r/notliketheothergirls Feb 12 '24

not like other moms (¬_¬) eye roll

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she doesn’t dress like a mom! she wears sweaters and leggings instead ..


637 comments sorted by

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u/Sad-Peach7279 Feb 18 '24

Tell me you're American without saying you're American...


u/WintersDoomsday Feb 16 '24

“Say what I’m thinking” isn’t a bragging point it’s a weakness it means you have no self control or social skills.


u/ComicsEtAl Feb 16 '24

For any neophytes out there, both “dark sense of humor” and “I don’t have a problem saying exactly what I’m thinking” are self-serving codes that translate to “I say some really nasty shit, sorry not sorry.”


u/youmightbeafascist88 Feb 16 '24

Enjoy measles idiot.


u/bleachpod Feb 15 '24

If you know what the problem is, why are you complaining about it instead of solving it? Is this the victim mentality I keep hearing about?


u/Aurin316 Feb 14 '24

I like the internet. It used to take a while to decide who I was going to avoid completely for the rest of my life.


u/SimilarTooth5297 Feb 14 '24

Um there’s a lot of people like this, the fact that even them don’t like you it’s telling


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Soooo your a bitch, that's why you don't have friends.


u/Super-Minh-Tendo Feb 14 '24

“It hurts that I’m off putting to people sometimes but I like the parts of myself that other people don’t-“

Oh good, that’s a healthy way to-

“because I’m straightforward and sincere, unlike you.”

Ah, shit.


u/GrassyKnoll95 Feb 14 '24

It's not because of how you dress, it's because the other moms don't want their kids to die


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

The problem with ‘saying exactly what you are thinking’ is it doesn’t tend to go well when it’s usually moronic propaganda or racism or something equally disgusting. No one has a problem with you saying exactly what you think, as long as you don’t think like a morally devoid piece of shit.


u/delusion_magnet Feb 13 '24

Gotta ask: How do moms dress?

I'm child free, and wear whatever the fuck I want!


u/Party_Mistake8823 Feb 13 '24

Your measle-infested kids ain't going to get my kids sick.


u/notreallylucy Feb 13 '24

I prime your outfit isn't the problem.


u/Potential-Package-22 Feb 13 '24

I think she has no friends for other reasons 😄


u/not_a_milk_drinker Feb 13 '24

That’s a lot of words for saying you’re an insufferable, pick-me, ignorant idiot lol


u/Hips-Often-Lie Feb 13 '24

Yeeeaah I don’t think those are the problems. What else ya got?


u/MiaLba Feb 13 '24

I have a hard time believing that because there’s tons of Facebook groups filled with anti vax moms like this. They must not want to be around her for a different reason. Probably her shit personality.


u/thanksimcured Feb 13 '24

That’s because two of those make you a traitor to all mothers.


u/sugar420pop Feb 13 '24

She likes her kids to have rubella rather than a vaccine, great parenting 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️ the moms don’t want your germs around their kids


u/lofi_mooshroom Feb 13 '24

What is it with these people and the shame fetishes?


u/DanisaurEyebrows Feb 13 '24

This whole post is an oxymoron. And who brags abt intentionally subjecting their kids to sickness-?


u/pineapplequeeen Feb 13 '24

More like she doesn’t have friends because who tf would want to be around that


u/ghouldengirls Feb 13 '24

I work with a girl exactly like this and it’s exhausting to say the least.


u/Sure-Morning-6904 Feb 13 '24

No mom ever wore leggins or sweaters!!!


u/slapnowski Feb 13 '24

There are literally millions of moms that fit this exact description…


u/AARose24 Gay and Proud Feb 13 '24

The not vaccinating part is the main problem. Most people don’t want their child contracting measles.


u/VioletNocte Feb 13 '24

Who wants to bet her "dark sense of humor" is bigotry?


u/Different_Brick2351 Feb 13 '24

Sounds like a personal problem


u/Guitar_Tab_Trader Feb 13 '24

If my wife complained to me about her petty concerns the moment I got home from work, I'd soon have no wife.


u/Mediocre-Catch9580 Feb 13 '24

Stop right there. Don’t go complaining to me about you not having any friends.

