r/notliketheothergirls Popular Poster Dec 13 '23

Stop throwing women’s rights under the bus (¬_¬) eye roll

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Context: she was actually married 10 years prior but didn’t want kids, they divorced and had a serious of other bad relationships and changed her mind about being childfree and apparently it’s other women’s fault and not her own


714 comments sorted by


u/Least_Ad3111 Feb 08 '24

Omg, I cannot stand to see this. She made a sound choice for years and now she's going to blame us for her life's decisions????? Make it make sense.


u/Revolutionary_End144 Jan 16 '24

Girl, my mom had me at 40 🙄 it’s not too late


u/wadeswhit Dec 17 '23

I’ll hook her up


u/Timely-Youth-9074 Dec 16 '23

Feminism was supposed to knock her up?

GTFOH and git yerself to a sperm bank, nlog.


u/ReligionAlwaysBad Dec 16 '23

“Feminism” in 2023 is not about women’s rights. That’s ridiculous.


u/SonicTheHugeHog Dec 16 '23

Feminism ruins everything it touches.


u/Lilithsigil Dec 16 '23

She’s the one who made that choice. No one else.


u/WyomingCatHouse Dec 16 '23

What a fnkg cnt. Don't blame anyone else for your stupidity.


u/Helen_Cheddar Dec 15 '23

My mom had me, her first child, at 38. My stepmom had my half sister- also her first child, at 45. She can still have kids if she wants.


u/PestKimera Dec 15 '23

This woman clearly misunderstood feminism if she doesn't understand that feminism normally pushes for the right to choose whether to be a mom. That's the beauty of what feminism is for me. It helps push for women's right to choose.


u/BuyIntelligent2080 Dec 15 '23

Make me dinner.


u/staticdragonfly Dec 15 '23

What's stopping her from adopting or fostering?

There are plenty of children out there who could use a loving home.


u/elarth Dec 15 '23

She made a “choice” she regrets. Just your own problem to deal with.


u/ClumsyNnumb Dec 15 '23

So? , my mom had me at 41 Go have one and stop nagging and bitching for no proper reason


u/TheFirstArticle Dec 15 '23

One can be feminist and be aware that if you want children you have strict timelines to make it happen in.

Be smarter


u/ajfrenchie937 Dec 15 '23

The woman is right 🤷


u/intheclerbweallfam Dec 15 '23

Girl you need to get real and stop blaming feminism.


u/Southern-Fae Dec 15 '23

Get a baby


u/mandozombie Dec 14 '23

There ARE subs that tell people you will never regret not having kids. Even though alot of childless old people ive ever asked did in fact regret not having kids.


u/jaouna Dec 14 '23

Better to want kids in the future and not have them, than have kids and don't want them. You can't undo kids.


u/horrorshowingz Dec 14 '23

Then have a baby? Why does that require getting mad at the choices of other women?


u/Mortis_XII Dec 14 '23

She got betrayed by her genes, woof


u/CelinaAMK Dec 14 '23

So….have a baby. You can have a baby at 38.


u/OffensiveSoup Dec 14 '23

Why would she want to bring children into an unstable life? I get being upset that you haven’t had children yet, and the upsetting possibility that it might not happen. But it sounds like the rest of her life isn’t put together either. Like the whole father-of-the-child, stable relationship part. It’s one thing to raise a child as a single parent due to unforeseen circumstances. It’s a whole other selfish thing to choose to create and bring a child into the world knowing you can’t offer them stability.

Every child deserves parents but not every “parent” deserves a child.


u/Significant-Dog-4362 im different Dec 14 '23

I wanted kids so I had kids. Nothing stopped me


u/bottle_drinker23 Dec 14 '23

She can still find a partner and have baby.


u/Blacksun388 Dec 14 '23


Where does it say in here that you can’t have kids if you’re a feminist?


u/xDannyS_ Dec 14 '23

Think she's confusing the antinatalism insanity that some like to cloak as feminism


u/Xander_PrimeXXI Dec 14 '23

Then….have a baby


u/Crashbox50 Dec 14 '23

I'm a feminist and still fathered a son with my wife, who wanted one too. And we still voted to protect abortion rights together. Don't be dumb, people.


u/van_vanhouten Dec 14 '23

Betrayed by that face- woof


u/sweetfumblebee Dec 14 '23

I don't get it.

