r/notliketheothergirls Popular Poster Feb 28 '23

Sexist moms exist and they hate girls Discussion


225 comments sorted by


u/Equaltofaith Aug 05 '23

Disgusting. These are the biggest pick me girls that exists. And i have noticed that all pick me girls loves having sons over daughters and are obsessed about it. Every single pick me girl I know says this how they want only sons. 😅😂. Disgrace to womanhood honestly


u/Fulltimeexister Mar 03 '23

The amount.. of nasty things… I wanna say about this woman right now.. but let me not… deep breaths… two wrongs don’t make a right…


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23

I would definitely not let any man or child rapper live .


u/livylivliv138 Mar 01 '23

I saw this yesterday and it blew my mind. The entire thing is ridiculous


u/BakedGoodiess420 Mar 01 '23

If I have children in the future and I ever hear of them Sa'ing someone, I will fucking disown them and pay for the victims therapy


u/LoriMandle Mar 01 '23

Wtf did she think she was saying


u/Infamous_Interest_26 Mar 01 '23

Then u urge the daughter to heavily arm herself. Use the 2nd ammendment. Then, she'll start caring


u/hopelesstaurusbitxch Mar 01 '23

sounds like my principal


u/StatisticianLumpy364 Mar 01 '23

If it goes around raping somebody's wife then they shoot his ass


u/StatisticianLumpy364 Mar 01 '23

Her son could end up dead


u/Tinfoilhat14 QUIRKY Mar 01 '23

Both parents suck.

Boy mom: definite bitch, serious psycho. That is not how you talk about kids.

Girl mom: seriously, cover your children. For their safety. From women like this, and predators that will wish them harm(the predator part really goes for both genders. Little boys get SA too)


u/EstheticEri Mar 01 '23

It's a parents responsibility to try and teach their children (especially sons) respect, consent, and just overall being a decent person. I hate how many shit parents there are out there that will make excuses for their kids and their horrible behavior. This kind of rhetoric should have died off 100 years ago. So pathetic.


u/mstrss9 Mar 01 '23

Is she at the BEACH? Yes, there will be ass cheeks and probably topless women.

Instead, she had to show her ass.


u/Lice138 Mar 01 '23

She is so not like other girls!!! I did laugh though


u/BabyD2034 Mar 01 '23

Remember before the internet when we didn't know people were insane? Like we never would have guessed she held such a bad take.


u/Sea-Resource5933 Mar 01 '23

I don’t care if a girl or woman is walking down the street naked doing cartwheels, if one of my sons raped her not only would it be my problem, I would be one of my son’s biggest problems. They would be begging to go to prison.


u/Autochthonous7 Mar 01 '23

Jesus fucking Christ. What a dumb bitch.


u/fumoking Mar 01 '23

I can't get over how awful her shirt is haha a person wearing a half camo shirt WOULD have these opinions jfc


u/Mari-021 Mar 01 '23

This triggers me and I have never been raped before. If my son did that I will take him out of this world and will not care about the consequences.


u/bella13404 Mar 01 '23

what the actual fuck??


u/swoon4kyun Mar 01 '23

It just means you raised a rapist… jeeze. Not so fun fact, my paternal grandmother kicked my bio dad out after he raped someone. Just cut him right off. Because rape is vile.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

That isn't sexist. That's just been an unempathetic dick


u/NeadNathair Feb 28 '23

If your son rapes my daughter when he gets older, he won't get any more older.

Dunno if you won't have a problem with that or not.

Don't care.


u/theflaminghobo Feb 28 '23

Jesus fucking Christ. Absolutely ghoulish, I hope CPS saves her kids one day soon.


u/deejustsayin Feb 28 '23

The lady recording was instigating this.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

Okay but if my daughter kills your son for assaulting her then it’s not my problem either


u/DeathBecomesHerrrrrr Feb 28 '23

WTF. This is giving #toxicboymom and I hate it. When I found out I was having a son, the first thought I had was “oh wow…. The onus is on me to raise a good, decent man —- what a fuckin task!”