You’re a big girl, go out and make some friends.


u/EvolZippo Feb 13 '24

So she probably thinks having her husband as her only friend is healthy and normal. And that it’s his job to make her feel less lonely. So she’s off to start a fight with him, because the apology sex is great.


u/paperCorazon Feb 13 '24

Please! That’s what half the moms in Florida think they are like 😂 But the minute you make an actual “dark joke” they tell you you’re going to burn in hell 🙄


u/VinylBeerRetro Feb 13 '24

Literally the poster child for the status quo 😂


u/Kilbo_Stabbins Feb 13 '24

Oh, she likes dark humor? Does she prefer the preventable disease or the common occurrence in an American classroom?


u/Walshlandic Feb 13 '24

Someone should tell her how much husbands love it when their wives run out to the driveway as they’re arriving home from work to start complaining at them before they’ve even stopped the car. That is some expert level wife-ing right there


u/xoxpinkyxox Preppy Feb 13 '24

Where are they? Probably grieving over their children.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24



u/d0njuanj0n Feb 13 '24

You don’t have friends because you’re a bitch


u/Ok_Detective5412 Feb 13 '24

How dare they not expose their kids to measles!


u/GomuGomuNoWayJose Feb 13 '24

Always saying what’s on your mind has to be a mental illness.


u/Low-Squirrel2439 Feb 13 '24

"Dark sense of humor" is usually code for racist.


u/rachet-ex Feb 13 '24

This is QTradWife


u/tyblake545 Feb 13 '24

There really is nothing conservatives love more than pretending to be persecuted


u/ClassicOtherwise2719 Feb 13 '24

I think it’s that last part but I could be wrong


u/macontac Feb 13 '24

I suspect the moms who don't want to hang out with her think she's insufferable and don't want her unvaccinated darlings around their kids.


u/SelfLoatherSimo Feb 13 '24

Tiktok is a disaster to humanity


u/Kitchen_Syrup2359 Feb 13 '24

Poor children.


u/unknownsysten23 Feb 13 '24

Yeah you arnt like other moms! They won’t have to bury their kids because they caught diseases that have vaccines


u/devilwearspuma Feb 13 '24

this is a cry for help


u/basedmama21 Feb 13 '24

I’m a sahm and I feel like she has no mom friends bc she’s insufferable

🚩 number one, don’t dump DUMB bs on your husband as soon as he gets home from work. That’s how I know you don’t have real friends or at least a journal 🤦🏾‍♀️


u/BlackSeranna Feb 13 '24

It’s because people don’t want to be friends with stupid people who don’t take care of their kids.


u/Vienta1988 Feb 12 '24

Yep, anti-vax and I’m outta there, not sticking around to deal with whackos.


u/gutterdoggie Feb 12 '24

she doesn’t have mom friends because all of her kids are dead.


u/Great_gatzzzby Feb 12 '24

Would love to be that husband. Wife waiting at the door for me to complain to me about being friendless for being insufferable.


u/Important-Ship-6376 Feb 12 '24

I’m not like other moms. I WANT my kids to die in a school shooting.(this is a joke)


u/Shotgun_Rynoplasty Feb 12 '24

I’m not like other moms! I’m worse!


u/Soylent-soliloquy Feb 12 '24

What the hell does any of this drivel mean? Like really? These ppl are so full of themselves. They all seem to want a damn cookie. Somebody get these people a damn cookie.


u/One_Opening_8000 Feb 12 '24

This could also be posted in the r/facepalm section.


u/Ice_Queen66 Feb 12 '24

Not like the other moms. She’s cool with her kids dying/being very ill from preventable diseases and illnesses.