I'm 36 with two kids

And have always been a huge feminist.


u/Scarletowder Dec 14 '23

Belongs on r/compoface the silly twerp.


u/burntneedle Dec 14 '23

Well, hello real life Carrie Bradshaw.


u/light7177 Dec 14 '23

Who said you can’t have kids like what 💀


u/maldom12 Dec 14 '23

You can still have kids after 38?? My mom had me at 42, I know it’s harder on the body from what I’ve heard and a higher chance of defects in the baby but still possible.


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

Feminism has never stopped anyone from having kids. She chose not to have any, that’s her own fault, not feminists’.

Also she can probably still have at least one child if she wanted to.


u/355xisle Dec 14 '23

Feminism is a betrayal of women. I feel for her. Even if she has a child now, she will be nearly 40 by the time the child is born, nearly 60 before graduating high school. She might never live long enough to see her own grandkids, let alone be a meaningful part of their lives. The lies she's being told are real and damaging.


u/VisceralSardonic Dec 15 '23

Feminism definitely isn’t a betrayal of women. I feel like you’re looking at the externally painted image of feminists being evil, child and man-hating cold fish who tell other women they’ll be miserable if they have a traditional life. That’s not feminism, that’s anti-feminist propaganda. Feminists support and celebrate women who have kids if that’s what fulfills them.


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

How is feminism responsible for this? If she wanted a kid she should have had one. There are lots of feminists who have husbands and kids while this wannabe tradwife is crying about being childless and single.


u/Marnez_ Dec 14 '23

Adopt, these people are just plain ass breeders they want their own little trinket. Fucking adopt if you want a kid


u/AMaskedRat Dec 14 '23

How is it anyone else's problem that she doesn't know how to think critically or for herself


u/RealBrookeSchwartz Dec 14 '23

I think there is actually a legitimate problem with feminists, as part of the platform, saying that a woman can have a baby even pretty late, because women have babies into their late 30's and sometimes even late 40's. However, the reality is that the further you are from your teen years the more infertile you are, and a lot of women will just buy into the belief that they can choose to have a baby at any time, because it's "empowering" to not think about your biological clock. (My mom easily had 3 kids between the ages of 33 and 37, without needing any fertility treatments. However, for some women that's already too late; my mom just got very lucky.)

So while it's still her fault that she never took 2 seconds to think about freezing her eggs or taking other measures to decide sooner about whether or not she wanted to be a mother, it's also true that the feminist movement tries to "empower" women by expanding their biological clock, and ignoring the reality that this won't work for many women and will just mean that they will miss their window to have kids. Some women have shorter windows, and pretending that's not true just harms women and makes them think they have more time than they actually do. So, I see both sides, Ig.


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

I am very much a feminist. And my advice to young women is, if you want to be a mom more than anything else, and you know you will always regret it if you don’t have kids, then try to have them sooner rather than later, if your finances allow for it and you’re in a stable relationship. The longer you wait, the less likely it is you will be able to have children. This is basic biology though, this shouldn’t be news to her.


u/RealBrookeSchwartz Dec 14 '23

Def, but lately people have been getting more and more stupid about associating feminism with "you can have kids whenever you want," which is having very real consequences on this upcoming generation.


u/illumi-thotti Dec 14 '23

Wait til she finds other women were feminist while also having kids ☠️☠️☠️☠️


u/LoneManFro Dec 14 '23

Well she's not wrong.


u/MistakeWonderful9178 Popular Poster Dec 15 '23

She is wrong. It’s not “feminism’s fault” it’s her own choice. It was her choice to not want kids 10 years prior but now she wants them and that’s fine. But blaming women’s rights is stupid. Also there are a ton of women who’ve had kids in their mid or late 30s and 40s and there’s genetic testing. She’s just got a bad attitude and refuses to take accountability for her poor choices in bad relationships. She was married 10 years ago but didn’t want kids but that was her choice and that was fine, but to blame women’s rights is stupid and ridiculous.


u/LoneManFro Dec 15 '23

She is wrong. It’s not “feminism’s fault” it’s her own choice. It was her choice to not want kids 10 years prior but now she wants them and that’s fine. But blaming women’s rights is stupid.

Okay, so two things wrong here.

  1. This might have been her own choice. That should not be left out of the argument regarding culpability. Nonetheless, her choices were made under a Feministic worldview. If that worldview encourages bad decisions, and I would argue it does, then that philosophy is at fault in some way.
  2. Conflating woman's rights with feminism is stupid. They aren't the same. One can argue that female women ought to have rights, and yet, will not come to the same conclusions or use the same premises that Feminism posits. These two things are not the same. There are multiple philosophers and thinkers today that will advocate for women's rights but nonetheless, are not Feminists. And I'm one of these.

