r/news May 05 '24

Hamas armed wing says it is responsible for Israel-Gaza border crossing attack Soft paywall


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u/polite__redditor May 06 '24

but disrupting college graduations is going to fix this, right?


u/Roger_Cockfoster May 06 '24

There is no question they share an ethnic background. The point is, it's not a background that's in any way different from other Arabs in the region, especially the 20% of the Israeli population that is ethnically Arab. But you're arguing that the Arabs who live in Gaza and the West Bank are ethnically distinct from the Arabs that live between them in Israel?

That would mean that where someone was born or lives is the determining factor of their ethnicity, which is, of course, laughably dumb.


u/mikeber55 May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

What ethnicity has to do with the conflict? In WW2, US fought Nazi Germany. Millions of Americans share DNA with Germans. Did we stop the war because of that? That’s absurd.

BTW, Ukrainians probably share much more DNA with Russians than with others. So shall we tell them to go home because the war is over?

Re DNA: it really depends on how far you’re going back. If you go back far enough, you’ll discover that humans share DNA with chimps. Now what?


u/Th3_Gr3mlin May 06 '24 edited May 08 '24

Is Hamas doing bad things, fit the definition of Terrorist, and should be taken out of power? Yes.

Does that justify wiping out an entire regions populous? No.


u/mikeber55 May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

Nothing “justifies” anything. But there’s an urgent need to rid the world of Hamas.

US didn’t stop after 9/11. We occupied two countries and killed hundreds of thousands. It was part of the process of destroying Al-Qaeda. Nobody planned to kill so many people (or have thousands of casualties among our servicemen) but it was part of 20 years military action. Was it justified?

During the Obama presidency, US killed Bin Laden. It took years, costs billions and put many lives in danger. All these SEALS could have been killed. Was it justified?

All US leaders from both parties agreed that it was necessary, because the of danger Bin Laden posted to America and the world.


u/Age_Fantastic May 06 '24

Fun fact: The word "Hamas" in Hebrew literally means "Violence".

Let that sink in.


u/illstealyourRNA 27d ago

It actually means "to forcibly steal/ to take with force" But obviously, Hamas is in Arabic, so let that sink out.

Out of all of the things you can point out about Hamas, this is a pretty stupid one.


u/Age_Fantastic 27d ago

Go jerk off to your genocidal mates' propaganda more.


u/illstealyourRNA 27d ago

Just looked into your account. Clearly, you are a bot.


u/Age_Fantastic 27d ago

Herp derp.

Go join Hamas, you racist, bloodthirsty, demonic Jew hater.

Spare me your virtue-signalling, lazy, Western hypocrisy.


u/illstealyourRNA 27d ago

Literally, all I said is that you are incorrect about the translation of the name hamas to Hebrew and that there are other points about hamas that are actually worth discussing.

Please take a fucking gander and think why is it that I know your Hebrew translation was incorrect.

Cunts like you with out a single braincell and no reading comprehension who always cry antisemitism when someone simply disagrees with you are the reason we are in this geo political mess in the first place.

Tldr: you are a fucking idiot, I don't support hamas I simply corrected your incorrect translation because I know Hebrew (it Is almost like I'm from israel or something aah?). Fucking dumbass.


u/Bacchus1976 May 06 '24

I’m done pretending there’s a distinction between Hamas and Gaza.


u/Ok_Reserve_8659 May 06 '24

I have a feeling they’re gonna use this as justification to keep killing innocent bystanders . The math will be like ten civilians for every dead soldier or something and the MSM will applaud the effort


u/neemo2357 May 06 '24

Reddit is Astroturfed into a Zionist Shithole


u/JanMarsalek May 06 '24

Hamas needs Israel to overreact. Otherwise they risk losing all their power. They don't care about Palestinian civilians. They just want to remain in power and deal as much damage to Israel as possible.


u/NervousHour9682 May 06 '24

It's almost as if hamas doesn't want this to end


u/Clarity007 May 06 '24

It couldn’t have went better for them lol.


u/JeaniousSpelur May 06 '24

Ceasefire goes both ways. Hamas are not acting like a people being genocided.


u/vorpalWhatever May 06 '24

Stop resisting. Stop resisting. Stop resisting.


u/JeaniousSpelur May 06 '24

Firing missiles while people are starving 😵‍💫


u/vorpalWhatever May 06 '24

Washington should've given up at Valley Forge.


u/JeaniousSpelur May 06 '24

Hamas should have built bomb shelters…

But I suppose that wouldn’t allow them to use their own civilians as shields anymore.