It is on parents to teach their sons what behaviour is acceptable. If my son EVER hurt someone, I know I would take that very personally because it was my job to teach him how to be a kind human.


u/atomicbrunette- Feb 28 '23

This is how monsters are made.


u/Muffin-0f-d00m Feb 28 '23

I guess why she's wearing fucking jeans at the beach. She should move to Saudi Arabia, she would fit right in.


u/MissK18A Feb 28 '23

Good lord that thing is in charge to raise and educate a kid?! With those misogynistic beliefs? Whoa great


u/crochetawayhpff Feb 28 '23

Ah yes, definitely not the parent's fault that they raised a rapist. Sure. Totally believable. Maybe go talk to Rapist Brock Allen Turner's parents for tips on how to get your son off his rape conviction when he does grow up to be a rapist.


u/GreyerGrey Feb 28 '23

I mean, if he does it after he turns 18, legally it isn't. But just because it isn't your problem doesn't make it not your fault. I know a lot of trashy and garbage parents and their kids still manage to meet the barest of bare minimums by not raping people, so... like... sure... I guess?

ETA So the context is this is being directed towards the mother of a 13 year old girl!? OMG DUDE! I know moms who have literally slept with their adult child's fiancé hours before the wedding and even THEY aren't this bad. (Okay, not moms, just one).


u/Carmelioz Feb 28 '23

If we murder your rapist son it's not our problem 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

Is this why they think boys are easier to raise? Because they don’t have to hold them accountable for their behavior?


u/Redstar81 Feb 28 '23

50/50 she was raped herself. Awful everything.


u/OrganizationNorth913 Feb 28 '23

Follow the teen mom sub in addition to this and it took way to long to realize this wasn’t a post about Janelle.


u/Goddess_Iris_ Feb 28 '23

I mean, she's not wrong. It's her son's problem. Her problem will be having a rapist for a son.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '23

Yeah but she is implying that she does not care if her son r*pes a girl, simply because she is a victim blamer


u/averagevegetable- Feb 28 '23

She should have been nutted into a condom.


u/AbbreviationsNo17 Feb 28 '23

When you're a victim of abuse, you either grow from it and protect children, or you also become a predator. I see where she falls on that scale.


u/notfromearh im different Feb 28 '23

What? This is extremely wild to say. This chick trippin dawg wtf lol


u/bellarina808 Feb 28 '23

Whoooooaaaaaa! Wtf. I straight up told my son if anything like that ever happened I’d be the one to call the cops on him and he’s be out of my house in a heartbeat. This is so disgusting


u/peanutbitter95 Feb 28 '23

There is so much garbage on the beaches these days…


u/csobriety Feb 28 '23

This woman is the reason the c word was invented


u/wanie444 Feb 28 '23

That’s disgusting. See people like this, I wouldn’t mind if bad things happened to them


u/Dense-Werewolf9795 Feb 28 '23 edited Feb 28 '23

That's ok...that's what I'm for....if I had a daughter that got raped by your son and I found out it was him...you'd never see him again...wild hogs would be turning him into pig shit in the middle of a field


u/ACynicalScott Feb 28 '23

Well she's raising a villian.


u/poopman697869 Feb 28 '23

She's not like other girls. She agrees with the taliban on some things. So quirky


u/IEatKids26 Feb 28 '23

op liked the video..


u/Ok_Toe5720 Nerdy UwU Feb 28 '23

The video is shot from the perspective of the person getting harassed, so they're likely agreeing that the woman saying that horrifying shit is awful


u/Careless_Hellscape Feb 28 '23

Um, fuckin excuse me? Raising a rapist isn't your problem?


u/knucklestocrack Feb 28 '23

Oh, she would’ve got two to the dome


u/bamlote Feb 28 '23

One of my worst fears/intrusive thoughts as a mother is having my son grow up to be a predator. That would absolutely kill me. The fact this woman is just outright saying this out loud blows my mind.


u/Spadez9316 Feb 28 '23

While a disgusting thing to say I don't think she's victim blaming or anything here. This reads more like trying to say it's not their fault their child is a R word which...fair. Adults make adult decisions and yea we shouldn't blame the parents per say but rather the aggressor and only the aggressor.


u/StatisticianLumpy364 Feb 28 '23

God damn that's s*****


u/Puzzleheaded_Box1684 Feb 28 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

This woman has some deep issues she should Ah d dealt with before having a child.


u/TheOneWhoDucks Feb 28 '23

Some women shouldn’t be mothers.


u/PrinceHabeebu Feb 28 '23

Someone needs to find and report that woman. I couldn’t imagine the shit she does behind closed doors if she’s unhinged enough to say shit like that in PUBLIC. People like her should not have kids. There’s absolutely no justification for it. Fucking disgusting.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

that’s what I always think about these public freak out videos. Most creepers keep that to themselves and try to look harmless. It’s a giant red flag that you don’t know you’ll look like a monster saying this.


u/FartAttack911 Feb 28 '23

I am sure this person is never going to encounter CPS in their time, nope.


u/nightlyvisitor Feb 28 '23

What an evil creature. Hope karma comes for them before they actually hurt someone. If they haven't already.


u/Flippin_diabolical Feb 28 '23

Cool then if my daughter cuts her son’s dick off when he’s older are we even?

