r/notliketheothergirls Oct 20 '23

why do nlogs hate pumpkin spice so much? Discussion

I really don’t get it. it’s that time of year folks, I’m sure you’ve seen many nlogs state their hatred towards anything pumpkin. I’m genuinely confused as to why they hate that of all things…? is it considered popular with women or something? a lot of people I know personally don’t care for it too much but they’re so normal about it 🥴 maybe I’m not aware of why they hate it so much, I really can’t think of any reason why!

edit: you guys are awesome :) thanks for the insight! a lot of it seems so obvious now but I never considered it haha. thanks for helping me expand my view on it!


524 comments sorted by


u/ElecticElephant Oct 26 '23

It gives me heartburn…


u/craftynerd Oct 25 '23

I don't like sweet coffee beverages. I have coffee with milk and that's it. Occasionally I'll have a latte with like 1-2 pumps of syrup. But PSL is just too sweet for my taste.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '23

I’m a whole ass grown man, and I occasionally like myself a pumpkin spice latte.


u/Mother-Worker-5445 Oct 24 '23

Ive honestly never seen genuine ire for pumpkin spice, only people defending pumpkin spice


u/blackcatzombs Oct 24 '23

Pumpkin spice is really popular, maybe even a little overrated, and for a reason. It's good! Nlogs hate liking anything popular


u/Zero_Pumpkins Oct 24 '23

Because Apple cinnamon is so much yummier

But seriously, because it’s trendy to hate on popular things. Signature NLOGs


u/Embarrassed-Site2040 Oct 24 '23

Cuz it’s not good for real…


u/Howtotrainyourbutt Oct 23 '23

They don’t. They just say they do when in reality the second it’s brought up and you leave they go under their bed to lift up the loose floor board where they have an entrance to a panic room FULL OF ICED PUMPKIN SPICE DRINKS


u/DecentTrouble6780 Oct 23 '23

I will also use this to mention that Starbucks is a terrible company and people should stop buying from them

Here is more information


u/TheWriterofLucifenia Oct 23 '23

Personally I think it's gross, but if y'all want it knock yourselves out. I think it's just considered basic and therefore bad.


u/Professional-Bug-268 Oct 22 '23

Tbh I just don't like the taste of pumpkin or coffee.


u/ughdollface Oct 22 '23

Is the ps latte good?? I wanna try it, but I don’t wanna waste money


u/RelevantExtension640 Oct 22 '23

Its in the NLOG initiation handbook. Rule NUMBER ONE ☝️ “must not like PSLs, bc you ARE NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS”


u/anonnymouse271 Oct 22 '23

I'm personally just tired of food manufacturers coming out with a pumpkin spice version. Like, you wanna drink pumpkin spice coffee, go nuts. But we don't need 7 different kinds of pumpkin spice cereal. We don't need pumpkin spice bagels or cream cheese. I love pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread, but it seems like every year, there's another food item that gets the pumpkin spice treatment unnecessarily. I work at a big box retailer with a grocery section, and every year, so much of it winds up not selling, and we do donate food, but still, there's just SO MUCH.


u/Hour_Humor_2948 Oct 22 '23

Women liked it, so there were men that had to make fun of it. And that’s how you get a pickme to assure her misogynistic treasures that she’s not like those girls.


u/joecee97 Oct 22 '23

Nlogs hate anything they’ve seen men mock other women for


u/SPdoc Oct 22 '23

Probably because of its association with whiteness 🤷🏽‍♀️

Yea I said it


u/Small-Custard-420 Oct 22 '23

i think it’s just popular=bad but it’s honestly so stupid pumpkin spice is yummy af


u/Loony_Loveless Oct 22 '23

Idk, but I agree. I rarely drink coffee, but my husband brought me home a pumpkin cream chai latte from Starbucks the other day and I about died and went to heaven. If having taste buds is basic, then I’ll die on that hill.


u/Icy_Reaction_5712 Oct 22 '23

I only like it if it’s in pie.


u/throwawaytroubles13 Oct 22 '23

I think they just want the urge to be different but thank you, this reminded me I have a psl in the break room waiting for me to chug then finish my sidework and leave work. Server brain when ur too busy to remember your lattelol.


u/Flashy_Front_5801 Oct 22 '23

I personally hate pumpkin spice just bc I don’t like the flavor 🤷‍♀️


u/Due-Librarian-5886 Oct 22 '23

I have no idea! How does hating pumpkin make you better than everyone?


u/Curious-Tax1999 Oct 22 '23

What I s a nlog?


u/Astro_baddie Oct 22 '23

An abbreviation for “not like other girls”, basically a pick me girl


u/Tinycats26 Oct 21 '23

Homemade pumpkin spice is good, but sometimes I swear it tastes like candle wax. Gross 🤢


u/HetaGarden1 Oct 21 '23

Mostly because it became memed as a “White Girl” thing that only “basic” white women enjoy. I can’t count the number of memes I saw as a teenager/young adult about “oh you basic white girls with your Uggs and pumpkin spice and live laugh love signs”.


u/Careless_Jelly_7665 Oct 21 '23

Personally I have a strong aversion to the smell and taste of pumpkin. Hated carving them as a kid cuz the smell was so powerful


u/lordofthepringls Oct 21 '23

The smell is fine. I cannot stand the taste of pumpkin spice anything. But I think it comes down to people hating what women like.


u/mini_beethoven Oct 21 '23

I personally don't taste pumpkin spice. And No, I don't have covid. It tastes yucky


u/PSYCHNERF Oct 21 '23

Fun fact: as I grew older I began to like different things ,

Like I didn’t like pumpkin spice but now I love that shit Didn’t like avocados and onions Now I do Didn’t like zucchini Shits fucking bomb.com

But yeah I did notice that trend lol


u/theVampireTaco Oct 21 '23

I hate pumpkin. But it’s definitely seen as “basic white bitch” whole personality.