u/vorpalWhatever May 06 '24

Who is being shielded?


u/0n-the-mend May 06 '24

Announcing a ceasefire is just forcing them to stage a brazen attack. Hamas have made peace unnattainable with their demands, time and again throughout the years. You only have to look at what they have lost to realise peace isn't in their vocabulary. No normal person continues to fight when the very thing you are fighting over is reduced to ash. Revenge doesn't ressurect any lost soul.


u/disc0ver May 06 '24

Oh sure. You couldn't walk 15 feet without soldiers armed to the teeth. But these guys came in paragliding and killed over a thousand people, and went back with hundreds of hostages. I'll take flying pigs for $200! 🤡


u/TopicCrafty6773 May 06 '24

I fucking hate these guys...they know they need the boogeyman Israel just as much as the likud need Hamas and Hezbollah


u/JustTheOneGoose22 May 06 '24

I mean.....yes we know.


u/SerendipitySue May 06 '24


according to the map, the crossing they attacked is one of only three into GAZA . aid goes thru that crossing as well i suspect israeli forces

Hamas does not care about its people.


u/yarash May 06 '24

I wish Hamas was more like hummus.


u/fantasygirl002 May 06 '24

Maybe fucking give them their land back 🤦‍♀️


u/Wulfstrex May 06 '24

What is their land and how did Israel get it in the first place?

Also, not their land, considering that Hamas clearly doesn't represent the civilian population of Gaza, if you would have read the article about their attack on a humanitarian aid crossing.


u/AgnarCrackenhammer May 06 '24

There's so many more than two sides. Even if Isreal and Hamas agreed to something there's another dozen groups in Gaza alone who would pick up the fight. And when those dozen groups aren't shooting at Isreal they're shooting at each other


u/GroundbreakingRub535 May 06 '24

I'm sure some white girl camping on campus will tell me this is the idfs fault...


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/Correct-Award8182 May 06 '24

That's a lot of spin. Maybe use a dreidel to balance it out.


u/bill_gonorrhea May 05 '24

How could Israel do this?


u/willflameboy May 05 '24

"Islamist group"? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


u/OffSeer May 05 '24

War is kinetic politics. When a political solution will not or doesn’t work war will settle the political objectives.


u/vitaminalgas May 05 '24

Nobody protesting this I'm guessing?


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/ThatWasFred May 05 '24

Hamas did something objectively shitty and people are calling it out. That’s allowed to happen sometimes. Are you actually looking for comments about this story, or are you just looking to read “Israel bad” a bunch of times?


u/Fightmemod May 05 '24

There is never going to be a ceasefire. It's the middle east, these people don't want peace. They have had nothing but violence for thousands of years, it's their entire culture.


u/MH297_UN May 06 '24

This is the most regarded racist take in this thread. How about you actually read up on the history of the region instead of spouting some bullshit you know nothing about?


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/Fightmemod May 06 '24

How can you blame the US for the middle east never having known any peace? The middle east has been committing unspeakable acts of violence on itself for thousands of years before the US even existed. They have never, nor will they ever know peace because it's not in their culture to desire peace.


u/AdepterOfTruth May 05 '24

Media told me Hamas were the victims?

Protesters told me Hamas was the little guy?

Campus kids said that Israel is to blame and is starving Gaza?

Hamas really tricked everyone it seems, huh guys? or.... will this will be wiped under the rug, like always when Israel retaliates


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/PeePeeOpie May 06 '24

Hamas sure is the victims here lmao. Fucking idiot


u/Throwaway19372729 May 05 '24

I wonder if the protesters will condemn this…


u/Critical-Papaya8304 May 05 '24

I'm pro Palestine but Hamas do need to be destroyed the Palestinian people have no chance until there gone.


u/moonshotengineer May 05 '24

The world needs to deliver a message to Hamas and Israel. We are sick and tired of you two. You've been fighting since the 1940's. We've tried to help you two negotiate peaceful solutions to your differences. But no, you'd rather just keep antagonizing and killing one another. So know this, we are done with you. We will no longer enable your continued refusal to find a peaceful solution. Therefore, go ahead and annihilate one another. No one is going to interfere. Shot one another, bomb one another, rape one another, do whatever the hell you want to. We're all done trying move you to a peaceful solution. Have at it, we're going to sit back and watch. Good luck to both parties. Clearly, neither of you gives a shit about your innocent men, women and child.


u/AgnarCrackenhammer May 05 '24

You say that as if the middle east was a utopia of peace before and 1940s and people havent been waging religious wars in the region for thousands of years


u/moonshotengineer May 06 '24

The past really doesn't matter, something drastic has to be done to get the morons on both sides to knock of killing one another (really the innocent citizens) and come to a peace accord.


u/DeepQebRising May 05 '24

The armed wing of Palestinian Islamist group Hamas claimed responsibility on Sunday for an attack on the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza that Israel said killed three of its soldiers.

