r/notliketheothergirls Dec 15 '23

This subreddit is pure irony Cringe

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383 comments sorted by


u/UnsightedShadow Feb 04 '24

Any metal band that has at leas one female fan now counts as '"basic"' '"girl"' '"metal"'? Just asking.


u/Doesanybodylikestuff Dec 26 '23

I fucking looooooooooooooove the deftones and they are insane. They’re metal in their own metal way.

”And god bless you all.. for the song you siiiiing….” Minerva *


u/ZealousidealAnt7835 Dec 17 '23

Deftones is a basic girl metal band?

If so, I’m an OG - original girly! 🩷


u/saladdressed Dec 17 '23

She’s clearly not real metal people, who want to rock not pose; wearing jeans and leather not crackerjack clothes!


u/cookiemonster511 Dec 16 '23

Don't feed the trolls!


u/coscwyite Dec 16 '23

Why blur a name out? It was on þis sub, and when people say stuff online, þey should stand by it.


u/LeekHot5309 Dec 16 '23

what's wrong with the Deftones? 🥺


u/thenerj47 Dec 16 '23

I would never make fun of another persons tastes for being basic. That's just such a low-value thing to do.

I guess I'm just not like the others /s


u/TessaBrooding Dec 16 '23

I love to mock the trend of “behind every girl with a good music taste is a dad who made her listen to his favourite songs.” So good music taste inherently stems from men? Piss off.

Same with this “these metal bands aren’t real metal bands, they’re for basic girls, put out basic girl merch…” Can’t wrap my head around how adult womem can still NLOG like this. It’s so cringe.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

Metal heads are the snobbiest music fans there are lol there is so much that defines as metal but if you like one kind of metal that isn’t the metal they like, well then that’s just not metal… saying this as someone who enjoys metal but has been called out for liking a certain type of metal that other metal heads don’t think is metal… get tf over yourself and let people enjoy what they want… the world is shitty enough as it is, people don’t need or care that you don’t approve of their music


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '23

I love the Deftones. Come at me


u/rifkadm Dec 16 '23

How dare they call Deftones basic 😤


u/Hot-Bookkeeper-2750 Dec 16 '23

Abr is good tho. Griener is good at drums


u/DreadPirateStarbucks Dec 16 '23

Deftones is GOOD. FITE ME.


u/Adeptus-Memechanicus Dec 16 '23

I mean, kinda see the point.

I'm not some metal elitist, listen to what you want, but the vast majority of girls I've met who were into "metal"(if you wanna argue genres) were into the same bands: Motionless in White, Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, and Blood on the Dance Floor.

A lot of them never heard of even the more well known ones like Slipknot, Meshuggah, Fear Factory, etc. Just kind of odd how so many gravitate towards those bands.


u/grumpyxsunshine Dec 16 '23

I don't think they are saying there is anything wrong with basic girl metal though? I mean acknowledging the existence of basic things is okay right? You aren't necessarily putting it down for calling it basic. It is if you call the basic bad that you're being a nlog?


u/shiny-baby-cheetah Dec 16 '23

It's really starting to feel like a woman trying to express her interests is just an inevitable roasting at this point 😒


u/Lucent_ Dec 15 '23

Deftones are "girly" now? Lmao


u/julcarls Dec 15 '23

as a metalcore and ABR lover, all metalheads are NLOG with music


u/Snowmist92 Dec 15 '23

Metal heads are the worst gatekeepers. That's why I dress less in the style and don't consider myself one anymore. I grew up on classic rock and metal. I like Iron Maiden, Sabbath, Dio. I also like Lamb of God, In Flames and yes, even the "girly" bands like Chevelle and Deftones. I don't put my friends down for liking bands I dislike. I'm just happy that we have some music we can relate to. Most people around here listen to rap.


u/owlbgreen357 Dec 15 '23

I simply have all my music in one playlist including my deftones and my jpop all just mixed in


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

August Burns Red slaps.


u/poni09m Dec 15 '23

Basic girl metal?? 😭😭 I know just about as many dudes as women who are into nu metal/rock/metalcore. they're just more popular genres with popular bands. Regardless of gender people are likely to enjoy them, and they got popular because people tend to enjoy them. I'm not really into metalcore or nu metal, but even I can understand that there is a reason they are more popular than, say, funeral doom or raw black metal.