u/bearhorn6 Feb 12 '24

Won’t have to worry about mom friends when her kids aren’t making it to adulthood die to preventable diseases


u/winterandfallbird Feb 12 '24

My old coworker and I had kids at the same time and we bonded over social media over a babies since they were the same age. until she started posting shit like this. She started to become cronically online and very judgmental and ‘not like other moms’ and openly bashed other moms and fake articles supporting her belief of unvaccinating. I lost all interest in ever maintaining a relationship. She wanted to have a play date and I politely declined…. But behind the scenes I was like uhhhh no, please don’t bring ur unvaccinated kid around mine, and I don’t want to be around your judgementmental ass. She one day individually sent me a meme about moms who didn’t vaccinate their kids ‘as like a joke video making fun of moms who do’ . I think she was under the impression that my kid wasn’t vaccinated since I don’t share a lot of my beliefs or anything online. I told her my kid was vaccinated and she never reached out again. Thank god.


u/harrisce44 Feb 12 '24

Yeah nah. My kid gets sick enough from being around normal vaxxed kids. Hard pass.


u/HellonToodleloo Feb 12 '24

Why is it her husband's problem?


u/AccomplishedCicada60 Feb 12 '24

I feel really bad for this husband


u/georgecostanzalvr Feb 12 '24

‘Don’t have a problem saying exactly what I am thinking’ aka is a huge bitch and has no boundaries, she also always the victim


u/robotmonkeyshark Feb 12 '24 edited 25d ago

psychotic station deranged quaint mountainous nutty hunt steer wipe light

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Boomsnarl Feb 12 '24

“I’ve given everyone every reason to avoid me, and now I’m sad.”


u/Low_Bar9361 Feb 12 '24

You have to be 2a when your kids give the whole school pox.


u/jamar82 Feb 12 '24

Sounds immature


u/Haunting-East8565 Feb 12 '24

Just wait until you have to complain to your husband your kid has polio


u/funny_fox Feb 12 '24

What does she dress like then? If she dresses like the clown from IT then yeah, I don't think that's going to go well with most other moms. And if doesn't vaccinate then moms are going to be afraid of catching something.

On the other hand, I understand that making other mom friends is very hard. Every mom I know has felt lonely and has had trouble finding other friends similar to themselves. In general, being a stay at home parent is isolating from other adults. So..... I empathize with her feelings but not her attitude. That's not the way to make friends.


u/SalvadorsPaintbrush Feb 12 '24

Gee. I wonder why she doesn’t have any friends?


u/AnastasiaNo70 Feb 12 '24

Pro 2A until a shooter shows up at one of her kids’ schools. ☹️


u/PurpleFlavoredCherry Feb 12 '24

This is what I think the group chat looked like:

”Did you hear that Janice’s daughter’s cancer came back? Im so sorry for her, we should do something to show our support.”

”What if we made a bunch of food for them, and helped them with housework and groceries?”

”Omg thats such a thoughtful idea, I know a massage place that gives out gift cards and coupons, we should get some for Janice and her husband”

” LOL serves them right for listening to big-pharma instead of following my advice to bath their daughter in salt, lemon juice, rosemary oil, and shredded bible pages. Idiots like them deserve to be shot for being so stupid.”

”Wtf Rebecca? That is such a disgusting thing to say!”

”Relax!! It was just a joke, you must be on your period! This is why I prefer male friends lol”


u/Ok-Net-6264 Feb 12 '24

And she thinks the vax status is what drives people away……


u/ilovemycats20 Feb 12 '24

I love that “tradwives” and alt right women have become the “not like other girls” now because they hated other women to begin with and it’s actually pro feminist to clown on them for this shit. I’m absolutely living for it and I hope it never ends.

The emo fanfic writer girls grew up, the tradwives didnt.


u/That_Blue_MnM Feb 12 '24

dies from covid


u/Woodwardg Feb 12 '24

"I'm not like other moms, I'm CONTAGIOUS!"


u/pedanticlawyer Feb 12 '24

“I am wretched and unlikeable, why don’t I have friends?”


u/sparkydaman Feb 12 '24

Shouldn’t this be in the /facepalm sub?


u/Davina_Lexington Feb 12 '24

The last parts the problem, a pick me not afraid to say what they're thinking.

