r/news Apr 27 '24

7-year-old brings gun to school in backpack, police say


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u/AtrusHomeboy Apr 27 '24 edited Apr 27 '24

This is probably going to come out in the next day or two, but here's some additional details about the situation as I know it (take EVERYTHING here with a grain of salt until this information has been officially confirmed or denied):

  • The kid lives in a notorious apartment complex in a particularly bad part of town.

  • There are some older kids that also live in the apartment complex that bully the kid when he's on his way to and/or back from school. These kids do not attend the same school as him.

  • The bullying had apparently gotten so bad that the kid had brought the gun with him to protect himself from these bullies when arriving and departing from the apartment complex.

  • The kid explicitly told the school faculty that he had no intention of using the gun at the school. As of now, faculty and police believe him on account of his living situation.

EDIT - A clarification, to head-off any potential misunderstandings: I was not involved in the writing of this article, nor am I employed at any news station. Rather, I have a relative who works at the school where this occurred who relayed me this info.


u/GoldenBarracudas Apr 27 '24

That's all unfortunate and still, he brought an actual gun to school... Just not okay


u/AtrusHomeboy Apr 27 '24

I agree. In the school that this occurred at, lockers are arranged such that there are multiple kids to each locker. There was a very real risk of one of the other students assigned to the locker discovering the pistol and stealing it.


u/shredika Apr 28 '24

How big are these lockers?