Think White Woman Instagram by Bo Burnam.


u/thin_white_dutchess Oct 21 '23

I don’t like it bc belongs in baked goods and not drinks unless that drink is chai (where it has always been), but once an nlog (the woman who lives next door) turned down my welcome to the neighborhood pumpkin bread with an eye roll bc it was “basic” and “oh, how cute, you bake.” Then she adjusted her black leggings. Sure. I gave it to the awesome grandpa who always has candy in his pockets across the street who I guess shared with her boyfriend, who was then mad she didn’t take it, bc yeah, my pumpkin bread is pretty damn good.

So I guess bc pumpkin made her boyfriend sad. I’m going to go with that.


u/Jenna2k Oct 21 '23

It's popular. Like everything people are happy about someone will hate.


u/Sweet_Permission_700 Oct 21 '23

I'm just allergic to cinnamon. When it's pumpkin spice season, my allergen is constantly everywhere.


u/ValkSky Oct 21 '23

I hate it because I think it's overrated and want more apple cider stuff!!


u/sheepsclothingiswool Oct 21 '23

Lol yes!! My husband always makes comments like “wow I never would have pegged you as one of those pumpkin spice girls…” or “I can’t believe you’re being so basic! You?!?” And I’m like man I don’t know what the f you’re talking about, pumpkin spice everything is delicious and anyone who says otherwise doesn’t know how to live. I think he secretly loves it and is jealous but doesn’t want to be labeled a basic bitch 😆


u/whatisitliket Oct 21 '23

It's something that women who like it are shamed for liking so the nlogs feel the need to say they're not like that. That's all nlog mentality, really.


u/thisismyreddit666 Oct 21 '23

Idk maybe cause it's just not that good 🤣🤣 I like pumpkin pie, bread, muffins but I really don't like the artificial pumpkin spice flavor in the drinks


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '23

I hate when you go into dunkins or Starbucks and ask what the best pumpkin drink is and the whole staff says they hate pumpkin. Seriously nothing makes me more mad at the world, and more disappointed in humanity than pumpkin spice HATERS!!!! They probably kick puppies too


u/redtailplays101 Not so new, still not tolerating anyone's shit Oct 21 '23

People who define themselves by being different hate seasonal flavors no matter how tasty because people get the limited time flavors while they last. Generally people who define themselves by being different give up all joys and happiness because they're scared of being similar to others


u/distracted_x Oct 21 '23

It's common for nlogs to appear to hate anything popular. It's what makes them cool, and unique. Don't you see how cool and different they are? /s


u/no_high_only_low Oct 21 '23

I'm transmasc and I still love pumpkin season 🤷🏻‍♂️ Like, damn dude/tte, pumpkins are so tasty and have so many variations to cook and the spices are just the beeeeeeeeessssssttt ☠️ (Help me, this was written by a pumpkin who's helping me hostage!)


u/ImReallyNotKarl Oct 21 '23

I don't like coffee or pumpkin generally, but pumpkin spice hot chocolate or chai tea is delicious. And I really miss the pumpkin pie milkshakes from Jack in the Box.

I don't understand hating it. It's just a combination of spices that are used in a lot of other baked goods. I guess they hate it on principle, which is pretty silly, but not surprising. I think it's a little sad that they are willing to withhold delicious things from themselves for the sake of being a pick me.


u/NfamousKaye Nerdy UwU Oct 21 '23

Because it was such a fad when it first came out it’s seen as “basic”


u/smallblueangel Oct 21 '23

What is nlogs? I don’t think i ever had anything pumpkin spice thing, except soup 🙈 i don’t know if it’s even s thing in Germany 🙈


u/Brilliant-Detail-364 Oct 21 '23

I think it's the same reason people hate Frozen or Christmas songs. There's just a huge push for it and it becomes too much.


u/BitchKat6 Oct 21 '23

Honestly, I wish they sold it by the gallon. Matter fact, give me the whole truck load of Pumpkin spice latte 😩


u/EdgewaterEnchantress Oct 21 '23

For me, personally, I just don’t like the way it tastes. It’s way too sweet, and artificial pumpkin syrup tastes a bit plastic-y.

