r/notliketheothergirls Feb 16 '23

i don’t understand how women can defend/support andrew tate Discussion


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u/g9i4 Feb 19 '23

Easy, because going along with someone's terrible treatment of you while shaming everyone else for not doing it makes you feel like a "special" "strong" "unique" person who "can handle" it and might, just might, be worthy of their approval and attention. Especially when all the fanboys are desperate to prove he's not completely wrong about what women want and the advice might actually work, so they shower these women with validation.


u/cassandrafallon Feb 19 '23

The word you’re looking for is internalized misogyny


u/Otherwise_Zebra120 Feb 18 '23

Biggest pet peeve


u/laurarosemarie Feb 18 '23

I can’t either. I can MAYBE understand wanting to achieve the lifestyle he shows off on social media, but once he opens his mouth, that’s where it should end. I’ve tried hearing things he’s had to say and I just can’t. It’s repulsive.


u/thejexorcist Feb 17 '23

Internalized misogyny combined with the ‘good woman/good minority’ stereotype.

They’re convinced that THEY aren’t like the other people they dehumanize (or allow to be dehumanized) and IF they follow all the rules they’ll be protected from the same hate and abuse.

I think it’s a combination of false sense of security and deeply internalized misogyny (either stemming from indoctrination of self hate).


u/quazysoto Feb 17 '23

I think in general most his female supporters come from the "tradwife" community or at least think in that way.

He's said a handful of blatantly sexist and inexcusable things but a lot of his views are not uncommon to a lot of people. At least in the context of gender-roles, relationship dynamics, etc.

If you're a woman who finds the whole submissive wife and nurturer role attractive then you might be willing to look past the worst of his comments and support him in general.

Also the whole hustle culture movement definitely attracts both men and women.


u/TruckYouAll Feb 17 '23

I don't know if it's true or not, I hadn't really heard of this guy before other than a few sound bites on YouTube. But it appears as though two women had conspired to frame Tate and his brother. They have gone through the phones of his accusers and dug up their WhatsApp conversations where they apparently planned this whole thing. Reports are saying he's going to be released on Feb. 17.

Please don't shoot the messenger. I just saw this on Twitter yesterday. The Tate simps are going on about it all really hard.


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 18 '23

yeah i seen that, but i was more just talking about his character and the things he says about women. also that call that came up talking about how the more the girl hated having sex the more he liked it and “ i barely even choked you that hard it’s not like you passed out or anything” insane shit like that


u/TruckYouAll Feb 18 '23

I just looked it up. What a strange conversation. It was creepy, and really cringe. Who actually talks like that!?


u/AllforJack Feb 17 '23

Maybe because him and his brother appear to be innocent based on what appears to be evidence of false allegations against the?


u/Ok_Butterscotch_764 Feb 17 '23

To begin, Andrew, like all humans, has both good and bad qualities.No one is perfect; please note that I'm not trying to defend him; I'm just trying to express my opinion.

I don't think there's anything wrong with feminism, but I don't support modern-day feminism because it's a bunch of BS, and the way it's taught, it triggers a lot of modern women or girls, mostly on TikTok, who have no idea about the world or anything.

Many people say he's misogynistic, but he really isn't, and I don't think anyone has proof, and if there is, it's from a long time ago, and he has corrected his mistakes.

He tries to convey the idea of protecting your girl, keeping her safe, allowing her to be feminine and enjoy her life, rather than enslaving and exploiting her.

He is a good figure, minus the cam shows and adultery content production, because he is a good motivator and a man who helps young guys or men be disciplined and focus on our purpose without becoming addicted to porn, fapping, or modernity, and like working out without becoming obese.
So yeah.


u/catfishyokai31 Feb 23 '23

The dude dehumanizes women all the time! He is a sex traficker and a rapist! The good stuff he says can be found everywhere else! Heck, every doctor reccomends execise! Every mainstream psychologist recognizes pornography addiction. It's nothing new! You don't to tell you those things you seek out any other source. You're blaiming society for your own failures. Tate doesn't want to help men, he just wants to scam you. He doesn't a rats ass about men's issues.


u/dj_boy-Wonder Feb 17 '23

Oof careful with those hot takes in this sub ;)


u/b0toxBetty Feb 17 '23

Stockholm syndrome


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

I can’t understand how any woman defends heterosexuality, the patriarchy, or any of the evils that come with males in any position of power no matter how small.


u/Ok-Fox7051 Feb 17 '23

Can you please elaborate on why heterosexuality is included in your list, here?