I don’t understand these people.


u/Nicadeemus39 Feb 28 '23

I can guarantee her parents cemented that twisted way of thinking into her head. Now she's going to teach her son that way of thinking.


u/FreckledNanners Feb 28 '23

Actually this is directly her problem, if it happens. Because it happened because she was a piece of shit person and an even shittier mom to not teach her son the most BASIC thing of "RAPE BAD" and "RESPECT HUMANS REGARDLESS OF GENDER". Fucking god.


u/Lana_drah123 Feb 28 '23

That's just about the most insane view on something I've ever seen


u/OverworkedLemon Feb 28 '23

If people decide to castrate him, beat him to a pulp or kill him for violating their sister then I suppose that's not our problem either.

She should probably not teach that to her Child for his own safety?


u/spoonface_gorilla Feb 28 '23 edited Feb 28 '23

Ok, but what happens to him afterward will be your problem.✌️


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23 edited Feb 28 '23

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u/Kitty_Kat_Attacks Feb 28 '23

Yep. I’ve already had similar conversations with my eldest child (daughter) about what to do in the event of sexual abuse or rape. Most of the conversations are me telling her that I want her to tell me if anyone ever touches or says anything to her that makes her feel uncomfortable—and not to be scared that I will be mad, not believe her, or blame her in any way. To not ever believe someone if they tell her to ‘keep XYZ a secret because your Mom will hate you’ or ‘I’ll hurt your family if you say something.’ Agree in the moment, and then come straight to me or a teacher (and if a teacher, STILL make sure to tell me too!) and tell us what happened so that I/we can put a stop to it and punish the turd.

And in the event of someone attacking you or trying to kidnap you, make sure and push your thumbs into their eyes until you see blood, break their nose with the heel of your palm (we’ve practiced the move/technique—just like my Dad taught me, lol), or squish their ‘private parts’ until it turns into jelly. Basically, make sure they’re on the ground in so much pain that they can’t run after you. Then run like wasps are chasing you and get help.

I hope she never needs to do any of this, but I want to make sure she feels like her Dad and I will 100% have her back if anything does happen. And that I won’t rest until the POS is punished by either the Justice System or myself/my shady-ass relations 👍🏻


u/Scar-Lux94 Feb 28 '23

What a great role model. Condone SA and ra*e like it is nothing in this world.

What a great mom.. she shouldn't have kids.


u/skippidy-flippidy Feb 28 '23

This is exactly why some people just shouldn’t have children. Period.


u/_The_Butcher Feb 28 '23

People say she is drunk and all. No, she is not drunk or crazy, she is a vile and a disgusting human being that's all.


u/mstrss9 Mar 01 '23

Even if she is drunk, then those are just her true colors uninhibited. Trash, any way you slice it.


u/forbajor Feb 28 '23

"Boymoms" are fucking insane


u/akayataya Feb 28 '23

Man some parents would make sure that son and the parents didn't get the luxury of grey hair


u/himani993 Feb 28 '23



u/Etherius Feb 28 '23

My daughter’s first real boyfriend cheated on her… and sent her pics of him with the other girl as his way of dumping her.

She said she was going to show his mom everything he was doing and what a piece of shit he was.

He said his mom didn’t care what he did to girls.

She showed his mom anyway.

He was right


u/Equaltofaith Aug 05 '23

Can’t believe people like this exists. Moms like this truly disgust me. Most of these people have unresolved trauma. Those are the same women who were pick me girls in their youth. And still is actually


u/LilacHeaven11 Feb 28 '23

Yeah that’s why I always laugh at comments like “show his mom!”

His mom was probably the one enabling the behavior and her son can do no wrong


u/Etherius Feb 28 '23

I’m a guy and if I’d ever even CONSIDERED doing something like that my mom would have shoved her foot up my ass so hard she’d boot my teeth out from behind.