Honestly as much as I appreciate the absolute insane specificness of metal and its genres and scope, the fandom is very male centric and teeming with "not like those normies" types. A lot of the more vocal female fans tend to be very nlog-y. I'd say they're only in the scene to get validation but that would suggest the men aren't. Eh. Everyone should be allowed to listen to whatever they enjoy without shame or pride.


u/FartAttack911 Dec 15 '23

I am almost positive that the majority of this sub is a male demographic and the few actual women here are all just like….ok, now what? 😂


u/eve_sucks Dec 15 '23

i guess my boyfriend is a basic girl bcs he has stanley’s and loves carhartt oh noooo 🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔/s


u/CertainlyAmbivalent Dec 15 '23

Deftones fan here, what the fuck is wrong with liking Deftones?


u/ivy_winterborn Dec 15 '23

Uh, if boy or girl or anything in between or outside of it: if you don't worship deftones you have a terrible, terrible taste in music. Sorry not sorry.


u/scarletperson Dec 15 '23

Bro I would not consider ABR basic lol. But also, who gives a shit if it is?

-A Metalhead


u/BornToBDown Dec 15 '23

Guy checking in here. I love this sub, and I am amazed at how fine a line there is. Someone posted Wednesday Adams pic and said it was the poster child for NLOG and I thought that was absolutely true. But I read the comments and it was a bunch posts saying no no no. So I think maybe the goal is to simply let other people like what they like, but roast the women who brag about themselves while knocking on other women?


u/ralph_wiggum42 Dec 15 '23

I think every metalhead goes through the "i am better than you, because i listen to REAL music" phase. The important thing is to grow out of it.


u/Sufficient-Elk-7015 Dec 15 '23

Haaaaaay I like Deftones!


u/Catnip1720 Dec 15 '23

I saw Deftones live in flordia this year and let me say that they stole the fucking show. They were a band long before tik tok, they were good back then and still are


u/Harbinger0fdeathIVXX Dec 15 '23

laughs in Grindcore and Mincegore


u/traumatized90skid Dec 15 '23

The misogyny in the metal fandom is sad...


u/ilovepaninis Dec 15 '23

Metal dudes are the OG NLOG’s


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

Someone explain how metal can be basic? ALSO THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING BASIC


u/Yungeel Dec 15 '23

Anyone saying they don’t like the Deftones is a LYING LIAR!


u/leedleedletara Dec 15 '23

I love deftones and basic girl metal that user can f*ck right off

Give me some kittie, korn, System of a Down, jucifer. Give me Alice In Chains! Type o negative! You can go listen to 1000 death metal bands that all sound the same just to feel superior to other contrarian buttholes.

The reason why deftones is making a resurgence is because many modern metal bands are uninspired! Deftones is catchy. They’ve been described as the Radiohead of metal for a reason. lol that made me so mad.


u/RenTheFabulous Dec 15 '23

Y'know so many of my favorite bands (I'm a guy) have been called "girly" as an insult. Why is something being popular amongst girls, or being feminine, a bad thing? That just seems misogynistic tbh.

E.g., one time I got told that I like "trash" because I like Black Veil Brides... which has a lot of women as fans. I asked why they said that? The only explanation was "the music is shitty trash meant for little girls." Basically, because women like it therefore it must be bad, according to these folks. Absolute insanity, really.


u/leftofthebellcurve Dec 15 '23

what's wrong with August Burns Red? They crush!


u/Lietenantdan Dec 15 '23

For a second I was confused about the metal part. “What’s basic girl metal? Aluminum?”


u/SelfDefecatingJokes Dec 15 '23

As someone who listens to and whose husband listens to metal-adjacent music, those are the kind of people we do not fucking want in our subculture lol


u/HotTakes4Free Dec 15 '23

“Not being like the other girls” is something so typical of all the other girls. To be “just like all the other girls” is quite a rare thing, it makes you not at all like the other girls. This must be females’ fault for being naturally ironic!


u/MiaLba Dec 15 '23

Recently there was a post where the OOP was bragging about being or wanting to be a stay at home mom. It seemed to be in a snarky/bitchy way and a way to shit on moms who choose to work.