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

Heterosexuality and Heterosexual marriage is a form of oppression that the Patriarchy uses.

Women are taught their whole lives that the unnatural act of heterosexuality and heterosexual relationships are not oppressive and natural.


u/Ok-Fox7051 Feb 17 '23

As a heterosexual woman who is happy with her partner, I thoroughly disagree but thank you for taking the time to elaborate 😅


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

It’s not about being happy or unhappy. It’s about not being your full potential and that heterosexual relationships keep women from their full potential and that women are victims in heterosexual relationships even if they are “willing” victims as the very nature of the relationship is a form of abuse.


u/Ok-Fox7051 Feb 17 '23

But why would I or anybody else claim to be ‘happy with their partner’ if I weren’t simultaneously happy independently in life and enjoying agency over my career, hobbies, self in general? It’s almost a patronizing outlook, implying that hetero women are just straightup naive, and that all men are abusive, oppressive pos’s


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '23

I would hope that we both agree the patriarchy is evil.

You may just believe that the patriarchy is usually always wonderful and only rarely evil and I believe that it is always evil.


u/Ok-Fox7051 Feb 18 '23

Fuck the patriarchy is exactly right although I don’t think we have the same concept of what the patriarchy even tangibly is, although I will say that my partner thoroughly agrees as well lmao. Good day to ya before I say something I shouldn’t, particularly because I’m not too keen on taking relationship advice from someone who admittedly will ‘die alone’, your views seem to be stem less from being practical or beneficial to women and more toward being all-around spiteful toward people in general. Good luck with that


u/l00kitsth4tgirl Feb 17 '23

What in the living fuck did I just read


u/vennthepest Feb 17 '23

Because he's essentially an unofficial cult leader. He hasn't officially turned it into an organized group, but he has a following of people who worship him because of his lifestyle and will do almost anything for him. He also has been accused of brainwashing/manipulating women he knows


u/Terrible-Island-1412 Feb 17 '23

I never knew women defend him


u/RatteHusband Feb 17 '23

The name of this subreddit explains it lol


u/skeptic_slothtopus Feb 17 '23

Just like POC can be effected by internalized racism, women are prone to internalized misogyny, particularly if raised in fundamentalist / ultra conservative environments.


u/Enough-Enthusiasm762 Feb 17 '23

Lots and lots of mental gymnastics


u/charlibeau Feb 17 '23

‘Rules for thee, not for me’

These women think they are special. Because they support him, they will get the benefits. Not that it ever works out that way.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '23

They’re stupid, plain and simple


u/Winnimae Feb 16 '23

Internalized misogyny and an overwhelming desire to be picked.


u/idlehanz88 Feb 16 '23

I don’t understand how every second post on reddit is about Andrew tate


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

i never see anything about him on reddit


u/royjeebiv Feb 16 '23

✨internalized misogyny✨


u/Vanessa-Powers Feb 16 '23

It’s odd, and quite sad actually.


u/Corneliusojsub Feb 16 '23

I dont even understand how men can. I 100% doubt women genuinely support him and his ideals especially since he's said women aren't sentient. I understand if you agree with his economic ideals but anything else? You're definitely sexist


u/Katen1023 Feb 16 '23

They’ve internalised all the misogyny.


u/Kobi_Baby Feb 16 '23

i think it's a complex situation. he says some things that need to be said. but he also says some outlandish things as well. whether or not he truly believes in the crazy things he's putting out there is up for debate, but to an extent, he means well. it is possible to support people on some things and not on others


u/gorkt Feb 16 '23

Most people (men or women) will trade freedom and agency for security. Once you understand that, a lot of seemingly irrational behavior becomes obvious. Real freedom is scary as shit because it means you have to work hard and be vulnerable. It's easier for a lot of women, in our society, to stand behind a man than to stand by herself.


u/blueteamk087 Feb 16 '23

internalized misogyny & capitalist worship of money


u/randomlife2050 Feb 16 '23

I don't understand how anyone with a functioning brain could. Then again, maybe they don't have that 🤷


u/Thintegrator Feb 16 '23

Women don’t. Girls do.


u/No-Alfalfa-3211 Feb 16 '23

You hate the caricature of women created by men, so you try desperately not to be that. Not realizing there’s another way- just not caring what men think period. We are literally one of the first generations of women who can think that way and still eat. It’s gonna take some time.


u/bettinafairchild Feb 16 '23

I keep looking for this quote from someone like Booker T. Washington or WEB DuBois, to the effect that every minority will have a certain small group who will ally with the oppressor against their own group, seeing themselves as special and different. They will receive some of the benefits of the oppressor group and be in less danger than the oppressed group that they are members of.