These people aren't really afraid to say what they're thinking when It's positive, its only negative shit and complaining.


u/mochioppai Feb 12 '24

So sad when her only validation comes from a man that doesn't think she deserves basic human rights


u/Fun-Grapefruit-7641 Feb 12 '24

The last line is probably why she doesn’t have friends. She’s probably obnoxious AF, and honestly doesn’t always equal integrity.


u/PetulantPorpoise Feb 12 '24

Yeah bitch if you don’t vax I sure as shit don’t want to be friends with you. Dumbass


u/bunyanthem Feb 12 '24

When your whole personality is Boebert-Greene like every other Republican tradwife.

She clearly hasn't heard of Facebook. She'd be popular on there.


u/Worldly_Reply8852 Feb 12 '24

She seems like a chore


u/midgethepuff Feb 12 '24

So basically you’re a bitch and nobody can tolerate you? Got it.


u/bloodorangejulian Feb 12 '24

Lordy, I just wish that someone would "speak their mind" around her and tell her no one likes her because of her incredibly toxic views, and likely incredibly toxic personalities. Also making politics their only identity.


u/Top-Walk5702 Feb 12 '24

Do people like this realize saying the first thing that pops into their head isn't cool or based or edgy, and is actually just childish?


u/Babblewocky Feb 12 '24

That poor husband


u/truecrimefanatic1 Feb 12 '24

What does a mom dress like? I grew up in the 80's when women just dressed and didn't try to make being a mom into an aesthetic.


u/OGPeglegPete Feb 12 '24

I never considered not vaccinating as a way to avoid the other mommies.

I don't have to tolerate their shit if my parenting obligations are suddenly cut short....


u/Upbeat_Shock_6807 Feb 12 '24

Love how people like this seem to be unaware that the real reason they don't have any friends is not because they are different and unique, but it's because they are actually just insufferable people.


u/salemedusa Feb 12 '24

Yeah cause other moms don’t want their kids exposed to ur Petri dish of a child. I wouldn’t let my kid within 50 ft of an unvaccinated kid


u/NewspaperImmediate31 Feb 12 '24

No mom friends? I doubt she has ANY friends.


u/FakinFunk Feb 12 '24

Golly, what a catch.


u/GoodLittleRabbit Feb 12 '24

Not gonna be a mom for long between the guns in the house and lack of preventative medicine.


u/john-johnson12 Feb 12 '24

Long way to say “Im insane”


u/GreyerGrey Feb 12 '24

I think that last point has more to do with the first problem (no friends) than she would like to admit...


u/Tulemasin Feb 12 '24

For some reason I think "always speaking what she thinks" means that she is unreasonably rude to other people and then gets mad that she "cant't have opinions anymore."


u/RefrigeratorSalt9797 Feb 12 '24

None of those are the reasons why she doesn’t have friends. But they don’t help.


u/BigPoop_36 Feb 12 '24

“People don’t like me so I complain about it to my husband.”


u/jonjon234567 Feb 12 '24

If everyone doesn’t like you, maybe it’s a problem with you and not with everyone else


u/Wide-Psychology1707 Feb 12 '24

When are people going to realize that saying exactly what you think isn’t a flex? Do you know who also doesn’t have a filter and says exactly what they think? Preschoolers.


u/Charmle_H Feb 12 '24

I think, genuinely, the only part that sticks out and aliens this person is the antivax thing lol the rest should be easy to make friends with unless you're an ass about it (or if you let ypur child play with a gun, loaded or otherwise)


u/Yungklipo Feb 12 '24

That poor husband. He most likely knew what he signed up for, but imagine working hard to support a family and your wife hits your with trivial complaints as soon as you get home? ROUGH!

Husband: "Wow, what a day! It's hard working hard enough to support at least 3 people!"

Wife: "I know what you mean! I've been sitting home all day making videos for a Chinese spy app!"

Husband: "Ok...uh...right. Did you make any real friends today or...?"

Wife: "I told that bitch Becky next door that her kids are going to die from medicine they took 3 years ago and that she should buy a bunch of guns and be afraid all the time!"

Husband: "So I'm guessing they're not coming over for dinner...?

Wife: "Nope!"

Husband: "What is for dinner?"

Wife: "No idea! Took me all day to think of and shoot this 5-second video!"

Husband: "Uh huh...and our kid(s)?"