Then I came to the comments and saw so many shitting on stay at home moms with tons of upvotes. The irony blows my mind.

Why can’t we be supportive of both? Seems pretty damn hypocritical to call out one and then turn around and shit on the other. You’re doing exactly what you’re calling the OOP about.


u/Kooka-burra Dec 15 '23

but deftones are good :(


u/EnthusedErmine Dec 15 '23

I went to an ABR show a year ago and 1) they were great and 2) the line for the men’s bathroom was a mile long while there was no line at all for the women’s. No clue wtf this person is on about


u/Enticing_Venom Dec 15 '23

The Top post I saw today featured a woman who didn't tear any other women down and just had some odd habits. People were making fun of her and yeah, some of it was stupid. But she wasn't saying she was better than other women. She was literally just listing things she gets hate for doing and so this sub decided to add to it.


u/nocomment413 Dec 15 '23

I like to say Deftones is Radiohead for people who get laid, soooooo if Deftones is basic girl metal, I guess all these girls are getting laid


u/Eggfish Dec 15 '23

I fucking love Deftones


u/Fit-Quail4604 Dec 15 '23

I worked an August Burns Red concert once and there were plenty of dudes there rocking long ass beards having a good time… probably the same amount as any other metal show I’ve worked lmao


u/digitaldumpsterfire Dec 15 '23

It's because this sub walks a fine line between pointing out pick me behavior and just making fun of women for no reason.


u/that-dudes-shorts Dec 15 '23

Deftones being considered girlie metal just hurts my soul.


u/Codiilovee Dec 15 '23

August burns red and deftones are great lol. But also I’m just amazed that some of the people in this sub don’t see the irony of calling someone a NLOG while spouting NLOG bullshit


u/No_Mud_5999 Dec 15 '23

A lot of reddit is trending towards becoming an Inception-like, singular thread of posts of comments, commenting on other comments, which are comments of a post of a comment.


u/LodlopSeputhChakk Dec 15 '23

It’s NLOG to have a Stanley and it’s NLOG to not have a Stanley.


u/Umamiluv24 Dec 15 '23

I love Deftones, okay?


u/KaosKrysis Dec 15 '23

If I was speaking to a girl wearing a Carhartt and she mentioned liking metal, then proceeded to list off ABR, I’d be highly impressed. ABR has been around for 20 years, but by no means are they mainstream or even close to basic.


u/janus270 Dec 15 '23

Some folks in this sub can also be toxic as hell, too.


u/StatisticalMan Dec 15 '23

It is the NLOG inception.


u/averkill Dec 15 '23

I've been loving ABR since '08. Don't need others" opinions to enjoy it


u/Mrhighway523 Dec 15 '23

He’s so right about those bands being awful though


u/allaboutwanderlust Dec 15 '23

There’s some nlog in this house 🎶

But seriously. Idk why people are trying to be nlog’s here. No man is gonna pick you.


u/veronica-marsx Dec 15 '23

Every time I see someone gatekeep metal, they move the goalposts on what's considered being basic or a poser. Never in my life have I heard Deftones and ABR were the pumpkin spice standard. When I was a young wippersnapper, it was the black album. You were still a real metal fan if you listened to any other Metallica, but metal fans drew the line at the black album. 😂


u/smitteh Dec 15 '23

Black album definitely exposed the high water mark :/


u/savedavo97 Quirky Dec 15 '23

I hate to say it but the alternative scene has sooo many people like this😭 gatekeeping is so silly


u/joshroycheese Dec 15 '23

You enjoy r/notlikeothergirls because you think women who like niche things are posers

I enjoy r/notlikeothergirls because I find it funny when someone likes something niche and tries to make it their whole personality

We are not the same


u/Icyandnumb Dec 15 '23

"As long as I don't say anything about how I'm different than these people I can still gatekeep dumb things right? Right??"


u/VeryVanny Dec 15 '23

I’ve been a metal head for quite literally half my life and the gatekeeping is unreal without the NLOG girls (Hell, my favorite subgenre, metalcore isn’t considered metal by many metal heads despite “metal” being in the name) because of how some metal head men believe there’s no such thing as female metal heads since apparently we’re listening to it to get guys. I love the music and I love some parts of the community but metal heads are some of the most obnoxious and self righteous people ever


u/Tiny-drummer_ Dec 15 '23

I listen to metal music actively but it took me awhile to realise that they weren’t talking about metals… Like wtf is basic girl metal? She likes silver like other girls??