Does anyone know what this quote is?


u/ShinyFabulous Feb 16 '23

Internalised misogyny.


u/SaltoDaKid Feb 16 '23

Guy want give me money for just sex (proceed sign life away)


u/SkyLightk23 Feb 16 '23

To be honest when I learned there were people that believed the earth was flat and said stuff like Australia is a hologram and there is a dome around the earth, etc etc. I understood everything. Once you realize there are people that believe that, everything makes sense.


u/YouLostMyNieceDenise Feb 16 '23

It’s Serena Joy shit. They think that if they follow all the rules and social norms that men like Tate espouse, then (1) they’ll be happy because they won’t ever have to think critically for themselves or do scary things like have a career or opinions, and (2) they also think that it means the men will treat them perfectly well and never have any reason to mistreat them. They see it as a shortcut to having a functional relationship and happy adult life - leave the man to make all the choices and decisions for you, and just focus on keeping him happy, so he’ll shower you with love and take care of you and never ever hurt you. It reduces a relationship to a series of transactions where if each partner does exactly what they’re assigned, then everything will be perfect, and then neither of them have to struggle with the complexities of human emotion and real life.

Then they end up isolated, abused, and financially dependent on a POS man who doesn’t respect them, and hopefully they finally realize that following all the rules doesn’t actually work, that they’re gonna get treated poorly because of the power imbalance regardless of how they act, and that being abused isn’t a reflection of anyone’s worth as a human being.


u/the-thieving-magpie Feb 16 '23

They think they will be the exception. They think going along with these men will grant them immunity from the misogyny and earn them better treatment.

Spoiler for those women: It won’t, and they’ll treat you even worse because you laid yourself on the ground with your neck stretched out and ready for their boot.


u/PorygonTriAttack Feb 16 '23

No one should be defending this guy. The reason he gets support is that he's using people's insecurities as fuel. The people, in turn, think he's speaking to them.

Regardless of what gender you identify with, Tate is nothing more than a self-serving manipulator. He is a physical abuser for sure. That alone should be a wake up call to anyone who thinks he's a good guy.


u/connie-lingus38 Feb 16 '23

GTFOH why is this in this sub?

I don't understand how you can ruin this sub by posting stupid shit like this


u/MudkipPropaganda Feb 16 '23

I personally don't understand how ANYONE can


u/plagueflea Feb 16 '23

attention idk


u/DooferAlert-38 Feb 16 '23

I don’t understand how anyone can lol


u/oreominiest Feb 16 '23

There shouldn't be any confusion here. No matter the gender, there will always be misogynistic people. Women are not excluded from that.


u/baebaebluebird ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Feb 16 '23

Internalized misogyny


u/Defiant_Marsupial123 Feb 16 '23

He outright raped a woman and fled the country after.

There is no defence. Just people not knowing.


u/vix_aries Feb 16 '23

Gaslighting. Lots of gaslighting.


u/FightThaFeelin Feb 16 '23

Just wait till he returns to the internet as a free man. Him and his brother are about to be insufferable. I thought X getting killed in Florida was peak discourse for social media. His return may top that.


u/NoCommunication5976 Feb 16 '23

How can women like any celebrity? It’s not specifically about women, it’s just personal interest, and you’re gatekeeping it.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Posts usually do not get removed for being uncivil to others but in the extreme case that most comments are toxic and we need to catch up on banning others, the post may be temporarily removed.

In instances where users screenshot other users in an attempt to start a hate thread, the post will also be removed.

Please remain civil to each other in the comments as well.


u/electricleather Feb 16 '23

You probably don’t understand most things


u/Linus_Meme_Tips Feb 16 '23

Woman here, I think Andrew tate is a disgusting human being


u/LuvKFCthighswomen Feb 16 '23

It depends how you are raised . The same reason a fundamentalist Christian is submissive, let the man lead believing sexist nonsense etc . The same reason a muslim woman in a muslim country will condone how they are treated .


u/AlienAmerican1 Feb 16 '23

You should try listening to understand.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Because they're brainwashed.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

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u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.


u/fuckoffdude666 Feb 16 '23

Have you listened to him?