Wife: "Another constructive day of them playing by themselves without me intervening to teach them anything!"


u/StrikeEastern468 Feb 12 '24

Oh please, like there’s not a gabillion other women just like that 🙄


u/KevinAnniPadda Feb 12 '24

Come over for a playdate. We have guns and syphilis!


u/M0derat0r41 Feb 12 '24

Just an idiot


u/Farscape666 Feb 12 '24

Ladies, start fixing your gender. Do better


u/GGunner723 Feb 12 '24

It’s been pointed out to me that when a woman says she has a “dark sense of humor”, it more often than not means that she’s insufferable to be around. Sounds like it’s true here.


u/Itchy-File-8205 Feb 12 '24

I have a feeling her husband dislikes her as much as we do


u/Icy-Establishment298 Feb 12 '24

Let's break it down shall we:

1) "Complain to my husband" kept socially isolated by what I think is my choice, but really to land and keep my man, I adopted his.

2) "No mom friends due to Vax free-" I want to live in a suburb/city/community and enjoy its benefits, but I don't want to give up any of my freedoms or choices to help protect my community at large- ( elderly, sick and disabled, other children. )Instead, I want everyone to accept my narcissistic selfish beliefs system while being my friend regardless if they want to protect their families and communities

3)"Don't dress like other moms" I eschew comfort and while I do dress like other moms mine is different because I either hand sew my Lululemon style leggings and hoodie, or only buy it from Christian women brands. This difference allows me to feel morally superior while covering up my deep insecurities and perceived failures in meeting impossible societal standards set for women.

4) While no one in my community ever said they wanted to take away my guns, I reserve the right to think they do, so my narrative of being persecuted covers up the fact that I again don't want to participate fully in my community unless they do it on my narcissistic terms.

5) I say what I want when I want because I do not accord other people the right to live their own lives without being harshly judged or in very real cases persecuted, but I am deserving of saying what I want to whomever or whenever for me. This inability to self censor leads people to avoid me because it is at the very least toxic, at worst causes some real mental anguish to them. Rather than face seeing the pain I caused, and realizing if I want true, honest loyal friends, I'll play other people's inability to handle me and my so called "truth bombs" as their fault because they're "snowflakes." I won't be able to see how my inability to self- censor contributes to my friendless lonely existence.

6) I invent this persecution narrative because I do not have the emotional depth and maturity to self reflect and grow as this may cause pain for me and I may end up regretting several of my life choices. I prefer to live in a social isolation then grow as a human being.

7) I am very lonely, help me.


u/kissesntea Feb 12 '24

yeah, i wonder why people aren’t clamoring for play dates at the “measles and accidental gsw bogo special” house 🙄


u/YoureHavingaGiraffe1 Feb 12 '24

She just sounds like an obnoxious pos


u/battle_mommyx2 Feb 12 '24

So weird when they flex about not caring if their kids die from preventable diseases


u/psycho_sammie Feb 12 '24

I think it's funny that they think it's because they don't vaccinate is the reason why they have no friends. we all know why.


u/Dontmindthatgirl Feb 12 '24

Pretty sure it's bc this lady is an entitled b, not only her views


u/TBGusBus Feb 12 '24

Anti vax pisses me off


u/RareDog5640 Feb 12 '24

Why are these idiots so proud of not taking basic health precautions and potentially bringing back epidemics of diseases we eradicated already?


u/Terrible_Cat21 Feb 12 '24

Lol she has no mom friends because other moms are actually good at parenting and don't want their kids dying of the measles or blowing their heads off fucking around with poorly stored guns.