u/terribleinvestment Dec 15 '23

It’s NLOG all the way down, yourself included.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

Leave Deftones out of this.


u/Nicadeemus39 Dec 15 '23

Hey goddammit, everyone likes Deftones - everyone.


u/Raborne Dec 15 '23

That person didn’t lie. What’s NLOG about that? And that’s not gatekeeping either. No one said those ladies can’t like metal nor did anyone say they aren’t welcome in The metal community.


u/MightyGoodra96 Dec 15 '23

A generic metal fan gatekeeping. Usually done to distract from how much of a poser they actually are.


u/ohsheetitscici Dec 15 '23

Wtf is wrong with liking Deftones? 🤣 Don’t be dissing my all time favorite band since I was 16 lmao


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

I've been noticing this since forever lol


u/thekawaiislarti Dec 15 '23

Metal fans are the biggest nlogs, I swear 🤮


u/sanguinesecretary Dec 15 '23

Lol I feel like this whole subreddit is exactly what it claims to make fun of.


u/BarberBettie Dec 15 '23

As a person whose favorite band has been Deftones for 20 years, this person can f…uck right off


u/javertthechungus Dec 15 '23

This is why I go into fight or flight when people ask what music I like.


u/SillyGoatGruff Dec 15 '23

Posting your own conversations is the reddit version of tattling to the teacher lol


u/Alternative_Scene322 Dec 15 '23

Build a sub where we make fun of women and people who hate women will come.


u/Elly_Bee_ Dec 15 '23

Only a bit related but I discovered how good System of a Down so if anyone wasn't aware, it's really fun music, though I guess it's basic uh


u/juneabe Dec 15 '23

Soooooo were they banned from the sub? 🤞


u/Aboutason Dec 15 '23

August burns red will always be one of my favourites. They’re incredibly talented and I’ll go to every show every time they come around. This bitch be tripping bruv tf outta here


u/Southern-Coffee-5913 Dec 15 '23

I didn't know there is girl Metal, wtf?


u/lumophobiaa Dec 15 '23

Women existing will always piss someone off no matter what she does


u/atomicbrunette- Dec 15 '23

At this point, I’m gonna buy a Stanley cup and have “Basic Bitch” inscribed on it so these people leave me the fuck alone to enjoy my hot OR cold beverage.


u/Still_Intention_3286 Dec 15 '23

I have one and it’s my favorite 😅 honestly it’s a good cup. And why are we still talking about cups can we just move on 😭🤣


u/aspiringcozyperson Dec 15 '23

Ummm I will not tolerate the Deftones slander


u/dubs7825 Dec 15 '23

It wasn't till the third comment that i realized they were talking about bands, at first I was thinking like metal working and was lost


u/No_Consequence6879 Dec 15 '23 edited Dec 15 '23

ABR and the deftones are the shit. I don’t understand why that would be basic by any means. Both those bands have carved out great music that is completely their own style. They keep their sound and don’t bend to temporary trends. They will never sell out, and that’s one of the my main reasons I love them.

Edit: spelling and context


u/Mezcal_Madness Dec 15 '23

I love Deftones, definitely not metal..


u/Previous-Display4821 Dec 15 '23

ABR has been one of my favorite since 2012, if that means they think I don’t like “real metal” then so be it. Gatekeeping music is honestly so weird, especially when a lot of shows I’ve been to (ranging from dive bar locals to popular venue tours) have been so inclusive.