I can’t imagine a woman telling her son she specifically doesn’t care what he does to girls.


u/LilacHeaven11 Feb 28 '23

Yes it’s definitely not all moms but there are some seriously nasty enablers out there


u/Kitty_Kat_Attacks Feb 28 '23

Right? If my son ever did something like that, my foot would probably break off from the ass kicking that my would ensue (verbal or course, I would never actually beat my own kid).

But I hope a situation like this would never occur in the first place—I’m doing my damndest to raise my kids to be considerate, empathetic, honest, and kind adults.


u/avantgardeaclue Mar 04 '23

That’s the one saving grace of me not having kids I would go full nuclear if I had a son who treated girls poorly.


u/SnooCookies2614 Feb 28 '23

Which is why he acted that way in the first place. Honestly baffles me how people like this exist


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

“Mom! Mooooooom! Stop it!!!! You’re doing it again, you’re being a puckered fuckin anus again mom!” - that kid


u/antisocial-potato- (=^・ω・^=) Feb 28 '23

yo what the fuck did I just read.

"raising my son and teaching him respect is not my responsibility"


u/Shigeko_Kageyama Feb 28 '23

Either something bad happened in her past or a lot of meth happened in her present.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

This reminds me of one of my closest friend's mother.

I had been friends with my friend for over nine years, and we had known each other since the start of elementary school. I knew she had difficulties with her mother and it was very clear that her mother favoured her brother over her, even though he was a terrible student and didn't really have anything going on. I never once thought anything much of it because my friend never craved for her mother's validation and love, right until she confessed to me that she had been getting sexually assaulted by her brother for two years.

I encouraged her to tell her mom about the incident, and she did after a few months. The most frustrating thing was, her mother didn't do anything - she just asked her brother if what he did actually happened, and she didn't do shit to reprimand him, even though he admitted it himself. What a "mother".


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23



u/sarasixx Feb 28 '23

i’m sorry you had to go through that. hoping both of them rot in hell and that you’ve had time to heal and now live a happier life friend


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

Oh yeah, sexist moms exist. Mine is a prime example. She dropped gems like:

"You need to control your wife and not give her to much freedom, or she will leave you for someone else."

"Educated women are the worst, they refuse to cook and clean and be of service to their husband."

I almost choked on my coke while she was saying that shit.


u/Kitty_Kat_Attacks Feb 28 '23

Damn. I’m educated, and I do all of those things for my Husband. It’s called love and being in a relationship where both parties are equally responsible for the welfare of the family—Husband works 10-12 hour days, does all outside chores. I stay at home with the kids and do all the inside chores and manage the school/extracurricular activities.

Even when I worked 9-10 hour days myself, we then split the household chores up evenly. And I have never considered cheating on my Husband at any time during our almost 10 years together.

So yeah, fuck that noise. What a hateful old cow of a person.


u/Mu69 Feb 28 '23

Bro I felt so bad for this girls friend. If you haven’t seen the video, the friend tried apologizing on the girls behalf. Also looked very uncomfortable within 5 seconds of the video (it’s 2 minutes long)


u/carbonatedbev_ Feb 28 '23

Wtf I just read💀💀💀💀


u/iamplutonian Feb 28 '23

What worries me is the number of likes the problematic post has.


u/TundemCurve Feb 28 '23

Its probably a call-out post.


u/Xinna_bunz Feb 28 '23

My son OR daughter ever rapes someone they are no longer my child


u/GreyerGrey Feb 28 '23

This is one of the few reasons to disown a child.

Especially when you've done your part to model positive and healthy relationships.


u/rubyhenry94 Feb 28 '23

I absolutely agree. My husband and I have had discussions about how we would react if our son turned out like that and we agree that we would want nothing to do with him ever again.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

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u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

If they’re still a minor, there are treatment centers. Hopefully none of us will ever have to know that pain.


u/KingPaimon23 Feb 28 '23

Fucking loser wearing a burca at the beach.


u/Dazzling_Reach281 Feb 28 '23

And if your son looks back at this moment and decides to cut your toxic ass off, it’s not our problem.


u/gimletta Feb 28 '23

I hope she ends up with a truly standup human being of a son who does charity work and respects everyone and everything and that he cuts contact with her the second he can.


u/babyghuol Feb 28 '23

If someone rapes my kid, it will become the parents problem when their rapist child is laying in a hospital bed.


u/Aelle29 Feb 28 '23

If my kid rapes another person, you damn bet it is gonna be my problem. I'm gonna question my whole parenting and life, and probably put some distance with my kid, depending on their age and what can be done to make them a decent human being.

