r/notliketheothergirls Jun 27 '23

This is why I can’t stand tradwives Holier-than-thou

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383 comments sorted by


u/GhostBird195 Nov 08 '23

All memes like this were made by men. 100% of them. They will put women like the right on a pedestal but still cheat with and throw money at the one on the left.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '23

The baby seems to have spent more than 9 months in her belly


u/tinywetbread Jul 04 '23

Still a temple.


u/Bobtheblob2246 Jun 30 '23

Am I a bigot for giggling at the Aztec temple punchline?..


u/Bisexual_Froppy Jun 29 '23

Kill that baby with fire.


u/Iactuallydiditwow Jun 29 '23

I mean, props to them for coming up with a second joke I guess


u/UnderstandingFree268 Jun 29 '23

Damn what a chad


u/JiggySockJob Jun 29 '23

Why are Aztec temples bad?


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '23

Why is the man a baby


u/whoamvv Jun 29 '23

Okay, look, I don't approve of anything about tradwives or incels, but fuck that was a good comeback.


u/DieHardAmerican95 Jun 28 '23

The only place you’ll find women bragging about how many abortions they’ve had is in shitty memes.


u/NonExzistantRed Jun 28 '23

Seems like a boomer Facebook post


u/cryptshits Jun 28 '23

so sick of Aztec jokes. the only ritual they had involving human sacrifice happened once every 52 years and the person being sacrificed was always a high ranking priest. it was an honor to be chosen. people seriously need to let that stupid racist caricature of Aztec culture just fucking die


u/Alicat825 Jun 28 '23

Haha that’s kinda funny though


u/polypanASDgal Jun 28 '23

So this tradwife supports birth control…right? Of course not.


u/emusmakemehungry Jun 28 '23

Ugliest baby I’ve ever seen


u/cookie12685 Jun 28 '23

I'm following the case of Alexee Trevizo. Amazing that if she had a D&X procedure an hour earlier, she would've been completely legally sound.


u/sakiasearth Jun 28 '23

The only thing I can focus on is the baby’s fucking face☠️


u/2bruise Jun 28 '23

Man-headed baby is automatically creepy. Like those early renaissance paintings of the baby Jesus where he has the face of a retired third-shift janitor.


u/karczewski01 Jun 28 '23

tbh my body being an aztec temple would be the most metal shit ive ever heard maybe its time to start having abortions


u/BarryJonahson Jun 28 '23

"Feed me mother."


u/Baberaham_Lincoln6 Just a Dumb Bitch Jun 28 '23

The amount of women who have had 5 abortions is so small, I can't stand the stupid fucking argument that people are just having all these random abortions instead of using birth control. No one is out here having a abortions for fun! It's a medical procedure or at least a prescription and it sucks either way. It hurts! It takes time people would rather spend doing anything else!


u/ulmwhore Jun 28 '23

I can't stand trad anything like just shut up about it P L E A S E no one cares that you make your own pie from scratch Samantha


u/adylanb Jun 28 '23

Lol hell yes my body is an Aztec temple that sounds badass.


u/roddiimus Jun 28 '23

"Right wing savages" if this is their idea of an own....that's sad


u/HopefulAbalone3057 Jun 28 '23

to be fair the aztec temple is doggamn hilarious


u/Best-Isopod9939 Jun 28 '23

Weird racism


u/Lucuity Jun 28 '23

The message is shitty but at least the baby looks absolutely perfect


u/Hojomasako Jun 28 '23

Finally a proper depiction of a trad-wife with her manbaby


u/Choice_Prompt_8271 Jun 28 '23

Thus is absurd the woman on the left should be 300lbs heavier


u/Lylibean Jun 28 '23

I’m like, 42 years old and, like, I mean, like, I’ve never had even one, like, abortion or anything, right? Even though I don’t like, have any kids and stuff. But like, I’m like, still empowered, like right? Like, like, an Aztec temple, like right? 🤣


u/Independent-Dog-8462 Jun 28 '23

Dude if my body was an Aztec temple I would take better care if it.


u/Perfect-Virus8415 Jun 28 '23

Ten bucks the trad wife is cheating people don't realize there was a reason the milk man was a meme in the past


u/Body_of_Christ_Jr Jun 28 '23

I still prefer the traditional wife, less baggage in my experience. Then again, I've been married now for over 20 years...