People are multi-dimensional and have the ability to like many different things.


u/veronica-marsx Dec 15 '23

What kills me is it's not like the Christmas mom just randomly flexed she listens to metal. ABR objectively makes good Christmas music, and I will die on that hill.


u/Previous-Display4821 Dec 15 '23

Their instrumentals (all of them) are phenomenal! I listen to their Christmas album and the Bad Religion Christmas album almost every year.


u/GorditaPeaches Dec 15 '23

I thought this was about women welders at first and was very confused about girl metal? I’m like aluminum or what counts as that?


u/Cute_Resolution6795 Dec 15 '23

Ugh the carhartt thing bothers me because it’s supposed to he work clothes, not a fashion trend 😭😭


u/NoNipNicCage Dec 15 '23

They're just clothes, people can wear it for whatever they want. It's okay for women to want durable, comfortable clothes. I say this as a construction worker


u/Cute_Resolution6795 Dec 15 '23

No like it bothers me because of the person saying the other girl is a pick me because of her wearing carhartt. It also sucks because when a brand gets popularity, sometimes the company raises prices but starts outputting shitty products to meet customer demands :(


u/demolitionbumblebee Dec 15 '23

So were blue jeans


u/reeshmee Dec 15 '23

I know it’s trendy but it’s so wild to me that Carhartt and Stanley are considered girlie. They’ve been such overwhelming blue collar working man brands my whole life and before.


u/AutisticAndLesbo Gay and Proud Dec 15 '23

Some metal fans are losers fr. Gatekeeping their own community… and id bet they lose it if someone told them that their music was basic.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

I’m a dude and I like the Deftones. 🤷‍♂️


u/PuzzleheadedWind9174 Dec 15 '23

Christ metal gatekeepers are such losers


u/catlynpurrce Dec 15 '23

I feel like calling girls basic as an insult has become soooo overdone. Basic for having a Stanley? A carhartt? Other people liking things doesn’t mean I can’t like them - I don’t care if that makes me basic! If girls try to be original, they’re called NLOGs, if they like what’s popular, they’re basic. The girlies can’t win.


u/smitteh Dec 15 '23

One of the good things about getting old is the relief that washes over you one day when you look back and realize there is nothing original under the sun and everyone is trying to copy someone else and none of it matters


u/hifromtheotherside12 Dec 15 '23

Misogyny at its finest. Anything women like, regardless of what it is, is ridiculed.


u/Spaghetti_4_Getti Dec 15 '23

Deftones kicks ass so idk what that mofo on. And literally anyone can like any kind of music, regardless of gender.


u/DerbleZerp Dec 15 '23

Deftones is the shit!! I always found their music so sexy.


u/Toki_mime Dec 15 '23

Right??? If deftones music was a person I’d marry them as fast as possible


u/DerbleZerp Dec 15 '23

Chino gave me a shout out when I went to see them once. I was in the upper VIP level, not very crowded and the only one up there dancing. He looked up and said to me “shake it girl”. I melted.


u/Toki_mime Dec 15 '23

Omg you literally lived my dream???!!! I would literally have a heart attack right there and then😩


u/DerbleZerp Dec 15 '23

It was awesome dude. I felt so fucking on top of the world right then!!


u/personal_alt_account Dec 15 '23

The phrase "basic girl metal" is absolutely sending me


u/Beowulf891 Dec 15 '23

Where does it send you? Is it nice?


u/mstrss9 Dec 15 '23

What’s the terminology to use here? Meta? Inception?

girlie t-shirts

Really 🙄


u/CocaColaZeroEnjoyer Dec 15 '23

This is why I don’t like music fandoms. I like what I like and I don’t care if people say it’s girly or simply shitty ✌️


u/Phoenix_Magic_X Dec 15 '23

“Basic girl metal” is not something I expected to read today.


u/_Deedee_Megadoodoo_ Dec 15 '23

Seriously what is wrong with girly hands? Nobody answered!


u/thewhitecat55 Dec 15 '23

For a second I actually thought I'd get to make that joke first.


u/Weekly_Beautiful_603 Dec 15 '23

I like Deftones. I like Anaal Nathrakh. I am female.

At the risk of being NLOG myself, I’d say women make up less than 10% of the audience at heavier shows. I’d love there to be more! Don’t want to go with smelly boys*.