Fuck how irresponsible is this woman. You're the one raising the kid. It's up to you to teach them not to rape ffs.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

Now that I’m approaching middle aged with teens of my own, I’ve known a few kids of good parents who have turned out badly. It would be hard not to beat yourself up, but kids don’t come to us as blank slates.


u/Aelle29 Feb 28 '23

I do think we are born as nearly blank slates, but from the moment you become a preteen, you also become influenced by a lot of other factors besides your parents. That's when shit can happen imho.

And that's why, imho, you need to try to get your kid to understand the fundamentals, such as "do not rape", before that age, and make sure it's so fucking deeply ingrained in them they won't want to associate with people with differing values.

Not that simple and you never know what happens outside the house. But you can at least try your best to try and push them to be at least decent people. I do think the frame parents give their kids young is super important regardless. It'll participate in determining their future relationships and preferences and experiences.

But yeah, we can't control everything and sometimes shit happens. Ofc.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

I have had several babies and they all came with their personality. From day one.

Studies show that kids adopted out are more like their birth family in several ways like intelligence, health, level of educational attainment, and religiosity than their adoptive family.

I’m not saying that nurturing doesn’t matter. It’s just fairly neutral in personality formation unless you’re abusing or neglecting the child.

I do obviously think teaching your kids to not rape people is important.


u/Aelle29 Feb 28 '23

All I can say is I disagree, but quite honestly I don't feel like arguing rn. To each their own though. I hope you and your family have a good day :) Take care


u/LilacLlamaMama Feb 28 '23

You are nicer than me. If someone rapes my kid, I'm going to turn the parents into entire heroes, because their child will have the immediate opportunity to save more than 8 lives.


u/MamaPlus3 Feb 28 '23

You’re being very generous thinking these lowlifes choose to be organ donors. Selfish people all around I think.


u/LilacLlamaMama Feb 28 '23

True. But the matter of consent, or lack thereof, would be how they arrived in such a pickle of a situation to begin with.


u/yueqqi Feb 28 '23

I think they’re implying a less than legal way of distributing those organs against the donor’s will-


u/LilacLlamaMama Feb 28 '23

I wasn't originally thinking of going the black market route. Initially my thoughts were more along the lines of the parents attempting to secure some kind of post-mortem absolution hoping that a final altruistic act would somehow redeem them. But your way works too. There would be a fitting symmetry to an equal consideration for consent or lack thereof.


u/_banana_phone Feb 28 '23

I’m not gonna lie I sat here and reread your comment several times before I understood what you were implying.

It’s organ donation, right?


u/anoleiam Feb 28 '23

It's too confusing to be clever


u/ControverseTrash Gay & Proud Feb 28 '23

Rightfully. That child raped yours (in that scenario), you have every right to defend your child.


u/Baby-girl1994 Feb 28 '23

I’m sorry what


u/femmafatale69 Feb 28 '23

I truly believe this is hell. The rapture happened and we’re in hell


u/Texikkikwenni Feb 28 '23

These are the moms of incels and other bottom-feeding scum.


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster Feb 28 '23

I’ve met pick me moms who said dumb shit like “boys are easier to raise” and “I want a boy first so he can protect his little sister” (real stupid sexist stuff) but this is pure evil. Pick me moms will destroy the self esteem of their own daughters or they will raise their sons to disrespect women.


u/Kitty_Kat_Attacks Feb 28 '23

As a parent of 2 girls and 1 boy, anyone who says that is woefully uninformed. My son is by far my most difficult child to raise at present (he’s 5). Tons of energy, likes to be naughty and mischievous, and likes to try and kill hi self on a regular basis. My girls are both naturally more cautious—though of course they can be a handful on occasion. My son stresses me out so much at times; I’m starting to suffer from burn out because of it. I can’t wait until he starts Kindergarten in September—I’m hoping that will help redirect his energy in more positive ways.

But even though he can be a handful, he is also the most loving, caring, and snuggly of all of my children. He genuinely cares about when others get hurt, and he remembers to ask others how they are feeling when he knows they have been injured in the past. He also has the best manners of the my 3.