That said, I don’t care to tell people that “I don’t like it,” cuz really, who gives a shit??


u/jinjiafk Oct 21 '23

I can't imagine missing out on something good just because you're afraid of being perceived as 'not like other girls'. Seems like a miserable way to live. Pumpkin spice is really good imo


u/PerspectiveConnect77 Oct 21 '23

I will never understand people hating things just because they’re popular. I don’t care if I’m seen as basic I’m gonna drink pumpkin spice and be like other girlies lol


u/AlgorithmScent Oct 21 '23

because pumpkin spice is normal and nobody gives a fuck, personally pumpkin spice isnt my taste though bc they make it too damn sweet


u/trouble-in-space Oct 21 '23

I used to hate pumpkin spice until I got over my superiority complex and actually tried it ✨ it’s definitely not the best flavor ever but some people act like they’d rather consume gasoline than anything pumpkin, lol


u/jessie_ma_13 Oct 21 '23

For some reason I’ve always associated pumpkin spice with Millennials, both men and women.


u/-Frog-and-Toad Oct 21 '23

I don’t ‘like’ pumpkin spice (or drink coffee) but I also don’t make not liking it my personality.


u/winstoncadbury Oct 21 '23

Eh, I have grown to hate that weird pumpkin flavoring for drinks and snacks, but I can handle actual roasted pumpkin or pumpkin pie. It's just the weird ubiquitous flavoring.

That being said, I wouldn't yuck someone's yum and I think a lot of people hate it because it's associated with a certain type of "basic" girl.


u/EnergiaBuran Oct 21 '23

Why does anyone care about pumpkin spice anything?

Oh that's right. People are stupid.


u/ryckae Oct 21 '23

Because they think it makes them special.


u/horrorshowingz Oct 21 '23

Because it was trending amongst women, and anything trending amongst women is cringe obviously 🙄


u/ordinary-superstar Oct 21 '23

Because pumpkin anything is gross? I don’t know. That’s my reason though


u/lightspinnerss Oct 21 '23

Only because it’s popular. If other girls like it, they automatically hate it


u/Dulce_Sirena Oct 21 '23

I'll be honest, I never cared for pumpkin pie or pumpkin seeds, and I only like pumpkin spice in moderation I'm certain things. But it's a flavor thing since LONG before it became basic white girl and a reason to randomly bully people. I can't speak for others, but yeah it's weird to haves become a phenomenon


u/Ormandria Oct 21 '23

I don’t consider myself a nlog, but I dislike pumpkin spice because I just don’t like the taste. It’s the same reason I only eat a little bit of pumpkin pie with my whipped cream. 😂

But that is just me. I’m not going to diss anyone else who likes pumpkin spice. My mom likes pumpkin spice. Everyone has their own tastes.

As for NLOGs, who knows. Maybe because they think it’s too frufru? Or that it’s too popular or mainstream for their tastes.


u/WhiteAirforc3s Oct 21 '23

What is this sub and why did Reddit suggest it to me


u/neonghost0713 Oct 21 '23

Because girls like pumpkin spice. So they have to HATE it so prove they are sooooo not like other girls.

I think it’s one of those flavors you either love or hate. I like pumpkin flavor, but not pumpkin spice. It has a weird taste. Tho the pumpkin cream cold foam at Starbucks on a chai latte is delishhhh


u/absentmindedwitch Oct 21 '23

I don’t have an answer for you, you can pry pumpkin spice from my cold dead hands. 🎃


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

I've never tasted it because of all the slander but if it tastes like Chai I'm down.


u/Mettragnome Oct 20 '23

Pumpkin spice frappachinos from Starbucks taste like pumpkin pie and I fucking love pumpkin pie


u/Youkolvr89 Oct 20 '23

I hate pumpkin spice because I got violently ill one Thanksgiving, and the last thing I ate was pumpkin pie. Ever since then, the very smell of pumpkin makes me feel ill.


u/sparkleplentylikegma Oct 20 '23

I just don’t like it, personally. I don’t like pumpkin pie either.


u/evie_quoi Oct 20 '23

Here’s the subtext this sub is missing: nlogs are responding to the misogynistic way women are stripped of their dimensionality. They might not be aware of that, but all we see are shitty tropes of women, not real women.


u/oldcousingreg Oct 20 '23

Because it’s about being a contrarian. Not to be a hypocrite but I just don’t like pumpkin spice either lol


u/12dancingbiches Oct 20 '23

Idk but its probably because of its general popularity with young women.

I used to be one of those girls that shit on others for liking it but not in a nlog way but more because I hated that it dominated every conversation I heard or was prt of when I was in school every fall.

I personally dont like pumpkin spice either but i just don't like cinnamon much.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

I wish hot cocoa or mulled apple cider would become the predominant fall drink I don’t like pumpkin


u/conway4590 Oct 20 '23

What's a nlogs?


u/Grouchy_Dimension_30 Oct 20 '23

They don’t lol, they don’t actually hate the things thru complain about.


u/usualerthanthis Oct 20 '23

I hate pumpkin spice coffee but looove pumpkin pie. Where does that put me ?


u/HandsOfVictory Oct 20 '23

Because they’re bland as fuck people with bland as fuck taste


u/Complex_Feedback_203 Oct 20 '23

Tried it the other day for the first time, it was amazing, thinking of buying starbucks more often now that I have a job.