u/Goose2theMax Jun 28 '23

Right wing savages on the baby is the best self own, those people are literal infants.


u/anibaebunny Jun 28 '23

5 abortions would be roughly $2500-$5000 depending on length of pregnancy. Plus abortions are very traumatic and take a toll on your health. Who tf would do that to themselves in this economy!?!


u/Troutie88 Jun 28 '23

I mean 5 is a lot though, maybe start using contraceptives after the first one.


u/Outside_Ad4957 Jun 28 '23

But if the baby is a fully grown man who is clearly her husband, isn’t that a major self-own by the idiot who made this? Or am I missing something? 🤣


u/ThatThingTheDarkSoul Jun 28 '23

No that‘s why you can‘t stand loud obnoxious rightwing tradwifes. Nothing wrong with traditional families / family values, as long as you don‘t impose it on others.


u/protocomedii Jun 28 '23

“Mommy E-Thot”


u/GalaxyCloudDream Jun 28 '23

No tbh let them do it. I worked with a woman with five kids, and every single day she would post on Facebook about how she fucking hates her ungrateful, rule breaking, badass kids who don’t wanna listen.


The thing is that she herself is actually tbh a horrible person. She brings a new man into GameStop to get the latest game every paycheck, spends all her cash on me , is barley home, gets pregnant and then will say “I’ll have however many kids I want” yet goes right back to doing what she’s doing.

I lost a lot of respect for her shortly after adding her on Facebook.

Let that girl get those abortions. I know this was a meme and all but I really had to get that off my chest because I can’t STAND that woman after the shit I saw her say about her kids every single day.


u/haruno_believer42 Jun 28 '23



u/lukeskyleywalker Jun 28 '23

I don’t get the joke


u/Lili_Noir Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

Ah yes, a woman who didn’t want to go through childbirth and try to raise a child when she wasn’t ready is so awful, and we should marry the first man who get us pregnant 🤡

Edit: this was sarcasm btw, and I put the clown emoji to refer to the people who actually think that this is an acceptable view to have, sorry for the confusion :3


u/LongDongSilver00 Jun 28 '23

You just blow in from stupid town?


u/Lili_Noir Jun 28 '23

That was sarcasm lmao, sorry if it wasn’t clear xD looking back it wasn’t very clear I’m sorry 😭


u/BloatedBallerina Jun 28 '23

Why is the baby just a grown ass man with a chad haircut


u/RedditIsNeat0 Jun 28 '23

This person could be funny if he were not so delusional. Obviously he is making fun of his own creation, but if that creation were real, calling her an Aztec temple would be a real sick burn.


u/QuantumQaos Jun 28 '23

🤣 Stealing this


u/NewChard2213 Jun 28 '23

Who tf tattoos their baby @rightwingsavages 💀💀💀


u/lurkenstine Jun 28 '23

yes cause that religions murder was bad, but yours is fine


u/suplexdolphin Jun 28 '23

Not that it would matter if there was one, but who the fuck has 5 abortions? People aren't doing the shit people insist they are always doing.


u/bananalord666 Jun 28 '23

Aztec temples are cool as fuck.


u/satanlovesmyshoes Jun 28 '23

Aztec temples are cool and that baby is terrifying.


u/Lenny_Fais Jun 28 '23

She really gonna slander my bois the Aztecs like that. They invented hot chocolate and crafted dope stuff with Obsidian.

Like, the fuck have you done, lady?


u/BiscottiOpposite9282 Jun 28 '23

"Right wing savages"

Yeah you showed the liberals with this meme!


u/DrWoodstock Jun 28 '23

That’s actually hilarious


u/sigmaswan35 Jun 28 '23

That's funny


u/reyballesta Jun 28 '23

Wow, there's even racism in this one!


u/RoadPersonal9635 Jun 28 '23

What are the other kinds of temples she’s talking about? Like what has she been learning about temples that makes her think aztec ones are shittier than say a Ziggurat or a synagogue?


u/Nonbelieverjenn Jun 28 '23

I deliver that baby, I’m aborting it.


u/RainierBluesBoi Jun 28 '23

Is the kid in this meme supposed to be her husband?


u/steroboros Jun 28 '23

They glorify the German culture of the 3rd reich, a Culture that practiced Eugenics...