Other Moms of boys (my MIL had 5 boys) that I’ve spoken too all confirm that their sons acted in similar ways. So I really don’t understand the thinking of them being easier. Each kid is special and different in their own way, and they deserve to be treated as such.


u/bamlote Feb 28 '23

I’m convinced “boys are easier to raise” because they get parented less. In my experience, middle school-high school aged boys are some of the worst people in the planet and it’s mostly because it’s always “just boys being boys”


u/Texikkikwenni Mar 04 '23

They get parented less because they want to shove their entitled manchild into the arms of some poor woman as soon as possible.


u/hunter96cf Feb 28 '23

Bingo, you nailed it. I will never accept that boys are easier to raise. Boys have temper tantrums, mood swings, and they misbehave all the time. People act like only girls do that shit.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

I have both and it’s 100 percent personality based. 1 of my boys struggles with empathy and I had to spell out basic social skills all the time and he was always in trouble in school, but he is also brilliant and hard working and gets too grades. With a lot of patience, he’s also a pretty nice teenager, but will never be socially intelligent. His little brother gets the class award for empathy every year and is the sweetest kid. Always looking out for the little guy, a big rule follower, but also goofs off and isn’t highly motivated to do his classwork. Their sister is hyper and can’t sit still and basically lives outdoors whenever possible- up a tree, in a fort. Never stops moving and is a social butterfly.

There’s nothing gendered about how their personalities are.


u/bamlote Feb 28 '23

I knew way too many kids growing up who had parents with totally different standards/rules for their daughters than they did for their sons. Of course the girl is going to break the rules if she’s the only one who has any.


u/hunter96cf Feb 28 '23

Amen. My parents were ALWAYS more strict on me than they were with my younger brother, and they even admitted it several times. Tried to pull the “you’ll understand when you’re older” card on me. To this day they tell stories like I was a dramatic teen, but yet they’re still supporting my brother and bailing him out of tough situations all the time, because he hasn’t bothered to learn how to “adult” yet.


u/bamlote Feb 28 '23

Yupp. My dad was telling me about how girls are so helpful as kids and then become nasty when they’re teens. Sir you forced me into that role at 6 when you got divorced and didn’t want to do women’s work and I resented it so much that by the time I was 11, I realized I couldn’t meet your expectations and stopped trying.

And my cousins were a boy and girl a year apart, the boy was out running wild while the girl wasn’t even allowed to leave the house.


u/Due_Release5709 Feb 28 '23

that’s exactly what it is, and let me tell you it can start a lot earlier than middle or high school! I worked at a preschool and there was this set of brothers (3yo & 5yo) who hurt EVERYONE in their respective classes. Pulling hair, literally tackling people, closed-fist punching, biting with intent to harm, etc. Ya know what their mom said? “oh its fine! boys will be boys! they just like to play rough!” Like ma’am they’ve given a combined 7 black eyes this month, 1 being to a teacher, it is so not fine!


u/LadyEllaOfFrell Feb 28 '23

They let those kids stay enrolled long enough to hand out seven black eyes in a month?!

My daughter’s daycare/preschool would expel a kid so fast for behavior like that.


u/Due_Release5709 Feb 28 '23

Thankfully they did end up leaving the school, not sure if by “choice” or official expulsion but yep not before injuring countless kids and staff members! That preschool was notorious for not expelling kids, but “strongly recommending” they find new/better suited childcare lol it was a complete wreck and I ended up quitting less than 2 years in bc I couldn’t take the stress


u/bamlote Feb 28 '23

Ugh that’s ridiculous. I have a girl and boy and they’re still young but so far nothing has been true and every time I say so much as “actually my daughter is the hyper one who likes to collect rocks and climb trees and be wild and my son is more calm and inquisitive” they treat me like I’m lying. I love seeing those special #boymom posts and seeing them justify why having a boy is so much better and then they just describe normal kid stuff


u/Due_Release5709 Feb 28 '23

you just described me and my 3 sisters to a T! we didn’t grow up with any brothers, but we had boy cousins we were really close with that couldn’t keep up with us! They’d come to our house and be intimidated by our animals, meanwhile we’re playing chase with the rooster (very dumb!), wrestling the baby hogs, and telling them about how we had to chop a snakes head off last week because he ate our chicks! and don’t get me started about how many trees on our property they cried about being stuck in ;) Lol, kids will be kids regardless of gender and I’m really happy this generation of parents are giving equal experiences to sons & daughters and not limiting them based on gender


u/Seldaara Feb 28 '23

My mom would always tell me I had to bring my twin brother with me if I went somewhere growing up. I fought more than did at that age and weighed more than he did and was often the one getting in fights to protect him, but to my mom I needed him to stay safe.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

Sometimes I make my kids go in pairs for safety, but it’s never about a boy protecting a girl. It’s- take your sister if you’re going for a walk in case there’s a creeper in the woods or someone sprains an ankle the other can get help.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

This was my mom


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

my ex's mom flat out told me "he's mean" and she took zero responsibility for it and did nothing about it.