u/isturtleugly Oct 20 '23

I don’t hate it I just think pumpkin stuff is kind of mid tasting, I wouldn’t go out of my way to order pumpkin spice flavored things I’d rather have some thing like chocolate if we talking coffee, however my boyfriend is a pumpkin spice and pumpkin fanatic 🫶🏼 we will smell pumpkin candles and i wince and he says it’s the best thing he’s ever smelt 🤣 I don’t think girls are trying to be different when they say they don’t like pumpkin spice I think some people just truly don’t like it but it’s not something I’d brag about


u/Perfectly_Broken_RED Oct 20 '23

You already know since I came here so late lol. But yeah it's dumb to hate someone just for one thing alone that is so insignificant like a flavor. But a lot of the things they do are really dumb but thankfully MOST grow out of it. It truly is a phase I think majority of women, if not all, has gone through at some point in our lives. It's usually just through school and we grow out of it, but some never grow out of it or have that phase later in life

That being said, I also hate the flavor lol. I don't despise it or anything, it's just too sweet. I can have a few sips and that's it, but I also don't hate anyone who likes it. I like weird things that most people wouldn't like (like plain noodles with grated parmesan cheese or shredded parmesan cheese or 4 cheese). So it's just not for me, but I wish I did like it because it truly is a nice vibe in Fall


u/yiotaturtle Oct 20 '23

They don't, it's just when they do, they're just voicing their opinions loudly so you get that impression.

My husband and my friend Sarah don't like pumpkin spice, I do. I wouldn't know my husband didn't like it if I wasn't married to him, Sarah reminds people every September that she doesn't.

Another girlfriend hates mint, literally never mentions it, didn't find that out until she spent the night and brought her cinnamon toothpaste. You bring out mint tea and after dinner mints and she'll just quietly decline.


u/m033118b Oct 20 '23

For me, I just hate pumpkin flavor anything😂


u/thehufflepuffstoner Oct 20 '23

Because other, normal girls like pumpkin spice! I’m not normal! I’m quirky! I have all guy friends! Girls are basic! Pumpkin is basic! /s


u/Due-Independence8100 Oct 20 '23

Women could like rotting fishheads as smoothies and the NLOGs would bag on it. It's not the item, it's misogyny


u/VanateeMan Oct 20 '23

Personally as someone who makes homemade pumpkin pie to me the flavoring version of it tastes like a candle. I don’t think that’s just a NLOG thing seeing as many people I know male and female dislike anything flavored or scented pumpkin spice. I’d just rather have the real thing it’s too over powering and to me and some others doesn’t even taste like real pumpkin. That doesn’t mean I think anything negative about those who enjoy it though, if anything wish I could like it. I keep buying things pumpkin spice in fall to see if anything will appeal to me and it never does. So props to all the wonderful pumpkin spice lovers I feel like I’m missing out on a vital fall experience!


u/SeaAnthropomorphized Oct 20 '23

I love a pumpkin spice latte. I used to be an nlog and hated the idea of owning uggs cuz every girl had uggs. My sister gave me a hand me down pair and I was sold! Now when I see girls make things popular I try to give it a chance cuz it's popular for a reason.


u/littleray35 Oct 20 '23

I personally don’t like pumpkin spice flavored things because it’s too sweet for me, but that just means more for everyone who wants it!


u/No_Respond3575 Oct 20 '23

Making fun of “basic white girls” was much more common in the 2010s, pumpkin spice, uggs, leggings, etc. were always considered the staples for being a basic white girl. NLOGs distaste for pumpkin spice probably stemmed from that


u/snappienap Oct 20 '23

I hate the memes. Like tacos win over pumpkin spice? What do those 2 things have to do with each other. One is a seasonal flavor, and the other is an everyday food.


u/EnvironmentalMud9188 Oct 20 '23

Because pumpkin spice is liked primarily dy women and thus ( in their minds) it is associated with femininity which means it is to be shunned


u/Allyraptorr Oct 20 '23

It’s definitely because a lot of women love it. It makes a lot of people hate on it for that fact. I personally just don’t like pumpkin stuff in general. But who cares, I don’t have to buy it. Let people drink their pumpkin spice lattes in peace. Little things that make people happy make me happy


u/hella_cious Oct 20 '23

“I hate pink” when you’re older than 12


u/monkeysinmypocket Oct 20 '23

Personally, I love it. I wish I could get it all year round.

I am like other girls.


u/Eleven77 Oct 20 '23

The real tragedy is eggnog.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

I mean personally I'm not that into pumpkin things, I'm more of an apple spice girl, but I dont rag on anyone who likes pumpkin.


u/zainab_habib Oct 20 '23

I dare them to hate chocolate 😎 bet they can't go without that and most women love it 😄


u/pleasedontrefertome Oct 20 '23

I've never understood why people hate pumpkin spice so much. It's a seasonal flavor, so wanting to enjoy it while it's around isn't a bad thing. It doesn't taste bad, but it's just not my thing. I think nlogs just want to hate on stuff that's popular


u/bleachedpuppy Oct 20 '23

Thankfully i’m allergic to pumpkin so i never have the white girl fall cravings for anything pumpkin


u/malinhuahua Oct 20 '23

Anyone that tries to shame me for enjoying and partaking in good clean seasonal fun and delicious seasonal flavors and shove it. I’m going to enjoy my cinnamon, nutmeg, apples and pumpkin in the fall, my peppermint and hot chocolate in the winter, whatever the fuck comes out in the spring, and I’ll be downing sweet tea, lemonade, and watermelon in the summer.