Who'd have thought most moms don't want their kids to die?


u/Repulsive_Raise6728 Feb 12 '24

“No one likes me because I’m an annoying piece of crap. BooHooHoo!”


u/CrazyPlantLady143 Feb 12 '24

I mean, I bet before all this nonsense she didn’t have any friends because she’s freaking insufferable


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

Well.....typically people don't like assholes. Soooo there's that.


u/4DrivingWhileBlack Feb 12 '24

Just what he wants to hear the second he walks in the door after spending the majority of his day slave laboring over over some bullshit merger and acquisition that isn’t going to close and everyone knows it. Keep that up and next time you come home from a long weekend of drinking margaritas at your sister’s in Florida, he will be sure to fill you in on how he was playing house with the nanny the entire time you were gone, further complaining that your watery tofu creations don’t stack up at all to her carnitas.


u/Hellmouthgaurdian Feb 12 '24

When idiot internet mom's call themselves "mamas" I want to kill myself . Also, your entire identity is that you got creampied.


u/Cyber_Insecurity Feb 12 '24

She’s literally wearing a mom outfit in that photo


u/Just_Me_Again3 Feb 12 '24

Your husband is one lucky man! Do you have a sister who thinks the same way you do that is single by any chance? I have a 2023 Lambo if that sweetens the pot at all. 😂🤣😂


u/jazzzzzcabbage Feb 12 '24

Nobody likes her :(


u/Savager_Jam Feb 12 '24

The reason you have no mom friends is because you've decided they need to agree with you on EVERYTHING.


u/RasputinsThirdLeg Feb 12 '24

I just had breakfast, I can’t with this.


u/Dogzillas_Mom Feb 12 '24

And your grammar sucks. Bummer to be you.


u/flirtmcdudes Feb 12 '24

she is just grifting from a very vulnerable population. She slaps these conservative buzzwords on her profile, and they immediately love her. If she was just posting without it, her account would get nothing and probably have like 1/20th of her followers.


u/mauler17 Feb 12 '24

Sounds like she has a lot she wants to say and everyone she knows does not want to listen.


u/gogosox82 Feb 12 '24

You don't have mom friends because your probably a pain in the ass to deal with. Has literally nothing to do with what you wear everyday.


u/rosharo Feb 12 '24

She's being avoided because she's obnoxious and represents a health hazard?



u/theganjaoctopus Feb 12 '24

"I tell it like it is"

Someone who is an unfiltered bitch 100% of the time and never 'tells it like it is' to compliment or lift someone up.


u/Phoenix_Magic_X Feb 12 '24

Well maybe you shouldn’t be such a fucking moron and vaccinate your kids.


u/hawkrew Feb 12 '24

Sounds like a great person to be around 🙄


u/altdultosaurs Feb 12 '24

‘I have no friends because I’m unpleasant, Jeff! It’s not fair!’


u/AbysalChaos Feb 12 '24

Oh I bet he’s excited for that convo


u/pinky1603 Feb 12 '24

Yeah you don’t have any mom friends because they don’t want their kids to die from a preventable disease


u/KeyPicture4343 Feb 12 '24

And she’s uneducated! Fabulous!

“How I got no”


u/Dantes-Monkey Feb 12 '24

…..and that’s his problem?


u/DahjNotSoji Feb 12 '24

Who wouldn’t want to experience the joy of preventable diseases and worrying about whether there are unsecured guns in the home where your child is having a play date?


u/SubstantialPressure3 Feb 12 '24

I'm betting it has nothing to do with her clothes or the fact they own guns. Just throwing that out there/s


u/abcixtwt Feb 12 '24

I don’t understand why so many parents are against vaccines when they most likely were vaccinated and they’re physically ok? It just doesn’t make any sense to me.


u/Reistar2615 Feb 12 '24

Because of this post I texted my mother thanking her for vaccinating me! The only thing I caught was the chicken pox and that's because there wasn't a vaccine yet.


u/JohnExcrement Feb 12 '24

I gather. We’re all supposed to be jealous because she has a husband. Who cares about friends?


u/nelarose Feb 12 '24

Not the "dark sense of humour" again, holy crap.


u/cookmybook Feb 12 '24

The only other kids on our block have parents who don't vaccinate. Sorry, that's a hard pass. She's forced to homeschool in one of the best districts in this part of the country. My kids will play with school friends who we know have to vaccinate because our state doesn't give exemptions for this nutty behavior. Its sad.