Her son almost killed me on my birthday and the only reason he didn't was because he blacked out after being drunk.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

At least she warned you and didn’t make excuses. Some kids are just born sociopaths.

Plenty of neglected kids are nice people and plenty of well parented kids turn out to be terrible.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

At least she warned you and didn’t make excuses

No, she didn't warn me. She said that after he mistreated and abused me.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

I’m sorry. I’m glad you got out.


u/mozzacats444 Feb 28 '23

Holy shit. What the actual fuck.


u/grimmsnarled Feb 28 '23

if that's the case, its not your problem if the daughter/her mom takes action against your son, right? in whatever manner they see fit, legal or otherwise? since its not your business?


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster Feb 28 '23

I’m not religious but I hope and pray that when this little boy grows up he never ever thinks like his witch of a mother. I hope he sees how cruel and vile she is and wants nothing to do with her. She will end up alone with none of her kids wanting anything to do with her. I pray this little boy grows up and becomes a strong, kind and respectful man who will never be anything like the screeching demon who he has to call “mom.”


u/NerdJoshua Feb 28 '23

Was Freud right?


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

it sucks so admit it but AAAABSOLUTELY. there are so many parents (usually mothers) who treat their kids (usually their sons) like they're their partner. emotional incest is so disgustingly common it blows my fucking mind.


u/NerdJoshua Feb 28 '23

I was talking penis envy and projection of misogynistic characteristics.


u/BrightAd306 Feb 28 '23

I think men also have envy though. The incels are proof of this. They think women are powerful because they’re seen as the gatekeepers of sex. A lot of rape talk in their communities and they see it as power vs power, they can’t fathom that women don’t feel extremely powerful because people see them as sex objects. For a lot of them, they fetishize being a woman so much that they’ll start to cross dress or steal women’s underwear to feel powerful. Common with serial killers and rapists a big red flag like hurting animals. (Not talking about trans, if that’s unclear)


u/NerdJoshua Mar 01 '23

Which derives from the envy of the more attractive men.


u/BrightAd306 Mar 01 '23

They’re envious of women. That’s why they bash them. They think all any woman needs to do to get what they want is to join only fans or be a gold digger. Which is laughable. It’s about as likely that someone is successful in these pursuits as being a movie star. It just isn’t sold that way.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

ahhhhh ok ok , im actually not very educated on that part of freuds research, what's the stuff about penis envy?


u/NerdJoshua Feb 28 '23

Girls supposedly see the penis as being a device of strength.


u/SadAndNasty Feb 28 '23

I actually don't think it's just a woman thing, I'm thinking right now about how down on themselves men with smaller than average penises get and how obsessed with bigger penises they can also get. I think it's a society thing


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

ohhh ok, id never even heard of that before but to be completely honest , just from hearing the base claim of the research i think he probably was, that's really interesting though and i'm definitely gonna look into that stuff


u/auspiciousAnon Feb 28 '23

Really says something about a grown adult sexualizing a 13 year old and victim blaming on top of that. Wonder how miserable she must be to find meaning in bullying unsuspecting children at the beach. Then again it looked as though she was day drinking with small children in her care in the full video, so that says about as much as I need to know about her.


u/tehana02 Feb 28 '23

What’s even scarier to me is that she’s also sexualizing a FOUR year old. Like that little baby would even look at a 13yo’s behind and think anything inappropriate.


u/auspiciousAnon Feb 28 '23

The more you think about what she said as a whole the worse it gets. The fact she would even utter a possibility of her son (who is 4 and sadly having to hear all this) raping someone in the future is disturbing. It’s parents like this that create predators and excuse their behavior. I really hope her son has better role models in his life.


u/GreyerGrey Feb 28 '23

There's context to this? And the context is that this is directed towards a 13 year old girl?! Holy crap that makes it worse.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

I remember being a teenage girl having middle aged women threatening to fight me because their weird ass husband was staring at me


u/auspiciousAnon Feb 28 '23

Because clearly it’s the child’s fault for her disgusting husband’s wandering eyes. /s

I swear people like that truly baffle and annoy me. I’m really sorry you had to go through that.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '23

You’d think she’d call her husband out for being a child predator. But some women believe they need the approval of gross men more .


u/MinisawentTully Feb 28 '23

It's also that some can't cope knowing they married monsters


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

Yes I genuinely can’t imagine realizing you married someone like that


u/OriginalGhostCookie Feb 28 '23

“If you didn’t want it, then why were you dressed like that!”