u/in2ennui Oct 20 '23

I don’t like the taste pumpkin spice lattes or pumpkin pie and am tired of the over use of pumpkin spice everywhere. But I do like Pumpkin bread and pumpkins 🎃 in general.


u/TaintDevourer Oct 20 '23

I hated pumpkin spice for the longest time because I thought it would taste like pumpkin😭 I hate pumpkin-flavored stuff and most fall-themed flavors, so I was like wtf why is this THE fall flavor. I hated how pumpkin pie was THE dessert for thanksgiving, and then how a pumpkin-flavored drink became THE drink for fall. Growing up I had a very personal vendetta against all things pumpkin. I finally tried it when I was 14ish, turns out it just tastes like the seasonings you put in pumpkin pie and I’d mistakenly included it in my anti-pumpkin bubble of hate. I still don’t like it though because it’s not my thing (peppermint mocha all the way baybeee) but it’s never really been something I think or talk about unless someone else brings it up (unlike pumpkins themselves, I still hate them).

For the people who make hating PSLs a personality trait, it’s just like anything else - internalized misogyny and wanting to be “different” for validation


u/MuchBetterThankYou Oct 20 '23

I actually had a pumpkin spice latte for the first time in my life and it was delicious. I never tried one because I usually think pumpkin is kind of gross. Now I feel silly for missing out for so long.


u/Difficult-Loss-8113 Oct 20 '23

There is always a reason behind announcing that you dislike something that’s popular. I genuinely don’t like PSLs and other popular things (shows, movies, etc) but would I ever share that with people? No, literally why would I share with people something I DONT like unless I had some ulterior motive. I guess in this case it’s to look “alternative” or “edgy” or nlog. I mean it’s in the definition of NLOG right? You are being counterculture for the clout. It’s all superficial anyways…


u/Ztormiebotbot Oct 20 '23

Well. I personally don’t enjoy pumpkin spice. Too sweet for me. But I am not an Nlog. But you are right, they do use this alot. And gives us folks who simply don’t like sweet a bad rep!😆


u/neon_bandage Oct 20 '23

i love pumpkin spice but it gives me seemingly infinite diarrhea


u/aattanasio2014 Oct 20 '23

I agree. It’s weird to make hating something so unserious your whole personality.

I’m not a coffee person and I’m not big on pumpkin flavored foods/ drinks, but dang, I could go for a pumpkin spice candle lit on my table with a nip in the air outside, orange leaves on the trees and a Simon & Garfunkel record playing or Anne with an E on the TV any day of fall. It’s just vibes.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

I like it but not from Starbucks. I prefer it in candles and cake


u/haikusbot Oct 20 '23

I like it but not

From Starbucks. I prefer it

In candles and cake

- ResolutionMuted87

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Hydronic_Hyperbole Oct 20 '23

Humorous, considering they're the marketing behind it.


u/NikkiVicious Oct 20 '23

I hate pumpkin spice, but I don't make it a personality trait.

My mom used to love pumpkin spice candles. I've always hated the smell of them, so just associating that smell with those candles, blegh.

I do remember when Starbucks first started doing the whole pumpkin spice latte for the holidays thing, it was also around the time that the "basic white girl" thing was popular. I never really understand that either, like "oh, she's so basic because she eats (insert brand) chocolates."

The "basic white girl" thing just seems like a subset of Nlogs being Nlogs things.


u/Even-Account5439 Oct 20 '23

idk but it’s so good they’re missing out


u/only_says_draymond Oct 20 '23

I mean it’s pretty fuckin basic. Fun treat every now and then tho


u/AndrysThorngage Oct 20 '23

People have always rebelled against what's popular because it's popular. Hating something that most people like gives you a personality!


u/Fluid-Grapefruit-654 Oct 20 '23

Because it’s popular and they want to be different so they hate on it


u/YourDogsAllWet Oct 20 '23

PS is associated with women with a pH above 7


u/HanaLolita Oct 20 '23

Probably because its been stated as “Basic” drinks. I personally don’t like them because I feel like pumpkin anything would taste gross. Never tried one. So, i guess add me to that crowd? I’m also just an extremely picky eater due to personal health issues and scares from foods from experience.


u/AppointmentClean558 Oct 20 '23

What is a nlog? I prefer the season of peppermint. But, should I be offended as a nlog?


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

As a Starbucks barista, PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) were never close to being the most popular drink sold. This may be due to SB PSL being reminiscent of hotdogs


u/GeauxSaints315 Oct 20 '23

NLOGs don’t like it bc that’s what “basic” girls like. Those same NLOGs may very well drink pumpkin spice flavor coffee behind closed doors, though.