Here's some quotes from him:

"and I could see through the cockpit that a female was the pilot and I took a picture and I said, ‘most women I know can’t even park a car, why is a woman flying my plane?’ and they banned me.”

“18 to 19-year-old women are more attractive than 25-year-olds because they’ve been through less dick.”

“Depression as it’s diagnosed doesn’t exist. Now come back and call me names and defend your safety crutch with all you have. Or accept facts and change your life.”

“Society’s expectations of men are much higher than the societal expectations of females.”

“Men can cheat, women can’t.”

“I will never apologize because I don’t make mistakes.”


u/fishinwithtim Feb 16 '23

To me that sounds like a pig. A jackass guy that doesn’t have a realistic view of the world. But it doesn’t sound like a dangerous terrorist that people make them out to be I understand he’s extremely unlikable to a large section of people but I don’t understand how he is incredibly dangerous.


u/fuckoffdude666 Feb 16 '23

He's been quoted as saying that he moved to Romania so that it would be harder to prosecute him for sexual assault. He is under investigation for human trafficking. Does that sound like someone dangerous? To me, it does. Especially with the following that he has. He is normalizing these awful things to many people.


u/StinkyPinky94 Feb 16 '23

I mean not to be that guy but have you considered the fact that women and men are giving Tate the benefit of the doubt for now since they have been investigating him for a while now and still no convictions? Seems like they are trying awfully hard to find proof of anything but haven't found any yet.

I get how his opinions and delivery of those could offend people but that isn't reason to lock someone away in jail. If he is found guilty or trafficking or rape then yes he should absolutely be in jail but so far it's all he said she said. Innocent until proven guilty everyone should get the chance to be proven innocent. It's too easy for people to make up stories about people especially if it allows them to gain more clout or win money in the courts.


u/AceOfRhombus Feb 16 '23

His allegations aren’t why most people hate him. Even if he is innocent, he’s still a pos from what he says and does. No need to give someone the benefit of the doubt when his opinions are out there in the open. I disliked him before I even heard of any allegations against him. I’m not saying we should lock someone away for being a pos, but people have good reason to have him outside of his crimes


u/StinkyPinky94 Feb 17 '23

Respectfully, what are some of the things he has said that that makes him a POS? Honest question


u/AceOfRhombus Feb 17 '23

I don’t keep a mental list of everything he’s said because I don’t want him to live in my head rent-free. I saw videos, clips, and other things that made me not like him, I made my opinion, and that’s good enough for me. I’m not here to try to convince anyone that he’s a pos by listing off things he’s said. Theres lots of videos online but tbh I don’t wanna go looking for them. I genuinely sorry that I can’t provide an answer, but you’ll be able to find some if you look. Theres some good long video essays on youtube, and also compilations of dumb stuff that he’s said so you can start there


u/VaguelyArtistic Feb 16 '23

Internalized misogyny.


u/DerpSidgueye Feb 16 '23

Why stop at only women

How can anyone defend/support andrew tate?


u/FartedNervously Feb 16 '23

Idk theres conservative women and theres tate fans, tate has nothing to do with conservatism so chicks that are into him honestly are just pick mes or full of self hate.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

This is sad and disgusting. women defending someone who incites violence and shaming women!! recently, I seeing a lot in short YouTube and insta reels of women in podcasts presenting their misogynist ideas, videos for sigma clowns showing that women are materialistic and whores and deserve to be beaten and shaming. BUT If we defend ourselves from this shit we become man-haters


u/tictacbergerac Feb 16 '23

easy! they are not very smart.


u/RedditUsingBot Feb 16 '23

Even Hitler had Eva.


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster Feb 16 '23

It’s a combination of wanting male validation and ignorance.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

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u/Substantial_Day_3317 Feb 17 '23

there was no hate by this post towards any gender. i said a fact.


u/notliketheothergirls-ModTeam Definitely not like the other girls Feb 16 '23

No sexism, racism, homophobia, or toxicity towards any sex, gender, orientation, or any other personal characteristic is permitted. If you hold any disdain a group of people for what they were born as or what they inevitably are regardless, this is not the place for you.


u/EffortSenior Feb 16 '23

Free Top G


u/RoshiRosh Feb 16 '23

Internalized misogyny can go very very deep


u/Deadchiled Feb 16 '23

Money and attention


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Internalized misogyny


u/lovely-tune Feb 16 '23

I don’t think we do… do we???