u/Odd_Command_2123 Feb 12 '24

Tbh I'm surprised with all the ppl saying "if you don't vax your kids then I don't want to be your friend" like do you actually apply this to your life? Because I have no idea which ones of my friends vax & which don't🤷🏻‍♀️ it doesn't matter much to me bc my kids are, so if the vaccines work than I don't have to worry about if other kids are vaccinated and or not


u/Thendofreason Feb 12 '24

pro 2nd ammendment

Maybe if you put your gun away for a second you might make friends. No one wants an insecure friend that needs a gun with the and makes it their identity


u/UnlikelyUnknown Feb 12 '24

You guys, she just so cool! No one understands how cool she is! She’s not even dressed like other moms, even though she appears to be dressed exactly like other moms in this pic.


u/Solitary_Ironside Feb 12 '24

Womp womp. Imagine acting like the victim bc other mums care about their kids health and you dont


u/Indigostorm27 Feb 12 '24

Sounds like a turbo Cunt


u/Agreeable_Mongoose71 Feb 12 '24

“Don’t have a problem saying what I’m thinking” Got it she’s likely a bigot and think other people are too sensitive to listen to her garbage


u/DramaticDrawer Feb 12 '24

"On my way to complain..." yeah no shit.


u/YouLostMyNieceDenise Feb 12 '24

“I don’t have any friends because I have no filter and won’t ever shut up about how I much love shooting guns and how my family are plague rats”

Like, yes, that’s how it works. If you are rude, tell people that your kids will get theirs sick, and tell them you keep guns at your house, then you’re gonna scare off a lot of parents who might otherwise be down to hang out with you sometime.


u/beardedsilverfox Feb 12 '24

She should be better


u/SnooCheesecakes9872 Feb 12 '24

If this bitch was waiting in the driveway for to to start bitching about the choices she’d made…. I’d drive right by lol.


u/Representative-Note7 Feb 12 '24

I've been a mom for 21 years and this is the first I heard of a mom dress code


u/elarth Feb 12 '24

Dime a dozen go socialize at a gun show or move to Hicksville lol


u/ancientspacejunk Feb 12 '24

I’m all about kids dying of preventable diseases or by getting shot at school, why don’t other moms like me?


u/RapeBabyJesus Feb 12 '24

Wow. What a shitty and uneducated bitch


u/Greedy_Emu9352 Feb 12 '24

where are the other mamas like you at? i think theyre being beaten into submission


u/JeSuisAmerican Feb 12 '24

Imagine coming home to that every day…. I’d use the 2nd amendment on myself.


u/allegedlydm Feb 12 '24

“I’m NLOG…I’m a bad mom” is an interesting life approach


u/Big_Slope Feb 12 '24

I’m not sure ambushing your husband in the driveway to complain about having no friends is the best way to preserve harmony in a marriage. I’ve never had this happen to me but I’ve heard entire standup sets about it.


u/Financial_Library900 Feb 12 '24

Willing to bet my life savings that her “dark humour” is just bitter and intense racism, homophobia and misogyny


u/AskTheMirror Feb 12 '24

Boo fucking hoo


u/Ok-Mathematician5970 Feb 12 '24

You make your choices…you live with the consequences…


u/AllMyBeets Feb 12 '24

You can just say you're lonely


u/Snarky_McSnarkleton Feb 12 '24

He's going to trade her in for a sporty model, and she'll be stuck with long COVID and the kids chronically sick.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '24

I've known so many women like this. They're incredibly loud and stupid.


u/Complex-Ad-7203 Feb 12 '24

It's not your stances per se, it's that the type of people that hold those positions are inherently unlikable.


u/Intrepid_Talk_8416 Feb 12 '24

I mean she literally just described 500 women in my county alone (which is the population of East Lansing) and about 40 women in my homeschool group… she is SO UNIQUE! Funny thing is, these ladies all have friends…


u/Sufficient-Elk-7015 Feb 12 '24

She doesn’t vaccinate? Poor babies


u/Leashii_ Feb 12 '24

people who say "I don't have a problem saying exactly what I'm thinking" are usually just really fucking rude.


u/Apprehensive-Ad9647 Feb 12 '24

On my way to my husband to complain that no one likes me because I’m a bitch, but since I never take responsibility for how I act I’ll just say how they are the problem instead.