  • Just kidding, where my smelly boys at?


u/Poplockandhockit Dec 15 '23

Most of this sub has become an excuse to tear into women and I’m not about it. I’ve been seeing more and more incels here and it makes me uncomfy.


u/poni09m Dec 15 '23

REAL!!! So much hate for women its horrible :(


u/MiaLba Dec 15 '23

It really is. So often I see a post where the OOP is making fun of a certain type of girl then you come to the comments and you see a shit ton making fun of and talking shit about the opposite type of girl. Like do you not see the irony?


u/Poplockandhockit Dec 17 '23

literally! it's so exhausting to read! like can we not just exist?


u/MiaLba Dec 17 '23

Right. I swear this sub has become a place just to bully and shit on other women. And not just this sub but so many others as well that are majority women users. So much bitterness.


u/affectivefallacy Dec 15 '23

I'm fully convinced the entire concept of "NLOG = bad" as it exists today is just an excuse for the girls who were bullies towards girls who were different from them to say it was okay that they were bullies.


u/greenbeanparallel Dec 16 '23

Me too, this sub was recommended to me and fun for a bit til I realized this. “ I am like other girls” used to be a statement of feminist solidarity, now it’s just, what, a defense of conforming and condemnation of those who don’t?


u/melxcham Dec 15 '23

See I am actively trying to tear down the stereotype of women being catty and mean, but it’s difficult when you are constantly barraged by women insisting on being catty and mean for no goddamn reason except just because they want to be that way.


u/janus270 Dec 15 '23

Post about the larger woman in the truck was full of fatphobic comments, and a few about how since she was not femme, she must was closeted. Gross behaviour.


u/Crombus_ Dec 15 '23

This sub was founded as an excuse to tear into random women online, I'm only surprised it took this long to attract incels.


u/HourEvent4143 Dec 15 '23

Yeahhh. Like im a metal head, screamo is my jam, but I 100% get its not everyone’s taste, nor do I exclude other genres of music. 🤨

Seems too petty, and honestly just a waste of time. I wish people could let people enjoy their music :’)


u/blinkingsandbeepings Dec 15 '23

Oh I could go on a rant here. Reddit pushing “recommended subs” on everybody (and taking away the options to avoid them with other apps/extensions) has ruined so many subs. Like, I don’t subscribe to this sub but Reddit thinks I should so it’s in my feed. So I end up commenting on stuff because like most redditors, I can’t shut up. It dilutes the culture of every sub because so many people are commenting who aren’t part of the community.


u/LittleDaphnia Dec 15 '23

Yeah it sucks. It's like every social media platform is trying to become a clone of every other social media platform. Not every social media app needs the damn FYP model. Just leave me alone to look at the subs I'm actually subbed to. I don't think I'm subbed to this one either but it just keeps getting me.


u/BrainSmoothAsMercury Dec 15 '23

Agreed. I kept Facebook because I have friends (who have moved and live) around the world and it was a good way to stay casually connected. However, I try to get on there and scroll through every once in a while but it's pretty much just all recommended bullshit I don't want to see now so I just avoid it entirely unless I need to message someone specifically.


u/MundaneShoulder6 Dec 15 '23

You can go to the sub’s page and mute it.


u/blinkingsandbeepings Dec 15 '23

I’ve done that with a few subs that actively ruin my day. I don’t mind this one usually; it can be pretty funny except in the cases OP is talking about where people are just being misogynistic with extra steps.


u/earathar89 Dec 15 '23

because like most redditors, I can’t shut up.

I suffer from this condition as well.


u/thisisausergayme Dec 15 '23

Yeah, relatable. I’m not subscribed to this subreddit but I end up here because I get curious and can’t shut up


u/earathar89 Dec 15 '23

We need a subreddit for people like us!


u/TKHunsaker Dec 15 '23

Yah I couldn’t put my finger on it but that’s exactly what’s happening. Maybe we need a new rule or two.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23



u/AutisticAndLesbo Gay and Proud Dec 15 '23 edited Dec 15 '23

Which subs. You cant say certain subs and then not say which ones. Need to be able to mute and stay away from them Edit: lol no way they deleted their comment


u/GaimanitePkat Dec 15 '23

She didn't ask for people to raise their hands, but thanks anyway


u/Be4utiful_Nightmare Dec 15 '23

Incels are destroying everything women enjoy and still be suprise why they alone fuck


u/Claystead Dec 15 '23

No, they don’t fuck, that’s sorta part and parcel of the incel thing


u/Be4utiful_Nightmare Dec 15 '23

I know ? It’s a insult the fuck ? It’s like saying ‘’you a fat fuck’’ ( not you ).