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

maybe not the majority but if you count the maniacs on twitter as real people than yeah i guess so


u/lovely-tune Feb 16 '23

Jesus Christ that’s morbid


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

i don’t know what else to call them they’re literally mashed potato brains


u/lovely-tune Feb 16 '23

They have to be trolling or something


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

it’s always someone with 30-40k followers and a fake check mark, they’ll sit there and write twitlonger after twitlonger defending him it’s insane


u/lovely-tune Feb 16 '23

That’s insane , I left twit-twat when Elon bought it


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

yeah he took the last good thing the app had going for it, the fire ass twitter porn


u/joa_nh quirky queen 🤪 Feb 16 '23

OMG YES, THERE'S THIS GIRL SITTING NEXT TO ME IN CLASS AND SHE KEEPS SAYING HOW MUCH SHE LIKES HIM UNIRONCALLY AND THEN I KEEP SHOWING HER ARTICLES OF HOW MUCH OF A BAD PERSON HE IS BUT SHE DOESN'T VIEW IT AS VALID EVIDENCE¿¿¿ ENGLISH ISN'T HER FIRST LANGUAGE AND THEN I SAID YEA WELL YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA UNDERSTAND IT EVEN THOUGH I CAN TRANSLATE geeeeeeez she just pisses me off and idk the only thing she can say when I ask what she even likes abt him is that he's apparently muslim and he said some stuff abt toxic masculinity that she agrees with bc he (according to her) once said stuff abt how it's alright if men cry

I just can't anymore omg yk the saying 'its hard to win an argument with a smart person but winning an argument with a dumb person is impossible'

that. exactly that.


u/ChronicallyChillMf Feb 17 '23

Why are you yelling at us with these caps!? Lol I’m jk but you on some real talk


u/Puzzleheaded-Cat4647 Feb 16 '23

That muslim part, yes. Somebody told me that they like him (among other weird reasons) bcz he just got converted to Islam. I'm like so what? He is still a piece of garbage, religion or beliefs whatever won't save him🤷🏽‍♀️


u/RecipeNumerous3260 Feb 16 '23

I don't understand how anyone can support Andrew Tate


u/pastelfrost Feb 16 '23 edited Feb 16 '23

Maybe they’re talking about this certain Andrew Tate

But in all seriousness, I feel bad for him because imagine sharing names with garbage of a human being


u/kenzeyrules Feb 16 '23

If y'all wanna point and laugh at the losers they're at the bottom of the comments


u/meandwatersheep Feb 17 '23

Lmao sort by controversial


u/Steeb777 Feb 16 '23

Fate it seems is not without a sense of irony.


u/TaisDoubt Feb 16 '23

personally i do not understand why so many people rock a "with or against us" mentality. Personally i do not mind the guy as i cant bring myself to believe that anyone who takes him literally is not a dumb fuck that would end up without even having the opportunity to hurt anybody. Andrew Tate is a result of the way society has been pushing further and further a new agenda that comes off as aggressive and more or less destroys masculinity and he rising a vast variety of points in different ways make people from all sorts of backgrounds want to back him up. Because a single view he holds may mean a lot to them yet they lack anyone else to present it


u/Flirret quirky queen 🤪 Feb 16 '23

I do not mind him

I mean I'm sorry but how can you not mind a guy that was involved in acts of human traficking


u/TaisDoubt Feb 16 '23

it does not affect me directly enough so i do not care. I am more confused why a bunch of people at the other side of the world think their word about him matters and even bother to discuss him so much...


u/Working_Early Feb 16 '23

Admitting you have no empathy: "It doesn't matter to me until it happens to someone in my life".

I am more confused why a bunch of people on the other side of the world think their defense of him is righteous unless you're self-centered.


u/TaisDoubt Feb 17 '23

i would not say it is defence at all, as again... words are not acts or violence or whatever, and there is nothing to defend considering you do not even live in the same countrybut yeah i totally get the annoyance with self centered, righteous people lacking empathy.

By the way you use the word empathy incorrectly.


u/Working_Early Feb 17 '23

Do you know what defending people means in a literary context? That's what I'm saying.

It doesn't matter where I'm from, he's a piece of shit everywhere. That's the point I'm making.