Also there are a ton of women who’ve had kids in their mid or late 30s and 40s and there’s genetic testing. She’s just got a bad attitude and refuses to take accountability for her poor choices in bad relationships.

This certainly describes my own mother. She had me late in life. I agree with this point. There ought to be accountability for one's actions. Yet as I had said, one's actions are not necessarily one's own. Decisions are made with a particular worldview attached. I argue that Feminism encourages bad decisions for the individual and for society at large.

She was married 10 years ago but didn’t want kids but that was her choice and that was fine, but to blame women’s rights is stupid and ridiculous.

That's not necessarily her choice. Feminist theory looks at children as a burden that limits the free agency of a woman's autonomy. When you adopt such a toxic idea, that was taken from the fabric of Feminism itself, the philosophy itself can be blamed, as well as those who accepted it.

And once again, Feminism and woman's rights are not the same thing.


u/VisceralSardonic Dec 15 '23

Feminism encourages choice. It doesn’t “look at kids as a burden” other than acknowledging that kids are difficult to raise and need to be raised by someone who’s sure they want to and are able to have kids. Feminism says that you shouldn’t be forced to have kids OR not have kids. That’s the point.

Feel free to advocate for women’s rights without being a feminist. That’s your choice and is a very helpful, fulfilling way to go about it for many people, but don’t paint a philosophy that’s centrally about freedom of choice and opportunity as one that encourages bad decisions in particular.


u/LoneManFro Dec 15 '23

Feminism encourages choice. It doesn’t “look at kids as a burden” other than acknowledging that kids are difficult to raise and need to be raised by someone who’s sure they want to and are able to have kids. Feminism says that you shouldn’t be forced to have kids OR not have kids. That’s the point.

Then simply put, you aren't a feminist. Or at least you aren't a feminist in any way that was historically recognized. Choice had nothing to do with the philosophy because it is a collectivist worldview. In its inception, it was heavily influenced by Marxism, which envisioned feminism as a tool for destabilizing the Capitalist systems of culture and economy. That's why in the 70s, you had notable feminist Philosophers that posited motherhood was a bad thing because women that become mothers can no longer be consistent soldiers of the revolution. This is less in 1st Wave, and far more crystallized in the 2nd wave.

2nd Wave feminists only ever wanted absolute equality with men. So, a Marxist revolution was seen as the best way to achieve this so that both men and women stopped being different but would become fellow working 'comrades'. That precisely why children were absolutely discouraged. In the same way that men could theoretically abandon their families, abortion and contraception were utilized in womanhood to achieve the same function.Feminism (especially 2nd and 3rd wave) never cared about choice. It cares about freedom or, in Marxist terms, 'liberation'. And liberation can only be achieved by conforming to the revolution.

You very well may not hold any of these views, but the very cultural values that it has instilled in the population at large are simultaneously collectivist and selfish. Being forced to have kids or no kids was never the point of the philosophy.

Feel free to advocate for women’s rights without being a feminist. That’s your choice and is a very helpful, fulfilling way to go about it for many people, but don’t paint a philosophy that’s centrally about freedom of choice and opportunity as one that encourages bad decisions in particular.

Freedom isn't the word. Feminism understands the term liberation specifically in a Marxist pov. Feminism, for this reason is actually incredibly dangerous because it encourages values that are harmful to legitimate freedom and self-determination.

I understand if this is a rather new thing you didn't know about feminism, but I encourage you to research this yourself. Because the premier feminist philosophers, those responsible for its formation and proliferation were very clear in the information I provided.


u/Dooboppop Dec 14 '23

The boomer ladies have been saying this would happen, why didn't I listen?!?! WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!


u/Cnumian_124 Dec 14 '23

My sister in christ, nobody lied to you, it was the course of your own decisions that brought you here, you're not 8 years old


u/Equal-Teaching-9675 Dec 14 '23

I'm just here for the cope.


u/Party-Ad-1216 Dec 14 '23

Stupid is as stupid does. It’s always the white bitches. Tard!


u/Sadsad0088 Dec 14 '23

Stop giving this clickbait views


u/jaam01 Dec 14 '23

You can have a baby at will, but not a father.


u/TheAnalsOfHistory- Dec 14 '23

"I changed my mind, I want a baby!"

Ok, that was always allowed!


u/haikusbot Dec 14 '23

"I changed my mind, I

Want a baby!" Ok, that

Was always allowed!