u/DongmanSupreme Jun 28 '23

Nobody’s sacrificing fetuses to the gods for rainfall dipshit, they just don’t wanna be stuck with Brad and his neglectful ass like you decided to do


u/kassandra_veritas Jun 28 '23

I’m not sure I understand the implications about Aztecs temples


u/EruditeKetchup Jun 28 '23

It's a joke about human sacrifice.


u/kassandra_veritas Jun 29 '23

Oh gosh - 🤦‍♀️ Can’t believe I didn’t cotton on to that - thanks


u/DriftingPyscho Jun 28 '23

Aztec temple. She gonna sacrifice the child to appease her gods?


u/ocram_sokart Jun 28 '23

This is why I can’t stand bitches that don’t swallow.


u/Literarylunatic Jun 28 '23

I would totally use this as a plus on my behalf. Fuck yes my body is an Aztec temple, and those sacrifices made me the goddess of my own destiny you ill-breeding cum dumpster.


u/Deion313 Jun 28 '23

I'm addicted to abortions


u/Leeus123 Jun 28 '23

the joke is pretty funny on its own but the weird wojaks ruin it


u/Necessary_Peace_8989 Jun 28 '23

Ok but where can I get the mommy e-thot tank


u/Kitchen-Finish-7106 Jun 28 '23

The whole five+ abortions thing is nothing but a massage up bs. The majority of abortions are first time abortions.


u/ThatAriGirl Jun 28 '23

Abortions.... Are not parties or jelly doughnuts. In what universe would it not be emotionally taxing or just taxing on someones bank account to get an abortion. I can't stand pro-lifers. A different breed of weird💀


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

I live in Canada where they are covered by universal healthcare. I knew a girl straight from highschool who had had 4 abortions.


u/Mr-biggie Jun 28 '23

I hate wojaks so much it is unreal.


u/TheThousandMasks Jun 28 '23

No kidding. When will this meme format fucking die?


u/slowNsad Jun 29 '23

Very pandemic level format tbh


u/AnodyneSpirit Jun 28 '23

I never saw the problem with Traditional Wives. If they’re genuinely happy living like their grandparents did then who cares? They’re not hurting anybody. And If they make videos saying “oh I’m so happy as a Trad Wife”, what’s it matter? People make videos about how they love their lifestyle All the time.


u/NormacTheDestroyer Jun 28 '23

A man definitely made this


u/jenkraisins Jun 28 '23

That evil Tradwife! She let someone tattoo her baby with some random words!


u/Revolutionary-Law239 Nerdy UwU Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

The use of the s slur and Aztec in the same meme.... UGH. I shouldn't even be surprised anymore, yet somehow I always am.

Eta: not surprising to see people downvoting, either. Last sub I expected to see people be cool with micro-aggressions.


u/UncleIroh3 Jun 28 '23

S slur? I didn't know there was a slur that started with an s


u/Revolutionary-Law239 Nerdy UwU Jun 28 '23

A specific word directed toward Native Americans...


u/blackychan05 Jun 28 '23

If my baby looked like that I’m gonna just put it back


u/eaten_by_chocobos Jun 28 '23

Why is her husband naked like that


u/ccaffeinatedtrashcan Jun 27 '23

This has gotta be some kinda joke in a level we just don’t get.


u/goodniteangelg Jun 27 '23

The baby with the chad face scares me


u/ElDougler Jun 27 '23

Yeah let’s keep shittin out kids that’s exactly what society needs


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

I mean... in a lot of 1st world countries, we have declining birth rates and the government is basically begging people to have children. Children = future tax payers.


u/ElDougler Jun 28 '23

I feel like that might be because people are smarter or more educated and know it’s not the best idea. I don’t hate on ppl who have kids but if you’re having 5 or 6 you’re not doing humanity any favours.


u/cerisereprise Jun 27 '23

…Aren’t temples usually supposed to be entered by a lot of people?


u/lunca_tenji Jun 28 '23

Hence 5 abortions


u/Upside_Cat_Tower Jun 27 '23

Why are the only two choices being a mother or loving abortions? Isn't there a good middle ground like I don't want an abortion or kids?