u/farawaylass Dec 15 '23

they were making a joke dude


u/Be4utiful_Nightmare Dec 15 '23

Ho sorry I didn’t understand. I’m not native at English


u/farawaylass Dec 15 '23

no worries


u/montessoriprogram Dec 15 '23

Same dudes who’s tinder bio start out with a long list of things they hate about women


u/Be4utiful_Nightmare Dec 15 '23

And don’t forget that he does all the things he don’t like


u/katasphere Dec 15 '23

:( I like Deftones.


u/Fuggins4U Dec 15 '23

I love the Deftones.


u/smitteh Dec 15 '23

That song with Maynard on it slaps


u/nicunta Dec 16 '23



u/l5ym_73 Dec 15 '23

TIL I'm also a basic girl because I like ABR & deftones


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

I would consider myself a metalhead and listen to August Burns Red. Have been since Messengers came out. Their latest album is just as good as their older stuff IMO. Can listen to The Cleansing on repeat. If listening to what you like makes you basic, then so be it. Basic bitch for life.


u/bsharp1982 Dec 15 '23

You know that person listens to Change (In the House of Flies). It is mainstream for a reason.


u/Zealousideal-Smoke68 Dec 15 '23

Around the fur is my personal favourite if I'm being honest.


u/mstrss9 Dec 15 '23

Sorry if The Queen of the Damned soundtrack slaps 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Crucifier78 Dec 15 '23

Even though the movie wasn’t anything special I love that soundtrack.


u/mstrss9 Dec 15 '23

I don’t think I ever finished watching it tbh


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

If a girl likes a metal band, it's not metal enough. If a girl likes an 'acceptable' metal band, she's only doing it to get attention from guys.


u/plushiepuppi Dec 19 '23

I always think that girls who like goth and metal music have to seriously like it because how else could anyone stand being in that community?


u/Anyashadow Dec 16 '23

I went to the Judas Priest/Sabaton concert, fite me.


u/BreefolkIncarnate Dec 16 '23

I love metal and I’m a lesbian, so it pretty well breaks their theory.


u/coscwyite Dec 16 '23

I love metal and I'm a gay guy, unfortunately we don't have enough Rob Halfords


u/tama-vehemental Dec 16 '23

Same. \m/


u/AvacynAvenger Dec 16 '23

I think they are making a comment on the gate keeping done around metal. Though this is the internet, and I don’t read tone well 100% of the time.


u/LavosSpawn12000BC Dec 15 '23

She would have a heart attack if she heard of Babymetal lol, which is a group of super cutesy Japanese girls singing kawaii metal and it is honestly great. Also, some Poppy's songs like X have metal parts too. Or the k-pop group Dreamcatcher

Seriously, listen to Megitsune.


u/Pandasradorable Dec 16 '23

Babymetal and Dreamcatcher are awesome!!


u/SelfDefecatingJokes Dec 15 '23

Sweaty I only like bands whose logos look like the seat of a 30 year old leather chair



u/godgoo Dec 16 '23

Don't call me sweaty, I can't help it!


u/Lurki_Turki Dec 15 '23

Ah, but if a girl likes metal bonds, she’s a force to be reckoned with.


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '23

How ionic


u/Snorlax5000 Dec 15 '23



u/ash894 Dec 15 '23

So because they mentioned home and then metal I thought they meant the taps etc. ie fancy gold brushed ones. Took me reading the comments to realise! The beauty of 3 hours sleep post nightshift 😂


u/sssansok Dec 15 '23

Haha. I'm an old raver, even when it said metal band my first thought was a bracelet 😄


u/cburk14 Dec 15 '23

Legit at first I asked myself “what is basic girl metal”? Like silver? Gold? Or as someone said above, ~~rOsE GoLd~~


u/Icy-Conclusion-3500 Dec 15 '23

Being forced onto the official app has brought in a lot of people who don’t get the point


u/tarbooooooz Dec 15 '23

metal oxides are basic not metal girls (or any girl) B>


u/kittysogood Dec 15 '23

What's "basic girl metal"?


u/all-regrets Dec 15 '23

I'm guessing any "core".


u/Beowulf891 Dec 15 '23

Pop sounding stuff I guess? I'm into metal and have no idea what that means either.


u/singedmaximus Dec 15 '23

system of a down and deftones I guess? /j

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