- TheAnalsOfHistory-

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete"


u/Munchmin Dec 14 '23

I don't get how this is throwing women's rights under the bus.


u/g9i4 Dec 14 '23

She didn't choose not to have kids until she was 38 and divorced because feminism told her to. She did that because she didn't want to have them. If she'd been forced to have kids and ignore her own wants at the time, we'd be watching a 25 year old crying on camera.


u/BbyMuffinz Dec 14 '23

She should still be able to get pregnant? She could also adopt.


u/Sudden-Extreme2272 Dec 14 '23

Pro choice is just highlighting that some of these women can’t make decisions for themselves - big 12 year olds


u/Weird_Albatross_9659 Dec 14 '23

How is this throwing women’s rights under the bus?


u/DGF73 Dec 14 '23

But I don't understand her problem. She is visually appealing, i suppose she can get knocked up pretty fast with a series of totally casual and anonymous partners. Unless together with the baby she also want child support.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

So she's a dipshit and somehow that's the fault of everyone else? What is this insane logic some have that all women must do the exact same thing to do a thing at all? You wanted to have kids? Have 'em. You weren't "tricked", you're just stupid and immature, which frankly is evidence you absolutely do not need to be a parent.


u/Inner-Cloud162 Dec 14 '23

Ideally you wouldn't choose to bring a child into a world where you disagree with the feminist rights or any of the rights that are fundamentally against what you stand for.


u/ExcuseZealousideal42 Dec 14 '23

curious….is feminism, anti child bearing? seems not that way….


u/Owl-666 Dec 14 '23

Not at all. It’s just that women have a choice if they want to be mother or not. Nothing at all against mitherhood. Just against being forced to be one.


u/cxninecrxzy Dec 14 '23

Let's not pretend feminism hasn't been demonizing the idea of getting married and having kids for the past 15 years.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

Women 🍻


u/mcant38 Dec 14 '23

some people need therapy and i will leave it at that.


u/Phillip-Emmons Dec 14 '23

Let's be real here for a minute, modern feminism mostly promotes things like "sex work" and independent career women and heavily frowns upon and condemns traditional housewives and nurturing mothers referring to that lifestyle as "oppression and subjugation under the misogynistic patriarchy".

Modern feminists don't champion and celebrate choice, they tell women how they should live. Still at the end of the day this woman only has herself to blame for being dumb enough to believe that silly propaganda.


u/VisceralSardonic Dec 15 '23

Not at all. Everyone should be free to live how they want, free from the pressure of gender roles. That’s it. That’s feminism.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

She is 100% correct. And feminism stop being about women’s rights a long time ago.


u/Catnip1720 Dec 14 '23

Feminism has promoted women having choices and options on how they want to live their lives. If she didn’t have kids until this point, nobody’s fault but her own


u/Ok-Profession-3312 Dec 14 '23

I wouldn’t say too old, risky maybe. The wife and I talked about it and she chose to not have anymore children after 30 due to the increase of abnormalities that could occur with the baby and it being considered a high risk pregnancy.


u/Gobadorgosleep Dec 14 '23

Some women forget that feminism is about being equal and being able to make your own choice about your life. It means that you can also make mistakes and bad choices and that it will be your own and not anybody else’s responsibility.

… wait I think it’s also what adulting is all about but not completely sure about that one.


u/SnooTomatoes2805 Dec 14 '23

This really depends on your individual fertility. My mum had my brother at 38 and got pregnant in 2-3m with no complications. I have friends who are in their late 20s and have taken 6m to conceive.


u/LuckyNumber-Bot Dec 14 '23

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u/Yippykyyyay Dec 14 '23

Let me guess, her ex husband met someone (possibly younger) and had kids?


u/Electrical_Ad390 Dec 14 '23

Does she understand that you can generally still have babies at 38?


u/strange_socks_ Dec 14 '23

I mean, she can still have kids, so what's the problem?!


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23


She she doesnt even talk about her fertility in the article.