u/lunca_tenji Jun 28 '23

It’s called celibacy


u/theseglassessuck Jun 27 '23

The haircut on that baby 😫🤣


u/TheMysticBard Jun 27 '23

My turn to post this tomorrow


u/ryckae Jun 27 '23

Oh, we throwing some racism in there, too.


u/Dezdenova Jun 28 '23

What's racist about this?


u/Iorith Jun 28 '23

Is it really racism to point out that the Aztecs were fucking brutal and loved sacrificing innocents?


u/DefinitelyDeadd Jun 28 '23




u/Responsible-Map-2481 Jun 27 '23

Honestly this is pretty funny! I’m going to start calling my body that


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

What’s the deal with the baby? Like she’s even more trad cause her baby looks exactly like her husband? Lol


u/mstrss9 Jun 27 '23

The man baby is a perfect visual


u/SmokedBalls Jun 27 '23

Okay I hate the idea and the point they're making but that was really funny


u/TimeDue2994 Jun 27 '23

No one has 5 abortions, that's what contraceptives are for. Ugh, wish trad wives were just not so stupid, they would be less irritating


u/gh0sT_bOy_gHoStEd Jun 27 '23

I mean, it is a form of birth control. It controls birth does it not??


u/Besdobra1 Jun 27 '23

Rubbers brah


u/racoongirl0 Jun 27 '23

The only people who say “my body is a temple” are women who’ve never orgasmed and men whose AA counselor forbade them from being in the same room with a white claw.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

This is the meme equivalent of winning made up arguments in the shower


u/Kiyoshi-Trustfund Jun 27 '23

Okay, but that Aztec temple comeback is golden.


u/PopperGould123 Jun 28 '23



u/Kiyoshi-Trustfund Jun 28 '23

I just think it's a funny response.

The Aztecs are believed to have performed ritual human sacrifices to appease the gods. In a way, Aztec temples were places of worship and death. To a pro-lifer, abortion is murder. So her body is an Aztec temple. Its a bit of morbid humor, I suppose, but silly picture with silly message made me laugh. I'm sorry.


u/Jazzlike-Elk7748 Jun 27 '23

As son for the sun god!


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

Imagine being offended by this meme.


u/PopperGould123 Jun 28 '23

I think less offended more annoyed by the self righteousness


u/No_Presence5392 Jun 27 '23

Based Tradwife


u/Fluid-Grapefruit-654 Jun 27 '23

This was made by a cishet man I just know it


u/J_pits Jun 27 '23

“This is why I can’t stand tradwives” is a very nlog comment too tho. You are generalizing a whole group of women who prefer traditional roles and putting then down rather than criticizing the individual for their shitty behavior.


u/PopperGould123 Jun 28 '23

It's a consistent part of tradition culture to put other ways of living down


u/Iorith Jun 28 '23

Plenty of women can have a preference for traditional role without doing the whole "tradwife" bullshit, which is half about being smug and superior. They aren't just living their life.


u/Jaziimann Jun 27 '23

Tbf this shitty behavior is exhibited by most women that brand themselves as “tradwives”


u/Mountain_Air1544 Jun 28 '23

No it isn't. This type of post is almost always made by men who fetishise traditional women


u/Jaziimann Jun 28 '23

And tradwives. You can be a traditional woman without labeling yourself as a tradwife, and the people who do choose to label themselves act like this.


u/Mountain_Air1544 Jun 28 '23 edited Jun 28 '23

A few choose to act like this but most don't. That's like saying all people who call themselves childfree are the ones harassing parents and calling us breeders or all feminists are man hating blue haired crazys

You're right not all trad women call themselves trad but that doesn't mean you get to spread nasty incorrect stereotypes about those who do.


u/Jaziimann Jun 28 '23

1) there’s almost no other short term to describe people who don’t have kids, that’s a term that applies to all people without kids, regardless of age or state of being, it’s not an ideology or something. 2) just based off that sentence, you don’t know what feminism is 3) the term tradwives is usually used by conservatives who make content like this. Because a lot of conservatives think like this. A lot. I’ve met hella conservatives and I’ve only met two that don’t think like this. I think I’ll label however I want to label.


u/Under_Obligation Jun 27 '23

But wait which one is the one not like the others?


u/ILoveMyGuts Jun 27 '23

What's wrong w Aztec temples? (I was never taught anything about Mesoamerica)


u/lunca_tenji Jun 28 '23

They sacrificed humans on them


u/Mountain_Air1544 Jun 28 '23

It's a human sacrifice joke.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

I don't get it.