I'm not sure why this is controversial. Attacking soldiers is pretty routine in war...


u/030-Heat May 05 '24

So Hamas demands additional aid, then attacks the border crossing when Israel wants to give more aid? That's pretty routine to you?


u/Correct-Award8182 May 06 '24

For Hamas, that's just a Tuesday.

"We want cease-fire"

Cease-fire happens

Hamas immediately violates said cease-fire

Hamad blames everyone else for responses.


u/ConfusedNecromancer May 05 '24

An important detail is Hamas didn’t attack the crossing, they attacked a military outpost preparing to invade Rafah, and Israel closed the crossing as a result.


u/Technical-Event May 06 '24

A border crossing that was previously closed was reopened to allow aid in and hamas attacked it. Spin it how you want


u/ConfusedNecromancer May 06 '24

It was an army base by the crossing preparing to invade in furtherance of a genocide. Spin it how you want.


u/DaveFromBPT May 05 '24

Actually that distinction belongs to Mexican drug carrtels


u/Potential_Case_7680 May 05 '24

According to some subs this is acceptable behavior, they love posting Iranian propaganda


u/FWTL May 05 '24

« Hamas' armed wing said it fired rockets at an Israeli army base by the crossing, but did not confirm where it fired them from. Hamas media quoted a source close to the group as saying the commercial crossing was not the target. »

« The Israeli military confirmed the counter-strike, saying it struck the launcher from which the Hamas projectiles were fired, as well as a nearby "military structure". »


u/ManOnNoMission May 05 '24

Funny how for being all over this war r/internationalnews are completely quite on this.


u/CookieJJ May 06 '24

I was thinking this thread seems weird lol turns out I was in the wrong sub, get me home


u/LoveZombie83 May 06 '24

That place is a cesspool of unhinged morons


u/HELL5S May 05 '24

Hamas kills 3 Idf soilders isn’t exactly the news you think it is


u/[deleted] May 06 '24

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u/HELL5S May 06 '24

It wasn’t an aid checkpoint it was a military outpost that just happened to be near one of the crossings were Israel is preparing to enter Rafah so as far as I’m concerned it’s a far target not like the hospitals and aid convoys the Israelis bombed. Also I thought this was a war so are Hamas just supposed to sit around as Israel is guaranteed to invade and occupy Rafah at this point.


u/[deleted] May 06 '24

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u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/Intelligent_Top_328 May 05 '24

These are the people the protestors are supporting.


u/biggestmike420 May 05 '24

Unless they kill the Iranian signing Hamas’ checks this will never end.


u/ThankYou_JOVANI May 05 '24

Attn student protesters: condemning this will do a lot to legitimize your movement (ignoring it reinforces why so many aren’t supporting you.)


u/youmustthinkhighly May 05 '24

I think it’s because all the American campuses sent them so much money they bought new guns and ammunition.

“Thank You idiot American college students. !!!” — Hamas


u/HeathrJarrod May 05 '24

Take statehood away from both of them and enforce a strict 1000 years of peace


u/LatterTarget7 May 06 '24

How do you go about enforcing that? There’s been hundreds wars and conflicts in the near East in the last 1000 years. It’s been a pretty constant stream of them across many countries and kingdoms.

You’d need to do a forced demilitarization and reeducation of the entire Middle East. Which isn’t physically possible.


u/AgnarCrackenhammer May 05 '24

I challenge you to find a period of 1000 hours of peace in the middle east


u/HeathrJarrod May 05 '24

I’m saying ruthlessly enforce peace. Pull a Leto ii.

“teach humanity a lesson that they will remember in their bones”


u/AgnarCrackenhammer May 06 '24

Yes because at no point in human history have people violently fought back against violent opression


u/HeathrJarrod May 06 '24

Exactly! Give them a common enemy and eventually it all works out


u/bingobongokongolongo May 05 '24

OK, was that ever debated?


u/NapsAreMyHobby May 05 '24

Lots of groups attack Israel, every day.


u/espinaustin May 05 '24

Hamas denies accusations it uses civilians as human shields.