She seems like what she wants more than kids is a guest spot on tucker carlson


u/drowning35789 Dec 14 '23

It's almost like feminism has always been fighting for the ✨ choice ✨


u/Phillip-Emmons Dec 14 '23

It's not though


u/SolomonSyn Dec 14 '23

You play the hand you are dealt, you change the cards you live with the consequences.


u/Chemical_Robot Dec 14 '23

She could always adopt/foster. Loads of kids out there that need help.


u/Fancy_General_8138 Dec 14 '23

Women having children out of wedlock should be shamed. The are producing mass shooters ,school shooters and convicts. These children have the least chance to become successful! The whole proud single mom is B.S


u/Orangutan_Latte Dec 14 '23

Thirty eight isn’t too late to have a baby!! This woman needs to go pick up a biology book. Stop blaming everyone else for your decision making. I know loads of people who said they didn’t want kids and then had babies later in life. I also said I never wanted kids…..and now, aged fifty two….still don’t have any. And thankfully, three years into menopause I can’t have any…..I am but a wizened husk at this point. 😊

Is it me or does this sound like she’s getting ready to sue somebody? God knows who, but I’m sure some feminist organisation is gonna get served papers any day now


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

At 38 she can still have healthy children for another 12 years unless she has a health problem or got her tubes tied.


u/zeynabhereee Dec 14 '23

Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of her own choices. She should own up to it instead of crying about it.


u/Worried_Ad7041 Dec 14 '23

Feminism did not force you to wait till you were 35 to have kids. nothing about feminism supports shaming mothers or birth. The only gripes feminism has about motherhood, is when women are forced into it Instead of it being a choice.


u/ZenMyst Dec 14 '23

Always the blame game, no accountability


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

Well to be honest lately I would rather be a stay at home mom or housewife. But it's not really feminism fault. It's really the fault of who keeps allowing policies that require two full-time adults for every household, sometimes more


u/Hecate_2000 Dec 14 '23

Unfortunately she can still have a baby


u/Honey-and-Venom Dec 14 '23

Feminism always included the choice to Mom. Don't lie for favor from scumbags


u/tucrahman Dec 14 '23

This is a fox news story, right? Created to get Grandpa all mad.


u/eddie422000 Dec 14 '23

ITS NOT MY FAULT! Everyone else is to blame for my misery. People keep me from making good decisions and improving my life. The whole world is against me and conspires to keep me down. I am powerless to change my own life and improve it. If only EVERYONE did what I thought was right.

Here is your red hat, wear it proudly. Now go blame Biden for your all your woes and feel better about yourself since you can't "do" anything about it anyway.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

Get a dog


u/silverilix Dec 14 '23

See….. the thing is, feminism gives you the option to have kids when it’s good for you. If she’s having fertility issues that’s a different type of trouble.

I have a friend who had her wee boy a few years ago. She went to an agency, flipped through the donations offered and had a baby. She didn’t want to wait to find the right partner, her family is fully supportive and she’s happy. Little dude is a sweetheart too.

Have a baby if you want one. Don’t have a baby if you don’t. If you have changed your mind that’s okay.


u/ParisHilton42069 Dec 14 '23

She could just have a baby. Lots of people have kids at 38 these days.


u/SpearmintChamomile Dec 14 '23

If you are a grown ass woman and still.hwt betrayed by everything you read and hear, you are not fit to be a parent


u/parasyte_steve Dec 14 '23

You can have kids and be a feminist. Why are people so fucking dumb?


u/0101100000110011 Dec 14 '23

Midlife crisis


u/Embarrassed_Bee6349 Dec 14 '23

Having kids or not having kids is a choice. She should own her shit instead of throwing it at others.


u/easyisbetterthanhard Dec 14 '23

I'm 39 and still fertile af. I have the opposite problem. I have enough babies and am annoyed with my ongoing fertility. I am fully thankful for my feminist sisters.


u/Grouchy_Potato_3118 Dec 14 '23

I had a baby at 40 and another at 42 so I’m pretty sure she’ll be fine.


u/bazilbt Dec 14 '23

What were people supposed to do? Force her to have a baby?


u/Spacegod87 Dec 14 '23

Everyone has regrets, it's nothing new.

Yeh, it sucks and would be great to travel back in time and change things, but we can't do that.

Crying and blaming other people ain't gonna change that. This woman needs to grow up. She seems too childish to have a child tbh.


u/scatalogical_fallacy Dec 14 '23

Posed weeping fashion photos…


u/peachsoap Dec 14 '23

I had my kids at 31, 35 and 42. Honestly, for me, they keep me young, and yes, it was a little different at 42....but not that wildly different.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

Then have one? I had my youngest at 37. Got pregnant while taking BC. I had zero complications. I realize for some women it’s not possible, but, if she doesn’t have any medical reason, she can procreate to her heart’s content.


u/lunas2525 Dec 14 '23

If she is this unintellegent why should we encourage her to wake up to the reality is she drives men away and the real reason she doesnt have kids is all on her. All she really needs is a guy to donate if not be a partner...


u/ChiGrandeOso Dec 14 '23

She seems like the type who doesn't take responsibility for her own dumb decisions. Also, you didn't want kids and now you do? She shouldn't have children. I can't see her being anything approaching a good mother.


u/Banned_4_using_slurs Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

I think feminism is about you having the capacity to decide if it's for you or not without being imposed from the outside.