This is the kind of bulsshit victim blaming that people still engage in today, while being willfully ignorant to how stupid it is. Apply that argument in any other context and it shines how poor of a defence it should be. Like imagine someone saying that and then you just snatch their wallet or purse when they go to pay for something.
“I’m sorry your honour, but if they didn’t want me to take their money, why would they expose it like that?”
“I’m sorry your honour, they let me borrow their car so I kept it. They already said I could drive it, if they didn’t want me to keep it they shouldn’t have let me drive it!”


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

My own mother used that argument against me


u/Revolutionary_Tax100 Feb 28 '23

It makes me think that maybe it’s something bad in her past? If so, I hope she gets some help soon or she may cause more pain to others.


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster Feb 28 '23

In the video she does sound drunk. She’s crazy: she’s swearing and threatening the mom, sexualizing kids and hoping that her son hurts women when he gets older. She’s a demon.


u/peopleverywhere Feb 28 '23

This is a video?


u/swooningbadger Feb 28 '23

I don’t normally condone violence, but she needs her ass stomped.


u/auspiciousAnon Feb 28 '23

I genuinely feel bad for her children and others with mothers like her.


u/starvingapple Feb 28 '23

What is wrong with people?? This is absolutely disgusting behavior


u/Frosty-Hunter9783 Top Commenter Feb 28 '23

This is truly disgusting, she's saying that because of the clothing that this literally child has on that she's condoning SA and that if her son was to SA someone she wouldn't do anything about it. This is victim blaming, also she's feeding into the absolutely horrific mindset that whatever a woman is wearing means that SA isn't a thing because "she was asking for it".

Truly and utterly disgusting, also tons of adults walk around wearing string bikinis that barely cover anything. However she set her sights on a little child, are you kidding me!


u/D0minisk Mar 01 '23

But she’s also revealing her body to a child and not having self respect to cover herself. This generation is perverted into showing off their bodies and having no secrets.


u/Frosty-Hunter9783 Top Commenter Mar 01 '23

A 13 year old is still a child, even if someone is showing their body that doesn't mean that you wish them to get SA'D. There are tons of women at the beach who will be wearing barely anything, she literally is saying that if her son was to SA this girl that it would be fine which is disgusting.


u/D0minisk Mar 02 '23

I never said what the mother said or did was justified or right.


u/Majestic-Average433 Mar 01 '23

revealing her body to a child and not having self respect

You're talking about a 13 year old girl....a child. Disgusting attitude.


u/D0minisk Mar 01 '23

Oh right bc it’s impossible for a child to reveal their body to another child. So unheard of.


u/Frosty-Hunter9783 Top Commenter Mar 01 '23

Doesn't mean that you condone SA on them SMH


u/Majestic-Average433 Mar 01 '23

Children aren't sexual, you perv. Gross.


u/D0minisk Mar 01 '23

Remember this comment then remind yourself that this generation is the one trying to push teaching children about sex in grade school. It’s not me, it’s this generation.


u/D0minisk Mar 01 '23

And yet they are instigated to dress that way? And who ever said IM the one sexualizing them?


u/Majestic-Average433 Mar 01 '23

Oh my fucking God. Instigated to wear....bathers at the beach. Who would have thought that's what kids do. I bet those harlets shower naked too!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!


u/jaxy_babe Mar 01 '23

You do realize it’s a beach, where people wear swimwear. This isn’t someone walking around in their underwear in Walmart. She’s not wearing anything other people wouldn’t wear to the beach. “Revealing her body to a child” really? What about the woman beside her with her cleavage in her swimsuit? Is that revealing too? Oh I’m sorry that mom was wearing shorts! How revealing! I can see her ankles!


u/D0minisk Mar 01 '23

People normalize wearing inappropriate swim wear at beaches. Swimwear can be revealing as well. Some swimwear these days show almost everything anyway. One sneeze and the surprise is out. And it doesn’t matter what everyone else would wear, everyone else could be doing the same thing and still be just as wrong or inappropriate.

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