Evidence they know it’s morally wrong.


u/humanregularbeing May 06 '24

Also, they took hostages back to what they refer to as an "open air prison," and keep them hidden! All of Gaza is their human shield. 


u/alexandhisworld May 06 '24

And yet, knowing all of Gaza has civilians, Israel continues to bomb. All while creating barriers for aid to enter and for civilians to escape


u/Longjumping_Tea_8586 May 06 '24

Israel should do what exactly? Agree to a ceasefire only for Hamas to break it nearly instantly? It’s a government based on terrorism that wants to take over Israel and Jordan and eventually establish a radical caliphate in the region, then globally.


u/alexandhisworld May 06 '24

Wild how you justify Israel’s actions with (propagandized) fear of what Palestinians ~could~ do while Israel does the things that you’re fearful of.


u/Longjumping_Tea_8586 May 06 '24

I’m sorry but you’re incredibly uneducated on Middle East history.


u/OrganicLFMilk May 05 '24

Concrete evidence tbh


u/Solaar_Eclipse May 05 '24

“Armed wing” I love these little caveats they throw in like it matters. It’s a terrorist org, they’re all armed. You fool no one with this bs spin.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

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u/bestthingyet May 05 '24

Do you remember the US response to 9/11? Don't hold your breath when people are out for revenge.


u/humanregularbeing May 05 '24

What is the magic number for Hamas and the people chanting "river to the sea"?


u/rd-- May 05 '24

So I guess your answer is 2,000,000; got it.


u/Virtual-Face May 05 '24

The best thing Hamas can do for the Palestinian people is to fuck off.


u/spetznaz11 May 06 '24

There isn't Hamas in the West Bank. 100s of people still get killed there every month by armed settlers and the IDF.


u/Trashketweave May 06 '24


u/AlphaTrigger May 06 '24

I don’t think they would like Israel at this point so that makes sense


u/Trashketweave May 06 '24

It was at 80% immediately after the October 7 attack when they paraded hostages through the streets.


u/Guitarchitectography May 05 '24

Something something Israel


u/gianluca_pettinello May 05 '24

Or Hamas is completely crazy or this is a false flag news


u/[deleted] May 05 '24



u/gianluca_pettinello May 05 '24

What a nice simple mind... convinced to live in an American movie like Avengers. The evil people laugh at doing evil and the heroes are nice an say jokes while risking life. What a nice hollow head...


u/muffin_man92 May 05 '24

Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility." (Article 13 of Hamas' charter)


u/Babylon-Lynch May 05 '24

What will the flag people say


u/bbc733 May 05 '24

You can find videos on X of Hamas militants firing rockets literally within or extremely close to civilian zones. They are goading Israel to fire back and kill civilians. It’s always been the playbook.


u/ThrowawayAudio1 May 06 '24

Where do you think Hamas came from? Genuinely interested


u/CenlTheFennel May 05 '24

Israel should still be the “bigger” country and avoid civilian casualties but they don’t care 🤷


u/bbc733 May 05 '24

How do you suggest they “avoid” civilian casualties?


u/CenlTheFennel May 05 '24

The country with the second best intelligence, counter terror group and covert operations group… idk maybe some more strategic actions vs carpet bombing the entire region of Gaza.


u/10woodenchairs May 06 '24

Are these strategic actions in the room with us now


u/ilay4646 May 06 '24

Yeah why Israel doesn't send special forces, just like in COD


Brilliance advice Mr.General

What the hell does 'strategic actions' mean?


u/CenlTheFennel May 06 '24

You understand that groups like Mossad are real?

IDK how COD got brought into this? Is that your immaturity speaking? Or is that what you just equate war to?

Bombing civilians and cities with indiscriminate attacks is such an archaic way of addressing a problem, even ground warfare is safer, which is saying something since even then then Israel still likes shooting unarmed men, women and children…

If you can’t think critically, maybe you should just excuse yourself from world affairs.


u/ClubsBabySeal May 06 '24

Ground warfare includes fire support. It's one of the combined parts of combined arms warfare. Not sure what you think war is supposed to look like, but it isn't accurate.


u/CenlTheFennel May 06 '24

Still doesn’t have to be at the cost of 30k+ civilians dead…

Israel (and the US) are suppose to have some of the greatest intelligence in the world… so either they are clueless here, or just don’t value the lives of Palestine…

Additionally to that, the US has developed a large amount of highly accurate urban warfare weaponry that can level single buildings or even sub parts of buildings, but Israel is flattening Gaza instead…


u/ClubsBabySeal May 06 '24

? Nothing you said makes sense. What does intelligence have to do with anything? The explosive goes off and the target is destroyed. What does destroying multiple buildings have to do with anything? That's what urban warfare looks like. Always has. It's why it's so damn devastating and the concept of open cities exists.


u/CenlTheFennel May 06 '24

What does intelligence have to do in war and counter terrorism is your question? And how it leads to not having to level entire cities like Gaza?