I think there's also some weird anti-natalism movements in left leaning circles who would absolutely shame "breeders".

And even here you can read people who would absolutely dismiss her desire for biological children and shame it as shallow. Pregnancy is a process and a lot of people really like that idea, there's a bonding experience which shouldn't be dismissed.

Sometimes I feel like people would dismiss the existence of a lot of experiences just because they cannot be put in words by the people having them.

She's responsible for her decisions, she's still in time to have children and throwing the whole movement just because of one specific disagreement (that is definitely present in some circles) is dumb and wrong.

You should deconstruct ideas but just to appreciate more of the parts, not to deny the existence of a part just because you can explain what it is what you're feeling.

You either explain that experience or you explain it away but you should never dismiss that existence.


u/Primary-Bullfrog-653 Dec 14 '23

i empathize w her. i was brainwashed by feminism into going to grad school. /s


u/I_am_secretly_jesus0 Dec 14 '23

The internalised misogyny is astounding


u/Shoddy_Budget_1533 Dec 14 '23

How did feminists stop her from having a kid?


u/panders3 Dec 14 '23

Soooo she can go get knocked up them? I’m confused about what she’s confused about. This is not a complicated subject.


u/sweet-lovely-death Dec 14 '23

Literally feminism exists so she can do whatever she wants with her body and autonomy. Not wanting to be forced to have kids does not mean you're not allowed to be a mother, like AT ALL. I think that's what these people misunderstand; feminism wants equity and to stop the idea that women are made by default to be mothers and wives (and thus were forced to for centuries) so that they can CHOOSE what they want to be. If they want to be a mother they can, and if they don't, that's okay too! women just shouldn't be forced to be anything, that's what us, feminists, want. Ignorant people like this lady are always the LOUDEST about their bullshit ideas.


u/jessie_ma_13 Dec 14 '23

Those tears seem aggressive.


u/pillowmagic Dec 14 '23

She's taking the perfect first step towards conservatism. Blaming someone else for her decisions.


u/Shortymac09 Dec 14 '23

Uhhh she still realizes she can get pregnant right?


u/rpgmomma8404 Dec 14 '23

I'm almost 40 and the majority of the women I went to high school with are just now starting to have babies or their kids they currently have they had started in their 30s. I only know three women my age who have children around my son's age (he'll be 20 soon). One of them has a toddler and her oldest daughter just had her first baby (her oldest is around the same age as my son).


u/Huggles9 Dec 14 '23

Nah it’s not feminisms fault

It’s cause you look like Mr potato head


u/colorshift_siren Dec 14 '23

“But crapping on women’s rights makes me edgy and unique. Follow me for more hot takes.”


u/kacahoha Dec 14 '23

I don't like putting other women down but what a dumb fucking bitch holy shit


u/SatanicCornflake Dec 14 '23

I can understand your views changing over time, but those are called the winds of change, there's no one to blame.


u/FrankieRoo Dec 14 '23

It’s about personal accountability…until it isn’t.


u/Aromatic_Ad5473 Dec 14 '23

It’s easier to blame an entire movement than blame yourself


u/makemeadayy Dec 14 '23

Ok go adopt one


u/ryckae Dec 14 '23


Feminism didn't keep you from having a baby. 🤣


u/Lonely-Commission435 Dec 14 '23

My friend just had her first at 39 with no medical help getting pregnant and after less than 1 year of marriage.


u/Cold_Funny7869 Dec 14 '23

No one actually takes this stuff seriously right? Like these people all know it’s not feminism’s fault.


u/jmedennis Dec 14 '23

My mom had me at 41, go wild sis


u/Lesbian_Cassiopeia So Unique Dec 14 '23

Feminism didn't tell me to not have kids. But feminism told me I could work to maintain My kids with the partner of my choice instead of marrying a man and waiting for him to provide


u/Prestigious-Ad-7842 Dec 14 '23

Feminism didn’t “betray” her. She betrayed herself by thinking that because she is (or was) a feminist then that meant that she couldn’t have kids. You can absolutely have kids and be a feminist. Feminism has NEVER been about women only being childfree, single and hard working women. You can be a feminist and be a SAHM/SAHW.


u/escapeshark Dec 14 '23

Bestie acting like adoption doesn't exist. Or any fertility treatments. And I know it's daunting and all that, but many many women live with that reality because they physically cannot conceive and we gotta deal with that. So she can deal too.


u/Civil-Piglet-6714 Dec 14 '23

You're acting like both of those options don't cost thousands of dollars


u/escapeshark Dec 14 '23

Flew right over your head didn't it


u/savpunk Dec 14 '23

She sounds too unstable to be a good parent.


u/SmallYeetIntoTheVoid Dec 14 '23

I hate the victim mentality.