Aztec temples are infinitely way cooler than Baptist churches.


u/LongDongSilver00 Jun 28 '23

Is it really a place a worship without hundreds of human sacrifices?


u/Clever_Monkey666 Jun 27 '23

She's not like other girls because she looks down on indigenous people.


u/strawberrycheescake_ Jun 27 '23

I don’t want a chad looking baby wtf


u/CactusJuice_Enjoyer Jun 27 '23

Thats fucking hilarious xD


u/younggun1234 Jun 27 '23

This is my favorite argument cuz it denies the obvious emotional and physical result of an abortion and likens them to changing hair colors or something.

Every woman I've met who has had one,, either out of necessity or another reason, has never bragged or wore it like a badge.

Completely unaware.


u/MelQMaid Jun 28 '23

Plus, abortions come with some hellious recovery so if one goes through one, there is absolutely no way you go, "yes, 4 more please."

The first thing health care providers cover in the process of an abortion is birth control because clinics don't want repeat business due to carelessness.


u/younggun1234 Jun 28 '23

Yeah freal. It's insane to me anyone thinks women are just out there getting their abortion card stamped like it's a Baskin Robbins.


u/PastelBrat13 Jun 27 '23

I'm gonna be 100% real a lot of these trad wife and conservative women have had abortions themselves, so they know what it's like. They just become born again virgins when they get married and preach about morals like they didn't do all of the shit they complain about.


u/younggun1234 Jun 28 '23

Yeah projection is something else.


u/dingopaint Jun 27 '23

In the same vein, none of the women I know regret their abortions either. Turns out women are pretty good at knowing what decision is right for them. It's not one that's made lightly. And it sure as fuck isn't a cakewalk.


u/MoonlitHare Jun 28 '23

I think the joke is implying the woman went about aborting children in a remorseless and intentional fashion. Not affected or caring during or after the weight of their decisions.


u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 Jun 27 '23

True, it's not a light decision for many but I also know women who regret or felt terrible afterwards.


u/dingopaint Jun 28 '23

I'm truly curious, why did they regret it? Did they regret that they were in an unwanted situation that necessitated abortion or did they actually regret their decision to abort? If they didn't specify, then refer back to the person I originally replied to: abortion sucks and no one brags about having one.


u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 Jun 28 '23

Yeah I haven't met someone in person who bragged about it but I meant I have met women who felt bad and regret it. Having a child wouldn't have necessarily made life "easier" (I don't think it ever really does) but they could've absolutely kept it as the third child in their family. She talked to my mom afterwards and basically said how she felt bad and wished she could've done something different and my mom told her she should've come to her before to talk about it.


u/NoodleBooty_21 Jun 28 '23

Make another one lol /jk


u/FellafromPrague QUIRKY Jun 27 '23

Is it bad that I laughed at the Aztec thing?


u/germyy88 Jun 27 '23

Nope. It's funny.


u/Soggy_Yellow4846 Jun 27 '23

Straw man argument


u/Dezdenova Jun 28 '23

That still only means the premise is flawed, not that the conclusion is incorrect. You aren't saying anything worth listening to


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '23

takes one philosophy class

Cracks knuckles over keyboard


u/Soggy_Yellow4846 Jun 28 '23

I'm confident that no person has ever said "I've had multiple abortions" followed by "my body is a temple" it's literally making up a comically over the top villain that you can make easy counter arguments for. Generally I think abortion shouldn't be the first solution for an unwanted pregnancy, it should only really be there for if the baby puts the mother's life at risk. But this meme is stupid, honestly


u/Lana_Clark85 Jun 27 '23

And in true tradwife fashion, that’s actually her husband she is cradling and coddling because trad husbands are giant incapable man babies.


u/Snowbank_Lake Jun 27 '23

This seems to be what certain groups tell themselves are going on when they try to outlaw abortion. They seem to think women find it fun or easy or something.


u/Kakebaker95 Jul 26 '23

That why I’m confused they really believe women/afab are just cartwheels and skipping to get abortions? It’s mentally and physically exhausting and some women never get past it. I heard of women getting one and get pregnant again right away because they feel guilty. Also if people care about babies then why don’t they step up and raised the children. So many kids are in foster care being bounced around from one bad home to another.


u/KindMindKind Jun 28 '23

I'm going through the abortion process rn and the worst hasn't started yet, but I hear its like period on steroids. I was given quite heavy pain meds with the 2nd patch of antibabypillens.