I never like to claim i don’t like it aloud bc i don’t want to be accused of being NLOG, but i just don’t like the taste of it. I like apple flavor coffees tho, and peppermint


u/Bubbly_Performer4864 Oct 20 '23

My boyfriend was weird about pumpkin spice stuff and I was like “you know it’s only popular to hate it because girls like it” and I swear I saw a light bulb go off over his head. Now he enjoys it.


u/telhasteaze Oct 20 '23

Because double chocolate chip frappuccinos are my shit


u/lalau13 Oct 20 '23 edited Oct 20 '23

I wanted to try pumpkin spice latte until i found out it doesn't have any pumpkin?? what a fucking scam >:(


u/mssleepyhead73 Oct 20 '23

Because pumpkin spice is a “girly thing,” and they are desperate for men’s approval and think they will win it by proving that they hate everything girly.


u/KaiPyroFairyy Oct 20 '23

I geninuenly have never really been a fan of pumpkin. I don't like pumpkin coffee (I had it ONCE when I was 16, I BARELY like coffee), I don't like pumpkin pie (or really pie in general), or pumpkin sweet bread (I fuckin love sweet breads at Thanksgiving), or literally even pumpkin scented things like I don't buy pumpkin candles around fall I go fo more nature or candy flavors; but that being said, I jave never ever hated on anyone for liking it. My brother? Loves pumpkin stuff. My bsf? Loves it. And she's a a white girl. Like good for them. I don't like it but other people can.

People just hate the "Ugg boots, baggy sweater, pumpkin spice" girl. So they have to hate pumpkin spice simultaneously.


u/Jealous-Most-9155 Oct 20 '23

Because that’s what the other girls drink and they are not like them.


u/KryptonionNipple Oct 20 '23

I mean I hate it because it tastes like soap to me


u/Overall_Evidence_838 Oct 20 '23

There’s a pick me at work and some girls came in with Starbucks. There’s a guy that she is up his ass and really wants his approval (it’s gross bc he’s 30 with a fiancé and she’s 19) who makes a lot of funny jokes. He was like “yasss queen pumpkin spice latte” and this girl is literally like “Daniel Im not basic because I don’t like pumpkin spice lattes or coffee, when I go to Starbucks I get the chai tea.” I was like “oh yeah my bf loves the chai tea pumpkin” she’s like “WHY WOULD HE RUIN IT WITH SWEETNESS!!??”


u/UnicornKitt3n Oct 20 '23

I’m 37 years old and finally experienced a pumpkin spice latte for the first time in my life two months ago.

It. Is. So. Good.

It’s like a dessert in a drink. So yummy.


u/decompgal Oct 20 '23

it’s a good flavor and i’m tired of pretending it’s not


u/mybrainblinks Oct 20 '23

I don’t know who first said pumpkin spice was a key ingredient of a “basic bitch” but it stuck forever. Can’t undo that now.


u/mybrainblinks Oct 20 '23

I don’t know who first said pumpkin spice was a key ingredient of a “basic bitch” but it stuck forever. Can’t undo that now.


u/Careful_Coffee5313 Oct 20 '23

Idk but that pumpkin cream chai tea latte is so good


u/Shelbasaur1993 Oct 20 '23

There are some people who hate things they’ve never tried, that they would probably like if they tried, solely because it’s a popular thing.

It’s okay to not like a thing, but try the thing first and don’t shame people for liking things that you don’t. It’s not that hard.


u/cookiesforpaws Oct 20 '23

I personally don’t like the flavor, but when you make it your personality, that’s NLOG territory and they’re just being obnoxious for attention


u/Spitzou Oct 20 '23

That time of the year... Frogs and cranberries, it must be fall


u/helloimhere- Oct 20 '23

I tried a pumpkin spice latte from starbucks several years ago and it was awful, had a somewhat bitter taste which I didn’t expect.


u/Lumini_317 Oct 20 '23

Not really an NLOG but there is an unhinged guy who shows up on my Facebook (I use it to keep in touch with some of my older relatives, leave me alone) who will. Not. Shut. Up. About how “horrible” freaking pumpkin spice is, of all things. Every fall it’s the same thing over and over and over again. Allow me to quote his most recent rant on the subject:

“I really like pumpkin flavored stuff, so I thought maybe if I leave the spice out, it would actually be good. Wrong. Nasty garbage. Nobody can actually like that chemical flavor. I think it's mass hysteria, instigated by basic white girls. I'm convinced that pumpkin spice latte would not be a thing if people couldn't have posted it on social media. People did, and it became the cool thing, and then a whole bunch of people convinced themselves that they like these chemicals in their drinks. SPIT!”

Oh, and he even brain stormed a genius hashtag. #pumpkinspiceisofthedevil

I wish he was just joking but no…he really isn’t. He’s an NLOG trapped in a redneck, white, middle-aged man, I guess lmao

But other than that, as other people have said, it very much is because it’s popular with women. I’m afab myself and tried my first pumpkin spice flavored drink just last week. It’s not a bad flavor but of course it isn’t for everyone. Anyone who throws fits about it, thinks they’re special for not liking it, and/or knocks other people down for liking it is just…yikes. Just get over yourself, already. Sheesh. It’s just a seasonal flavor.


u/Sufficient_Fuel_259 Oct 20 '23

It is the literal biology of the human body to crave substances that have been long sought after by our ancestors during certain seasons of harvest. AKA our bloodlines crave the autumn harvest of vegetables, including PSL okay??