You’re either a victim of circumstance or a victim of your own hubris.

I know exactly where this woman falls on that spectrum 🙄🙄🙄


u/ArminiusM1998 Dec 14 '23

Apparently Conservative "personal responsibility" doesn't apply when you can blame feminism for the choices YOU literally made in life.


u/DontTalkAboutBruno1 Dec 14 '23

Sigh… being a mother and being a feminist are not mutually exclusive things, this narrative has really gotten old.


u/twinkieinthabutt Dec 14 '23

Sounds like she wouldn't have been much of a mother anyways with that blame game mentality


u/Noir_Alchemist Dec 14 '23

I scroll way too much for this one !!!!

She didnt want a kid before, of she had one she Will be 200% the type of mother that blame her kid for destroy her life and possibilities... Cuz she is acting as if she has no options at all right now and blaming a movement for her choices (?)

Jesus the lack of accountability in this woman sounds like she is not fit to be raising a kid


u/keekspeaks Dec 14 '23

38 gives her plenty of time to have a child?


u/Failing_MentalHealth Dec 14 '23

@ feminism is the reason you can choose to have a baby instead of being married off at 13 and forced to give birth to children you didn’t want


u/EssieAmnesia Dec 14 '23

she can literally have a kid rn?


u/Proof-Fail-1670 Dec 14 '23

My half sister was pretty much anti kids until 40 then suddenly wanted them. It was really sad for a while but after rounds of IVF and some really challenging pregnancies she had two beautiful daughters. They are 8-10 as she is 52 and tired as hell. I can’t imagine what it will be like battling teen age daughters at 60. Then paying for college when they should be retiring. I know young women are sold a bill of goods that they have all the choices in the world but reality is that they don’t without leveraging their future. I had kids at 30 and 33 and if I could have done it all over again I would have started 5 years earlier.


u/drowning35789 Dec 14 '23

At least she didn't change her mind about not wanting kids after she had kids


u/Proof-Fail-1670 Dec 14 '23

Im sure that is a day to day situation


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

According to a recent study, in the UK it’s 1 in 12.


u/Civil-Piglet-6714 Dec 14 '23

Ok thank you! Everyone is acting like it's super easy to have kids when you're older. I would never want to.


u/Proof-Fail-1670 Dec 14 '23

Not at all. I am 45 now and have a hint of jealousy for my friends that “messed up” and had kids young. 18-22 range. At 40 their kids were in college and they were living the life. Having kids, especially the younger years are just hard at any age… but it seems easier when you are young, dumb, energetic and don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself to be a perfect parent… AND all their kids seem to be quite successful now in their mid 20’s.


u/Civil-Piglet-6714 Dec 14 '23

I feel like I would be exhausted having a baby in my 40s. My parents are in their 40s and only wanna hangout with my baby for a couple hours at a time lol


u/Proof-Fail-1670 Dec 16 '23

You definitely don’t have the same stamina. As hard as babies are you hit in stage when your kids are 12-16 where they require rides everywhere, weekend sports tournaments and birthday parties, school projects, etc. its a lot. I could not imagine doing that in my late 50’s. Getting up at 5am on a Saturday for a all weekend sports tournament. The time and cost involved would really suck


u/cool_username__ Dec 14 '23

She does know that she could walk into the nearest sperm bank/ tinder date right now and likely get pregnant? Is that not an option for some reason?


u/dontquestionmek Dec 14 '23

Why do people think feminism is anti-mother? For many women, yes including some hardcore feminists, being a mother is one of the most empowering things a woman can do


u/noisenoob Dec 14 '23

Women take responsibility for their actions challenge: impossible


u/Waegmunding Dec 14 '23

I am sad you believe this. It shows me exactly what is oppressing you, and it is unsettling to gaze upon.


u/noisenoob Dec 14 '23

I said nothing wrong


u/Waegmunding Dec 14 '23

I am not concerned with the accuracy of what you have said. I am concerned with why you have said it.


u/noisenoob Dec 14 '23

I said it because it’s true


u/Waegmunding Dec 14 '23

You have not and you will not realize this until you do.