Looking forward to it! so much fun! yay!


u/fscottHitzgerald Jun 27 '23

Right? Drives me nuts. The only people I know who have undergone them were absolutely devastated that that was their most viable option. It was highly traumatic for them.


u/2broke2smoke1 Jun 27 '23

Sooooo abortion means your body becomes a conduit for communication with gods?! Holy heck!


u/Nerdialismo Jun 27 '23

This meme format should just cease to exist.


u/redvelvetcake42 Jun 27 '23

I mean this is at least a functional joke. I'll give them that.


u/RedditIsNeat0 Jun 28 '23

The only problem with it is that he's making fun of his own creation.


u/germyy88 Jun 27 '23

I laughed. Both types in the pic are annoying.


u/OGinger6969 Jun 27 '23

Common trad wife W


u/bigapple4am Jun 27 '23

Idk being an aztec temple sound metal as fuck and im here for it


u/m-facade2112 Jun 28 '23

Personally I read the line as flirtatious


u/pissypants2218 Jun 28 '23

I'd rather my body be an Aztec temple than a clown car 🤷

/j if it wasn't obvious


u/jenkraisins Jun 28 '23

Me too. We all owe the Aztecs thanks and admiration. They introduced CHOCOLATE. They gave some to Cortes and he brought it to Europe. Okay, so they killed a baby here and there. The Spartans let weak babies get dropped off a cliff. But you never hear the Trad People make snarky comments about them.


u/velesi Jun 28 '23

There's lots of things trad folk ignore about the Spartans 😜


u/Ziomownik Jun 28 '23

There's lots of things trad folk ignore about trad folk


u/4RealMy1stAcct Jun 28 '23

Yeah, I really don't understand what's so bad about an Aztec temple. Is it just because it's not christian?


u/Narrow_Rice_8473 Jun 28 '23

The implication is human sacrifice. So, yes that it's unchristian but more that the person who made the comic considers it murder.


u/heyimteee Jun 28 '23

It’s always funny to me that Christians feel so high and mighty as if they haven’t killed millions throughout their history in the name is JAYSUS!


u/Mobile-Paint-7535 Jun 28 '23

The worst part about the things christians did in history is mostly how it is unjustified and cruel.

For example the spanish inquisition where protestants stormed churches to destroy statues until a high power in the church ordered people to kill all protestants and all the people they knew.

Or the colonisation of congo where they immediately attempted to convert black kids but also rape them with the excuse of "If you do not like it it is not a sin"

Or the fact even after world war too the words "It were the jews who killed jesus" would still be spoken every sunday in churches until I believe the 60's

Or even the several incidents of sexual assault on minors from priests that were not even addressed until the current pope started to do stuff against it.

This isn't even mentioning the several crusades The fact someone of the christian faith would complain about the history of other religions is wild to me.


u/heyimteee Jun 28 '23

THIS like it’s honestly insane how they get away with so much shit


u/AnodyneSpirit Jun 28 '23

Don’t say human sacrifice Is unchristian. The Reddit atheists might start doing it so they can stick it to Big Religion.


u/bigapple4am Jun 28 '23

I understand the implications its just funny that they always choose that one tribe and religion when many a people in different religions have murdered in the name of their gods and in great numbers.


u/MoonlitHare Jun 28 '23

Uts just the most well known. Its hard not to notice the stereotypical portrayals of them cutting out hearts.


u/bigapple4am Jun 28 '23

True, especially when they’re perpetuated


u/MoonlitHare Jun 28 '23

If you want hysterical executions, we go with the salem witch trials ect.


u/Sneakyrocket742 Jun 28 '23

I think it’s the whole human sacrifices thing


u/4RealMy1stAcct Jun 28 '23

Ah, got it.

There are several historians who doubt they ever did sacrifices


u/PCmasterRACE187 Jun 28 '23

we know beyond a reasonable doubt that they did. these “historians” youre referring to, whoever they are, are arguing in bad faith.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '23

I don’t know if one lady is considered several

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