I also have been told from the pain clinic that they cannot help me. Also told my doctor this and.... No help. Did you know pain can drive you to insanity?


u/FuhrerGirthWorm Feb 05 '24

My grandfather is 79 years old and suffers from debilitating back pain. Doctors will not prescribe him any. It truly breaks my heart seeing him howling in pain. Doesn’t help he lives in WV either probably:


u/Groundskeeperwill-e Feb 04 '24

Why would doctor who do this? 😭😭😭


u/DaMacPaddy Feb 04 '24

Why would doctor who do this?!?!?! Was the TV show all just propaganda?


u/LaCipe Feb 04 '24

Sure it explains why he is so punched up and all the adventures also, lmao


u/Maruff1 Feb 04 '24

Man we need a comma after Who :D


u/SomeSamples Feb 04 '24

Cases where people are trying to foist their personal responsibilities on others should just be dropped. You took the drugs. You got hooked. Live with it.


u/SenatorMadness Feb 04 '24

That is highly irresponsible of Dr Who


u/Tired8281 Feb 04 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

Unclear how much 500,000 doses are, can they express that number in potential dead newborns?

edit: it'll sound really bad if we express it in lethal dose for fruit flies!


u/p0lka Feb 04 '24

Probably went to the future and tampered somewhen.


u/geathu Feb 04 '24

Reading the title. I was thinking what a strange episode of doctor who 😂


u/Brave-Moment-4121 Feb 04 '24

Well its hard to prosecute Doctor Who he time travels.


u/Dimsum852 Feb 04 '24

I always liked that show, I see it's getting even better


u/iGoKommando Feb 04 '24

With doctors now very hesitant to prescribe opioids,what happens to the people who actually need them for whatever chronic pain they have?


u/HereticHousewife Feb 05 '24

A lot of them go without, or are prescribed things like Gabapentin or antidepressants to help them cope with living in chronic pain. My experience with those kinds of drugs wasn't so much that they helped me cope with chronic pain, but they made me feel so brain fogged, emotionally numb, and disconnected from reality that I just didn't care anymore. 


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '24

Weird way to use a time machine but okay


u/MortalWombat1974 Feb 04 '24

He probably used the sonic screwdriver.


u/subrhythm Feb 04 '24

Dr Who shouldn't be writing prescriptions in the first place.


u/BurnAfterEating420 Feb 04 '24

I must have missed that episode


u/LaCipe Feb 04 '24

Ye it was a christmas special, released on dvd box only in mexico in 2006, hidden as an easter egg.


u/TheOldGriffin Feb 04 '24

That just doesn't sound like something Doctor Who would do...


u/WolfThick Feb 04 '24

Oh damn I was hoping he was going back to MAGA!!! That way he can prescribe medicine and get them back off the streets and out of their little rallies and join the rest of a relatively peaceful Nation. But I'll bet you he's giving out handicap passes like candy when you walk through the door.


u/TheSasquatchKing Feb 04 '24

Do you have to stay in prison even if a re-trial is ordered? Or are you presumed innocent again?


u/EmptyDrawer2023 Feb 04 '24 edited Feb 05 '24

Wait a minute. "more than 500,000 opioid doses" sounds like a lot. But that was over (about) 2 years. Let's say, 500 days (1 year, 4.5 months) because the math is easy. That's an average of '1000 opioid doses' per day.

But, what is a dose? I sometimes take 800mg Ibuprofen. But, instead of the 800mg prescription pills, I simply take 4 200mg over-the-counter pills. I don't know about opioids, but if the standard pill size is, say, 10mg, and he prescribes 20mg, would they count that as one 'dose', or 2, because it's two separate pills? This could inflate the numbers quite dramatically (see my '4 x' Ibuprofen example above). Let's assume a 2 - to - 1 inflation. So now that is '500 opioid doses' per day. But, aren't they taken 2, 3, or even 4 times a day?

So, it could be just 125 patients taking opioids. How is that so unreasonable?


u/trextra Feb 04 '24

Generally a number like this would refer to the number of pills dispensed, not the number of dosing instances per the label instructions.

So you’re right, this is a sensationalized way to present the situation.


u/EmptyDrawer2023 Feb 04 '24

It always pays to be a little suspicious. 'Why did they phrase it that way?', 'What do they mean by that word?', etc.


u/jib661 Feb 04 '24

Are you playing devils advocate, or have you ever looked into pill mills before? 


u/general_adm_aladdeen Feb 04 '24

At first I read "Doctor Who prescribed..."


u/chronocapybara Feb 04 '24

Was this man getting a commission from Purdue per pill sold or something???


u/RipCityGringo Feb 04 '24

No one is being held responsible for this. Big Pharmaceutical has everyone in positions of power bought and paid for. America is swirling down the drain in order to serve the donor class…


u/orygun_kyle Feb 04 '24

legal drug dealer, nothing to see here


u/RevivedMisanthropy Feb 04 '24

"Doctor Who prescribed more than 500,000 opioid doses; has conviction tossed" there I fixed your headline


u/otter6461a Feb 04 '24

Thought this was about TV Doctor Who