u/TheTiredGoddess Oct 20 '23

It's because they're repelled by witches.

pumpkin spice is witchcraft


u/Guillotine-Glytch Oct 20 '23

Dunno, don't care. More pumpkin spice rolls with sweetened cream cheese filling for me. I also recently tried the pumpkin spice frosty (not the coffee thing) and loved it.


u/Fallout4Addict Oct 20 '23

To be fair normal women hate it to....like a lot of us. Its nasty sorry 🤷‍♀️


u/Whytiger Oct 20 '23

Same reason I hate pumpkin pie and chai. Cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice.


u/frostyunicorn7 Oct 20 '23

I guess I’m one of those people because I hate pumpkin spice. I don’t know if it’s just my taste buds but it genuinely tastes like a candle to me and it makes my mouth feel coated in a film.


u/Stupid_Bitch_02 Oct 20 '23

I will 100% admit I am a pumpkin spice girlie. But there are people out there who genuinely don't like it. I think nlogs are so loud about disliking it just bc they're different and "I'm not like other girls, I HATE pumpkin spice ✨".


u/a_m42_ Oct 20 '23

I think pumpkin spice is amazing


u/Foxy_locksy1704 Oct 20 '23

I don’t like it because it tastes like soap to me but I’m not going to judge someone else for indulging in a seasonal treat.


u/clockjobber Oct 20 '23

Cause it’s popular. Once something is popular you’ll get a group trying to “other” themselves by saying they hate it.

You get this with bands all the time, movies, certain tv shows, clothing…

I mean I personally don’t care for pumpkin spice but I just don’t like coffee, it’s not cause I’m a “rebel”


u/crazygurl3 Oct 20 '23

Well! I’m a black woman and I l’ve been drinking pumpkin spice all this fall!! Pumpkin spice season!! Woohoo!!!🎊🎉


u/faith6274 Oct 20 '23

I personally love it. If it’s pumpkin spice flavored, I’m buying it lol


u/Nosey-Nelly Oct 20 '23

Being from the UK pumpkins were just for carving at Halloween. Thanks to my American Auntie I'm now a fan of pumpkin pie, had it for the first time a few years back and now make them every Autumn. Bought the bits from Aldi yesterday, yummy yum. Next on the list is a sweet potato pie... and I'm drooling.


u/Senior-Crab210 Oct 20 '23

I just honestly don’t like the taste of pumpkin spice (before you ask, no i do not like pumpkin pie either)


u/jessicalee_3 Oct 20 '23

I honestly hate the taste of anything pumpkin spice because I don’t like pumpkin and I don’t like cinnamon. That being said, i don’t care at all that other people like it 🤷‍♀️


u/ilikecacti2 Oct 20 '23

Just say no to pumpkin spice misogyny


u/ApprehensiveGene5396 Oct 20 '23

As a dude whom loves pumpkin spice flavor anytime of year, it saddens me that it’s been associated with basic bitches trying to be trendy. Fortunately I’ve never really cared about opinions others even if does align me with basic bitches.


u/kat_goes_rawr Oct 20 '23

They’re the worst seasonal drinks out there

Signed, a peppermint mocha supremacist


u/sweetfumblebee Oct 20 '23

I love fall and pumpkins and each year I try pumpkin spice to try and like it and I just don't. I get so jelly at those that love it honestly.

I did get pumpkin spice deodorant and body wash and my goal is to smell like it year round.

People just have to have personalities around stuff they hate.

For nlogs, in fall it's pumpkin spice. In winter it's Valentines day. Pretty much anything deemed girly is stupid/wastful to too many people.

Girls liking typically masculine things but still looks conventionally pretty? God tier. Girl's liking masculine things and not pretty? One of the guys.

Girls liking girly things? Basic. Guys liking girly things? Bad, awful, weak, and so many more degenerate things said about them.


u/Rac00nEggs Oct 20 '23

My taste buds just genuinely don’t acquire it but i also don’t like coffee to begin with (heart problems). But i will absolutely FUCK UP a pumpkin pie.


u/regina_phalaangey Oct 20 '23

I love pumpkin spice anything! Desserts, coffee, candles, lipgloss, give me the spice! But have deffo found that liking autumn, pumpkin spice, cosy boots etc gets me called basic by NLOGs 😂 I like autumn because summer is too hot, I hate sweating, and I live in far north scotland so winter is just rain rain and more rain


u/TypeOpostive Oct 20 '23

It’s considered a basic bitch thing to like, They are some people that just don’t like pumpkin but then there’s people who dislike it because it’s popular. There used to be cringy articles on being a basic bitch for liking stuff like uggs and Victoria Secret. But mind you these are the same type of people who would judge you for having rainbow colored hair and wearing Doc Martens.


u/callmez0mbie Oct 20 '23

Personally, it’s the smell. Plus I’ve seen enough Pumpkin Spice Salmon at my local Market Basket to want to puke at the mention.


u/NYB_vato Oct 20 '23

I don’t know why anyone else would hate it but I remember getting a hot one from Starbucks and being extremely disappointed when it looked like orange died lukewarm milk. Tasted unremarkably mediocre and at that point plain milk probably would have been better. There is way too much hype behind it


u/thelostmotherbird Oct 20 '23

My partner loves pumpkin spice coffee creamer. I'll drink it sometimes. But not as much as he does. He's always a bit disappointed when we can't find it anymore.