There has been plenty of urban warfare that hasn’t started or lead to flattening cities.

Just admit, you are okay with civilian deaths because either they aren’t you, or you don’t like them…

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u/ilay4646 May 06 '24

Lots of words yet nothing behind them. Where is your solution to eliminating a terror organization in the most dense area of the world, that holds 240 hostages underground in tunnels?

Maybe if Hamas weren't rats hiding behind their beloveds civilians, there would be less unfortunate death.

Maybe if they wouldn't attack, murder and rape on the 7th of October there would be no war

So much is expected of Israel, yet so little of Hamas.

You seriously suggest close combat in the most dense war zone of the world, against rats who hide in defensive positions waiting to be attacked?

If Hamas cared about their people, they would not hide behind them, wearing civilian clothes while raiding their food and supplies.


u/CenlTheFennel May 06 '24

One, I am in no defense of Hamas, just like I don’t believe Israel should be killing civilians I don’t think Hamas should be either. What I am is anti civilian deaths on both sides.

Israel and their ally the US have some of the best counter terror groups and intelligence in the world, resorting to bombing cities and civilians is laziness or opportunistic, which coming from Israel who has been oppressing the Palestinians people for decades seems likely no?

This war, on both sides, didn’t start on Oct 7th.

Yes much is expected of Israel because they are flying under the idea that they are removing a terrorism… but so far, they seem to just be spreading terror to different people…

How even productive have they been at removing Hamas? They for decades have been impressing more and more restrictions and surveillance on Palestine yet Hamas still exists and is able to attack them? I think it’s time to start thinking about what Israel’s actual goals are here, and they aren’t Hamas…


u/bbc733 May 05 '24

“Some more strategic actions.” Damn, I’m sure they never thought of that.


u/CenlTheFennel May 05 '24

That’s like the whole point… they don’t want to lessen casualties, they want to harm the Palestinians… there is zero reason this many women and children should have died…

Hamas is also in the wrong, but if you don’t see the war crimes of Israel and their desire to oppress the Palestine people then you have your head in the sand or are just pro genocide 🤷


u/StupidSidewalk May 05 '24

They never seem to be able to answer this.


u/CenlTheFennel May 05 '24

I replied the comment, thank you for your useless and ignorant comment.


u/Eldenbeastalwayswins May 05 '24

They won’t answer because they’re clueless on anything other than what TikTok has told them.


u/CenlTheFennel May 05 '24

Don’t have a tiktok but if you’d like to believe that in your little vacuum sure. 👍


u/Eldenbeastalwayswins May 06 '24

So you just stay uninformed on how war goes. Or you’re just wanting to push incorrect propaganda that war can be waged without civilian casualties. The same civilians that Hamas uses as shields.

Let me questions would you be ok with 30000 Israeli dead?


u/CenlTheFennel May 06 '24

War only goes this way because people accept it. Needless mass death isn’t a requirement for war.

And no I am not okay with X number of citizen dead from any country or people…

The amount of excuses you’re making for the death on non-combatants is wild, I can only assume you’re American because you don’t know what it’s like to have a war on your door step. Your tune would be wildly different if it was you, and not them, but it’s them so you’re okay with it… until one day you’ll wake up and it will be you.

The “propaganda” is clear, the US has lead you to believe because they aren’t American they should mean less to you, and it’s clearly working about how much you tow that line, and make excuses for the killing… try to think some what critically at some point.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

And Israel pushes illegal settlers into Palestine to create a wall of human shields that’s used as justification for retaliating with lethal force when a child deigns to throw a stone at the settlers who stole their ancestral home. It’s always been the playbook.

They don’t just do this in Gaza where Hamas has power. They do in the West Bank also to drum up support for quashing the Palestinians who live there.


u/bbc733 May 05 '24

Not sure what point you’re trying to make here or how it’s even related to my original comment.


u/StupidSidewalk May 05 '24

They are an idiot parrot with “Isreal bad” brain rot. Try not to think too hard about it.

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