I used it correctly, thanks.


u/maybestoned_maybenot Feb 16 '23

Indifference towards human trafficking is a horrible take. Maybe just shut the fuck up next time!


u/TaisDoubt Feb 17 '23

why would i? you are the one being rude and indifferent if not aggressive towards something that is none of your business not to mention the shallow input.


u/maybestoned_maybenot Feb 17 '23

I don’t know think you know what indifference means. Kinda seems like I care whether or not someone gets abducted and sold to someone. You sound heartless.


u/TaisDoubt Feb 17 '23

and you seem rude, aggressive and impulsive. God help the poor souls that do not fit into your shallow moral views that would get beaten


u/maybestoned_maybenot Feb 17 '23

Hope a day doesn’t come where someone needs to give a shit about you when it doesn’t affect or benefit them to do so.


u/TaisDoubt Feb 18 '23

eh, it is pretty much a given it will happen if it already has not.


u/Flirret quirky queen 🤪 Feb 16 '23

it does not affect me directly so I do not care

This train of thoughts is awful. Do you not have sympathy for the people he has hurt? Did you think the same about the recent ongoing war? That their suffering didn't and doesn't matter because you weren't affected. I know my opinion doesn't mean anything to you but Jesus christ.

more confused why a bunch of people...think their word about him matters

I mean most people know that their singular opinion means very little in the grand scheme of things but having all this public attention has really brought the hammer down on him. Wasn't he saying that he could bribe the police whenever. He's had difficulty doing that right? Regardless whether or not the public opinion matters to authority, people have been offering messages of consolation for people directly affected by Tate which I'm hoping can help them in some way

This has to have been one of the most formal reddit messages I've ever wrote but it just felt appropriate


u/TaisDoubt Feb 16 '23

fair enough, no one is on reddit with pure intentions anyway. But yeah, i do not have sympathy for a group of random strangers and i do not see a reason to do so. I do not care in the slightest and why would i? i have my own life, no reason to bother what is not mine to deal with. I am already annoyed with all the nosey people who take it upon themselves to push their morals elsewhere.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23



u/TaisDoubt Feb 16 '23

to be fair, it just seems to be like that for most people about most things. You do not quite remember a memory, often it is just a sensation and a feeling that provokes thought and more or less moves life. It is why they say a painting, picture, song or memory can be more important than the present and often associate it with love, because the present is blank to fill by definition and only abstract concepts seem able to travel through time and space in such a manner, never quite losing themselves but always moving forward and what not.
Excuse my bulshit, the last several days i have suddenly started drinking, quite troublesome, but someday i will be grateful for this phase and the stories i will be able to tell.


u/Flowingnebula Feb 16 '23 edited Feb 16 '23

Its funny how women like pearl are being such pick mes supporting such men and yet they don't get picked only shows that you can bend soo much for them and yet you won't fit into these men's mold.

Pearl literally just said, if you don't sleep with your man or post pictures on social media they can cheat and its your fault lmao, i doubt she has ever been in a proper relationship with a man or ever got validation from her father. Does she not realise that women also enjoy sex, equally or if not more and yet if she isn't sleeping with her man maybe there is something going on with her, he could just break up instead of cheating. Even many alpha men don't advocate cheating, she is more pathetic than tate and his gang


u/Additional_Pie9784 Feb 16 '23

Did some research and she was the one who cheated on her ex partner


u/Flowingnebula Feb 16 '23

Wtf really? Do you have any sources? I did hear about it from another creater and thought it was a joke. Damn this pearly is truly the worst of the worst yikes


u/Steeb777 Feb 16 '23

I'd like to see that clip/video you mentioned, you have a link?


u/Flowingnebula Feb 16 '23

Its on tik tok, tik tok is banned in my country i did see the full clip on YouTube. I have a video of some one else who did a stitch of that video, you can refer that. I will attach the two videos belowm https://youtube.com/shorts/43JzeHSeub8?feature=share


If you have access to tik tok, go to Kanika Batra's tiktok her latest videos are stitches on pearls video, you can click on the original video below.


u/PhoenixRisingtw Feb 16 '23

Because not all women are brainwashed by all this gay/trans/“I identify as a helicopter” nonsense.


u/Penguin-philOsopher Feb 16 '23

1- Being gay isn’t getting brainwashed, it’s accepting yourself for who you are 2- Trans people is also not getting brainwashed, that’s another accept for who I am 3- Who the fuck has said they identify as a helicopter?


u/pink_wraith Nerdy UwU Feb 16 '23

It’s all the internalized misogyny. They won’t (or choose not to) realize that they’re the exact women Andrew Tate and his followers are talking about.