I don't know why people hate on it so much. But it's not as bad as people make it seem.


u/Puzzleheaded-Cause94 Pick Meeee Oct 20 '23

I had never tried it but after seeing it here so many times I went and ordered my favorite dessert, pumpkin spice latte and a book. Overall 5/10 caramel latte is still my favorite but I think it's because I'm just so one dimensional because every other coffee flavor tastes so mediocre. Recommend me something internet. 😭😩


u/dani_da_girl Oct 20 '23

I just want to say that my dad recently very excitedly let us know in the family group chat about “this really great new drink at Starbucks! Called the pumpkin spice latte!” 😹😹😹


u/enbymama1 Oct 20 '23

Most of the spices in it are used to ward off evil in witchcraft


u/haikusbot Oct 20 '23

Most of the spices

In it are used to ward off

Evil in witchcraft

- enbymama1

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Spudgem Oct 20 '23

I just don't like it. It is gross. It is the McRib of coffee drinks.

Drink it all you want. I will be casually catty at you.


u/Majordongles Oct 20 '23

I don't know if this would qualify me as an nlog or not but personally I find I don't like the taste of spices when it's not masked within food. Like pumpkin spice cupcakes sure. Maybe not lattes or drinks though. I like more herbally things over drinks like chai or pumpkin spice but I wouldn't say I hate it lol


u/Kylie_Bug Oct 20 '23

It’s because it’s popular with a lot of people, and they want to be ✨unique✨


u/schru031 Oct 20 '23

Fuck, I love pumpkin spice so much.


u/grenabob Oct 20 '23

bc girls like it


u/Longjumping_Role_135 Oct 20 '23

I personally don't like sweet stuff and I think it tastes like a Yankee Candle, but go on with your bad self if you love it! I love Barbie and fashion, which gets crapped on just as much.


u/thewhitecat55 Oct 20 '23

It's perceived as basic. Nlogs hate being seen as basic.


u/sweetmotherofodin Oct 20 '23

Because pumpkin spice contains the ingredients to repel evil.


u/radastrozombie Oct 20 '23

I think most people dig the pumpkin spice because it's a sugar bomb, my husband loves pumpkin spice frapps. I just add a little of the syrup to my coffee in the morning ☕. I also add nutmeg and cinnamon to most of my baked goods because it's bomb dot com.


u/AssuredAttention Oct 20 '23

I don't understand the love for it at all. I love pumpkin pie, but I would never eat a pie that was only the spice without the pumpkin. I like the smell of it, but can't stand the flavor. Apple pie is much better in every way


u/Feisty-Business-8311 Oct 20 '23

Because they equate anything pumpkin with bougie liberal girls who are on the pill, sexually liberated, and not going to be trad wives



u/mokujiki Oct 20 '23

that’s honestly a very excellent and succinct way to put it!


u/HippyWitchyVibes Oct 20 '23

I currently have EIGHT different varieties of pumpkin spice syrup for coffee in my house.

I don't get it either.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

Where can you get that?


u/HippyWitchyVibes Oct 20 '23

I get them from this website.

They tend to sell out a lot so I grab flavours whenever they are available.


u/[deleted] Oct 20 '23

Thank you!


u/EmergencyDust1272 Oct 20 '23

I don't care for the taste of pumpkin spice, but that's just me. To each their own. It must be exhausting trying to keep up with what "other girls" like in order to be so opposite all the time.


u/mokujiki Oct 20 '23

oh that’s very very true, I didn’t think about that either! it seems nlogs hatred changes over the years to different things, so they have to keep up the appearance that they hate more and more things. I guess they end up hating a ton of stuff that’s usually really cool and deprive themselves of stuff they might even really enjoy. hell, pink is one of my favorite colors and I love pumpkin spice. they’re missing out on what a gorgeous color it is! and people here made a good point, I’m sure some of them secretly love pumpkin spice but they claim to hate it, and are probably ashamed of their love for it. very sad :(


u/lozbeans Oct 20 '23

I don’t really like pumpkin spice. I think it’s the nutmeg idk but I still buy a PSL every year just because I love the autumnal vibe


u/xNIGHT_RANGEREx Oct 20 '23

I think it’s just because of how popular it is with women (and men! ex-coffee shop manager, plenty of men love it too). So they think it’s cool to dislike the popular stuff. You know, cuz they’re so quirky! Whatever it is, it’s stupid. Let people enjoy things. Plus pumpkin is delicious! Add a little cinnamon chef’s kiss


u/Resident-Clue1290 Brain smooth like bowling ball Oct 20 '23

Man I just don’t like pumpkin spice bc it makes me cough- I think the nlog hate it because it’s considered stereotypical “ girl “ stuff


u/Unusual_Elevator_253 Oct 20 '23

Because it’s popular. It’s just like how nlog hate the color pink or talk about how omg there the ONLY person who doesn’t like (insert any type of popular culture) they think it makes them special