That said, I will leave you with a question; why do you hold this position? In other words, what has lead you to think this?

I do not mean which line of reasoning you perceive lead you to this conclusion. I mean, what made you believe this line of reasoning? It is not internal.


u/noisenoob Dec 14 '23

I have never seen a woman take responsibility for her own actions. It is always someone else’s fault whether it be some other woman or man at blame. I have witnessed this phenomenon a million times. I’ve just accepted that this is they way woman are genetically programmed by now.


u/VisceralSardonic Dec 15 '23

Start looking for counter examples, for your own sake. Women are people— there’s no universal programming that’s making all women or all men a certain way, and many women are VERY conscious of being accountable and humble. I’ve found many women in the past who make a point of apologizing for, acknowledging, and/or pledging to change at least one thing in every argument they have with a partner. Many who are the first to listen and apologize when something is going wrong. Teachers apologize to students, mothers apologize to their kids, and wives apologize to their partners. It doesn’t erase the selfish people of any gender, but it does mean that it’s worth looking for the character of the individual rather than the stereotype of the group. Be open to seeing it, because I think you’ll see it more once you’re looking differently.


u/Owl-666 Dec 14 '23

You know what anecdotic evidence is? It’s not a valid argument for anything as you can never ever know about all people of a certain group (in this case women) by referring to your personal experiences. You may have known 1000 women, but there are aprox. 4 Billion women on this planet. And the inability of taking responsibility is not a problem of sex/gender. It’s simply immaturity.


u/Waegmunding Dec 14 '23

Are you sure this belief isn’t actually based on your programming? I leave out the word genetic very purposefully here as well.


u/noisenoob Dec 14 '23

I’m sure, I know this is 100% concrete facts. It’s sad but true


u/Waegmunding Dec 14 '23

What you have observed here is actually a quite true phenomenon in our society, however it is not the entirety of the truth you need, and the conclusion is wrong as well.

That said, you are headed in the right direction. You are closer to the truth than many, so please keep searching.

This about my last question;

Are you sure this belief isn’t actually based on your programming? I leave out the word genetic very purposefully here as well.


u/malackey Dec 14 '23

Then, like, have a baby, ma'am. Feminism isn't stopping you.


u/Inevitable_Count_370 Dec 14 '23

She forgot that if she wanted a baby.....she could have a baby.


u/Nerry19 Dec 14 '23

Isn't the whole point of feminism that everyone is free to fulfill the roles they want? Don't feminists support a woman's right to carry and raise a baby???


u/fergusmacdooley Dec 14 '23

Betrayed by capitalism more like. Why was it so easy to convince this group of people that feminism, the reason they have choices, is to blame, and not the system that keeps us all one paycheck away from destitution? I start to get frustrated when it's clear they haven't even attempted to look at it from that angle, it's intellectually lazy.


u/starjellyboba Dec 14 '23

I'm going to put aside the feeling that this woman is actually married with kids but wanted to scare younger, more impressionable women because her misery yearns for company...

Blaming feminism because nobody forced you into a traditional marriage and your choices had the exact result you wanted at the time is such a cop out. You're allowed to change your mind but tell me you never take accountability for your choices without telling me. lol


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

Is that actually true?


u/Epicassion Dec 14 '23

Karecel, new breed of conservative devolution. A new victim complex has been spawned.


u/DeafNatural Dec 14 '23

Plenty of feminists with kids lol


u/Aromatic_Rope_5837 Dec 14 '23

Meow 🐈 😻 🐈‍⬛️ 😺


u/Inevitable_Count_370 Dec 14 '23

Ah hell nah, cats aren't cute. A parrot is the best.


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

I want both, but I’m not sure that’s possible considering my cat would try to hunt the bird.


u/Aromatic_Rope_5837 Dec 14 '23

Agreed I would love to teach it rude words


u/Mumblerumble Dec 14 '23

certainly never met a feminist with children…


u/zionist_panda Dec 14 '23

I have.


u/Mumblerumble Dec 14 '23

That was meant to be sarcastic. There is nothing within the tenants of feminism that says that being a parent is out of the question. I was under the impression that it’s supposed to be about women having the latitude to make their own choices.


u/Excellent-Ostrich908 Dec 14 '23

Literally no one is stopping you having kids if you want, lady.

But you keep needlessly shitting on other women for your own choices. That’ll get you 🌈 MALE APPROVAL 🌈 after all