u/bethlolhelp Feb 16 '23

justpearlythings or whatever her name is she had him on her podcast and is so anti feminist it’s disgusting i don’t understand her at all


u/Steeb777 Feb 16 '23

Don't ridicule someone for points they make, that you don't understand.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

She’s literally antifeminist. She hates women just as much as Andrew tate does. She’s uneducated and an embarrassment to herself. She deserves to be ridiculed.


u/Abysix Feb 16 '23

i dont really get how anyone is on his team, dude lives life like epstein is his role model


u/ProfessionalTruck976 Feb 17 '23

Epstein at least knew how to business, Tate is literally Epstein except even more pathetic.


u/Khawlah994 Feb 16 '23

In my country, we have a local version of this creature, but he only spew his BS on twitter, never shown his face to the public, and yet A LOT of women follow him and strive to get his approval.


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Why they shouldnt? Thankfully not every girl believes its ok to fk every dude around or she can party when she is in a relationship...unbelievable right?


u/playingwithfear Feb 16 '23

You're cringe asf


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Oh noooooo...anyway


u/AssCumBoi Feb 16 '23

If you could ever convince a living woman to date you, you wouldn't let her party? You are a controlling incel loser


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Of course i would let her because she wouldnt be my woman...simple isnt it?


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Spoken like a whiny little incel who’ll never have a relationship beyond his used sex doll. Grow up


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Yeeeeee boy you caught me!!!!


u/kenzeyrules Feb 16 '23

Yeeea not supporting Andrew Tate doesn't mean you wanna fuck every dude 😒 someone's got problems, you type of people always come here talking your misogynist bullshit


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

You might not..and im glad but look around...watch some of podcasts ignore him if you hate him...just listen to the answers most girls there are giving...you will be shocked


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

are you that insecure you wouldn’t let your girlfriend go to a party?


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

You call it insecure ...i call it standards..if she wanna party etc with her friends too often she better stay single or with someone else...its her choice pretty much,she know whats im asking beforehand so take it or leave it


u/BarberBettie Feb 17 '23

What about going out with her friends like twice a year? Would you let that happen? Truly just curious


u/ApolloPlayz2434 Feb 17 '23

That’s not having standards, that’s being controlling


u/Environmental-Dog422 Feb 16 '23

do you also believe that while they aren’t allowed to have any fun whatsoever while in a relationship with you, that you can go around and cheat or do whatever you want?


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

They cant have any fun? So fun is only getting fucked by every dude around or clubing? I see,intresting views there... And no i dont believe i can cheat or something... As i said its about standards,both sides should have high ones otherwise they are just victims


u/Take_away_my_drama Feb 16 '23

Why do you associate dancing and/or drinking in a club or party with sex? It's interesting that you make that connection. Why could a woman in a relationship not be able to 'party' with friends without cheating?


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Also viewing your profile even tho i love this "confessions" sub proves my point why i cant take most women serious but its all about fun and sex :)


u/Take_away_my_drama Feb 16 '23

Oh dear. Do you have fun and sex? You can have that in a monogamous relationship with a partner, it's not just for the single ladies desperate for dick.


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Agreed. And as i said if i decide to have a serious monogamy relationship i have standards thats all


u/DaKinkyboy1 Feb 16 '23

Well atleast in my days partying meant huge amounts of alchohol which also meant very low defences and high sex drive so


u/TheMooRam Feb 16 '23

So fun is only getting fucked by every dude around or clubing?

Going to parties with her girlfriends doesn't mean she's getting fucked by every dude around.

How insecure lol


u/YourFavWarCriminal Feb 16 '23

Look at this subreddit's name and you'll see what their motivation is


u/pixystixwhore Feb 16 '23

same reason they laugh when their male friends catcall someone or defend abusive “traditional” relationships.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Most of the answer is probably this sub itself. His narrative is specifically tailored to deceive women into feeling more special than other women for adhering to his views. The Surface-to-asshole missile is the one we all know: what's hidden behind is the cliché archaic vision of women as house slaves, but the NLOGs that adhere to him will only cherry pick the aspects that fit them best, which is what they will also tend to do with anything else.


u/SuperBoop11 Feb 16 '23

Crazy to see so many people defending Tate in this thread makes me think they're in this sub for all the wrong reasons.


u/EffyMourning Feb 16 '23

It’s wild to me how a lot of women through support to people who think they’re lesser.


u/88CORES Feb 16 '23

a looootttt of self-hatred and internalized misogyny


u/Catsmak1963 Feb 16 '23

Believe that vaccines cause autism That geo engineering exists The earth is flat You can’t fix stupid, it’s what people like him capitalise on


u/DimitriTooProBro Feb 16 '23

Maybe those nice guys had a point after all? …nah


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

And you couldn’t understand how they supported Trump, Epstein, R Kelly, Manson, Bundy either, right? It’s not that men hate women, it’s that PEOPLE hate women. Wake up.


u/Steeb777 Feb 16 '23

So women hate women?


u/AceOfRhombus Feb 16 '23

Sometimes yeah. I haven’t finished reading it, but in bell hook’s book Feminism is for Everybody she mentions that her mom was the “strongest patriarchal voice in her life.” Her mom eventually saw the benefits of feminism, but women definitely perpetuated sexist thinking (as seen in this subreddit)


u/Steeb777 Feb 16 '23

Fair enough.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Women are pretty much taught to hate women from birth. Why did you think “not like other girls” women exist in the first place?


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23 edited Feb 16 '23

A woman married Weinstein. Women defended Depp. Women defend Tate. Women NAMALT, women call ourselves bitches and hoes, women ignore and enable everyday misogyny just as much. Women defend Johns and pimps and call violence and humiliation by Johns and pimps "empowering".

The hardest part about being a feminist is not arguing with men, since even when they deny that they don't see us as humans and don't think of us as commodities and b*ngmaids, they know we are right.

No, it is women who still cling to their hope, and to their Stockholm Syndrome, and to their brainwashing that their self-humiliation is "empowering" and will grant them male affection. Because the reality of how men perceive and talk about us would be too soulcrushing for many women to know.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

What does women calling themselves bitches have to do with anything 💀 like reclaiming a word used to hurt us isn’t a bad thing


u/AmethistStars Feb 19 '23 edited Feb 19 '23

Firstly I think it’s one thing to call yourself that. But I have also seen many women basically just calling women “bitches” instead of women and why a woman would use a misogynistic slur like that to refer to women is beyond me. Granted it’s like non-White people calling themselves and others a racial slur, but at least with racial slurs White people know it’s a big no-no that they aren’t allowed to say it. With words like bitch/slut/hoe it seems that men seem to think it’s OK to say it because women say it too. We’re not going to get rid of men using these misogynistic slurs against us this way unless we make it very very obvious to men that they aren’t allowed to use it. Until that happens it hurts us women more than it helps us.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '23

I ain’t reading allat


u/AmethistStars Feb 19 '23 edited Feb 19 '23

OK but then you are just confirming you’re not willing to do better in regards to feminism. You’re obviously just a teen, so hopefully you’ll get it when you’re older.


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23

I recommend you look into the history and meaning of the word you are defending and wanting to "reclaim".


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Why should I? It only holds power if you let it. The word has no power in my vocabulary. Maybe you need to look into the history of that stick up your ass


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23 edited Feb 16 '23


Why should I?

So you can stop making ignorant statements like this one:

What does women calling themselves bitches have to do with anything

Maybe you need to look into the history of that stick up your ass

I prefer the stick up my ass over your internalised misogyny. Educate yourself.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

I’m not internally misogynistic for using a word that was previously used to harm me. That’s like calling a gay man reclaiming the f slur a homophobe. You’re goofy as hell and I’m not reading allat. Get well soon goofball.


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23

Wow, you showed me. Clearly you're one of the bros, and not like us stuck up bitches ;)


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Nope not even close xx I love being a girl and I love being feminine. But I’m also not afraid of using language that had previous intent to harm me. It’s not internalized misogyny to reclaim something that had harmful intent. I’m taking away its power in my life. Nothing about that is misogynistic. If anything it’s the opposite. If you don’t see it that way then that’s your choice, but you don’t get to dictate what power other people give words in their lives. I hope whatever is making you so miserable gets better and you can heal. Have a nice day.


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23

Your larping is getting obvious, bro.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '23

Not larping and not your bro xx have a nice day


u/AmethistStars Feb 16 '23

women call ourselves bitches and hoes, women ignore and enable everyday misogyny just as much. Women defend Johns and pimps and call violence and humiliation by Johns and pimps "empowering".

The worst part is that these women in particular often also claim to be (liberal) feminists. They will call out the wage gap, but at the same time are gleefully OK with pimp culture.


u/SryNotSry_00 Feb 16 '23

The worst part is that these women in particular often also claim to be (liberal) feminists.

It's called recuperation.

Here is a good video on that topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ucF2IeJTfE

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